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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 273 KB, 1024x768, kyoto01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5205104 No.5205104 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, I'm in Kyoto for the next five weeks. What shall I do with my time?

>> No.5205116

Live the dream.

>> No.5205120

Fap, play touhou

>> No.5205122

Grab-a-feel in public transportation and maybe buy a pair of used pantsu from a vending machine. The sky is the limit, why would you come here to ask in this hypothetical situation?

>> No.5205121

Stop posting on /jp/ and enjoy your trip.

>> No.5205145

Picture related

That's what I would do with all of my time if I was in your situation.

>> No.5205146
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Kyoto you say... too bad it's not autumn.

>> No.5205147

Ask /trv/ or /int/.

>> No.5205150
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Oh visit Nintendo's HQ.

>> No.5205162


These remind me of the pictures that were in the booklet I got with some "Learn Japanese" cassette tapes from the early 90's.
Fucking nostalgia-bomb.

>> No.5205166

Visit the official must see places, Kyoto has a lot.

>> No.5205186

Don't be a bureaucrat.

>> No.5205194

Oh, come on. Are you saying Japan is not /jp/ related?

>> No.5205203

It isnt a VN, Touhou, or VN fightan game, then no, it isnt /jp/ related
They might as well rename /jp/ to touhou

>> No.5205206

Burn down Kyoani for us.

>> No.5205213


>> No.5205218
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A good garden is a pleasure in any season.

>> No.5205268

What are you doing in Kyoto?

>> No.5205286

Sit inside and browse /jp/, not like there's anything else to do in fucking Kyoto.

>> No.5205287


>> No.5205290

Food in Kyoto.

>> No.5205297 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5205299 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5205312 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5205316 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5205324 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5205329 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5205340 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5205347 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5205365 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5205361

Goddammit, /jp/. Stop giving me mad erections.

>> No.5205366 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5205372 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5205375 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5205380 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5205384

Would you like a sad erection instead?

>> No.5205389 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5205388

>erections from 3D whores
>posted by a spam bot, even.

Get out of /jp/, you don't belong

>> No.5205879

Stroll around Gion, it is a nice peaceful part of the old city.

>> No.5205883

hang yourself.

>> No.5205884
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Forgot my pic. 5pm is the best time as the Geisha will be travelling to their customers.

>> No.5205889
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...but don't get your hopes too high...

>> No.5205898
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Kinkakuji is a nice visit, the grounds is one huge garden which is quite nice. The large number of students on school trips can be annoying though.

>> No.5205901
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>> No.5205915
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If you visit Nara, do not feed the deer. They're cute, but you're asking for trouble if you do.

>> No.5205924
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The world's biggest wooden building, Todaiji Temple, is also worth visiting.

>> No.5205928
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>> No.5205929
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>> No.5205932

Assassinate the God Emperor of Dune.

>> No.5205933
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Of course Kiyomizudera is a must visit.

>> No.5205936


Deer are adorable.

>> No.5205941
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There was a very long queue of people waiting to do this at Kiyomizudera, supposed to bring you good luck or something.

>> No.5205946
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Ryoanji Zen temple is a waste of time though. I paid 500 yen just to see this?!

>> No.5205950
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>> No.5205952
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If you're with a loved one, stroll down the Kamo River at night.

>> No.5205961
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And don't forget to enjoy the food!

>> No.5205962

lol, you loose 500 yen in your sofa every other day. big deal

>> No.5205967

Here is the problem. You are in Kyoto and its late May. This means its hot as balls AND its the rainy season. If you are around for 5 weeks you'll probably catch the Gion Matsuri though.

The problem with Kyoto is that its old and quiet. No really, in comparison to most towns there is little nightlife. Its like "Hey lets go party at historic Colonial Williamsburg."

Yes you should visit the shrines and the forests; that's a must. But after a while, they all start to seem the same. If you have a JR pass, I suggest exploring other towns. If not, well you should still do it despite the little extra cost. Osaka is like 30 minutes away, and Miyajima Island (its the one with the floating torii), Himeji (awesome castle and gardens), Hiroshima (yes you should visit) are not too far.

>> No.5205976

When I visited that, I saw a fat bald shirtless Caucasian pour the water on himself while his friends laughed and took pictures.

I wanted to end him.

>> No.5205983

In Kyoto also.
You will get bored of temples/shrines/parks quickly. They are plentiful but you'll be here long enough to want to do other things. Kyoto is small and easy to get around but IMO overall boring compared to what is available in Tokyo and Osaka/Kobe. Kyoto人 can be prudish and are known for being pretty conservative. That said, there are fun/cool places around downtown and in the neighborhoods surrounding Kyoto University. Its hard not to have a good time in the Sanjo district.
Also, rent/steal/acquire a bicycle. It is the best way to explore Kyoto since everything is flat and more or less has a grid layout.

>> No.5205988

Are you Chinese?

>> No.5205995

Om nom nom.

Thanks tour guide OP. I'll visit someday.

>> No.5206028

Rape a few women, burn down some buildings, rob people, etc

>> No.5206051

Hey now, this isn't China and you aren't a Jap during WW2.

>> No.5206085
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My favourite places were http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanj%C5%ABsangen-d%C5%8D and Fushimi Inari (pictured).

I wasn't sure if the other people sitting there and staring intently at the garden were genuinely impressed by it or they were just trying to fit in with everyone else...

>> No.5206097
File: 713 KB, 1920x1440, DSC03252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and do find a nice Japanese girl to keep you company if you speak Japanese, makes things so much more fun.

>> No.5206111

Man, coming back from Japanese cities/Singapore really makes me feel disgusted at how filthy ones in England are. Trash and discarded cigarettes everywhere here... I can't live here. ;_;

>> No.5206135
File: 1.79 MB, 4000x3000, CIMG0066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had ryokan food at an onsen ryokan in Shin Hodaka in northern Gifu but most of the hors d'oeuvers were probably too refined for my palate for me to appreciate them...

>> No.5206149
File: 821 KB, 1920x1440, CIMG0075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..and breakfast.

>> No.5206193

How does one go about eating this? Where do you start? Where's the rice!?

>> No.5206228
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>> No.5206525
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I just sort of randomly picked at things with chopsticks trying not to finish it too quickly. I can't remember if there was rice at breakfast or not, but there was rice with the main dish at dinner.

>> No.5206532
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