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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5187321 No.5187321 [Reply] [Original]

Does /jp/ cut their own hair?

>> No.5187329

I wish I could, but it just looks retarded.

I just get a simple $10 hair cut every couple months.

>> No.5187332

No, I go to a barber and pray to god he/she doesn't talk to me.

If they do talk I jump out of my seat and run away as fast as possible back to my room and post about it on /jp/ for consolation.

>> No.5187335

I don't get my hair cut.

>> No.5187337

I don't need a hair cut as I do not go outside.

>> No.5187342

Yes. Since I'm black I look fine with a buzzcut. I just take extra time around my ears.

>> No.5187343

what's up with those headphones

>> No.5187345

I shave my head.

>> No.5187346

I cannot reach my ass.

>> No.5187347

I go to the barbers

>> No.5187348

I used to go to a nice Korean shop. I usually just have cut my back and even my sides while I trim my bangs myself to make it look natural and not as if I just received a haircut. Now I just go to supercuts.

>> No.5187350

Haven't got it cut for a few years now. I sometimes trim some parts myself though if it curls too much.

>> No.5187351
File: 70 KB, 640x480, nigga please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm black

>> No.5187353

I cut my own hair at least once a year.

>> No.5187355

I just trim the sides when it starts to look like an afro

>> No.5187356

>I wish I could, but it just looks retarded.
I cut my hair despite this. It's always ends up uneven or really shitty looking, but I still do it once a year. I'm too scared to go to the barber shop. Though bad haircuts aren't too much of a problem since I don't go out much.

>> No.5187362

I did while I lived alone, when I tried to after I moved back in with my parents they got pissed and made me get a haircut. The girl turned out to be someone from highschool that kept asking if she had seen me before. I kept denying it until I left. Fucking hate going out of my room.

>> No.5187366

you cut your own hair? mind sharing where you learned to do that?

>> No.5187370

It's always the other way around for me. I used to be fat when I was in school, and when I dropped out I lost a lot of weight. No one I went to school with recognizes me.

>> No.5187371

Too scared to go to a barbers? You guys are gay as hell. Being a NEET doesn't mean you have to be scared of people.

>> No.5187380

but being scared of people usually makes you neet

>> No.5187383

No, but being a hikki does.

NEETs can also be normalfags, which /jp/ most definitely does not approve of.

>> No.5187384

no that makes you a hikki. There is a difference.

>> No.5187388

Cutting my hair? what the fuck is that. I only shave my beard.

>> No.5187392

My mother cuts them once in a couple of months. There are some advantages of living with parents.

>> No.5187393

no, it does not. i am quite scared of talking with people but i still leave my room to work on my car in the garage, and i do drive around quite frequently. i leave the house, but cant even muster the will to use toll roads, unless they are just change ones you throw the coins in.

>> No.5187400

How the hell long do you think the general /jp/ users hair is?
Or does OP just think we're all bald?
>I'm black
You must be lost.

>> No.5187403

People talk about the stupidest shit when getting their hair cut, god damn.

>> No.5187405

>How the hell long do you think the general /jp/ users hair is?
Down to the ass.

>> No.5187409

It's not so much cutting as using the long hair trimmer on the backside of my electric shaver to remove the parts that stand away from the rest, really. Can't ruin too much that way.

>> No.5187412

My sister trims my hair as my hair is a bit longer than shoulder length, barbers try to give me a buzz cut, salons look at my funny, stylists try to tell me to cut my hair short dye it blond and use gel to have it pointy.


>> No.5187423

I go to a salon, not that I have anyone to show or anything, though.

>> No.5187432

I usually never talk about anything when my hair is cut, except when it's my sister or my cousin who's cutting my hair, then I keep saying "don't cut my ears off please" and such.

>> No.5187437

Electric clippers with a 1-2" attachment give a pretty foolproof plain haircut. Just trim around the ears a bit afterward and that's it. Even as a hikki it feels good to not look like a molester on the rare times that I do go somewhere.

>> No.5187442

older or younger? The nature of your answer will change your fate.

>> No.5187443

So, you guys don't socialize because you're scared, rather than being lazy, seeing as you're happy living on a computer? This is news to me, I'm the latter, myself.

>> No.5187450

My new stylist talked about his old Mac II after I mentioned that I worked with computers.

>> No.5187453

shave my head every other day

>> No.5187455

Apple ][ > Mac II

>> No.5187466

My mom cuts it. Actually, i've never been to the dentist.

>> No.5187467

I'm going bald, so I've just been wearing a hat every day for the past couple years. I tried shaving my head, but I didn't like how it looked. A week or so ago I decided I was tired of being bald, and ordered a custom hair replacement system. It'll be here in like a month or so, and it's supposed to be undetectable from the real thing.

>> No.5187468

no maybe a couple people here do. I honestly can socialize I just chose not to.

>> No.5187469

The last time I went to a salon I get this really tall, really cute girl to cut my hair. It's a good thing I was wearing that cape thing because otherwise she probably would've seen my boner.

>> No.5187474

My stylist is a really short and cute asian girl in her early 20s with DFC. Living the /jp/ dream, too bad I only get to see her once a month or so.

>> No.5187475

My mother cuts my hair.

>> No.5187479

Same here. Must duck to be afraid of going outside.

>> No.5187484

Yeah, it's really quack.

>> No.5187495

Ahaha. Quality typo on my part.

>> No.5187499

you must really fit the bill

>> No.5187500

I can "socialize" to an extent, if you can call it that. I'm still a loner but I can put up an act if I really need to for short bursts. I still ignore everyone most of the time, though, I even ignore my professors when they says hi to me as I enter the class unless I have a need to be on good terms with them.

>> No.5187503

My oneechan does it for me.

>> No.5187509

I used to, or I'd get my brother to do it. Not every time, I still went to a salon, but whenever it got long enough to annoy me (my hair grows freakishly fast) and I didn't have the money/time/motivation to do it.

Now I have a job and the money to get it cut at a decent place.
Feels good man.

>> No.5187516

How do you simply ignore them? Don't you feel awkward ignoring your teachers? I do, so I always at least say hello to them.

>> No.5187525

I just smile at them instead of saying anything. But it probably helps that I'm moe already.

>> No.5187527

That is just an unnecessary urge that you must accept and move on from. If you really don't desire to do it you won't have to. If don't desire to you don't even have to blink frequently.

>> No.5187535

>I'm a Zen Master

>> No.5187568

I don't get it.

>> No.5187576


>> No.5187582

That must be nice. I'm envious.

>> No.5187585

More like you're a pedophile.

>> No.5187594

/jp/ - Just Pedos/General

>> No.5187596

hey.. she's 19, she was adopted by another family so I get my hair trims every couple of months when she comes to visit.

>> No.5187599

I'm no longer envious.

>> No.5187610

It's still kind of cute anyway. Just a little bit less than it was before you said she was 19.

>> No.5187612

I wish I could learn how to cut my own hair, as I completely dread going to the barber shop and only go about once a year.

>> No.5187620

Nobody ever tells me to do anything with my hair... I don't know if I'm jealous or relieved.

>> No.5187621

what do you expect? Most of the people who post here are either in their early 20's or pushing 30.

>> No.5187626

you really think I'ld let an underaged kid take a pair of scissors close to my eye/face?

>> No.5187629

I would.
I don't really care and wouldn't mind letting a little girl have fun.

>> No.5187632

Enjoy being blind then.

>> No.5187633

I'm in my 20's, but My father and step-mother are gonna have another kid.

here's to hoping I get a sister. tired of my brothers, and my older sisters are bitches or whores.

>> No.5187638

I don't think my sight could get much worse to be honest.

>> No.5187640

I let my younger sister cut my hair. though she usually prefers me having long hair so that she could braid it.

>> No.5187641

I don't think so, Tom.

>> No.5187644

>I don't think so Tim.

>> No.5187646

I've always dreamed of having a little girl braid my hair. you sir are one lucky bastard

>> No.5187649

I do the same thing with my nieces. I usually have long ass hair since i only cut it once a year. when My nieces visit me I let them style my hair while I play video games.

>> No.5187653

I'm 25...

>> No.5187655

I haven't cut in about two years

Only had one haircut in the past 4

>> No.5187658

Half a meter, feels good man, but at the ends they really tend to split up, so I just cut 10 cm out of that every year when I can't take them being ugly anymore.

>> No.5187664

I'll be 21 when fall comes...

>> No.5187666

she's not really little anymore since she's turning 16 soon. but it was cute when she was 7-13. she would try so hard to make a decent braid when she was 7.

>> No.5187673

you lucky bastards.

>> No.5187678

I wish my sister were more gentle. She's always rough housing with me or rubbing her feet on me. It gets kind of annoying after a while. I wish that she'll settle down and cut my hair for me one day.

>> No.5187687

well actually it doesn't matter I just want a girl to braid my hair in general.

>> No.5187694

I think you can pay to get that kind of service from any prostitute.

>> No.5187706

no just no...I don't want to pay for such an innocent thing like that.

>> No.5187707

"Geez onee-chan, stop being so mean to me!"

>> No.5187717

lick her feet next time and if she doesn't resist, work your way up her inner leg

>> No.5187720

sit infront of a bus stop for elementary school buses, offer candy to kid for hair braiding.

>> No.5187733

I licked my older sister once when I was 13.

I was never slapped so hard since then. I often, and truthfully, say to my sparring partners at the gym "My sister hits harder than you.

>> No.5187750

Been there, don't want to do it again. When my parents asked what she was doing in my room she casually replied "having sex". I'm not allowed to have her in my room with my door shut anymore.

>> No.5187760

I wish I had a cute little sister giving me footjobs. Appreciate what you have, anon.

>> No.5187762

you should have gone the whole nine yards

>> No.5187763

You're disgusting and you probably need mental help.

>> No.5187764

What are you implying?

>> No.5187773

if she can casually reply "having sex" and likes to rub you with her feet all the time she's certainly open to the idea of you hitting a homerun.

>> No.5187777

I was just rubbing her inner thigh. It was really soft and felt nice to the touch. Whenever I'd stop, she'd make this little dissatisfied/annoyed grunt and tell me to keep going. It's not my fault she thought were having sex.

>> No.5187784

It's called foreplay, and yeah it does lead to sex.

She was certainly expecting it.

>> No.5187786

My sister does it sometimes. I usually just let out agonized yelps since she has a penchant for cutting things no man was meant to cut.

>> No.5187787

That's sexual abuse. You were taking advantage of her.

>> No.5187790

How old was she, then?

>> No.5187791

you can't abuse the willing

>> No.5187802

You wish you had an aneki that watches animu and plays video games with you.

>> No.5187806

No. Usually my dad cuts my hair for free every now and then. Other people's hair too.

I'm probably getting a haircut later today, to look my incest for a sister's graduation.

>> No.5187808


>> No.5187809

The trick is to get a woman or a gay man to cut your hair. The problem is that I live in New Jersey and all the barber shops are run by gruff Italians. I wish I knew how to cut my own hair.

>> No.5187810

Quite young. I'd rather not say.

>> No.5187816

Fair enough. I won't look down on you for it.

>> No.5187817

Fucking dildos. Whatever, it's late.

>> No.5187818

It seemed like a mutually beneficial exchange to me. In fact, she was the one that pressured him to keep going. If anything, our >>5187777 was the one being abused!

>> No.5187820

It's not late, it's your unconscious.

>> No.5187822

I don't. I visit the hairdresser three or four times a year. The thing I like about it the most is that I get my hair washed by the hairdresser before she starts trimming my hair.

>> No.5187824

I got it cut by an hairdresser when I still had a normal amount of hair. Now that I lost a lot of it (because of a skin disease), I shave it myself.

>> No.5187826

>she'd make this little dissatisfied/annoyed grunt
I wish I knew how that sounds. Seems cute.

>> No.5187831

It's quite fascinating how fast this thread became incest/sister culture. Not that I complain, always miss this threads from old /jp/.

>> No.5187851

/jp/- loli and sis-con/general

>> No.5187855

Too bad the guy is probably lying. Otherwise he would've fucked the hell out of her since long ago.

>> No.5187860

Mine plays video games with me (not so much anymore now that I moved away). Anime is something I prefer to watch on my own anyways.

>> No.5187863

Why does this thread exist?

Go back to /b/.

>> No.5187869

Not really, I'm just very patient.

>> No.5187872

Maybe he did and just doesn't want to confess to it on the internet, since most of the western world allows unchecked interception and storage of all of our communications data. In England and other shit tier countries every connection over the internet is logged and stored for 5 (I think) years. That's just (officially) who you were communicating with, when, over what ports and protocols, but together with say the archive that could be enough for the thought police to track you down if it was a slow day on /jp/.

>> No.5187877

Quiet, you. We're discussing little sisters.

>> No.5187901

This guy should be angry at his sister for manipulating his emotions like that. She knew very well what she was doing.

>> No.5187916

Indeed. Such an indecent little sister surely needs punishment to set her right.

>> No.5187942

I suggest medieval torture. Something that will make her regret even being born.

>> No.5187962

I can't cut my own hair... And I can't afford the money to go get a haircut.

>> No.5187982

Fuck off, some light bondage and denied orgasms should be enough.

>> No.5187983

I could never get mad at her. I think she was just doing what she felt, and I went with it for whatever reason. I used to do most things she asked me to do even if they inconvenienced me. For instance, before when she was allowed in my room, she'd often want to play my DS in my bed. I can't count the number of times she'd delete my save data. When she'd watch movies, I'd oftern play a game and she'd always want to sit in my lap and play it with me. She was still small, but getting too big to comfortably sit in my lap. Once she decided to stand, and for whatever reason she ended up thrusting and leaning against my elbow while I was playing. I didn't really understand what was happening until she was leaning really hard against my elbow and I thought the arm of the chair was going to break. Then it clicked. I started freaking out for whatever reason, so I got up and got a drink and let her play the game (WoW) and when I came back, she had died somewhere unreachable and made me spirit res.

I've always been retarded socially and I guess she picked up on that. I sound like her bitch, don't I?

>> No.5188002

Don't post here again. At least until you learn to write good stories.

>> No.5188007
File: 5 KB, 190x153, bigbear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't let her do whatever she wants or you'll regret it in a few years.

>> No.5188014

This happened atleast a year or two ago.

I'd rather have a shut door than have her in here with me, so I just tell he she can't come in when she knocks.

>> No.5188033

Face it your sister is a slut. She's going to grow up to be a slut for every boy she meets and it's all your fault because you were too dense to tell her she was being bad.

>> No.5188038

>She's going to grow up to be a slut for every boy she meets and it's all your fault because you were too dense to make her your personal sex slave before anyone else could get to her.

>> No.5188049

you are her bitch, when she's older, she's going to rape you.

>> No.5188051

nice greentext. real mature.

no really I'm serious. If he had just scolded her he could have had a pure sister now she's going to be just like every other 3D pig slut on the planet, This dude had an opportunity to make a difference and he failed. He failed miserably.

>> No.5188056

What the fuck are you even talking about? I was being serious too. The guy had an easy shot at an imouto route.

>> No.5188077

eh.... I'm not big on that...I guess it's just the neediness the girl has in the situation that's a turn off for me. you know that's going to spell trouble later.

>> No.5188385

>If he had just had delicious wincest with her he could have had a pure sister, but now she's going to be just like every other 3D pig slut on the planet. This dude had an opportunity to make a difference and he failed. He failed miserably.
Fixed that for you.

>> No.5188403

I don't cut my hair, or let anyone else cut it, I like it long.

>> No.5188454

yeah I did it a month or two ago, just cut nough to prevent it from blocking my vision
I'll probably get a hair cut somewhat soon though, its starting to be a bit hot.

>> No.5188872

As in my pubes?

>> No.5188911

Yes. That's why my hair looks ridiculous.

>> No.5188932

Yes, so I can look like the little girl.

>> No.5188950
File: 4 KB, 900x562, sweden_flag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.5188952

Seeing how his sister acts, chances are she already had other men since long ago...

>> No.5188958


>> No.5188963

You can marry your sister, in Sweden.

>> No.5188965

Nope. Ideally, I don't get it cut, as I look horrible with short hair.

>> No.5188969

Oh, I see.
I wouldn't want to marry my sister, maybe my cousin though.

>> No.5188971

You can get jailtime for incest in Sweden, even if you're both above the age of consent.

>> No.5188982


You can't marry your siblings in my country, but incest is legal. As long as it is between people of age.

>> No.5188991

So why do I feel that her headphones want to kill me

>> No.5189111

I don't get what she was doing by leaning that hard...

>> No.5189117

If you look good with a buzz cut, just get barber's clippers and buzz your hair every once and a while.

>> No.5189144

I do. Haven't done it on one year tough.

>> No.5189153 [DELETED] 



>> No.5189163

I use clippers with the guard off to get rid of my hair every Friday. This thread reminded me that I forgot to yesterday.

>> No.5189164

No just a average haircut.
>$10 hair cut

>> No.5189175


That's really not a bad price. The cheapest I can find around here is $12.

>> No.5189180

Yeah I guess so, if you want someone who can speak english to cut your hair.

>> No.5189186

I think he was poking fun at the hair styling only costing 10 bucks, as opposed to his 200 dollar super sweet hairjobs.

I know, it sounds impossible, but judging by the looks of things today i wouldnt be surprised if many of the shitposters here actually believe in all that hype. What happened to /jp/ man?

>> No.5189196

Fuck off.

>> No.5189197

>200 dollar super sweet hairjobs
sounds like some shitty hipster haircut that doesn't last long

>> No.5190066
File: 103 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2010-05-22 at 10.25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I like the feeling of having my hair washed.

Pic related. Gonna get the ends trimmed sometime this week since they seem to not keep moisture in. Makes it a pain to comb.

Barber shop or salon. I dislike them.
Honestly, it's because anytime I ask what they recommend they say "shave it off".
Fuck them. Gonna get me some form of hime cut next month.
'Some form' cause the side bangs require me to use a straightening iron since I have slightly wavy hair.

>/jp/ - Hair and Imoutou Care / General

>> No.5190395

Do you still have your beard ?

>> No.5190549

Of course. It only takes 10days for it to resurrect if I shave it all off.

>> No.5190549,1 [INTERNAL] 

Sorry to hear that.

>> No.5190549,2 [INTERNAL] 

I don't think that means what you think it means friend.

>> No.5190549,3 [INTERNAL] 

remember when we could post about haircuts without trashcans

i even remember posting in this thread

>> No.5190549,4 [INTERNAL] 

Hahahaha SUDO holy shit I wish I saw this comment three years ago so I would make a lot of funny images with that. Maybe instead of SUDO THE PIG we would have SUDO THE PIG WITH THE WIG

It even sounds amazing. Goddammit.
