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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5165303 No.5165303 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5165324
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>> No.5165323

Remove Ichiro Suzuki as Seattle Mariners leader.

>> No.5165331

All of that.

>> No.5165334

>There's nothing he can do now.

>> No.5165337

[x] commit seppuku

>> No.5165338
File: 177 KB, 1135x716, WE-SHALL-RULE-AGAIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His approval rating will rise when WE SHALL RULE AGAIN.

>> No.5165339


>> No.5165345

>You will never have your land back ;_;

>> No.5165346

lol at removing the bases, fucking ungrateful nips

>> No.5165348

Hahaha, I voted nothing can be done now.
You'd have to be some sort of crazed gaijin to vote your way.

>> No.5165363

>lol at removing the bases, fucking ungrateful nips
I don't blame them for wanting the base gone. It's not so much the fact that American military is stationed there but the fact that American soldiers pick fights with locals and rape women. I don't think they do it at the German bases, but for some reason being stationed in Okinawa means you can do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.5165379

latent racism on the part of american soldiers

>> No.5165384


But rape in Japan is like saying hello... plus have you seen all those manga? Women in Japan love rape.

>> No.5165386

>latent racism on the part of american soldiers
against yellow people I mean

>> No.5165399

>Disclose how he used the more than 1.2 billion yen given to him by his mother
Fuck the other stuff, I want to know what he's doing with his own damn money!

>> No.5165401

>Nips complaining about racism
Eat some of your own medicine, dogs!

>> No.5165403

Japs jealous of Americans

>> No.5165406

Right, because Okinawa would have a booming economy if it weren't for the US military.

Ungrateful little wankers. Too bad for them that the US doesn't care what they think.

>> No.5165409

If the soldiers would just behave there wouldn't be a problem. If they can do it in Germany, why can't they do it in Japan?

>> No.5165415
File: 53 KB, 896x717, Hatoyama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this poll a joke or what?
The only reason Hatoyama's popularity dropped is because of his foreign policies with China and Korea. This, combined with the fact he is a left-winger obviously didn't sit well with a nation as sympathetic of right-winges and mistrusting of its East Asian neighbors as Japan.

>> No.5165418

Maybe its not the military, maybe its the people outside it?

In Germany, there's no culture of women making false accusations against men like there is in Japan. Germany also has a stronger economy, and work ethic, unlike Japan. Japan is also notorious for the rather 'liberated' sexuality of the women there.

>> No.5165426


the rapes and stuff are so blown out of proportion. when it does happen the nips go fucking ballistic over it, that's why they get the perception that they are constantly RAPE RAPE RAPE over there.

i have a few buddies who were over there and it is basically just butthurt over a few drunk soldiers generally being early-mid 20 year old shitheads, and soldiers banging locals they pick up at bars.

>> No.5165429

If some American soldier is a source of disturbance you have to remove the soldier, not the whole military base. As if you would benefit from removing it, anyway...

>> No.5165423

>Germany also has a stronger work ethic than Japan
What? Compared to Germans, Nips work their asses off like slaves.

>> No.5165432

Those 12 year old sluts were fucking begging for it.

>> No.5165433

>'liberated' sexuality of the women
Wait, what?

>> No.5165434


>> No.5165436


Pick one.

>> No.5165437


yes because of a few isolated cases everyone should go.

>> No.5165443

Did you accidentally confuse Germany and Japan? Some strange form of dyslexia?

>> No.5165453

Which is why Germany has a culture of young people who don't go to school or work, or even leave their rooms?

Try again.

>> No.5165465

Germany doesn't have the hikki phenomenon, but there's plenty of people not doing any work and leeching welfare, sadly.
Despite the fact that Japan has their thousands of hikki NEETs, the average German works less than the average Nip. This is why living in Japan sucks, by the way.

>> No.5165482

Japanse don't work hard. They just put in lots of hours and keep up appearances. German products are usually regarded as higher-quality. Even in Japan, people would rather own a mercedes than a toyota.

>> No.5165508

>Even in Japan, people would rather own a mercedes than a toyota.
Perhaps that's related to the status of a Mercedes Benz everywhere on earth rather than how hard Germans or Japs work?

>> No.5165551

Sans the basement dwellers (which are very few in number), everyone else cracks their balls with their jobs.

In the US, an average work week is 40 hours. In Japan, it's around 60.

>> No.5165562
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It would be helpful if someone would teach him how to dress.

>> No.5165565

i wish i had a job

>> No.5165566
File: 31 KB, 550x400, hatoyama2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't decide if this one is awesome or stupid. Maybe a little bit of both.

>> No.5165570
File: 34 KB, 550x400, hatoyama1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better clothes
not-so-good pose

>> No.5165592

When you live in Japan, you can't help but to become accustomed to their culture.

>> No.5165597

> In Japan, it's around 60.

60 hours of UNPRODUCTIVE work.

Americans work less hours and are WAY more productive than the Japanese. You see, just because they're at work, doesn't mean they're actually working. They're really unproductive workers compared to Germany or the US.

>> No.5165608

>>all american military members are probably fucking dirt bag marines

I don't think you know how the military works sir.

>> No.5165609
File: 247 KB, 710x1938, okinawa_discussion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US base cannot be moved out of Okinawa. Hatoyama just learned why he cannot do that.

>> No.5165625

Just because you're not being productive doesn't mean spending 60 hours a week on your job doesn't suck. And it's not like you can leave early if you're actually doing something.
So yeak, working in Japan sucks big time.

>> No.5165633

wait, you guys do know that there is more than just a marine base in Okinawa, right? There's at least an air force base also.

>> No.5165654

Fucking Okinawa, Sarina's route was boring as hell.

>> No.5165670

>Germany also has a stronger economy

>Japan - 5,068,059 millions $
>Germany - 3,352,742 millions $

>> No.5165671

They're not disputing Kadena AFB.

The base in question MCAS Futenma.

>> No.5165688


You don't know shit about Japan bro.

>> No.5165724

Any soldiers on Okinawa who would even try raping a girl are fucking retarded. After all the shitstorm caused by a bunch of niggers and protests it caused in whole Japan their superiors would eat them alive if they caused something like that again. And I'd rather get raped by a pack of polar bears than spend 10 years in asian prison.

>> No.5165729
File: 38 KB, 450x300, spice-harvester.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Hatoyama, he failed to understand how THE SPICE MUST FLOW

>> No.5165758

Those numbers are all lies, the nips are useless lazy spics!

>> No.5165839

>MV-22s regularly flying over a city

This will end well.

>> No.5165843

Also, the DPJ is the best JP party, that is all.

>> No.5165852

my cousin is stationed in okinawa
he gets it on with a used goods middle aged hotel maid

>> No.5165878

Japan owes a good part of its GDP to underpaid Korean and Chinese workforce, if they had the same equitable work ethics as Germany they would fare far worse.

>> No.5165884

>it can't be helped


>> No.5165904

Germany's GDP is slightly higher per capita.

>> No.5165927

What work ethics? My brother worked for a few months in Germany and was never paid. He even had to ask money to my grandmother to be able to get back.

>> No.5165955

How the fuck did this turn into Germany vs Japan?

A difference I noticed it that in Japan you can absolutely not under any circumstances badmouth your job. You have to love your job, no matter how shitty it is. Also at the place I worked back when I was in Japan you to be 10 minutes earlier... had to, it was obligatory but it wasn't paid.

>> No.5165961

Germany is pretty much the worst country in the world.

Asuka agreed, don't bother her about it.

>> No.5165962

>underpaid Korean and Chinese workforce

Sad but true, at this one place there was this Chinese girl who got like 10,000 yen per month + an additional 20,000 yen sent home. That's like 300$ for fulltime work.

>> No.5165991

Because Japan's government is trying to re-work the agreement with the US on military bases on Japanese soil.

Meanwhile, the Germans accept them. They understand the purpose of NATO. The Japanese on the other hand, refuse to accept history and do not take any blame for the crimes and offenses they committed.

>> No.5166045

But how does occupying them help in any way?

>> No.5166054
File: 174 KB, 1028x706, mcas futenma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Which just so happens to be the base I'm stationed on. I think the Japs are being fucking retarded about the whole base deal. The airfield has been around since WW2, so having to deal with the noise of helo's and the occasional C-130 is their own fault for building right up next the the fence.

Another thing, usually whenever something big happens out in town, the III MEF CG would lock down all the bases, meaning we can't go anywhere except for work, the barracks, and the px. It hasn't happened since I've been on the island, but they really dont joke around with out of town incidents. Also, the last rape happened years ago. The way they have the bases now means that if anyone tries anything like that again, they will be destroyed, both by his command, and the other marines who are now stuck on base for who knows how long without alcohol and various other things.

Finally, there are no MV-22's on Okinawa. We still have good old CH-46E's, which is probably the safest helo in the Corps. Stop talking about stuff you guys dont know about. Pic related, its the air station.

>> No.5166075

It's cheaper than having their own army.

>> No.5166094

Remove censorship of genitals

>> No.5166102

Japan does have an army of their own, they just call it self-defense force because their constitution forbids army that could be used for offensive purposes.

>> No.5166178

I mean how does it help the US?

>> No.5166185

The US needs a base there to secure their influence in east Asia.

>> No.5166192

Wow, does Japan have any sense of city planning? It looks like someone just dumped a bunch of buildings randomly all over the land facing any given direction to match the postage-stamp sized plots of land.

>> No.5166263

>Japan does have an army of their own, they just call it self-defense force

The SDF does not compare in any way to the military force of similarly-sized countries. Even comparing S. Korea to Japan is a joke.

>> No.5166272


We leveled the Japs in ww2

After that pretty much everywhere was rebuild in the space of ten years

So yeah, that sounds about right.

>> No.5166275

The South Korean military is pretty badass, by the way.

>> No.5166423

That's why Japan is the 3rd country in the world spending more money in weaponry.

>> No.5166444

Why doesn't America leave and let China show Japan just how much they love them?

>> No.5166483


...That's actually not a bad idea, now that I think of it.

South Korea hates us. They're always lighting themselves on fire to show how much they hate american troops being there.

Nips are naturally self-centered

And while Taiwan doesn't hate us, popular sentiment is rapidly turning towards favoring reunification even if means under the PRC.

Why are we still over there? We should just let China rape everyone.
