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5163080 No.5163080 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread

Translate here
(put the line " flyabletrans.freewebhostx.com" in your HOSTS file if you can't access the site)

More info

>> No.5163082

Several hundred lines have been translated so far.

>> No.5163091

Why are you translating there?

>> No.5163094


Now do Hoshizora

>> No.5163100

Keeps TLwiki from getting butthurt about C&Ds.

>> No.5163103

Oh god.

>> No.5163129


Editorashi used it and finished, Hatsukoi uses it and is 2/3 done alrady. It works.

>> No.5163431


>> No.5163549

<~Nagato> http://forums.novelnews.net/showpost.php?p=65697&postcount=13

even nagato agrees that retrans is shit
seriously, fuck off with it.

>> No.5163578

Retrans wouldn't be shit if people actually contributed.

>> No.5163584 [DELETED] 

>implying we care about random fucks on IRC

>> No.5163589

Just host it on the C&D wiki. Retrans is shit.

>> No.5163591

>random fuck

Oh boy.

>> No.5163592

Nagato is the one who make Muv-Luv translation possible. rUGP was thought to be impossible to hack but not anymore. He's not just random IRC fucks.

>> No.5163596

even weeaboos on /a/ wouldnt use that name.

>> No.5163602

You shouldn't be here, you know. Your pops and moms are fighting down the street for democracy.

>> No.5163607 [DELETED] 

>im butthurt

>> No.5163622

While I do respect him for this, I don't see how his opinion is relevant to the extent where you're quoting him as though he's some sort of authorative person.

>> No.5163638 [DELETED] 

>5163592 here. No, I didn't quote him.

*sigh* too bad he'll stop hacking after MLA.

>> No.5163634

I hope like hell that this trainwreck of a project doesn't prevent an actual translation project from emerging.

Editorashi did as much damage to the script as it fixed (derp what's a hamlet), and God knows how many problems a proper TLC of Hatsukoi would find - community translation produces terrible quality.

>> No.5163646

He's the most active hacker in the community right now, I can't see how he's not an authorative person regarding this matters.

>> No.5163647

>>5163592 here. No, I didn't quote him.

*sigh* too bad he'll stop hacking after MLA.

I smell evil socialists at large.

>> No.5163658 [DELETED] 

Go back to facebook.

>> No.5163667


>> No.5163671

SUGOI translating.

>> No.5163672

Talking about authority... Nagato got his moege titles recommendation from LoSs.

>> No.5163675

retrans is shit

stop using it

>> No.5163689

Are you sure you know what community means?

>> No.5163698 [DELETED] 

Go back to facebook.

>> No.5163703 [DELETED] 

Learn English.

>> No.5163730

See why you shouldn't use TLwiki?

It's full of Gaia-level retards.

>> No.5163746 [DELETED] 

>implying anyone in this thread is a staff member of any TLwiki projects

>> No.5163740

Retrans isn't any better.

>> No.5163755 [DELETED] 

>wahhhh don;t use retrans plz use tlwiki it's best herpppppppp durppppppp my name is nagato and i love anime ^_^

>> No.5163756

Bangcock is with C&DWiki, so yeah.

>> No.5163767

Next time don't mention TLwiki.
The fanboys will just ruin the thread just like this.

>> No.5163770

Half a dozen finished projects of good quality plus at least two more making good progress.


An incomplete translation of questionable quality.
A shitty edit of a commercial script.

You were saying?

>> No.5163780

Yeh sure.

Go back to Gaia then.

>> No.5163792

I'm glad to see a translation project in such capable hands.

>> No.5163796
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Someone needs to add C&D Wiki and ReTrans to this.

>> No.5163797

Yeh, next time don't come to /jp/.
We don't care about e-penis.

>> No.5163806

the kid that gets bullied by TLwiki fanboys
the cool kid that doesnt give a shit

>> No.5163808

>implying this has anything to do with e-peen.

I could have sworn I saw a version of this with RETrans/Cudder on it.

>> No.5163817

except that moogy and naga must be wetting his pants right now that he's now all famous and shit

>> No.5163825

>implying that... Fuck, I have no idea what you just said. Could you repeat that in grammatically correct English?

>> No.5163841

Less arguing more translating.

>> No.5163870

God, you guys just love arguing about everything.

>> No.5163877

Some people come to 4chan for the ability to argue/troll people like they can't IRL. /jp/ is a goldmine for this.

>> No.5164037


>> No.5164108

This is an EXCELLENT troll thread of a very fine vintage, containing completely sincere high level butthurt from all parties involved, but as entertaining as that is do we have an actual translation project happening?

>> No.5164131

We had a couple of translators do some lines when it first went up a couple of days ago. No word on hacking it for automatic line breaks (unless people want Cudder to be more involved in the project). No clue as to translation quality, editing, TLCing or anything else. There's no real translation project here - just a Japanese script and trolling over TLWiki and RETrans.

Though dawning blue might end up doing something, but don't count on it given her hilariously slow pace.

>> No.5164147

I don't have much hope in this project, but it's better than waiting for dawningblue. She's so damn slow.

>> No.5165314

Holy fuck, you people are fucking pathetic. Arguing over pointless shit instead of getting shit done? Just die please.

>> No.5165318


>> No.5165352

Your surprise would make more sense if this wasn't /jp/.

>> No.5165374

This has been bugging me, how is it possible that there are uncensored CGs from Flyable Heart on the *boorus?
They look too good to be shopped (and also are in higher resolution).

>> No.5165607

Speaking on neutral ground here. To those that don't want to use REtrans, how do you plan on moving the scripts etc over to TLWiki (or whatever)? Without automatic line breaks wouldn't it be pretty difficult?

>> No.5165619

>automatic line breaks
What are you talking about?

>> No.5165623


>> No.5165627

That would either require re-extracting the script, or manually splitting it into the files like indicated in the one huge file.

>> No.5165638

The engine doesn't support that. That's no problem. We can let a script take care of that. It'll just have to ass <br>s at the right position. Seeing how the game uses a monospace font that would be very easy.

>> No.5165639

<@TinFoil> that reminds me
<@TinFoil> I downloaded Flyable Heart to get the raw files and stick them up

Look, someone's actually getting shit done here unlike you fucks.

>> No.5165648


>> No.5165701


>> No.5165726

Nevermind. Sage.

>> No.5165751

You're still using sage as some sort of thread voting system? Go back to /b/.

>> No.5165765

No. It was a rude sage. Fuck off, Cudder.

>> No.5165781

get out cudder devs

>> No.5165885

100% sure I'm not cudder. I'm not in support of REtrans either, but just posting a sage is fucking useless and doesn't help anyone.

>> No.5165905

Not reading this thread due to the hate going on but I just want to say I fully support you guys who are translating this, I have been playing it in Japanese (very very slowly) and am enjoying it a lot. I hope more people will be able to enjoy it soon. Get in FH devs.

>> No.5165917

Posting a response to a sage is useless too. Posting in this thread without QUALITY POSTS is useless too. Nice logic, buddy.

>> No.5165951


Actually he's replying to you thus bumping the thread. If you didn't wastefully sage in the first place then he wouldn't have posted and the thread wouldn't have been bumped so really you had the opposite effect of what you were trying to achieve.

On topic I think it's funny how nobody gived a shit about Flyable Heart despite it being an 'easy read' apart from the occasional SUGOI post you'd see around here. The moment a kind Anonymous decides to hack the files and RETrans decides to host it then suddenly everyone explodes and becomes 'interested' in it. Fucking popularity contests, as long as the VN gets translated then I don't give a shit if it's on RETrans, TLWiki or whatever other circle jerking forum/wiki/IRC there is out there.

>> No.5165956

>nobody gived a shit about Flyable Heart
Where have you been? A few of us have cared about it before all this shit began.

>> No.5166025

Fuck yeah! Flyable Heart is getting translated! *dances*

>> No.5166270
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>Flyable heart translation.

Just caught wind of this.

Good luck gentlemen.

>> No.5166451

Well, maybe this project will prove that it's not just a single fag who forces Flyable Heart all over /jp/ with SUGOI. Polite sage for not contributing.

>> No.5166542

<@TinFoil> I just ran FH.exe from the CD out of curiosity
<@TinFoil> this is revolutionary
<@TinFoil> you don't even have to install
<@TinFoil> anyway I'm at a dead end here

Seems like we're fucked for now

>> No.5166559

What the fuck is he talking about? What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.5166612

see (>>5165639)

>> No.5166627

What raw files? Why are we fucked?

>> No.5166720

You do realize that we already have the script, right? Inserting new lines, line wrap and repacking work as well. The structure of the .src file is stupid but obvious. There's no rush, so I'll take my time to polish this.

>> No.5167435


>> No.5168349

So, in terms of editing, what general rules do we want to follow? Are we going with British or American English, etc? Might as well get the basics sorted out now.

>> No.5168449

>British or American English
Malaysian English lah!

>> No.5168473

What is the honorific policy for this?

>> No.5168555

I can revise the scripts to make sure they make sense and fit the scenes, but I can't translate.

>> No.5168608

How much has been translated so far?

>> No.5168621

I just noticed the Editor's Guidelines and Notes link just says TODO. Better start thinking of something to put there before you fucks start complaining about quality.

>> No.5168647

Hah, that'd be interesting.

So basically, you'd be editing. Sounds good!

Last time I checked there were around 300 or so lines TL'ed.

Well, we could put up a set of guidelines on the TLWiki page and point people to that.

>> No.5168677

What's the difference between Editing and QC?

>> No.5168684

Alright. I'm the anon that posted about editing, forgot my question and trip. I won't be on all the time, but I can edit when I'm available. I already made a change to the script on the REtrans website.

>> No.5168723

Editing is making sure the script reads properly in English. It tackles with issues such as grammar.

QC is like beta-testing, where the job is to make sure the patched game works properly as intended. As the low-skill time-consuming grunt they hunt bugs, report, proofread for typos etc.

>> No.5168772

Editing kinda like translates the "translator's engrish" into "proper english" and QC tests the shit ingame and fixes typos, bugs etc.

>> No.5169131
File: 26 KB, 512x96, tlwiki_retrans_partnership.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at it this way. (No, this is not going to become a discussion of werecows.) We have TLwiki, which is good for aggregating translation projects and various other wiki-like things, and we have the current REtrans site, which is most suited to translating scripts, but little else. Why not let both sides admit they have their advantages and cooperate together to bring even more benefit to the project? TLwiki for essential project information and aggregation, REtrans for quickly and efficiently working with the script.

>> No.5169260

At this point, that seems like an ideal solution. It's just a matter of whether or not people'll accept it or not.

>> No.5169343

>most suited to translating scripts
>quickly and efficiently working with the script.

>bitches don't know my SVN system

>> No.5169388


retrans is shit.

>> No.5169405

<~Moogy> well, i think retrans is a pretty inefficient system, but i don't care if people want to put hubs on the wiki and use it for editing
<~Moogy> it's their own funeral, etc.

>> No.5169436

retrans is shit

at least tlwiki doesn't spam /jp/ with HURRRR USE OUR "ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES" DUUUUURRR

>> No.5169471

Clicking on any line you want to edit and typing in the new text right away, then submitting only however many you changed, is inefficient compared to finding the script, finding the line you want to change, clicking the Edit button, waiting for the whole fucking file to load, scrolling to the line, editing it, and then waiting while the line you edited is submitted along with who knows however many thousand others? Face it, a wiki was never meant for this sort of abuse, and it's about time we moved on. But of course, you're going to preach the benefits of your system like Steve Jobs does with the iPad.

>> No.5169510

> Clicking on any line you want to edit
And that is why retrans sucks. On a wiki I only have to click once. Using SVN I don't have to click at all. If doesn't matter how technically 'efficient' your shit is if it doesn't have an efficient interface for the translators.

>> No.5169566

I did the second few hundred lines or so and it ain't that bad, feels pretty responsive.

>> No.5169662

>finding the script, finding the line you want to change, clicking the Edit button, waiting for the whole fucking file to load, scrolling to the line, editing it, and then waiting while the line you edited is submitted along with who knows however many thousand others?

You describe a process that only takes like 10-15 seconds. And it's a 10-15 second process that you only have to sit through once in a single translation session. Much more convenient than multiple clicking for multiple lines.

>> No.5169718

You talk as though people intend to do this line by line - they aren't. In a wiki, if an editor wants to modify a few hundred lines they click once against a few hundred times in retrans. Retrans is inefficient.

>> No.5169734

So let me see if I understand this. Y'all are just going to wait for the webpage to get all filled in with English by random people, then re-compile it and call it done?
Is that the plan?

>> No.5169754

That's a community project for you. Quality is always rather questionable compared to having a dedicated translator/editor/TLC.

>> No.5169871

If I linked you guys to an SVN with the script CSV right now, would that help this situation at all?

>> No.5169896

No, because SVN is more suited to closed rather than community project, like Amaterasu.

>> No.5169897

translators are not developers.

>> No.5169916

I'm editing it. I already caught some Engrish in the script.

>> No.5169932

Ok then. So I'll assume that the best way to make this progress is to have the scripts on TLWiki, or am I wrong with that as well?

>> No.5169936

The SVN would be great...if only there were multiple small script files instead of one big one...

>> No.5169950

Anything your 'perceived staff' (or in case of pure community project; public) can access and modify at-will.

TLWiki is less an option since they took down the editable public page recently but you can still ask #tlwiki@rizon. If not, either make one of your own or use C&D.

>> No.5169953

That would probably be best.

>> No.5169961

You could always use the C&D wiki.

>> No.5169962
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Good luck. May the schwartz be with you.

>> No.5170039


>> No.5170075

Stick the toolset on the TLwiki page. Please.

>> No.5170205


>> No.5170840


>> No.5171000
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>> No.5171147

This thread at a glance:

*wiki side:
>retrans is shit
>retrans is shit
>retrans is shit
>takes forever to even get things going
>ad-hominems at Cudder
>claims to have more projects done, but fails to mention TLwiki has been around for a hell of a lot longer than REtrans

REtrans side:
>wikis are not a good idea because...
>script put up and open for translation within days of getting extracted, translation and editing already started

Notice something?

>> No.5171154

Yeah, Cudder cocksucking.

>> No.5171374

I hate to restart the troll thread, but... Actually I don't.

>claims to have more projects done, but fails to mention TLwiki has been around for a hell of a lot longer than REtrans
I believe we've seen three project releases on TLwiki during the time REtrans has been around. Plus there's more projects coming.

>takes forever to even get things going
Not really - I mean if anyone actually wanted to put it on TLWiki it would take maybe a few minutes to do so. It's just splitting the script and uploading it. Not that different to converting it to csv and uploading it to RETrans. It's just that it went up on RETrans first and no-one's sure whether to duplicate them or not.

>ad-hominems at Cudder
Because there's been no ad hominems towards TLWiki and Moogy at all. None whatsoever.

>wikis are not a good idea because...
RETrans is not a good idea because...

Seriously, RETrans has no advantages. It has a poor interface, terrible user management and the line-by-line editing is a pile of shit (speaking as a programmer, such an idea for editing is plainly idiotic).

>> No.5171580

You should've followed the Hatsukoi threads, because you would've seen that RWI has the benefit of not allowing the script structure to become invalid, and from what I understand the database backend lets them manipulate the data very easily. It's also being actively developed, since in the past few months it went to AJAX, has realtime statistics (not sure if Cudder has enabled that for this project yet), and you can download the lastest scripts and run them in-game without conversion.

>> No.5171688

And yet it's still terrible for editing. Maybe if they enable more than line by line editing and make it more user-friendly editors might give a shit. It's added some nice features there, but they don't make up for critical faults.

>> No.5171710

Terrible would imply that it's difficult to edit the scripts, which it isn't at all.

>> No.5171788

Terrible relative to the alternatives then. RETrans is more efficient if you only need to edit a few lines. Wikis and SVN are more efficient if you need to edit a large number of lines. If Cudder introduces the ability to edit a large number of lines at once things would be different.

I've had enough of this, we're just repeating everything already said.

>> No.5172405

So have we decided on wiki or SVN yet?

>> No.5172431

No lead, no decision.

>> No.5172502

All this debate and no one's translating... ;_;

I think you all are scaring off potential contributors with the constant "use this, no use that" argument. The people that _actually_ plans to contribute to the project should be the one to make the decision what to use and no, rooting for the project does not make you a contributor.

>> No.5172527

>The people that _actually_ plans to contribute to the project should be the one to make the decision what to use
While still hiding behind anonymity? Yeah right. You think it should be easy to determine who has the right to make decision, but in the end you're still anon pretending to be contributor.

I'm just watching for shit and giggles.

>> No.5173117

Ok, doesn't seem like anyone else is gonna do this, so I might as well. What's the best way to get the script and then manually split it up? How should it be split up? If it's not too difficult, I could do that and shove it on TLWiki, since most people seem happiest with it being there.

>> No.5173469

Little update:

<dsp2003> Hey, TinFoil. I've made the FH archive repacker module. And discovered that recombined text.dat won't work properly, cause it requires some extra coding.
<dsp2003> TinFoil, so now we have repacker but no working script tool.
<@TinFoil> dsp2003: the latter problem can be solved later
<@TinFoil> I just want to push out some sort of non-Retrans thingy asap
<dsp2003> TinFoil, well, you can extract the text now, but can't put it back so it would work.
<@TinFoil> yeah, that's good for now
<dsp2003> I've tried the current text_tool several times, and it works properly
<dsp2003> just drag text.dat onto it's icon
<dsp2003> and viola
<Kanna> so, how are we splitting the script
<dsp2003> the splitting will be performed manually, since text.dat do not contain any sections

>> No.5173492

Login: fhusers
Password: sugoi

Just throwing it out there...

>> No.5173692

Fuck yeah overtranslation!

>> No.5173728

Fuck yeah ZERO translators!

>> No.5173857

This. thread is why I come back to /jp/

>> No.5173890

retrans is shit so yeah

>> No.5174517


I was referring to the attention whoring regulars in the VN scene. I know a few people wanted this translated but it was never hacked and nobody really paid it much attention to it. The moment it's put on RETrans all of the usual attention whores have suddenly become interested in Flyable Heart, what a coincidence.

>> No.5174712

Where is the game being translated? I have nothing to do today so I was thinking of contributing...

>> No.5174755

then you should get out if you come here for this kind of shit.

>> No.5174807

since we have both retrans devs and people thinking it sucks in here why don't we just say what needs improvement and actually try to make it better?

>> No.5174822

We need the contribution:trolling ratio to improve. Anyone got any ideas on that?

>> No.5174870

its already been said a thousand times, a more easier easier interface to edit and TLC in Retrans.

>> No.5175896
File: 50 KB, 1170x663, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Click on the file you want to do, then on the column number in the heading if you want to see the original alongside it. Then on each line you want to translate, just click and type in your translated version. Submit at the bottom.

>> No.5176334

Put it on TLWiki, convince an actual translator to dedicate his time to it.

>> No.5176350

It's already on TLwiki.

>> No.5176446

I mean the scripts, dumbass.

>> No.5176495

Out, TLwiki shill.

>> No.5176519

FYI the one on the svn is t/led farther than the one on retrans. I just checked.

>> No.5176672

Unfortunately the CSV file is also broken.

>> No.5176763
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>Anyone got any ideas on that?
I'm just going to pop in here and give a few of my gripes and comments on the REtrans system. I hope Cudder reads this.

1. The user cannot import CSV files to submit independent, offline work. This is what a majority of users on the TLWiki do with translations by uploading parts of or the entire contents of a hosted file.
2. In the same vein, the actual CSV file is hard to find; it's labeled as "latest" and has a TXT extension.
3. Added to that is the fact that it's not even obvious to find out where to start editing - I thought I was supposed to select "latest" as in editing the latest script.
4. All translations I've looked into use some sort of format, most often the script itself, that allows the translator and any who edit the file to see the text he is translating - most comment out the JP line with double slashes and slap the TL in the next line; the Nitroplus and Kirikiri engines support this internally for developer comments.
5. Stop talking on your main website like it's some sort of business enterprise. Even if it's sarcasm, it irks me.

I personally support the usage of the Sekaiproject SVN repository just because it's SVN. My dream combo would be a wiki to view and perhaps edit files on a subversion repository whose users can register on the TLwiki.
The website front-end would be some sort of blend between Assembla's code browser (http://www.assembla.com/code/Zori/subversion/nodes)) and Mediawiki.

>> No.5176769

Try to salvage what you can from it...

>> No.5176815

<@TinFoil> I arbitrarily am going to see about getting the flyable heart TL off the ground
<@TinFoil> thus I'm going to go about changing and adding stuff on the svn, kay

>> No.5176870

>no regular quotes
>73k lines
WTF is that, a database dump?

>> No.5176936

>All translations I've looked into use some sort of format, most often the script itself, that allows the translator and any who edit the file to see the text he is translating
see >>5175896

>> No.5177036

Didn't we already learn that lesson from Hatsukoi?

>> No.5177068

I immediately understand how the Retrans page works...and my browser renders the text properly...

That other site, I have no earthly idea what to do with it. CSV? C'mon, I want good ol' text files...it's not obvious how to upload a file even...

So Retrans gets my vote...unless someone explains how to use the other site...

>> No.5177086

>Doesn't understand how to use SVN

>> No.5177102

>expects translators to know about tools for software developers

>> No.5177111

A CSV is actually just a text file. The only thing different is the "Comma separated values" bit, which is like a table but instead of columns it uses commas. You edit the file just like any other text and replace the Japanese with the translated text. No special encoding involved whatsoever.

>> No.5177116

Then don't try to say RETrans is better because you can't use Google.

>> No.5177138

The SVN is very easy to use. If you're on Windows, download and install TortoiseSVN. Then find a space on your hard drive, right-click and hit SVN Checkout, then you have a working copy. Edit the file, hit SVN Commit. Next time you start working on it do SVN Update.

>> No.5177216

That will get you into trouble very easily. CSV wasn't meant to be directly edited, just like XML. If you're concentrating on translating the text, your chances of screwing up the file increase. That's exactly what happened to Hatsukoi, if you read the threads.

>download and install
No thanks. REtrans is usable anywhere with a browser and an internet connection. I remember Hatsukoi had one guy translating from a manga cafe, then his friend's place, a computer at the school library, etc.

>> No.5177349


>> No.5177380

Ok, I just did 10 lines on retrans as a little test, seems to work fine for me.
Only thing is, I feel like it's going into a black hole. I mean, what if the website suddenly disappears? That makes me want to investigate the SVN more.

>> No.5177418

They probably do backups.

>> No.5177419

The problem with RETrans isn't that it doesn't work, but that it's inefficient compared to the alternatives (line-by-line editing? What were they thinking?). Well, that and everyone hates Cudder.

>> No.5177511

First 400 lines entered.

It doesn't feel inefficient once you get used to it which you will after submitting several lines. Very straightforward and convenient.

>> No.5177564

Didn't cudder like create it or something? That would explain why he pushes it like he's a fucking salesman.

>> No.5177802

>It doesn't feel inefficient
That doesn't mean it isn't. Convenience is not having to click several hundred times to edit a slab of text or being able to simply upload an updated file in place of the old text. Wikis and SVN have both those advantages.

>> No.5177835

Instead of arguing about it translate it. All you are doing is a bunch of hurf durf as no one who is involved really gives a damn what you think if you haven't noticed. You are just a third arm in the way. Pretty much what you intend to be though I imagine.

>> No.5177877

Mmm, logical fallacies. Stop being so butthurt about your shitty RETrans being so shitty.

>> No.5178415

bawwaaawaawaawaaa that is what you sound like.
When will you understand you look stupid?

>> No.5178435

Can't you guys stop arguing already? We've had two threads worth of this, let's end it here.

>> No.5178444

There's going to be much more of it. Trust me.

>> No.5178510

Protip: You don't even have to click each line you want to edit except for the first time you load the page (you'd have to do that one click with a wiki anyway) --- the keyboard shortcuts from before still work:

Alt+Shift+J: Move down one row
Alt+Shift+K: Move up one row

>> No.5178517

Come back when you can use TAB to move quickly to next line.

>> No.5178557

Updates are happening on the wiki page; seems like shit's starting to move.

>> No.5178558

Sorry if I'm a bit old school, but I like using the arrow key or tab
Constantly using that key combination sounds painful, I'd rather use the mouse

>> No.5178566

Looks like they're getting ready to put up the scripts on TLWiki. Maybe we'll have an actual project soon, rather than trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls.

>> No.5178578

This is good.

>> No.5178584

I'm ready to go ahead and edit like a fucker, so this is good news.

>> No.5178668


>> No.5178743

This is only going to cause more trouble. I can feel it.

>> No.5178758

Tab? That moves horizontally.

Arrow keys are for moving within the field, so unless you want to press an extra key every time you want to edit a field, that won't work well.

But I'm sure if you ask nicely Cudder might think about it.

>> No.5179000

You're a TLwiki senior director?

1. There are several problems with this. Firstly, how do you make sure the CSV files being submitted are not invalid? Secondly, submitting large batches at once has a huge potential for making one submission overwrite another. The batches of 100, although small have already resulted in a collision --- look in the log for the first file for 2010-05-20 21:56:57. We will be adding a system to prevent this in the future.

2,3: Is it really that hard to notice that of those links, two point to files and two point to parameterized scripts? The .txt extension is for compatibility reasons.

4. See >>5175896 and the last few threads, single-column view has been around for at least a month.

5. How is that relevant?

I was thinking of bringing both sides together, but you seem disinterested; embedding RWI in TLwiki would achieve the best of both worlds, but is it even possible if you don't even know very well how to make such additions to your own site's script?

The key bindings are set that way because we don't want them to conflict with your browser's own keyboard shortcuts and J/K are very conveniently located. Tab moves to the captcha field and then to the submit button, so you can submit rather quickly that way. You can change all of this with a userscript if you want, it's all AJAX.

>> No.5179053

>I was thinking of bringing both sides together, but you seem disinterested; embedding RWI in TLwiki would achieve the best of both worlds, but is it even possible if you don't even know very well how to make such additions to your own site's script?

TinFoil doesn't even have access to the TLWiki backend or FTP. Only I do.

Also, he's not speaking for the site. I have no opinion either way on the matter.

Good day.

>> No.5179069

There he is! Get him!!!

>> No.5179093


Idiot! It-it's not like we like Moogy or anything!

>> No.5179099

in b4 everyone starts sucking moogy's cock

>> No.5179110

chupa chupa

>> No.5179114


/jp/ is tsundere for Moogy.

>> No.5179118

in b4 everyone starts sucking Cudder's cock

>> No.5179119


I knew it! Tsundere is the way!

>> No.5179155

But Cudder doesn't have a cock.

>> No.5179194

If you and Cudder "join forces" or similar, it could ease the tension a lot on both sides.

>> No.5179196

House wa Shock!

>> No.5179207

Yet another reason why I don't like Cudder.

>> No.5179245
File: 229 KB, 1600x1200, EV106A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want the fap, without the drama?


>> No.5179270

::::::::::CUDDER STATUS::::::::::
[ ] TOLD



>> No.5179272

>We will be adding a system to prevent this in the future.
So you don't have a locking system in place? Impressive - no wonder you've restricted it to line-by-line editing.

>> No.5179279
File: 13 KB, 200x219, muv_luv_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up.

>> No.5179285

shut the fuck up, cudder.

>> No.5179290

He sounded more ambivalent and neutral than anything else.

Back to /g/, please.

>> No.5179303

God this one faggot goes from VN thread to VN thread making drama where there isn't any. I bet they don't even play VNs.

>> No.5179310

>implying it's just one person
This is /jp/, half the posters here create unneeded drama intentionally.

>> No.5179324

Cudder repeatedly defends his shit anonymously along with other retrans devs

/jp/ hates them for past offences

I think you'll find that retrans will never be accepted on here no matter how hard cudder wants to make a business out of it

>> No.5179330

I also like how someone went through the TLWiki page and changed the script file links to RETrans links. I don't think that's what they intended them to be used for.

>> No.5179340
File: 176 KB, 1200x900, 4943037.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sugoi! Keep up the good translating, /jp/! And please for the love of hearts, agree on something!

>> No.5179349

I want to tell you to go fuck yourself but I won't. I just see big mouthed an anon with a huge hard on over this causing too much fucking drama. STFU and let these people translate.

>> No.5179360

It was prolly the loud mouthed troll hoping to start more shit.

>> No.5179362

a thread on /jp/ doesn't stop "these people" from translating

>> No.5179364

That's fine, I was only making a proposal of common benefit.

We keep undo logs so all submitted lines are saved somewhere, but the proposed system will let you know when your submissions are going to overwrite someone else's, and allow you to choose which lines you want to overwrite and which to abandon. This is still in the planning stage. Meanwhile, you can request other features and we may implement them if we decide they will be useful.

>> No.5179369

Whose the team leader for this translation?

>> No.5179374

looks like cudder trying to force his shit on tlwiki

>> No.5179380

lol, they actually point to the right sections but it'll be pretty convenient.

>> No.5179387
File: 133 KB, 600x867, 1801581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm just the original Flyable anon who made the daily SUGOI threads.

>> No.5179395

>made the daily SUGOI threads
Thats not really something to be proud of

>> No.5179398 [DELETED] 

Whose the fucking head translator?

>> No.5179401

Who is the head translator?

>> No.5179412


>> No.5179432

i can see it failing already.

>> No.5179437

Well this is going to fail.

>> No.5179443

We need some new trips in here.

>> No.5179445

Hatsukoi made it to 2/3 with anons translating, although they did have a manager (even if it was one that most of them hated.)

>> No.5179466

Who's going to TLC it to determine its quality? Clannad was community translation, and its quality is pretty poor.

>> No.5179585

According to you everything is shit and everything is shitty and we are all doing it wrong all the time. No one cares what you think anymore.

>> No.5179627

This. Who's going to TLC it?

>> No.5179630

>implying having TLC is a good thing

>> No.5179633

>Everybody who disagrees with you must be the same person.

Astounding logic there. I don't think everything is shitty, I just have a well-evidenced distrust of community translation (Clannad, Baka-Tsuki in general) compared to normal translation. Inferior translation methods lead to inferior translations.

>> No.5179642

Which is better than no translations at all.
Beggars can't be choosers.

>> No.5179648

Which is why >>5179633 needs to STFU and GTFO.

>> No.5179653

It is a good thing. A very good thing.

>> No.5179656

I'd argue a bad translation is worse than no translation, because it can ruin a VN and kills the chance for a good translation to come out later.


>> No.5179694

Who's to say that there will be an end product at all when they can't even figure out how they want to do the scripts after five days?

>> No.5179700

>I'd argue a bad translation is worse than no translation
And? How would you know that? The project hasn't even took off yet. You're just prejudiced.

Lay off with the elitist mentality man. You and your small circle of friends at TLWiki aren't the only one that can translate a game. It's not like suddenly turning someone into a tripfag and IRCfag would suddenly improve his translation quality.

>> No.5179712

Said the dumbfuck who can't even read moon.

>> No.5179734

>suddenly turning someone into a tripfag and IRCfag would suddenly improve his translation quality.
Yes, but it'd be a lot easier to pin and fix his terrible quality. Not so when you have a dozen translators. As for prejudice - there's yet to be a community translation that has produced something of decent quality so I'd say it's justifiable. Clannad was riddled with errors and died before a final release, everything else by Baka-Tsuki is of questionable quality (and there's a lot of it), Editorashi screwed up as much as it fixed. Hatsukoi's currently an unknown, assuming it ever manages to finish.

>You and your small circle of friends at TLWiki
It's your idiotic assumptions like this that make me laugh.

>> No.5179738

Oh it's Bangcock and his moronic trolling. Full steam ahead for craptacular troll thread time!

>> No.5179740

Said the dumbfuck who can't even read moon.

>> No.5179770

I thought the need for a TLC in the first place is signatory of the translator's incompetence. Furthermore, even after going through the countless professional-sounding processes such as Editing, TLC, QC and other steps in the name of a quality release (but we all know it's for e-penis), we still have a shitload of errors in final releases which lead to the need for the release of v2 and even v3 patches. Example? Moogy-dono and his quality "respect-the-author's wishes" team who are touching your Subahibi.

>> No.5179860

The only difference between community projects you loathe and translation cabal like TLWiki is that the former aren't in it for the ego and doesn't go around circlejerking on IRC. It shouldn't be used as an indicator of quality. For all you know that anonymous contributor might be fluent in Japanese. On the other hand your irc buddy might have been using agth/atlas. It can go either way.

Baka-tsuki is Baka-tsuki, /jp/ is /jp/. Don't think that just because one lacks quality control the others will too. Just look at Hatsukoi, they threw a whole route because it was found to be lacking in quality.

And if you really care about the project why not contribute or start it yourself? Don't sabotage other people's attempts.

Anyway, it's obvious that this argument is going nowhere.
I give up. Have a good day.

>> No.5179915

>former aren't in it for the ego
I love when people use this argument. They're doing it because they're true fans, therefore it must be better! Ego is a sign of the devil!

>Don't sabotage other people's attempts.
In what way am I sabotaging their attempt? I'm arguing on 4chan about it, not going around and vandalising RETrans.

>> No.5180081


This is a good development.

>> No.5180131

Very good.

>> No.5180155

it looks like the slowfag who kept saying he'd translate it is actually taking steps towards it

I wish to show my full support of a non-retrans project

though I hope it doesn't move at a pace of TWO FUCKING SCRIPTS PER YEAR

>> No.5180368

She can go faster, she demonstrated the ability to do two scripts in a week recently.

That said, tentative support conditional that she takes it seriously. The best sign is that she's been willing to take the time to get it up there and started.

>> No.5180386

She needs to concentrate and finish Asukimi before taking on any other projects.

>> No.5180407

that cunt really should finish asukimi or drop it and focus on sugoi heart

also, pretty sure that it's the other guy who translated the scripts

>> No.5180458

>Editing: User: DawningBlue

So she won't be TLing?

>> No.5180566

Apparently not. She still needs to focus on Asukimi though.

>> No.5180797

I'd be willing to translate it if it weren't on REtrans.
It's hard to use and if Cudder's involved fuck that shit.

>> No.5180821

The scripts are now on the tlwiki so you can translate there.

>> No.5180827


Scripts are currently being put up at TLWiki

>> No.5180834

She just added herself as a translator. Oh boy.

>> No.5180883

Oh good.

>> No.5181349

This is getting translated? That's cool. I just got to the part where they're all at the beach now.

God damn I really love all the characters. Just found out Yui is a fan of samurai dramas. Scene was hilarious. Really starting to like Yui now.

Amane better start doing something or I might just not go her route after all.

>> No.5181376

What the fuck are you doing here? Why aren't you banned?

>> No.5181389


Huh? Just commenting on something that is relevant to my interests?

>> No.5181508

Give this reformed tonberryking a chance.

>> No.5181909
File: 700 KB, 970x661, ifi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay, productive conversation. Anyway.

1. How does Wikipedia know that anonymous edits aren't just blanking the page? There's the character count on Special:Recent_pages, but that's besides the point. The decision to allow all sorts of shiznit is a compromise between usability and unfuckability - you've chosen the extreme of the latter.
>The batches of 100, although small have already resulted in a collision
You've already explained this in the following post, but I urge you put completion that feature near the top of your to-do list: >>5179364

2/3. Experience has shown that if users don't know what to click or do off the bat (the problem with some iPad apps right now), users are turned off by the program/webpage/whatever and never use it again. With REtrans, some /jp/ users are obviously turned off by the interface.
What I'm trying to say is that passerby users have a unbelivably small threshold for searching for where something is. Effort for more than a moment in their time is too much effort when you make an interface for the masses. I would cite UI design philosophy, but that's way too much effort for an argument on 4chan.

4. I'm surprised I didn't rewrite or remove my number four: my draft post had something to do about having that view as the default when doing AJAX editing on a line. My fault.

5. It's not relevant, but I just felt like telling you that it irks me. Just take it as a random internet opinion.

I forgot that my words can be construed as speaking for the TLWiki administration, so I should start putting disclaimers that these are my personal opinions. I also won't be able to access the internet until Sunday afternoon. Hooray.

>> No.5181942
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, Rapture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reformed tonberryking

>> No.5181957

who's that dsp2003 guy? sounds familiar though

>> No.5181976


Russian who made the Ever17 voice and BGM patches.

>> No.5182016

You turn EVERY thread you are in into shit. It's like rampant virulent shit leprosy. I fully expect you to attention whore like a champ, so we can get you banned again. Hopefully IP range banned.

>> No.5182095


WTF? I didn't even do anything. All I said was I think it's cool people are working on this and a bit about why I like the game.

>> No.5182197

Just wanna bump up this thread a bit to say I'm one of the translatorfags from Sekai Project who was working on this for them. Since some of my translations are up already on retrans, I figured I would continue copying and pasting some more from there and adding more to retrans as well.

Despite most people's low faith in /jp/ being able to translate anything, I still have hope that this project will see completion, so I'm hopping aboard the project.

>> No.5182205


Is Eden really cancelled?
I don't wanna believe... ;_;

>> No.5182208

It's been cancelled for over a month now
Where the fuck have you been?

>> No.5182214

You good for nothing piss bags.

>> No.5182215


In denial.

>> No.5182282


Are you Walfas?

>> No.5182497

No need to put it on REtrans now that the scripts are being put on TLWiki, considering most people'll be using that from now on.

>> No.5182784

And by that I mean that it'd be better off to put the translations on TLWiki, not that you shouldn't do anything.

I should read my posts before posting them.

>> No.5184489


Will do good sir.

I hope to get this shit done asap so I can work on the game with Mayuri's story in it afterwards.

>> No.5184744

Always great to have another TL onboard. Seems like this'll move a lot faster now.

>> No.5184981
File: 32 KB, 469x428, trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking 100+ split parts, no format or structure whatsoever
My face when everything gets translated but won't work in the game because of a tiny little mistake somewhere in that sea of text.

>> No.5185041

>no format or structure whatsoever
Except there is. I also don't think you know how insertion works.

>> No.5185123

>bitch don't know about my QC works

>> No.5185209

Synchronizing REtrans and TLwiki would be the best.

>> No.5185982 [DELETED] 

>I can work on the game with Mayuri's story in it
I love you.

>> No.5185992

I love you.

>> No.5187357

They're doing it manually?

>> No.5188301

this thread is full of TLwiki fags.

>> No.5188562

New thread?

>> No.5188592

Well, we're not autosaging yet (when does that happen now? 350 posts? 300?) - we're just not getting the bumps from the TLWiki vs RETrans arguments.

For news, we have two translators, an editor, 1/3 of the scripts uploaded to TLWiki with the rest presumably on the way, and the tools to reassemble a working text.dat (included an encrypter and a recombination tool for the 317 scripts). I'd say we have a Flyable Heart project.

>> No.5188639

And several hundred lines already translated on REtrans.

>> No.5188657

There's two scripts translated on the Tlwiki too.

>> No.5188704

Hell yeah! I'll be cheering for you guys.

>> No.5188717

The translator who was on ShitTrans has moved onto the TLWiki page

>> No.5188770

Those are some really good news. I wish you guys good luck with the project and I hope to see it completed someday.

>> No.5191239

The Flyable Heart translation thread isn't over yet.

>> No.5193232

>retrans is shit
Way to show your maturity.

>> No.5193950

warmly waiting
