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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 197 KB, 850x1246, okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5215548 No.5215548 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /jp/, picture this.

You are a filthy NEET (no need to picture that part) and you leave the house once per week to do Japanese classes.

One week you're taking it easy and waiting for the teacher to arrive so you open your notebook and look at the cool sketch you drew of Arcueid Brunestud from Tsukihime. You're not a great artist but you though it turned out excellently.

Then the cute girl next to you says
"Oh my god is that from that anime, Tsukihime? That was so shit! I can't believe you liked that, you idiot, are you some kind of faggot?"

Then the greasy Otaku on the other side of you says
"He probably played the Eroge".
The girl asks
"What's an Eroge?"

Do you:
a) "I have no idea" and make her think you are stupid and have a shitty taste in anime.
b) "It's a kind of Japanese porn/reading game I like" and make her think you're creepy.

>> No.5215561

c) rape the maids

>> No.5215562

Start talking to the otaku about the lack of a Satsuki route.

>> No.5215566

Why would anyone here care what some dumb 3D whore thinks about them?

>> No.5215576

But people who only saw the Tsukihime anime usually think it's okay, while people who've read the VN on beforehand starts raging and throwing a hissyfit.

>> No.5215579

+ 1 internets

>> No.5215590

Get out.

>> No.5215606

You value the opinion of a women?
How low you have fallen.

>> No.5215614

c) Wonder why I'm taking japanese classes despite having no interest in the language, or why I sketched Arcueid when I didn't even like her route that much. Also tell the girl that yes, I am a faggot, then put my arms creepily around the otaku while whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

>> No.5215617


In the vain hope you hit it off she relieves you of your virginity?

>> No.5215624

You're a faggot wapanese in a japanese class. If you're not creepy to her already, you'll never be. She is obviously just as much as a faggot since she knows the show, so b. Also give her a copy so she can compare.

>> No.5215627

>Do you:

>C. Turn to the girl, extend my Pimp Hand(tm) and say, 'Who the FUCK are you calling an idiot? How about I slap your shit?" with a deadpan look on my face?

>> No.5215628

C) Ask what the fuck anime is
And tell her you just pictured in your mind and started drawing

>> No.5215630

c) Have a panic attack from being near a 3D woman.

>> No.5215632

c) Kill my chair.

>> No.5215633

Get out, normalfag.

>> No.5215638
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c) Become the bone of my sword.

>> No.5215639

The girl is a fujoshi and seeing you act gay turns her on. She rips off her clothes and lets you and the otaku double team her.

Good End.

>> No.5215641



>> No.5215648

A fairly cute girl once asked me if I played Tsukihime once. I dodged the question.

What happens in 2D stays in 2D. That is the law.

>> No.5215649

I disbelieve. My will save is high enough that I don't need to roll for something this easy.

>> No.5215651

You playing happened in 3D though

>> No.5215653



>> No.5215656
File: 61 KB, 800x587, Chrustler posts on moe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recite this speech to the Otaku.

>> No.5215657

>Good End
>Involves Pig Disgusting 3D whore
Get out, normalfag.

>> No.5215661

Wait, it's creepy for guys to like porn? I'm pretty sure every college guy looks at a lot of porn and the girl would have to be stupid to think otherwise.

>> No.5215663

d) porn with plot

>> No.5215670

C) Mention that I drew a character from the fighting game, Melty Blood. Also ask the Otaku what an eroge was.

>> No.5215673
File: 29 KB, 704x396, snapshot20080924185947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a) because the aniem was pretty awesome

>> No.5215674

It's okay, I'm a 2D girl when I'm in front of my computer.

Wearing a skirt helps too.

>> No.5215677

>it's creepy for guys to like porn?
>it's creepy for guys to like fictional porn drawn by Japanese guys?

>> No.5215680

Okay, here's another one for you.

You're unemployed and leave the house every morning for your job at Best Buy.


>> No.5215696

Isn't all porn fictional? Except sex tapes I suppose.

>> No.5215704

choose d) "Yes, but consider that GL 15 had over 22000 frames of animation, whereas an important episode in your normal series has around 12000.

I think it still equates to GL's being superior even against a 52 episode animu because even by normal standards it is so infinitely superior."

>> No.5215705


Well the two people really are having sex at least.

>> No.5215706


Is it?
I thought it was some shitty VN on par with F/SN

>> No.5215707

c) rape the cashiers

>> No.5215710

>You are a filthy NEET (no need to picture that part) and you leave the house once per week to do Japanese classes.

I stopped reading right there.

>> No.5215715

>be stupid
more likely than you think

>> No.5215718

c) Reverse the birth, reverse the death, reverse the world, and spin spin spin.

>> No.5215719


u mad?

>> No.5215721

E) He gestured me to my feet and I stood again, straight, frightened, he regarding me. He had already erased the signs of the day's lecture on Hegel. This I had taken as evidence that he was ready to soon make his departure from this lecture hall. I did not meet his eyes, staring instead at his bowtie and rumpled shirt. I did not dare to meet the gaze behind his tortoise shell bifocals. In his presence, aside from my fear and vulnerability at not having done the reading, I felt, for the first time in my life, certain deep, and overwhelming and indescribable sensations of fear at not having proofread my essay on Plato's theory of The Good. These sensations, I knew, had something to do with his tweed-and-corduroy-covered maleness, so strong, so willing to direct discussion questions at specific members of the class; my femaleness, so small, so weak, so much more interested in Professor White's epistemology course at 2:00. I was confused, astonished, troubled. I wanted to please him. Yes! But how could I tell him that his lecture failed to address the latest special issue of Analysis? That I, an Undergraduate girl, the helpless captive of an arthritic, underweight academic, dared to attend his office hours? And willingly? Yes, it is true. It is simply true. Hold me in contempt if you must. I do not object. I am not ashamed. I wanted to please the chalk-coated beast.

Before I had known him I had believed the weak lie of tenure review and course evaluations. Now I knew true happiness, that it was my willing place to fill in every 5 on the scantron sheet and gleefully write "no suggestions necessary. Professor Brakkus is my favorite professor. He has taught me so much." And that was no lie. He would withhold the A, giving me the B+ I deserved as woman.

>> No.5215722

both of those games are porn

>> No.5215725

>You are a filthy NEET (no need to picture that part) and you leave the house once per week to do Japanese classes.
Fake NEET. You're in education.

>> No.5215729
File: 47 KB, 256x158, THAT GODDAMN HAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chrustler posts on moe.jpg

>> No.5215730

oh what the fuck

>> No.5215736


If it doesn't go towards an official qualification you are still counted as a NEET, at least in my country.

Which is good for me as NEETS get free glasses.

>> No.5215737


Girls I knew in college had no problem talking about sex.

>> No.5215740

Tsukihime is shit in any form.

>> No.5215743

NEET? Classes? What part of NEET do you not understand?

>> No.5215752


>> No.5215757



You are a filthy, jobless otaku with no real qualifications who is taking Japanese classes so he can play porn/reading games as soon as they come out.


>> No.5215763

you cant afford classes if you dont work

>> No.5215767

yes, you can

>> No.5215772
File: 61 KB, 387x480, anime_faggot_old_lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5215776


My country gives free adult education to people up to the age of 19, 21 if you are a NEET.

>> No.5215779

monthly payments

>> No.5215793


Didn't you hear? NEET is the new ''otaku'. I've even heard people talking about it in my hood.

I was walking around the video store in my local mall, checking out the Anime section. They didn't have the Hellsing OVAs, so I figured I'd go get something to eat because I was pretty baked and the munchies were setting in.

As I'm walking out, I pass by these two teenage white girls going over to the Anime section, one of them wearing pink cat-ears and a Yu-Gi-Oh shirt. She had nice, perky tits so I swung around to take a better look.

The other one, an uggo goth whore, was asking her why come she wasn't hanging out with all of her other friends. The one with cat-ears goes "Oh, I'm such a NEET nowadays, I just watch K-on! and eat ramen in my room and listen to music..."

I was blown away by hearing this. In fact, it blew my mind so much I forgot to follow them, so I didn't get to hear the rest of her epic tale of NEETdom. I just stood there digesting that information for a while, then realized the cashier was looking at me like I was straight up retarded, and left to go eat my food.

She probably posts on /jp/ too.

>> No.5215805


>> No.5215810

>She probably posts on /jp/ too.
No wonder /jp/ is so shit lately, filled with normalfag women.

>> No.5215815


She was wearing cat-ears in public?
You should have killed her dead.

>> No.5215816

c) Put it in

>> No.5215823


>> No.5215830

pretty disgusting
you shouldve corrected them

>> No.5215838


Dude, I see that shit so many times around here that I don't even rage anymore.

Like last week? I was walking down the beach near my house, smoking a couple of cigarettes with this Italian-American dude, and we passed by some kids. There was a hispanic girl with fuzzy rabbit ears on, a Gundam shirt, and those tight hipster pants that are so popular these days. I didn't even look twice.

I'm probably going to go outside one day and see people wearing Touhou cosplay. I will probably kill myself.

>> No.5215845


Shit, man. Life is tough in the ghetto.

>> No.5215849

>C) Mention that I drew a character from the fighting game, Melty Blood. Also ask the Otaku what an eroge was.

this. spell eroge as "ero-gay" and ask him why does he talk about gays.

>> No.5215851

Riveting tale, chap

>> No.5215852

you live in California?

>> No.5215866

I see many touhou cosplayers, around the end of May, which is now. Probably some convention I didn't know that's near me

>> No.5215868

I hope you are trolling, for all that is holy and pure in this world I hope that you are trolling.

>> No.5215871


The South Shore of Long Island. I'm about an hour's drive away from Fire Island, which is where all the gays and trannies hang out. I've never been there and don't want to.

The mall I'm talking about is the Smith Haven Mall in Lake Grove. Lake Grove is my hangout, it's close to my dealers, and there's always things to do. /jp/ meetup?

>> No.5215876

Best answer in the whole thread

>> No.5215885

>fire island

Sounds like something you'd see in Pokemon.

>> No.5215886


Pay for my plane ticket and I'll come.

>> No.5215889


>I hope you are trolling, for all that is holy and pure in this world I hope that you are trolling.

I wish I was trolling, too. I'd do anything to un-hear the words I heard in that video store.

To be honest, though, I kind of saw this coming.

>> No.5215899

Oh god, I live near Arc, brb moving.

>> No.5215903




Where are you on the island? Or are you in the Tri-state Area?

>> No.5215919 [DELETED] 


if it come from arc brofist is hoefist lol

>> No.5215916
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Since I have already sunk low enough to take a Japanese class and have no chance with that women either way,and look like a idiot/faggot either way each option is fine.

>> No.5215935 [DELETED] 


>> No.5215932


A town called Sayville, shit sux.

>> No.5215934

>"That was so shit! I can't believe you liked that, you idiot, are you some kind of faggot?"
What kind of psycho talks like that to strangers, anyway?

>> No.5215941


People from /a/?

>> No.5215946

>a Gundam shirt
My rage depends on the Gundam series.
Wings = Hipster faggot trying to be ironic.
Rage level is mild.
SEED = fangirl, there are thousands of these.
Rage level is mild.
Any of the good gundam series = RAGE levels critical, meltdown imminent.

>> No.5215953


Why does her having a good taste in Gundam make you rage more?

>> No.5215955


Seriously! That shit is way out of line! Even when I'm rolling on my ass drunk I've never been that dick to random people.



Sorry to hear. I used to live there for a while so I can sympathize.

>> No.5215967

Explain that an Eroge is a video novel with x-rated content. Explain what a video novel is. Talk to greasy otaku about Tsukihime.

>> No.5215970

>good Gundam series
Well there's not many of those to choose from.

>> No.5215978 [DELETED] 

>Seriously! That shit is way out of line! Even when I'm rolling on my ass drunk I've never been that dick to random people.

Sounds to me like a pretty typical re/a/ction to people with different tastes to yours...

>> No.5216002

But how, why, where did they learn the word NEET. It's not like it's commonly used outside the UK and Japan.

>Why does her having a good taste in Gundam make you rage more?
Read the full description.
>fuzzy rabbit ears on, a Gundam shirt, and those tight hipster pants that are so popular these days.
She's some dumb weeaboo slut. I like them to stay away from good and pure things so that they can't corrupt it.

>> No.5216008


What is a good Gundam?
I want to watch one but there is a mountain to choose from.

Sorry to ask /jp/ but /a/ are faggots and /m/ are scary about this stuff.

>> No.5216036

But in the UK it refers to shit-brained chavs who claim benefits and go around drinking heavily, smoking, vandalizing, starting fights and generally being asses, rather than the harmless socially withdrawn.

>> No.5216037

What if it was G gundam?

>> No.5216048


I'm a UK NEET who is the harmless socially withdrawn type. It is annoying to see politicians complaining about NEETs on the news and stuff.

They say stuff like "We have to get rid of the NEETs because when young people have nothing to do all day they resort to violence". I wish we could just give Eroges to all the Chavs but none of them can read.

>> No.5216061

The ones without the yaoibait main cast.

So you've pretty much got the really old ones to choose from. Pick your poison.

Char doesn't count as yaoibait.

>> No.5216062

I thought VNs and Eroge were voiced.

>> No.5216068


I'm not 100% sure that all our Chavs are fluent in spoken Japanese.

Might be wrong though.

>> No.5216072

I'd say anything UC is pretty good. Don't tell /m/ I said this though, they are rather touchy on the entire Gundam ZZ thing.

Then I would have to show her my glowing hand, if you know what I mean.

>> No.5216074

Zeta and Wing.

00 if you want something contemporary.

Unicorn for cum-in-pants-tier.

>> No.5216084

0079 Movies and CCA are generally regarded as good.
Zeta as well.
ZZ seems to cause a shitstorm every time it gets mentioned.
Most of the Complete UC OVA's are well regarded. Stardust Memories is very weak in terms of plot but has great animation and fight scenes.
Victory is, well, a great example of sad Tomino.
Moving on to AU's G is generally well regarded, but extremely different, don't watch if you don't like super robot shows. Wing is pretty poor. X is decent, SEED is somewhat decent, SEED Destiny is a train wreck, 00 seems to be pretty bad, haven't gotten around to watching it yet. Turn A seems to be liked, but is rather different.
Unicorn, so far at the least, is glorious and demands watching.

>> No.5216091

00 is pretty much Code Geass: Gundam Edition.

>> No.5216092

I don't think the chavs have the necessary intelligence to learn one second language, let alone a hard one like Japanese. I saw a chart once which listed IQ ranges and the number of languages one could reasonably learn in them, I can't remember for sure but I think you needed something like 90+ to be able to.

>> No.5216100

>Unicorn, so far at the least, is glorious and demands watching.
This. I've only watched the first OVA that's out a measly four times in 1080p, and I would still watch it again and again.

>> No.5216120


Thanks, bros.

>> No.5216129

I shat bricks when I realized who "Audrey Burne" really was.

>> No.5216137

UNICORN,head, manually, etc.

>> No.5216146

It has literally been in my head all day, long before you mentioned it.

>> No.5216159

I'm going to post so the omitted replies are exactly 100.

>> No.5216277
File: 108 KB, 600x840, 10571631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZZ shitstorms aren't as bad as they used to be. I think when the BDs came out a lot of people actually watched it and realized it wasn't all that bad.

/m/ sort of moves in fad cycles, the last big Gundam was X, everyone was talking about it like some kind of forgotten relic, then everyone watched it and promptly moved on with their lives.

We're out of Gundam though so now everyone just talks about Toku.

>> No.5216527

I love you guys so much.

>> No.5216540


>> No.5216543

Slowly turn to her and very calmly say "This is none of your business, you repulsive 3D whore".

>> No.5216557

Honestly the best route to go would be to deny knowing of either the anime or the VN, and say you copied an image you saw on the internet.

>> No.5216559
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>"Sorry, what was that? You were mumbling again."

>> No.5216566
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But then she would just

>> No.5216582

I live near Arc.

Time to move away.

>> No.5216584


/jp/ - Long Island/General

>> No.5216653
File: 132 KB, 633x387, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread:
>c) lol was not an option but i'm crazy
>Discussion of NEET
>Arc: I live in Long Island and I heard someone say NEET
>Discussion of Long Island
>Discussion of Chavs
>Discussion of Gundam

>> No.5216990

Yet another average day on /jp/.

>> No.5216997
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, [Nutbladder]_Arakawa_Under_the_Bridge_05_[45a6817b].mkv_snapshot_02.28_[2010.05.04_04.03.25].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes to classes
