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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5172245 No.5172245 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have any nice Touhou flash games?

>> No.5172250
File: 347 KB, 1043x1500, bug_bastard_was_it_05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play the windows games.

>> No.5172258

Now what is a trap magic?

>> No.5172291

- create.swf, drag a Touhou into a mysterious gap.
- That one with Reisen shooting suppositories into people, I forget.

>> No.5172301
File: 138 KB, 512x384, chargemanken_chinaguy-hong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5172302






>> No.5172322


>> No.5172323


>> No.5172569

The strongest battle is pretty good.

>> No.5172646
File: 25 KB, 480x357, are you frustrated2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5172656


43ver2 i34o3t401 4essag3 1o1Chri2t2p21r4P02le4(A4A 0o43, 4KA0th24a12i1 23 4ch0n31 4em4ve40434il4e3a0 c1431 o0 2no1T133 f2om4yo1r34e1041s4o41y0u wil114h113l3303 004t423ar yo030hom00by 332e4son31ou hav42n441r 3e4 (ne2t21r0ha4e3I). 4243ha2e 030n12ar1241334y 2i1es 4232chosen t1 c0nti33e3hostin0 2h1323lega2 3330e 113S34o01s 002k.3Yo2 4re4a sl2a43, 3ir10, l0in203hie2343umb4g;1443se4e0s3hu330 3ei01332o4l3c2s 0 111l434ch0n14a2 3u1n24 the 4nter1et4on3s43m1ny030ve420a3d3n2e0s to be remove004r13144e0I1t3rn1t302m00et2l1, but1that i30an3t4er 4att4r3044i4e32. 41341ow, 2em001112e 40on34a440p4y S4sop $650301313S40204co12r 4t1le40t 4o133of 0is44a4y22x40334s1 311se13b0 y4ur2a3my of14432ls ov2r1203 0ea4s40wh1c301o3 ha4e1a012we1 1o2org1n1z2 il30gal attac1s 24 330404e20102a13.3S3nce313322av00s000e30ou04origi31l d202in,32ee:4h2tp2314832132031200o104t14:41w142a2o204l13s1/134042tp14/a30k03moa10e1

>> No.5172780

What am I reading here

>> No.5172800

"A very important message to moot - Take down illegal copy" blah blah, I'm a huge faggot please rape my face.

>> No.5172803 [DELETED] 

Here it is with LETTERS, at least:

A v_ery impor_tan t ,mes's.ag'e t_o. .Ch'r_ist_o_p h e r Po.o'l,e _(AK_A. ,mo'ot_,, A_K A, the' admin_ .o,f 4c han.):. r_em ov.e, the ,ille.ga,l' ,c,l,on_e _o.f_ A'n.on_Ta_lk .fro,m 'y o_ur' se.rver.s or, yo.u .w,i ll sho'r'tl'y b e .sho't ne'ar y_ou_r h_o'm,e' by a p_er'son _y'o u h_a ve n.e.ver, me_t_ (,neit,h,er h'ave _I). 'Yo.u h'a,ve be,en_ .w,a'r'ne_d, ma'ny 'times but ,c,ho se n .to co.nt_i_n u'e ,h_ost ing the il le'g a,l c lon.e 'o f' ,S_ys_op''s_ w.o'r'k . 'You, a,re' a .s l.e.a.z.y, d.ir,t y,_ ,l,y_i'ng t'hie_f_ ,s_c,um ba,g';, a us,el es,s. hum,an .b,e i'ng who 'l a,cks. a, _s,oul .' '4 c_h a'n 'has ruine'd' .th.e In,t.e.rn et on ,s.o. man_y leve.l s a_n_d_ ne_e_ds_ t o_ .b.e r,emo.v.e d, fr'o m t'he. .In'ter_n.e t, co,mp l.et,el,y, ,bu,t .that i,s, _a'n_ot her ,m.att'er e,nti r e_l'y'. For now,. .remo_v e _t.he clo'n.e 'and _pay _S'ys,op, $_65.0','00,0 _U.S'D to' .co ver 'a.t lea,st_ s,om,e of his m.an y e.xpen'se s,. 'ca.u.se d _by y o.u.r. a rmy of, t,r o lls, .ov er _th_e year's ,, .w_h_ich. _yo.u' ,h.av'e ,a.ll'o.w,e,d ,to o,r.g,an i'z'e .i l,le ga l' at tac.k.s on 't'h'i.s v.e_r_y _bo.a rd'. .Sinc,e you_ ,ha'v.e s_to,l.e'n _o'u,r_ o r,i_gi na l d,omain,, s_ee:_ h ttp.:.// 88_..8 0,.21..,1 2_/' or. h't_t.p_:./'/www'.a.n,o'nta lk_.'se / _o.r. 'h,ttp,://'a.t.k_i_mm'o'a.s.e/'

>> No.5172819


Gee, I think he might be frustrated. The AT spam's been sounding increasingly unhinged since the day he dropped the 'many hugs from tiny loli who just wants her board nice and clean' version.

>> No.5172821


So, this guy from (supposedly) Anontalk is still bitching around because moot doesn't pay him.

What a faggot.

>> No.5172823

Oooh, elevating it to death threats, eh?

Someone call the Finnish rozzers; I think we can wrap this sordid affair up very quickly.

>> No.5172848

Can you even imagine the amount of people he'd have to pay that have ever written bbs software?

>> No.5172881

He posts this on every board.
Which board does he mean in:
>pay _S'ys,op, $_65.0','00,0 _U.S'D to' .co ver 'a.t lea,st_ s,om,e of his m.an y e.xpen'se s,. 'ca.u.se d _by y o.u.r. a rmy of, t,r o lls, .ov er _th_e year's ,, .w_h_ich. _yo.u' ,h.av'e ,a.ll'o.w,e,d ,to o,r.g,an i'z'e .i l,le ga l' at tac.k.s on 't'h'i.s v.e_r_y _bo.a rd'.

>> No.5172896

He thinks we're an army of trolls. lol.

>> No.5172902

Kimmo = King of Autism.

>> No.5172904


His site which was generally annihilated by 4chan a month or two ago. Full saga here: http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Anontalk

Also, how dumb do you have to be to fucking respond or talk about spambots. I do agree though that if it has moved to actual threats, then legal action should be taken (if only to stop the spam finally)

>> No.5172905

He means http://tiny.4chan.org/, I think, that's the board that mocks him and his bbs and which made him change his spam from "visit my site!" to "fuckers stop spamming my site and remove your illegal clone".
