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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 517 KB, 1959x1400, ichinensei-02-070-071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5164139 No.5164139 [Reply] [Original]

You will never do anything this manly in your life, /jp/.

>> No.5164142

Why is her shirt dissolving

>> No.5164143

Pssh, I piss on the floor every single day.

*puffs chest*

>> No.5164148

Acidic urine.

>> No.5164149

Little girl piss is as acidic as sulfuric acid.

Then again, I wouldn't expect a virgin to know that.

>> No.5164155

I remember a classmate pissing himself back in gradeschool just because the asshole-teacher didn't let him go to the WC before.

>> No.5164163


White shirt + Wet urine + Stick to surface = See through.

>> No.5164167

>the WC

the what?

>> No.5164169

Water closet

>> No.5164174
File: 354 KB, 970x1400, ichinensei05_0144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5164175

water closet, I think that guy is European

same shit happened to a friend of mine in fourth garde, goddamn asshole teacher

>> No.5164178

Who the hell calls it the water closet?

The only time I've ever heard that term used is in porn titles.

>> No.5164182

>he doesn't know what a WC is

>> No.5164186

Civilized people.

>> No.5164190

That manga gave me every type of diabetes in the book.

>> No.5164191


>> No.5164199


Yeah, right.

Enjoying your collapsing euro?

>> No.5164200

I sometimes call it a Winston Churchill.

>> No.5164202

Source is /jp/ Offline Meet-up.

>> No.5164206

Greece was here.

Europe is a shithole.

>> No.5164208

I'm not sure what the currency has to do with civilization. And retarded currency-trolling belongs in /int/.

>> No.5164221

What do you call the hat that the mini hime-sama is wearing?

And why is she allowed to wear it in class?

>> No.5164226

Currency is the basis of a working economy, and a civilization can't exist without a functioning economy.

Your currency failing means your civilization is failing and therefore your opinions are worth less than shit.

>> No.5164235

As I said before, go back to /int/.
The Euro and the Pound Sterling are still stronger than the Dollar, but who gives a damn?
It's a beret, I think.

>> No.5164243

European here: We don't use euros.
Americas currency is shit.

>> No.5164248

Norwegian, Swede, Swiss?

>> No.5164253


>> No.5164256

/r/ mediafire

>> No.5164257

Not too hungover from yesterday?

>> No.5164261

Nah, it's actually like hydrofluoric acid. Upon coming into contact with it, it seeps through the skin and starts melting tissue inside until it finds bone, which it can also erode. Again much like hydrofluoric acid, the victim may not feel the damage until about 8 hours late. The urine however is different in that it shapes bone and flesh to form another young girl, and a victim of girl piss may go to sleep only to wake up as a girl himself eight hours later.

How did you think humans reproduce, sex? Sex is a lie. Ask anyone in /jp/ whether they had sex and you'll see.

>> No.5164264

2 days ago.
Nah, I took it easy.

>> No.5164276

Why would you want that? Do you not like direct download links?

>> No.5164280

Fore some reason rapidshare and mediafire and such count as ddl.

>> No.5164282

Thank you.

>> No.5164289

Please take me back to a world of private ftps and bbs'

>> No.5164324

You will never be changed into a little girl by an evil scientist.

>> No.5164331

Says you.

>> No.5164332

Those are the same as MF/RS except no waiting time.

>> No.5164337

Gratulerer med dagen som var!

>> No.5164344


>> No.5164347

Huh. The OP pic didn't enthuse me too much but after reading the first chapter I'm interested in reading more.

>> No.5164369

Not supposed to tell you this, but once you have sex for the first time, you'd know it wasn't a lie.

It's actually a huge religion. 3D pig disgusting people have sex to appease the goddess so we can have bountiful crops for the next month. The reason why people use "toys" is because they are excruciatingly painful: The more pain, the better crops.

>> No.5164403

Sure is moralfags saging a loli thread.

>> No.5164408

Get out.

>> No.5164410

Sure is time for you to go back to bed.

>> No.5164418

No you get out, samefag.

>> No.5164423

Can't you see how close those two posts were?

Get out retard.

>> No.5164425
File: 628 KB, 1440x1051, IMG_0057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it me, or has there been a lot of transgender manga being posted here for no apparent reason?

/jp/ must really want to become the little girl.

>> No.5164427

U mad? You are alone.

>> No.5164438

You don't know what a sage is.

Go back to /v/.

>> No.5164444

enjoy your pedo shit for now, in a few years or even months Japan will forbbid and it will be illegal in every fucking country

>> No.5164445

Apparently you don't either. Just because it's used a certain way in Japan it doesn't mean it's done this way in 4chan. And it never will.

>> No.5164449

I have always wanted to be the little girl.

>> No.5164454


>> No.5164463


Guy gradually gets more and more confused about his sexuality. I predict a happy end with the rich stud.

>> No.5164470

When will we get an anime version ;_;

>> No.5164472

4chan has different boards with different rules, instead of acting like an ass try taking it easy.

>> No.5164562

It is kinda fun, but it doesn't hit me like it will be popular.

>> No.5164631

Are you kidding? This is god-tier manga!

>> No.5164647

- Strong pedotones
- Drawing is sometimes awkward.
- Not all that popular

So by this I- Oh wait. Kodomo no Jikan. Sure, there is a chance.

>> No.5164673

>strong pedotones
That's why it's awesome.
It's also much superior to KnJ.

>> No.5164676
File: 377 KB, 972x1400, ichinensei-04_0003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who wished this manga had taken the whole "she never was a male high schooler, it's all in her head" route that it hinted at for a couple chapters? I know it would have pulled pretty hard away from the gag genre, but it would have been awesome.

>> No.5164700


What the hell? Butthurt amerifags? On /jp/? Is the world coming to an end?

>> No.5164708

More like butthurt Eurofags, scared of their impending financial collapse due to the fact that they have fucked up their societies.

Not that America isn't on the same road.

>> No.5164724
File: 58 KB, 644x410, 4hoops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Butthurt yurupfags losing their economy and their pathetic exchange rate to the yen.
>Butthurt amerikanfags having all their lolis banned and tons of new legislation

The superior asians are laughing at you two hahahaha.

>> No.5164733

I sometimes like to imagine grabbing you by the hair at the back of your head and slamming it into the keyboard until either one breaks.

>> No.5164830

The Euro just took a dent because the lazy and untrustworthy Greek cheated on their taxes. Germany will make the Euro strong again, trust a hardworking German like me.

>> No.5164854

>Continue lending money to Greek even when the whole world know they can't pay them back.
Enjoy paying for Greeks welfare faggot.

>> No.5164917 [DELETED] 

>It's called working together.
Now lets get this back on topic.

Next time you have any issues peeing next to someone in a public restroom, think of OP pic and pee with all your glory!

>> No.5164933

>Butthurt amerikanfags having all their lolis banned and tons of new legislation
This isn't happening. Stop hallucinating.

>> No.5165002

>impending financial collapse

You do realize that USA is in a much worse situation financially? Not to mention euro is still stronger than dolar. And EU's GDP is bigger than US's GDP.

>> No.5165061

Is it just me or did this whole series seem like a transgendered Detective Conan?

It's got the grown-up woman he can't confess to because he's a kid and everything.

>> No.5165076

minus all the detective stuff

>> No.5165091

I repeat, please keep this in /int/ or /b/.

>> No.5165102

Random Protip: Glenn Beck is a supporter of keeping loli legal.

Kinda getting tired of all the hate he gets, he's actually a good guy once you get past the blubbering and crying and his religion complex.

>> No.5165106

We all know nobody reads Detective Conan for the mysteries.

>> No.5165117

Oh, is that manga where the guy actually becomes the little girl... ;_;

>> No.5165127

>he's actually a good guy once you get past the blubbering and crying and his religion complex.
Too bad I just can't get past that. He's pretty much a nutcase.

>> No.5165131

>Glenn Beck is a supporter of keeping loli legal
Calling bullshit.
>he's actually a good guy
I doubt that.

>> No.5165148

I dunno, I stopped reading it by the time the alien showed up.

Perhaps I should pick it up again.

>> No.5165163

You stopped about one or two chapters before that one.

>> No.5165304

I'm gonna need some proof on this one...

>> No.5165391

Just finished the first 10 chapters.

Every last inch of my room is covered in semen.

>> No.5165476

As it should be.

>> No.5165485

>manly little girls
This how /jp/ should be

>> No.5165505

Because /jp is the little girl

>> No.5165507
File: 261 KB, 1276x1000, 9708059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are all little girls.

>> No.5165513

And we longed for an embrace from little girls. As manly as they can be.

>> No.5165516

the jokes are really good as well. I can imagine some scenes being animated and they would look pretty good

>> No.5165517
File: 486 KB, 882x700, 9379050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little girls go better with other little girls.

>> No.5165575

The white Len isn't really a little girl since she has small breasts...

>> No.5165577

brb going to sacrifice my life for the sake of an elementary school student

And finally become the little girl.

>> No.5165586
File: 309 KB, 680x563, OFURO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame that the translators were such weeaboos.

>> No.5165599
File: 105 KB, 320x620, 9372697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But little girls have little breasts.

This is understood.

>> No.5165604
File: 213 KB, 968x1400, ichinensei-01_0078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I was thinking about the same thing.

Also, what the fuck? Why is a boy wearing that?

>> No.5165614

ok it worked

>> No.5165618

prove it

>> No.5165628

Little girls are too young to have breasts.

>> No.5165630

They are shorts. nothing unusual.

>> No.5165634

Actually the translator decided to test a way of translating on this manga. He even mentioned it on the first post about the release of the translated manga.

>> No.5165635

I think he means the thighhighs.

>> No.5165643

I don't think you understand how this works.

>> No.5165661

I don't think a tripfag can understand anything to begin with, so I'll take that as a compliment.

>> No.5165672
File: 18 KB, 290x290, 1251149030915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread after this post
You never change, /jp/.

>> No.5165685

You are apparently confused, and pitiable.

>> No.5165707

You obviously confuse little girls and young teenagers. But then again we got to blame the medias for calling 16-years-old little girls as well.

>> No.5165950


Yeah. You are right. No boy should wear those.
