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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5149374 No.5149374 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ what makes you jealous?

>> No.5149380

People with money...;_;

>> No.5149387


>> No.5149389

Seeing happy people. Oh wait, they aren't actually happy, they are just pretending to be

>> No.5149400
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People who have spent less years practicing yet are much better at drawing than me.

It tears me apart ;_;

Maybe I just wasn't made out for it ;_;

>> No.5149401 [DELETED] 

Bored cumdumpster here, 19/f/US - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat / cam! 68
if youre from us, add me: xkitty777@hotmail.com !! 55

>> No.5149417

I know exactly how you feel. I suck at drawing.

the only thing I'm actually good at is taking things apart, fixing them, and putting them back together.

I don't know what I'm truly jealous about though. I never let it bother me, I see someone with more than I have and I say "lucky them." and forget about it after a minute. sometimes it's great having a lousy short term memory.

>> No.5149418

This, I'd be so god damned happy if I could do whatever I wanted without worrying about cash.

>> No.5149419 [DELETED] 

Bored cumdumpster here, 19/f/US - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat / cam! 73
if youre from us, add me: xkitty777@hotmail.com !! 35

>> No.5149420

people who take advantage of opportunities before I can get to them. namely, old ladies that buy video games at yard sales.

>> No.5149423
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>> No.5149426
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People with real danmaku skills and people with futures.

>> No.5149466 [DELETED] 

Bored cumdumpster here, 19/f/US - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat / cam! 71
if youre from us, add me: xkitty777@hotmail.com !! 8

>> No.5149467

People who make succesful threads.

>> No.5149468 [DELETED] 

Femanon here, 19/f/texas - im bored and lonely, someone add my msn for a chat! 11
Seriously, i need someone to chat / cam with! add: xkitty777@hotmail.com ! 16

>> No.5149473

ZUN!bar talking to people other than me.

>> No.5149475 [DELETED] 

bored girl here - im bored and lonely, someone get on msn n chat with me! 69
im so booooored, wanna cam? xkitty777@hotmail.com .. 40

>> No.5149481
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rooms like these

>> No.5149484


>> No.5149485

Really dim-witted people. I am fucking jealous of them. It fascinates me how some people can just cruise through life like that.

>> No.5149491 [DELETED] 
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Let's see... People that are good at writing stories... and non-Americans that are very good in English...

>> No.5149493

People with money, people that live in places that are 1000 times superior to where I live, people with a lot of tech and anime stuff, people that have cool jobs, or have a future at what their doing.

>> No.5149502

Cute little girls...there is nothing good about being tall.

>> No.5149509
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I'm jealous of people who have cake.

And equally delicious Touhou sisters.

>> No.5149511

People with innate talent, people with the ability to persevere at things until they get good at them, people without dyspraxia and people who are naturally feminine-looking.

>> No.5149525

not particularly jealous that others have more than i do, but it just seems everyone feels so busy and competent about doing their work or studies whereas i feel pretty useless as a NEET right now

also i could have been a decent drawer but damn, i think i lost that patience and confidence

>> No.5149526

young people who kiss and hug each others like horny dumbshits in public transport & outside, i hate them

>> No.5149534

Thiiiis ;_;

Or at least the part about inane talent. Like that guy at my school who started to play the piano like 3 yrs ago and is already so fucking talented at both playing and writing music he's could do it for a living.

>> No.5149543

I'm naturally feminine-looking. I'm jealous of people who look manly and aren't short as hell.

>> No.5149554


I look like Big Boss mixed with Ronove. Trade?

>> No.5149574

People with hair that doesn't fall out. Why must I be cursed with such genes?

Also people with enough money to put a stop to this but don't.

>> No.5149591

parsee and the seven sisters....;_;

>> No.5149596

Shota traps from h-doujinshi who regularly get raped by various futanari relatives and close friends.

>> No.5149602

Practice 3 hours a day every day for 3 years, and you'll get pretty damn good too.

>> No.5149606

Yisus? Is that you?

>> No.5149609
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Chiseled bodies. I don't mind exercising, but I'm not sure if I could completely cut out soda, alcohol and candy, so a body like that seems really far away for me.

>> No.5149612

Flat chests god am i jealous of girls like that.

>> No.5149616

Manboobs are a bitch, huh?

>> No.5149645

People who get away with murder.

>> No.5149663

This. This this this!

>> No.5149665

Uwaah... a companion cube...

>> No.5149666

So you want cake, be dim-witted and get away with murder?

Sounds like a plan.

>> No.5149670

People who are educated in fields/topics that I am interested in but say shit like "lol i dun wan 2 xplain kaz u sawk". Also people who are naturally gifted in mathematics / programming. Fuck that shit, feels bad man.

>> No.5149671
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>> No.5149678


Having a chiseled body has more to do with working out like a motherfucker than cutting out fatty foods from your diet. If anything, you want to eat MORE protein to gain muscle mass.

>> No.5149746

Actually it has more to do with being born with the right genetics. Most people(and 100% of /jp/) will never get fucking ripped like a Boflex ad or something.

>> No.5149764

Isn't a chiseled body more about decent muscles and low body fat than huge muscles?

>> No.5149769
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>> No.5149774

Multi lingual people

>> No.5149784



>> No.5149802

People with talent.

>> No.5149813


So; are you guys jealous or envious?

>> No.5150370

I don't want the cake... I want the delicious Touhou sisters

>> No.5150377

Still jealous...

>> No.5150414

People with jobs

>> No.5150446

I'm envious of people with extensive knowledge of semantics.

>> No.5150448

Seconding "money"

Face it, if we all had decent computers that could play something more intensive than VNs and touhou, we'd be on /v/.

>> No.5150453

No, it's just you.

>> No.5150460

No, not really.
And buying a good computer isn't THAT expensive.

>> No.5150461

Been there, done that.
It's still a shithole.

>> No.5150462


$600 is expensive for me, richfag. And I actually have a good job.

>> No.5150465

I have a decent computer that can run most games and /v/ is still shit.

>> No.5150468

More importantly, their games are still shit.

>> No.5150472

What type of games does /v/ play?

>> No.5150473

>my face when cartoon Ami and Yumi are much more prettier than their real counterparts

>> No.5150490


>> No.5150494

>my face when >my face when on /jp/

>> No.5150498

People who have an apartment of their own. I'm stuck here living with my horrible parents and siblings. ;_;

Oh well, I guess I could start living in my car. I'd need a laptop, though.

>> No.5150499

I just want to play fucking Torchlight on decent settings without my laptop shitting itself when more than 8 enemies are on screen.

>> No.5150507

It's not that great if your native language happens to be useless. You just end up replacing it with English.

>> No.5150517

>playing video games
You've obviously never even been to /v/...

>> No.5150529

Is russian useful in any way? ;_;

>> No.5150532

Decent computers that can play stuff more intensive than VNs and Touhou are cheap as hell. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's near impossible these days to buy a computer that is incapable of running something more intensive than VNs or Touhou unless you buy a netbook or something.

>> No.5150536

It's even worse if you fucking hate your native language.

>> No.5150538


My parents bought me a gaming laptop from Best Buy.

So yes, I have a very, very large netbook.

>> No.5150549

It has many speakers, so yes.

>> No.5150550

How about korean?

>> No.5150555

If you like having conversations with dogs.

>> No.5150589
File: 305 KB, 1203x424, Jealousy Beam!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nothing. Jealousy is an emotion for the weak minde-


....uh what? Fuck you Parsee.

>> No.5150601

That's weird, because I don't and live on $200 a month and I could still afford a computer.

>> No.5150616

How useful a language is depends completely on whether you talk regularly to fellow speakers of the language and/or if you have an interest in entertainment that is only available in that language.

For example, my native language is useless to me, since I'm a shut-in who only uses it when talking to my mom, but Japanese is useful to me, since I use it when playing eroge.

>> No.5150626


I live in California, so $200 a month will get me an all-ramen diet and a studio apartment in the ghetto with 6 other people sharing.

>> No.5150631

They don't, they just study really hard when no one's looking so they can look like geniuses.
They aren't, they just have the mental discipline to stay on positive thoughts, rather than getting some kind of sick mental satisfaction over dwelling over hopeless philosophical issues.
They don't, they first spend hours every day training their personal charm and working on their appearance so they can actually give a decent first impression.

>> No.5150704


Way to shatter my soul, mate.

>> No.5150717

I feel jealous of the 2 jealous girls in OP's picture...they get to be 2d and cute

>> No.5150718


You know that the term "friendzoned" is usually used in a negative connotation right?

>> No.5150724


Yes I do, I just couldn't think of a better term in that sentence though.

>> No.5150741
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I am jealous of the people who are asleep right now. I have to study for this exam tomorrow.

>> No.5150755

How eroge protagonists can hold and be loved by girls who are far superior to anything I could find in my world.

>> No.5150768
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>> No.5150798

People with loving daughters. Motherfuckers.

>> No.5150927

People who have motivation to do stuff, I believe.

>> No.5153213 [DELETED] 


>> No.5153241 [DELETED] 


>> No.5153273

I'm jealous of futas

>> No.5153308

I'm jealous of people with skills that aren't the result of 3 mental illnesses and intense studying, also people with money.

>> No.5153333


>> No.5153345

My uncle, who just discovered his daughter is a lesbian.

>> No.5153368

I'm actually jealous of some of the NEETs on /jp/. The ones that haven't resorted to shitting on the floor yet at least.

I don't want to work hard anymore...

>> No.5153385

i'm jealous of rich people who don't have to bother with work at all, and can instead spend the entire day taking it easy, pursuing their hobbies and doing whatever they want rather than being chained by the stupid society.

example, i'd rather be rich and make games about lolis all day than be poor and work for some dumb company to do another shitty game about space marines shooting shit for 10 hours per day, so that when i'm finally free i'm too tired to work on lolis.

>> No.5153405


>Implying the rational conclusion to come to after realising the utterly trivial nature of existence and life is not euphoria

>> No.5153424

Is that you ZUN?

>> No.5154123

Any one can gain muslce mass, the genetics only speeds up the process. Like how niggers can hold on to their muscle mass for longer periods of time.

>> No.5155388

Seeing my friends becoming succesful and happy around me, knowing there will be decades till Im remotely close to a stabile and independant life.

Knowing people who have money they havent lifted a finger for, and who be sheer fortune gains more and more.

Knowing the people around me who are social and popular for no particular reason are insanely popular, yet I am just an akward person in a corner who is ignored by any and all.

Most of all knowing that no matter what, I will live like this for the next many decades.

>> No.5155421

there is always suicide
i am comforted by the fact that no matter how bad it gets, i can always kill myself

>> No.5155515

Competitions are designed to humiliate whoever finishes in second place.

Third place is glad that he/she got to stand up on the podium at all.
They probably weren't the most talented person, but they put in enough effort to scrape by with a bronze medal.

First place is obviously feeling ecstatic because they've triumphed.
Their gold medal is proof that they're the best.

But then there's second place.


It isn't gold.

If you had just pushed yourself a little harder you might have been able to beat first place.

Why couldn't I win?

It wasn't enough...no, maybe they're just too good.

...It isn't fair.

Do they only exist to always be one step ahead of me?

Why did they have to be born?


>> No.5155526

I would ";_;" and all that but then I realized that I've never even been anywhere near third place.

>> No.5155543

it would be hard to sympathize if you've never tasted victory

unless you're saying you always win first?

>> No.5155559

Ahh, responding to >>5155526

>> No.5155589

I think I just found out what I'm jealous of...
This, I may be able to run a mile, and lift 250 ibs, but I feel as though I might always have a gut.

>> No.5155591

I'm a very, very average person. I'm "well rounded" in the sense that I am capable in academics, music, and certain athletics but I excel in none of them. So in the end I just have a bunch of skills that won't help me anywhere because there are a bunch of people who can do far better in each area.

Basically I fail to stand out anywhere.

>> No.5155615

look at it this way. they may be better than you, but I doubt that they hold as many skills as you.

I'm not a mechanic, but I can fix my car. I'm not an electrician, but my house is up to code. I'm not an pro athlete, but I can play the game/sport. I'm not a musician, but I can play.

basically give me a job, I can do it. people like you and me weren't made to be the BEST. but we are the support. even the Best soldier needs his platoon at his back in order to win a fight.

>> No.5155629

Only people who had the chance to do music when they were younger

My family was generally really poor, so I didn't have the chance to play anything seriously until I was about 18 and was able to put my own money into it. Currently mediocre in Violin/Guitar/Piano

There little chance I'll ever be able to do anything with it outside fucking with English vocaloids and making for my own amusements.

Its fun, when I'm not working anyway. Usually when I end up working I lose the energy to pretty much do anything else ;_;

>> No.5155869

stop drawing stupid animu shit. thats not proper drawing.

>> No.5155878
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>>uses incredibly basic "japanese"
>>thinks he's multilingual

>> No.5155902

Reported for shitty normalfag meta-thread.

>> No.5155928
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I'm jealous of people who can feel emotion.

I'm jealous of people with loving families.

I'm jealous of people who just have a family.

I'm jealous of people who lead relatively normal lives.

>> No.5155955

>I'm jealous of people who can feel emotion.
You jealous? Isn't that emotional state enough?

>> No.5155993

I'm jealous of people with a decent collection of figs. I can't bring myself to buy any, even though I like to admire them. I spend my money on meido clothes and cute things.

>> No.5156022


I have a cognitive understanding of jealousy. I understand that it is basically an emotion someone feels when they notice that they lack something which someone else has. However, it was the word that spawned from the emotion and not the other way around.

>> No.5156061 [SPOILER] 
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Sounds like someone I knew.

>> No.5156063

She needs a scope at that range?

>> No.5156069

That scene is after she made the first hit. She approach you afterward.

>> No.5156087
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People that have lots of guns or are better in anything than me.

>> No.5156108
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>> No.5156166

I'm somewhat jealous of people like this, that have guns, ammo, and figs.

I only have one fig(minus my /m/ collection), And I'm too cheap to buy ammo for my M14.

>> No.5156186
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>5.7 ammo

>> No.5156189

You mean your M1A, right?

>> No.5156194
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u mad~?

>> No.5156236

I'm jealous..
Well actually I'm jealous of a lot of things but what really makes me jeaouls is a certain person talking about guys or god beware talking to them. Makes me rage and I directly getinto a really bad mood.

>> No.5156246

I'm jealous of guys with cute girlfriends. Especially when I see them holding hands or worse : making out on the streets. Because I know I will never be able to experience this.

>> No.5156273

I'm jeleas of the guys that got 1.0 in thermodynamics.

>> No.5156289

Yes, but i still call it an M14(even though I shouldn't, since it's not military issue). I only got 10 rounds left,

>> No.5156333

People whose mothers care about them.

>> No.5156336
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People with jobs.

People who study in Japan.

>> No.5156363

People with mothers.

>> No.5156388

I just realized I'm not jealous of anyone or anything. I guess pride is more of my thing...

>> No.5156397

I know how you feel. my mother died two years ago.

>> No.5156422

At least you had a mother. My mother died when I was two. I've had no motherly figure, my father never remarried. Seeing people with mothers gives me a feeling of longing.

>> No.5156449

That's just what they told you. Your "mother" was actually a hired woman, but your dad couldn't keep up with the expenses, so she left your family. Thus, they came up with the story.

You were adopted.

>> No.5156562

fuck you asshole.

>> No.5156577

My condolences. also Ignore >>5156449

>> No.5156578


Someone's on his period.

>> No.5156612

Whatever. even if it is a joke it's in piss poor taste. my dad has shown me pictures of my mother and I look more like her than I so him. the only looks I got from my dad are his eyes and hair.

>> No.5156627


But your mother is dead. And she was probably a pimped slut when she was alive.

>> No.5156674

dude. not cool.

>> No.5156678

Fuck. you. I'm going back to bed.

>> No.5156717

It's seriously better to have no mother than to have one who is needy, violates your privacy, emotionally strangles you, abuses you, and blatantly favors your siblings. It really really is. I'd trade places with you any day.

>> No.5156724
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>> No.5156763

I disagree. I miss my mother. she was needy since she couldn't do much physical work, she invaded my privacy, she was rather strict. but, lucky me, she didn't do favoritism, neither did she abuse me. I did however, suffer abuse, and emotional turmoil at the hands of my stepmother. and was rather glad to move in with my real mother when she was alive.

>> No.5156782

Anyway reporting this thread for boring metathread shit: nobody gives a shit about your life.

Meido, please rescue us from this shit thread.

>> No.5157553

Seth Mc Farline (creator of family guy) he dates hot ladies and makes $100 million a season the bastard some day soon I will no must surpass him!

>> No.5160656


>> No.5164522


>> No.5164575

I just want to earn enough money to live independently and save up without killing myself.

I'm jealous of people who are getting through college without any serious setbacks. This is my third summer re-taking classes and I'm already behind for next year.
