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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 30 KB, 400x600, 400px-Sapporo_beer_canada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5193620 No.5193620 [Reply] [Original]

I know most of us are depressed NEETs, but how many of us use drugs to forget it all?

>> No.5193628

Sapporo is good

>> No.5193627

Non-smoker, non-alcoholic, non-drugaddict.

The fuck am I supposed to buy any of that without money?

>> No.5193638

I never did drugs and never intend to. I want to feel the pain of being alive till the day I die, to really feel free.

>> No.5193636

Beer doesn't even qualify as a drug, especially Japanese beer.

Weak sauce wimp.

>> No.5193632

Too poor to afford them.

>> No.5193634

I would use drugs if I could.

I don't give a fuck about my brain anymore.

so, how is to play danmaku while high, OP?

>> No.5193642

i get stoned all the time, but only because its part of our culture in canada

i drink too, but not always to get drunk and forget.

tonight is an exception, though. 24 beers to go through. ;_;

>> No.5193646

No. Drugs are for faggots.
Beer doesnt count.

>> No.5193649

Sapporo is terrible. Regular version is shitty rice beer. "Reserve" "all malt" is still undrinkable piss. If you buy it in the US, it's made in Canada.

>> No.5193641

Opiates are good. Give me the worst fucking hemorrhoids, though.

>> No.5193651

This is a /r9k/ thread to the very core, I don't care if the term NEET is in there.

>> No.5193656

I've done probably anything you could name while I was 15-18 (24 now).

These days I just smoke a bit of weed since I'm Canadian and drink. My drinking is not a problem, but I do use it to forget the fact that I'VE BEEN ALONE FOR THE PAST 7 FUCKING YEARS, ;_;

>> No.5193659

>I want to feel the pain of being alive till the day I die, to really feel free.

>> No.5193668


The version they make in Canada is okay, actually. I live in Waterloo, about 10 minutes from where they brew it and it's great. Not the best...but okay (better than the same shit you'd find in Japan).

>> No.5193665

>No, drugs are for faggots

>> No.5193674


This board turned into /r9k/ for weeaboos a long time ago man, don't kid yourself.

>> No.5193680

I'm not depressed, and if I was depressed I'd certainly not use drugs to get over it, that's a terrible idea.

I do take uppers on the occasion, though.

>> No.5193684
File: 24 KB, 300x400, Guiness Head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My drink of choice

>> No.5193686


Beerfag here, the Sapporo from Canada is great. It's made by Sleemans, a very very good craft/micro brewery that has been around for decades.

>> No.5193689

No, it's just faggots like you from other boards that keep posting these terrible threads.

Don't kid yourself. We don't bow to lies.

>> No.5193695
File: 152 KB, 424x500, 803120298_f05d8feecd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Real Irish person here, that shit is a bad example of stout. It's what Budweiser is to lager.

Much better beer in pic.

>> No.5193696
File: 83 KB, 600x572, 1272069316543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking is dangerous to your health!

You might turn into a loli.

>> No.5193715

>a very very good craft/micro brewery

What planet did you come from? Sleemans makes shit and has done so for decades.

Maybe someday someone will import some Founder's to Ireland and you guys can taste what a good stout is like.

>> No.5193708


You must be new then, or you'd know after the recent name change /jp/ resembles NOTHING WHAT IT USED TO.

This board is nothing but emo weeaboo threads, meta threads, and the odd shit relating to touhou.

>> No.5193714


>> No.5193718

Or you might become a danmaku creator.

>> No.5193724


oh wait

>> No.5193726

Why did a drug thread turn into an alcohol thread?

>> No.5193730
File: 350 KB, 1035x1400, 1270098600648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You must be new then

You must be talking about yourself.

>> No.5193736


You sound like a pretentious beer snob then, or haven't tried some of the small batch Sleemans. I'm not talking about the bullshit they sell in 24's at The Beer Store.

Or you're a faggot who just turned legal and thinks all that expensive "imported" stuff is good.

>> No.5193737

Oh, the irony. You shit up /jp/ on a regular basis much worse than a thread like this.

>> No.5193746

mmmm, I love beer. Sapporo is great even if it's actually made in Canada. Dem cans are also hilarious, getting someone drunk and then handing them one and saying "I betcha can't smash it!" is instant hilarity.

Sure, there are beers out there that will kick its ass, but I usually spend my money on stuff like Sapporo. It's not swill, but at the same time you're not gonna break the bank or go insane trying to find someone who stocks your favorite microbrew.

For what it's worth though, I hate dark beers. Can't stand em' for some reason.


Don't talk shit about bud- after a long, hot day, it is the goddamned nectar of the gods. (and its cheap as hell too)

>> No.5193751
File: 82 KB, 504x577, cc_screen_kane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitches don't know about my impostors.

>> No.5193753

I smoke weed everyday to enhance my enjoyment of otaku hobbies.

>> No.5193757

Careful, Irish know their beer.

>> No.5193760

Germans make better beer.

>> No.5193773

Yeah I wish that fag would stop shitposting already

>> No.5193775

>I like shitty beer.

Enjoy your bud lite, faggot.

>> No.5193782

I like weed, psychedelics and alcohol all in moderation.
Czech beer > German Beer

>> No.5193783

Founder's is made in the US, shithead.

>> No.5193784

I don't understand what all this bitching is about. You really can't argue with the alcohol by volume.

>> No.5193796

Personally I'll take English Ales over most of the world, it is a real subjective thing there. All depends on what you enjoy.

>> No.5193809
File: 100 KB, 218x284, 1267724272681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Pilsner Urquell


>> No.5193821

Weed makes my anxiety worse.

>> No.5193824


erm, ignore the fact that I put "grolsch" in there.

>> No.5193827


Newfag, his trip was posted, theres like 1005018 different people posting under that name now.

>> No.5193838


I never said it wasn't?


>> No.5193852

Stoned and moderately drunk here.

Marijuana is harmless and makes your otaku activities much more fun in every regard.

Alcohol makes you a dumb slob but it's fun once in a while, even if you're alone.

>> No.5193877
File: 780 KB, 1563x2137, P9150sss001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to, for a very, very long time - but I stopped just before christmas - feels bad man ;_;

>> No.5193897

I take opiates when I can get them but as I have no job I have to wait for my SSI checks to come in to have money for them.

>> No.5193906

MDMA is the perfect Otaku drug.

It's like it was made for all the activities Otaku do.

>> No.5193922

Stimulants are fun for trolling.

>> No.5193925

I'm pretty close to NJ, so Oxy is all over the place. Good dope, too.

>> No.5193938

Yeah, MDMA is just perfect for playing eroge, wallowing in your own filth, and hotgluing your figures.

MDMA is the antipathy of otaku. If I'm on it I have to be doing normalfag stuff like walking or dancing.

>> No.5193951


i agree and disagree.

i can have tons of fun on mdma alone, even if it's just fapping to loli and vns. it depends on the mood.

but, thanks to the stimulating effects of the stuff (and the fact that most pills are half meth now anyway), you have an urge to get up and move around and talk and move and dance and touch shit and fuck things

>> No.5193966


I get really clean MDMA here. The unadulterated powder.

Sure, you get the urge to get up and dance and do things, but I take the edge off by smoking weed, which massively blunts(lol) the stimulant-like effects.

>> No.5193978

I live in the middle of nowhere rural california so the closest place that usually has some is a town about twenty minutes out of town. You're a lucky man.

>> No.5193993

Sucks your money up fast. It's way cheaper to switch to dope, but that's pretty risky. You could rail it for a while, but then you end up slamming it eventually.

>> No.5194016

I don't really worry about money as I get money from the government every couple weeks.

>> No.5194017

Get the fuck out of /jp/ already, jesus.

>> No.5194095


I'm not Jesus, ese.

I'm hey-zeus. It sounds different.

>> No.5194184

>I get really clean MDMA here. The unadulterated powder.

Lucky. I'm in Toronto, Ontario and E is huge here, so MDMA powder is hard to get or expensive when it's available. ;_;

5-10 bucks a pill is nice, you just got to put up with other shit, though any responsible user would buy a test kit to make sure there isn't anything fucked up in it.

>> No.5194192

>You could rail it for a while, but then you end up slamming it eventually.

Like the second time.

Eating the pills is cool but then you just want to get HIGH and you shoot the shit. It's called hillybilly heroin for a reason.

>> No.5194235


Well, I only roll once every blue moon, anyway. It's not like I spend every single day eating powder.

MDMA is serious business. I do not enjoy tachycardia, even if it's only very mild.

>> No.5194246

>MDMA is serious business.

I had a friend that ate it by the handful back in the 90s. She's lost all ability to produce sufficient serotonin and dopamine and is virtually emotionless. All she does is drink hard liquor now.

Shit is hardcore ;_;

>> No.5194271


I've heard about that. Apparently it's due to the innate neurotoxicity of the drug.

I am dreadfully afraid of losing my emotions. I'd probably kill myself. So I space out my rolls by months, sometimes even years, and dose myself with the proper vitamins to decrease its oxidative effects.

>> No.5194281 [DELETED] 


tjex n qm x y r uuyaha x scf l v i oi e yh bAp VErRkYc IfMkPOhRTkANTn MEsSzSAqGqE TO CnHRISTkOaPuHcExRi POjOLxE (mAjKAd MOfOTt,p AKsA cTiHEx yAuDgMIdNn jOcF 4eCxHAsNc)c: bREMOsVnEz THEk ILLuEhGbAiL xCLONnE OpFt mANzOfNmTlAgLK fBBS FRdOMc YiOfUR qSERVERSe kOfR YiOyU qWqILdLn LOsSjEx EvVEpRYfTiHIiNdGg cYOhU jOWiN SnOON.y pYOxUp HAVE zBEbENk WtARzNjEDb gMrANY TqIMeES pBUTa CbHOSEN qTiO uCdONTIuNzUEl HOScTkIuNG THjEx IcLLEGAL CLhONEp dOjFh SuYlSrOiP'fS iWORmKg.d dYgOUd AjRzEz A SLEuAsZYj, gDuIRyTY, dLuYIrNbG THcInEF SChUgMBgAmGk; A oUpSEpLiESS sHUpMrAN gBuEmIyNG WlHOj LACKlSm A SOULt. 4lCyHAN cHAdS RUvIbNExD zTxHnEi vIqNoTERNtEuTi nObNp SzO MdANY bLjEViELSz AND kNfEEiDeSv sTOt BlEv RzEMqOVED jCOMPjLnEfTkELYk, aBgUT THeAT gIhS ANyOnTHERh iMnATcTbEqR ENqTjIiRhELnY. FOcRo hNaOgWm, RrEMcOiVEh THE qCcLuONgE ANsD zPkAeYz sStYaSeOP $q6b50,m000d gUySfDi TvO CfOrVmEeRc pAnTu LjEAeSjTg aSOgMlE jOzF HoISi MmAtNsY EoXPENSES, CeAkUxSyEqDd fBhY YrOkURa AjRsMsY gOFp TRlOlLLeSa OjVdEsR yTHtE YzEAtRSv, WhHgICjHk YOUi HAyVyE AhLLOsWoED cTO ORGAiNIZoE ILLEGAgL bAuTTAbCKSl uON TzHvIS VEvRuYx vBOAlRvD. jSzIaNCE YOaU dHcAvVxEz rSTOeLmENp OUyRn OhRIgGkIvNdAL DOMArINd, eSkEE: gHTTP:c//8r8c.8a0l.f21x.1y2/ qOcR sHTTyP:j//cWjWkWi.uAzNONTdAuLK.vSbE/d qORl HTjTP:/u/AT.KqImMkMOhA.gSE/qg k r q yq

>> No.5194383

What's worse is that you probably wouldn't care enough to off yourself at that point.

>> No.5194415

>I had a friend that ate it by the handful back in the 90s.
How ignorant do you have to be to think that's not going to bring any repercussions

>> No.5194434

One of the reason I quit drugs was to regain that sense of natural balance and make sure pure unadulterated stimulation would affect me fully without the aided affects of drugs.

That and the nervous system goes shot after a while. I still feel every human needs to trip or shroom at least once in their lifetime to experience the full spectrum of human perception.

>> No.5194437

For the most part, MDMA is harmless. There's not a lot known about long-term toxicity from heavy use. A lot of Shulgin's papers and other recent studies show no neurotoxic effects from sparing use.

>> No.5194465

>make sure pure unadulterated stimulation would affect me fully

I'm sure that's a big problem if you're posting on /jp/

>> No.5194479

fuckdamn arc, didn't have you pegged as a hard drug stimulant user

you're too stable

>> No.5194491

No way, I love it here, even though I ignore 85% of the actual content most of the time.

Just the mere conjuration of thought is very critical to me. Getting caught in dependency is always a limitation, its the way you can think in new and different ways that is most important.

>> No.5194571

MDMA is a soft drug.
Shit like meth and crack are hard drugs.

>> No.5196282

Don't use drugs to get happy, but when you are happy.

>> No.5196323

If you're depressed while being NEET, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.5197063

>cant stand dark beers

Raging Flaming Faggot.
Go and drown in that Budpiss you call a beer, asstard.

>> No.5197716

Smoking weed in Canada is a given, seeing as loli is illegal there.

What the fuck? You guys would have had a great country but you had to fuck it up.

>> No.5197729

cheap rum before bed helps me forget the aches and pains of the ten hour shift I just finished.

>> No.5197770

I take antidepressants and they've worked quite well. No more suicidal thoughts or unbearable feelings of emptiness. I'd also use a lot more alcohol if it weren't for the fact that I still live with my parents.

I haven't had an opportunity to use other drugs, though. I would if I could.

>> No.5197783

>He uses drugs instead of allowing himself to become completely delusional with reality

>> No.5197786

I don't drink or use drugs. I don't like to feel like I'm weak or something. However when there are some moments of big despair where I almost end up using it.

>> No.5197797


Why don't you go ahead and eat a dick- dark beers are shit.

MMMM, a thick glass of bitter shit that tastes and looks like used motor oil mixed with soy sauce. Sorry, it's shit.

Real men drink single malt whiskey. Two fingers of some Glenlivet over ice is infinitely more manly than any stout.

>> No.5197810

real men drink tea, everyone knows that

>> No.5198248

i smoke weed.

>> No.5198255

I love alcohol. If I had a job, I'd probably be an alcoholic.

>> No.5198259

Glenlivet is shit tier single malt

>> No.5198270

Fight it. Giving in would just make things worse in the long run.
But then again...
>implying things can't get any worse
your mileage may vary
