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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5136705 No.5136705 [Reply] [Original]

Visual Novel translation status

>Air - 58%
Akatsuki no Goei- common route fully translated, as well as bits of the character routes (8271 lines translated total).
>Ashita no Kimi to Autame Ni - 4/117 scripts translated, now on TLWiki
Baldr Force EXE- Total (lines) 1516/26654 (5.69%)
Baldr Sky - Being translated
Canvas2- Most everything is finished, editing is at 5%, got some new editors
>Cartagra - Being translated by the Kara no Shoujo translator, 24% translated, project will continue
>Daibanchou -Big Bang Age- - 72,000 / 102,000 lines translated, partial patch released
Danzai no Maria -The Exorcism of Maria- being translated.
Devils Devel Concept-20% finished, continuing
Dote up a cat- Being translated
Entomic Impurity- 33%
>Fate/Hollow Ataraxia- A messy snapshot patch released. Project 35.7% translated
Galaxy Angel: Moonlit Lovers - 110kb/2.91 mb translated
>G-Senjou no Maou- Total:1427.85/1811.40 KB (78.83%)/ actual progress towards release 693.97/1811.40KB (38.31%)
Haramasete Seiryuu-kun- 1070 lines translated plus some more stuff, translator joined a new group and now that group is working on it
Hatsukoi- 65.6% translated
Higurashi Daybreak - being translated, at least the twins scenerio is translated
>Hime x Hime - partial patch including the prologue has been released, getting priority over Pastel
Himekishi Lilia- Lilith-soft may be interested in official translations. Because of this, this translator will continue his localization, but with a wait and see attitude before releasing it
Honey Coming- Prologue 100% translated, Common route 12.5% + a bit translated. Yuma Shichiri's route 5% translated
Kara no Shoujo - 100% translated, editing has progressed some, C&D took it off TLWiki, but it will be completed
Killer Queen - 66.78% translated 9206/13785 lines
Kizuato - 104/246 scripts translated
Lamento ~Beyond the Void~ - being translated
Lamia no Baai - ~1/7th of the game translated

>> No.5136707

Little Busters - ~60%, new patch released with Kurugaya's route
Love Plus- Dialogue translation: 22.1%
Majikoi- It is hacked, coming after Swan Song
M&M Enchanting Magic & Sweet Charms- 61%
>Mare Mare Mare SP - 657 lines translated
>Mirai no Kimi to, Subete no Uta ni - "First-pass translation...45%"
Muv Luv-Muv Luv Extra fulll patch released, Muv Luv overall (Ex/Un/Alt) progress, 1323.83 KB / 5253.50 KB (26.50%) translated
>Osananajimi wa Daitouryou ~My girlfriend is the President.~ - 28208/29634 lines translated, 95.19%, 1607.04/1684.08KB translated, 95.43% "Yukino route editing is mostly done "
Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru- Prologue 100% translated translator , still no hacker
Pantsu wo Miseru koto, Sore ga - was stalled for a while, continuing again
Pastel- "We haven’t dropped it yet and we would also be releasing a patch as soon as the dust clears."
Polygon Love 2 - Fully translated, working on text insertion and editing.
Popotan- "The work is still ongoing, but we have only a few people working on it. It'll be some time before a signifigant portion is done and then we need to proof."
Princess Lover- 1.5%, now on TLWiki
Pure Pure The Story of Ears and Tails- Sachi Patch released, game is about 40% translated
Remember11- Scripts translation at 100%, 105/110 tips translated, 96/155 scripts edited
School Days- Chapter 1 completed, work on chapter 2 at ~68%, translation at 100%
Sensei Da-isuki 2- 20%, still being worked on
Sono Hanabira 3 - being translated
Sono Hanabira 5 - 100% translated, 30% edited
Sono Hanabira 7 - 4 translators working on it, 20% translated
>Subarashiki Hibi - Moogy is translating it, ~3% translated
>Swan Song - 50% translation patch released, TL progress: 91%
Sweet Pool- 23%
Tenshi No Inai 12-Gatsu- LoSs is translating this, from a post of his when someone said it was stalled "Damn, I'm so tired of mentoning that tenshi no inai 12 gatsu is not stalled. "

>> No.5136714

Togainu No Chi- 59.7% translated
To Heart2- 43% - "The final product is still years away unless I get more help. ", Tama-nee alpha patch released, Yuma's route translated
>Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 1st Love Plus - 66.31% translated, down a bit as a bit of progress was made by someone using google translator, which was quickly reverted once discovered
>Tomoyo After - 30 lines translated this week, and a bunch of proofing, 40% partial patch planned for the end of may
Touka Gettan: translation status: ~30% translated
Umineko 6- 6% listed on the main website, although progress is well beyond this
Under The Moon- "Madame Yes is also still working on her own however on UtM"
Yandere- Translation - 574/7846 blocks - 7.31%
Yoakemae Yori Ruriiro Na -picked up by the guy doing Ashita no Kimi to Autame Ni, most of the first day translated
Yosuga no Sora - C&D took it off of TLWiki, unknown if this project will continue
>YU-NO- Total: 47123/98392 lines (47.89%) 1930.31/3995.61 KB (48.31%), Prologue/Mitsuki/Ayumi routes fully translated, prologue patch released

Active secret projects
>NNL- Swells status: 11098/50594 text blocks (21.9%)
Part of the team who was working on Ijiwaru MyMaster are now working on something else with good progress

>> No.5136716

Best thread ever is finally here!

>> No.5136721

Higurashi Answer Arc 3/4 - to be released seperately about month apart each.
Kohime Musou - Goal to have it out before convention season
Da Capo II - Possibly July, was teaser number 2
Harukoi Otome - likely being picked up
Dear Drops Likely 2010, though it was delayed by 2 months in Japan, which will likely push it back here
Ongoing talks with a company whose bread and jam you would not want to eat
Picked up a Circus title with gameplay
Zaishuu The SiN - A CG from this was used in one of the teasers
>Two additional teasers (both audio) have yet to be identify, as well as possible teasers in a recent blog post
Additionally, random sex romps are scheduled as well

Downhill Night 2 - In beta testing, expected to be their next release
Raidy II- beta testing now
Demonbane- "possible Q2 2010 release during convention season", translation nearly complete
Jingai Makyou- Jast claimed they would like it out before Anime Expo 2010, though this is looking unlikely
Nitro Royale- being translated
DraKoi- fully fan translated, image editing is finished as well, however scripts are unlikely to be released outside of an official Jast release
>Sumaga- 73.5%, still being translated, unlikely to be released outside of an official Jast release
Muramasa - Makoto is working on it, but because it is Nitro+, it is uncertain what will come from the project.
Hanachirasu -Fully translated by Makoto, needs editing, etc.

HgameZ is alive again, possible releases in the future
Kisaragi no Hogyoku- English trial out, would like to get a full game released in English, and include English voice acting
Upcoming from active fan groups
Himawari is likely to be picked up by the team who did Sharin no Kuni
>Stuff like this has been either added or updated since the last thread

>> No.5136737

Isn't it a little early for this thread? It's not Sunday yet. Not that I really mind...

>> No.5136745

Worth mentioning here, Symphonic Rain side story 2 was translated

>May 15th 2010: The second side story is translated. Sorry for being a slow bastard about this. A kind soul has provided us with the missing three sidestories, so I suppose those will be translated as well. One day. Maybe. Phar 12:09, 15 May 2010 (UTC)

>> No.5136746

>Osananajimi wa Daitouryou ~My girlfriend is the President.~ - 28208/29634 lines translated, 95.19%, 1607.04/1684.08KB translated, 95.43% "Yukino route editing is mostly done "
>Yukino Route
>Not Elle Route
Why do they have to edit the route no one cares about first?

>> No.5136747

Nice feet. Source?

>> No.5136750

This thread always happens around this time.

>> No.5136751

It is in Japan

>> No.5136757

>Fate/Hollow Ataraxia- A messy snapshot patch released. Project 35.7% translated
See it in 8 years at this rate. Better than the 15 I estimated before.

>Tomoyo After - 30 lines translated this week, and a bunch of proofing, 40% partial patch planned for the end of may
So it's about 40% done. Probably won't see it until after F/HA.

IQDB and fuck off.

>> No.5136758

> Isn't it a little early for this thread? It's not Sunday yet. Not that I really mind...

I've been doing it Saturday evening (eastern US time) for a while now.

>> No.5136760

>Subarashiki Hibi - Moogy is translating it, ~3% translated

>> No.5136764


>> No.5136774

Subarashiki Hibi. Ignore the other guy.

>> No.5136783

Not much progress this week. Must be finals.

>> No.5136793

Sorry, I must be out of it now that summer has given me a regular sleeping schedule.

>> No.5136794

>G-Senjou no Maou
>my penis grows harder

>> No.5136816

>Subarashiki Hibi

>> No.5136822

The translation check is actually probably more like 45-50% at the moment, they just haven't updated the main page in a while.

>> No.5136824

>loli imouto with pantyhose

>> No.5136825

>Worth mentioning here, Symphonic Rain side story 2 was translated


>> No.5136842

I'm waiting for more progress during summer.

>> No.5136848

See also >>5131965

>> No.5136860

thank you

>> No.5136877

Best thread on this board.
Seriously, can you just make blogger.com account or some other RSS feed, so that I can keep up with VN translations without having to deal with all this touhou/umineko/idols crap on this board?

>> No.5136881

>Cartagra - Being translated by the Kara no Shoujo translator, 24% translated, project will continue

13% jump this week, fuck yes.

>> No.5136883

>Subarashiki Hibi - Moogy is translating it, ~3% translated

>> No.5136888

You could just keep the tab open or bookmark it till it 404's, not to mention easymodo.

>> No.5136898

Can't you find this stuff out yourself? It's hardly insider information

>> No.5136900

Just use the archive to search for something weird like "active secret" once every week.

>> No.5136907

>Subarashiki Hibi
>Moogy is translating it

>> No.5136912

>Osananajimi wa Daitouryou ~My girlfriend is the President.~ - 28208/29634 lines translated, 95.19%, 1607.04/1684.08KB translated, 95.43% "Yukino route editing is mostly done "

The TLWiki page said that it was at 90+% this morning, but this afternoon, it became
>152/170 (89.4%).
Just a heads-up.

>> No.5136922
File: 108 KB, 612x459, cg04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any bookfag here? I want more of those Subahibi must-read book titles.


>> No.5136938

His translation is actually quite good. And has been doing TL Check for everything so far completed.

>> No.5136944

*And Fungi has been doing
Damn it, I hate this deletion timer.

>> No.5136956

>Daibanchou -Big Bang Age- - 72,000 / 102,000 lines translated, partial patch released

Fuck yes, another 3,000 lines. Just 10 weeks until completion at this rate.

>> No.5136978

See >>5125235 for BBA discussion.

>> No.5136999
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Fuck year.

>> No.5137015

So, Remember11 is done?

>> No.5137031

Anyone knows what's going on with Kara no Shoujo besides what's stated here?

>> No.5137073
File: 353 KB, 704x396, 1216433069339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kimiaru - 34% translated, partial patch incoming


>> No.5137097

Well, editing is at about 50% and images are being fixed. Other than that, it's a secret.

>> No.5137129

Wait, what. What. Where?

>> No.5137158


>> No.5137222


Damn troll.

>> No.5137304

Hopefully Swan Song will be out in the near future

>> No.5137435

It'll be done eventually. That's more than you need to know.

>> No.5137477
File: 577 KB, 800x900, 1260631238701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Umineko 6- 6% listed on the main website, although progress is well beyond this

I wanna believe ;_;

>> No.5137628

I heard those guys are going to revise Ep1-4 just because they saw discrepancies in Ep6. And, the release of EP7 would be earlier than the release of the EP6 patch. Damnit.

>> No.5137644

They're pretty much done with the new patch for 1-4.

>> No.5137653

Oh thank you for the good news. Will you re-read anon?

>> No.5137696

>Chronotrig: Work on the EP1-4 update patch is almost finished, but we'll probably need about a week to straighten everything up.
>post 5/6/2010

It's been a week where is the patch?

>> No.5137740


>> No.5137781

Nobody is translating Sharnoth?

>> No.5137799

I am.

>> No.5137840

I re-read not too long ago, so I doubt it. The installer sounds kinda weird from what I've heard.

>> No.5137926

>Yosuga no Sora - C&D took it off of TLWiki, unknown if this project will continue


>> No.5137936

best thread finally here!

>> No.5137938

we need groups to translate blood related incest VNs now that YnS is down.

>> No.5137939

Don't mind me, just reading it in Japanese.

>> No.5137967

I envy you

>> No.5137970

Well? Is it good?

>> No.5137972

You're not missing much. The VN isn't really all that good.

>> No.5138034

i only want it for delicious sora. the rest can go to hell.

>> No.5138042


>> No.5138050

Maybe Kugyuuu wants to retranslate a fair bit of Ran's route? Not sure what's going on there - most of the script files are still marked as tled.

>> No.5138130
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>> No.5138407

\(^ ^)/

>> No.5138659

>Under The Moon- "Madame Yes is also still working on her own however on UtM"

Need an update of this.

>> No.5139091
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>Subarashiki Hibi - Moogy is translating it, ~3% translated

>> No.5139119

New nnl project
> [5/15] Music of Your Destiny TL status: 0/6413 text blocks (0.0%)

>> No.5139124


>> No.5139131

If you have the 4chan extension (I'd imagine most people who have been around more than a short time would) you can just watch the thread pretty easily.

>> No.5139140

A "week" in VN translation terms is not equal to a week in real life. Don't you remember the week we had to wait before the fixed symphonic rain patch? Use that as your reference.

>> No.5139163

Oh god, so about 2 months in real time then?

>> No.5139172

Too bad they didn't say a month.

>March 20th, 2010 by cheese
>News → Eien no Aselia Update: Script Translation Complete
>You can expect a patch release within a month.

>March 22nd, 2010 by cheese
>News → Eien no Aselia – Kono Daichi no Hate de English Patch Released

>> No.5139494


enjoy your tasteless sexfest of zero emotional worth, capitalizing your already pathetic dependence on anime porn to keep you from hating yourself.

>> No.5139595


Keep your faggotry out of the decent threads, thanks.

>> No.5139620

I'm looking forward to SubaHibi just because of that rabbit.

>> No.5139638
File: 114 KB, 800x600, sp0088c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Down the rabbit hole(s)!

>> No.5139661

oh god

>> No.5139689

What is up with that rabbit?

>> No.5139693 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 392 KB, 1600x1800, 1270669891189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More rabbits.

>> No.5139705

what the fuck, that's all fan-made right?

>> No.5139717
File: 218 KB, 480x352, 1253765114754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tomoyo After - 30 lines translated this week

>> No.5139726

No, that's all in Subahibi.

>> No.5139728

For some reason, this is actually more disturbing to me than the girl gore.
The hell is up with that?

>> No.5139729

Why would it be fan-made?

>> No.5139761

>Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 1st Love Plus - 66.31%
>Love Plus- Dialogue translation: 22.1%
wow, this is so fucking depressing.

>> No.5139766

Because in OP's pic the rabbit can be seen with bandages on it's left arm, and clothes.

Also, it's fucking bizarre. I don't know a thing about SubaHibi's plot or anything, but I don't believe they would put a plushie being tortured and fucked

>> No.5139781

Well you believed wrong.

>> No.5139789

Well, now you know. One of the main themes in Subahibi is insanity. There's also torture and suicide.

>> No.5139793

It's several hundred percent up from last week at least.

>> No.5139801

oh wow, not sure if want now. That rabbit just looks so damn cute.

But I remember some anons talking about how good it was and the huge mindfucks it has in a thread sometime ago, so I might give it a try.

>> No.5139816

>Lamia no Baai - ~1/7th of the game translated

Getting there. Hopefully it will finish before the summer's end.

>> No.5139850
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>I don't believe SubaHibi would have something so bizarre

>> No.5139888 [DELETED] 
File: 155 KB, 797x598, 1270816810458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as eroge goes, Subahibi looks completely normal.

It looks odd? ...No! Look harder!

>> No.5139899

Hohohohoho, does it have more scenes like that?

>> No.5139924
File: 357 KB, 806x632, Clipboard047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, subahibi is so normal, there's nothing weird about it. whatever, back to the reading it.

>> No.5139934

I hope this isn't some sort of foreshadowing to one of the girls getting tortured and raped...

>> No.5139940

Isn't SubaHibi the VN that the guy cuts twins and then sew them together?

>> No.5139943

that's Dark Blue, not SubaHibi

>> No.5139946

i am actually offended you would confuse the two

>> No.5139950

I'm all giddy because Flyable Heart will soon hit this list!

>> No.5139954

oh, thanks for correcting me. But from the very few things I see on vndb.org about Dark Blue it also seems to have some pretty weird things.

>> No.5139958 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.5139979

>confuse the two
Oh u.

>> No.5139988

I think he is talking about the fact that the anon confused the VNs and not the twins from Dark Blue, sir.

>> No.5140014 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 800x600, 1270818318121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look. Look. There's nothing here. See.

>> No.5140052


I am going to love every second of this game.

>> No.5140085 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.5140091
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>> No.5140096

Oh, now that's my thing! I hope there are more scenes like that.

>> No.5140101

Well, I dunno, I'm currently at the beginning of It's My Own Invention, and it's not as exciting as Down the Rabbit Hole. I know it gets better later, but still.

>> No.5140102


...They have a swing set?!

>> No.5140104

wait, what is this one?

>> No.5140106

Leftover Katawa Shoujo backgrounds?

Someone was busy painting.

>> No.5140112

read the last posts?

>> No.5140144 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.5140145

Pretty sure that's a football gate.

>> No.5140150 [SPOILER] 
File: 501 KB, 800x1800, 1270530763334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5140156

Because pubic hair is just too lewd!

>> No.5140158

Yeah, good thing they censored that or I might have been offended

>> No.5140185

>Daibanchou -Big Bang Age- - 72,000 / 102,000 lines translated, partial patch released

man that translation is fast, is there a record for the fastest translation?

>> No.5140273 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5140277 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5140281 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5140616
File: 26 KB, 292x302, wheres my taco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember11- Scripts translation at 100%, 105/110 tips translated, 96/155 scripts edited
>not in greentext
Goddamnit please say it will be done soon

>> No.5140628

Huge SubaHibi spoilers ITT

Oh well, anyone who matters has already read it by now.

>> No.5140633

I'm still reading it I'm kinda pissed of now because of this damn thread....

>> No.5140784

>Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru- Prologue 100% translated translator , still no hacker

If this was Ever17, we wouldn't have this problem.

>> No.5140790

>Fate/Hollow Ataraxia- A messy snapshot patch released. Project 35.7% translated

.2% this week. I suppose it is at least it's progressing faster than Tomoyo After.

>> No.5140797

And a lot faster than Baldr.

>> No.5140805 [DELETED] 

Baldr Speed shouldn not be spoken off, since it's been said lots of times that Fungi will work on it during summer.

>> No.5140807

love plus still at 22% ;_;

>> No.5140808

Baldr's speed shouldn't be spoken off, since it's been said lots of times that Fungi will work on it during summer.

..Unless you mean Sky. I have no idea what's going on with that.

>> No.5140821

>..Unless you mean Sky. I have no idea what's going on with that.
Stratos is translating it and like his LN translations, will not give translation updates just so he can throw his e-penis around, as has been said in every vn translation status thread since BS started being translated.

>> No.5140823

At this rate, it'll be done by January 2013.

If the Mayans don't kill us.

>> No.5140825

Best thread of the week.

>> No.5140829

With both Moogy and Fungi involved in the Subahibi translation, I can honestly say that they might as well announce the project dropped because who knows when we'll see any actual progress.

>> No.5140831

No info on Sharnoth's translation?

>> No.5140838

Yeah, I know that. But last time I asked hacker a month or so ago he said that Strato had just recently gotten around to working on it due to real life.
What translation? There's been no active project for that for months, and the two that popped up while ago never had hope.

>> No.5140851

>Subahibi must-read book titles
>implying people who read and liked subahibi actually read some obscure shitty books because of the eroge

>> No.5140892

Love Plus was updated this morning.

>> No.5140904

That's why some people are called weeaboos.

>> No.5140946


>> No.5140957

It will continue on and we will get our twin sister incest route.
I want to believe ;_;

>> No.5140963

People always say this is the best thread of the week but it's really one of the worst. Watching a bunch of faggots circlejerk about how they have a god-given right to translations is painful to watch.

>> No.5140973

Anon used troll!
It's not very effective...

>> No.5140974


>> No.5140985

You won't know that because that's the point.

>> No.5140989

the fuck are you even talking about bro

we joke about fate/hollow ataraxia taking forever but it's not like we think we're entitled to it

>> No.5140994
File: 129 KB, 800x600, 1274006557593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Yes, all my laurels have you torn away
And all my roses; yet in spite of you,
There is one crown I bear away with me,
And tonight, when I enter before God,
My salute shall sweep all the stars away
One thing shall I take with me, without blemish,
Without stain, despite you all, and that...
That is... MON PANACHE!"

Zakuro becomes pretty obsessed with Cyrano de Bergerac. I guess you could read his works and the works about him.

Now I want to see fanart of Zakuro and Cyrano.

>> No.5141000

Cyrano pleasuring Zakuro with his big nose.

>> No.5141002

Shouldn't it be "my panache!" in English?

That or "my white plume!"

Epic farewell is epic.

>> No.5141005

Even Zakuro's fingers are warped

>> No.5141094

>G-Senjou no Maou- Total:1427.85/1811.40 KB (78.83%)/ actual progress towards release 693.97/1811.40KB (38.31%)

So its pretty much official now that were never going to see this finished? You said there would be devils on a g-string damn it

>> No.5141097

What are you talking about? The TLC is at like 50% already.

>> No.5141273

Bloody hell, you people sure are ungrateful.

>> No.5141273,1 [INTERNAL] 

Swan song updated to 92.03%

>> No.5141371


>April 18th: actual progress towards release 458.73/1811.40KB (25.32%)
>May 12th: actual progress towards release 693.97/1811.40KB (38.31%)

What, not fast enough for you? Geez

>> No.5141518

Swan Song, 92.03% now.

>> No.5141526

Just learn Japanese already, goddamn retards.

Translating this shit just makes it possible for feminists and other obnoxious moralfags to bash Japan.

>> No.5141558

>saging a trolling post

>> No.5141560

Butthurt much?
Also I love how you think it's okay to do a disservice to thousands of fans to escape criticism from a vocal minority (which for some reason matters so much to you to consider it hurtful). Nice loser mentality you have there.

>> No.5141565
File: 861 KB, 801x601, tits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buster devs fight-o! I have faith in you.

>> No.5141581

Fuck off normalfag, I don't want idiots like you playing games that I play, I don't want to be associated in any possible way with dull tools like you.

Translating VN's and エロゲー is the cancer. If you want to play them so much, just learn the language, or aren't you mentally capable enough to learn another language?

>> No.5141606

Yuiko, so good.

>> No.5141617

>saging a trolling post

>> No.5141632

This x100.

>> No.5141636


>> No.5141660
File: 691 KB, 800x601, Uhehehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know if her good end is included in the translation patch? If I'm not mistaken, you need to finish the Little Busters route in order to unlock the final choice. I'm not sure about it, that's what I got from some japanese walkthrough. I was thinking about fast-forwarding through the LB route in order to unlock it.

>> No.5141677

I <3 you OP lol. Seriously, I'd cyber you if I knew you, your awesome!

>> No.5141695

I didn't read the translation but uh, Yuiko doesn't really have a good end. Isn't it sad? ;_;

>> No.5141714

FUCK YOU, dude ;_;

The walkthrough said there were two ends, so I hoped one of them was better than the normal one.

Fucking depressed for the rest of the day.

>> No.5141731

I followed a walkthrough so I must have got both her ends, but I don't remember seeing a Kurugaya 'good end'. Maybe (hopefully) my memory is wrong, though!

I'll need to replay LB! sometime.

>> No.5141750

She has two ends. But it's not like one is a bad end and one is a good end.

>> No.5141848

Well, naturally.

>> No.5142760

They should get Message on that.

>> No.5143757


>> No.5143769

For real???

>> No.5143820

read the fucking thread

>> No.5143853

All the better for your prostate.

>> No.5144997


>> No.5145847

>Sumaga- 73.5%, still being translated, unlikely to be released outside of an official Jast release

And yet, it will be a number of years before Jast decides to release this, if ever.

>> No.5145871

I would hope that the TLwiki devs would leak the script files at the very least if it took more than 2 years or so for JAST to release it.

>> No.5145959

>no progress

damn they haven't updated since April 22 just what are they doing?

>> No.5146063

off topic - does anyone know if crass can extract resources from muvluv? I'm after the bgm...

>> No.5146920

> off topic - does anyone know if crass can extract resources from muvluv? I'm after the bgm...

There are OSTs for the games in the usual places, though for extracting I don't think any public tools out there that will extract the BGMs (could be wrong though).

>> No.5147619

>Love Plus- Dialogue translation: 22.1%
>Project started since launch
>At least 25 translators/tl checkers plus hackers and Anonymous
>still 22%

lazy fucks.

chinese translation:
>Project started since launch
> At least 30 translators/hackers
>100% patch on Valentine's day


>> No.5148702

Yeah, but that's not really fair, considering Chinese and Japanese are almost the same. It can't take very long to translate between the two. It's like translating from American English to British English, or something.

>> No.5148712

That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

>> No.5148714


>> No.5148719
File: 83 KB, 830x480, telephonebookb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I never really expected it to be done. Credit to them for even getting this far. Maybe interest will pick up again when Love Plus+ comes out.

Pic related, its the game scripts. You want to translate that lot?

>> No.5148726


This is an odd question, but how active are Spanish or French VN translations?

>> No.5148737

French groups got their priorities straight:


>> No.5148862

There's no Spanish VN translation 'scene'. And even if it existed, they'd translate from English, like with fansubbing.

>> No.5149014


>> No.5149269


Spanish PC VN releases (and to be released) from vndb. Pretty much nothing released, though they do have YMK.

>> No.5150558


>> No.5151616


>> No.5152847

At least is is moving faster this past month than it had for most of this year.

>> No.5154163


>> No.5155944


>> No.5156004
File: 228 KB, 1280x1024, fuckyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those that haven't realized yet a patch for the Yukino and Ell routes has already been released, I don't know if it was edited or not but both were completely readable and I troughly enjoyed them.

Also goddamn Ell is my waifu now I understand why everyone said her route was the best, I was so sad when the route ended.. fandisk fucking where?

Also Kuu route where?

Oh yeah DL here:

>> No.5156006

>Dote Up A Cat
Oh man

>> No.5156012

Are you talking about Osadai?

>> No.5156016

Yeah, I thought it was obvious.

>> No.5156023

How is it obvious? You didn't say the game's name anywhere and I never heard of those characters before.

>> No.5156046
File: 316 KB, 727x1000, 1272895653751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only ever heard of Putina. So not obvious Osadai enough. Anyway: http://www.privatepaste.com/a49da7102f

>> No.5156055

>Umineko 6:
>Translation 40%
>Progress to the first patch: tr:80% ed:70%

>> No.5156094

<Asceai> the best translator ever
<Asceai> whoever that is wwwww
<accany> lol
<accany> AGI

And yokkoisho!

>> No.5156430

<Asceai> but yeah moogy's translation style scares the shit out of me
<Asceai> it's like gp32's
<Agi-Sumika> moogy knows the language?
<Agi-Sumika> I could've sworn like a year ago he had no clue
<Asceai> 一応
<Agi-Sumika> <_<
<Asceai> anyway his style is to read the original line and then write a line of english text
<Agi-Sumika> mentally I have him pegged as under velocity7 in knowing the language
<Asceai> if the meanings of the original line and the line of english text have anything to do with each other, well, that's just bonus points

A unagreeable prick who's never released any translated text comparable in size to a standard visual novel, resorts to name calling...

Asceai you haven't done shit for the translation community, so kindly shut up you elitist noob.

>> No.5156434

He made dat chart.

>> No.5156438

> Asceai you haven't done shit for the translation community
He made the tools for Moon. actually if that counts.

>> No.5156441


That wasn't a lie ;_;

>> No.5156460

Get out, tlwiki devs.

>> No.5156468

I am just curious but why does the translation communities hate you?
I know NNL hates you guys but even Asceai looks down on you guys.
Isn't it sad?

>> No.5156472


Excuse me what

>> No.5156478

He also "translated" G-Senjou for months then finally gave up, with nothing to show for.

>> No.5156506

Moogy is just the admin. Hating on random translators using his site is stupid. Asceai and his gemot crew hate on tlwiki and other public projects as they like private projects like those made by insani and crews like that. His current reason for hating on Moogy is that his translation is not weeaboo enough, that he localizes/reinterprets stuff too much, which is a valid hating point if you prefer literal TLs, but that's just a matter of taste. NNL hates/trolls Moogy because he lost interest in editing ef and left NNL.

>> No.5156524

those aren't tlwiki devs.

>> No.5157214

Shut up, tlwiki dev.

>> No.5158372


>> No.5158418
File: 390 KB, 800x600, 0476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sumaga- 73.5%, still being translated, unlikely to be released outside of an official Jast release

Whoa there just a fucking minute. You're not implying it's still being worked on are you? If so, is it part of Support JAST USA's official localizations of Nitro+ games! or what?

I just finished the partial patch and I'm craving moar.

>> No.5158445

>unlikely to be released outside of an official Jast release

>> No.5158446

Yes, GCKC has been steadily working on it for months. The reason progress has been slower lately is that he's been revisiting earlier scripts.

>> No.5158451

>Nitro Royale
Isn't this supposed to suck? At best it's a crappy fighter full of characters no one outside of /jp/ has heard of--what's the point of translating it?

>> No.5158466

Gameplay sells for JAST.

>> No.5158468

Well, people translated Melty Blood too. I guess they don't mind the crappy part

>> No.5158474
File: 271 KB, 800x600, 0013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously, but why are they working on it then?

Is he just working on it to hand it over to Jast?

>> No.5158477

I just saw that

What the fuck?

Is JAST seriously going to release this? Where was it announced?

It doesn't have much text, so it shouldn't take long.
I'd buy it, sure. If it was like 20$

>> No.5158489

I thought it was porn that sold for them? Well porn+gameplay I can see, but Nitro Royale doesn't have any does it?

>> No.5158494


>> No.5158497

> <Asceai> i'd much rather some translate SubaHibi with the translation style agi described on his last blog update, than to try and write english text with the same meaning as the japanese text
Asceai himself will never fucking release a translation, though.
GCKC had more than half of the game translated before the JAST thing. Do you think he'd just stop there?

>> No.5158499


Yes. If you hadn't noticed, almost all the Nitro+ translating for JAST has been done by (former) fan translators.

>> No.5158583

Uuh, got any source on that one? All I've seen is a release page on VNDB, and I'm not sure it's real.

>> No.5158649 [DELETED] 

>Episode 6: Dawn of the Golden Witch

> * Patch 1 (first half): Trans: 80% Edit: 70%
> * Patch 2 (second half): Trans: 6% Edit: 0%

>> No.5158661

>Episode 6: Dawn of the Golden Witch
>Patch 1 (first half): Trans: 80% Edit: 70%
>Patch 2 (second half): Trans: 6% Edit: 0%

>> No.5158801

It's quite fun actually when you are familiar with the characters (I played about 2/3 of the games it takes characters from when I tried the fighter game).

>> No.5160092 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 209x140, MoreCancer-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5160098 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 209x187, SlowPlaneCancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5160100 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 209x187, Prettyplease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5160104 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 800x602, hank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5160113 [DELETED] 

>combo with sage
what a weaklink

>> No.5160124 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 251x205, anownymous is mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arckuied... my mortal enimy...

>> No.5160144 [DELETED] 


Yes, it is I.

What will you do?

>> No.5160153 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 330x248, OWNED FOR LIFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

destory... you...

>> No.5160209

Ixrec = literal
Moogy = liberal
Makoto = the best!!1
Asceai = there's one?
gp32 = lolnarci2

>> No.5160215

>implying gp32 translated narcissu2
Posting it over and over isn't going to make it true.

>> No.5160216

Ixrec = literal awkward
Moogy = lol so randumb xDDD
Makoto = son.
Asceai = he should translate something
gp32 = wasn't this dude lost in the mountains or something

>> No.5160231

TakaJun = ???

>> No.5160234

>gp32 = lolnarci2
What? Narci2 was Agilis and Haeleth. gp32 was insani - I think his last project was True Remembrance.

Asceai saying he'll TLC SubaHibi is hilarious given how poorly his attempt at G-Senjou went. More amusing is that Moogy levelled the same complaints at Ixrec regarding RuiTomo during the shitpoll as Asceai is levelling at Moogy (meaning from the Japanese will be lost in translation).

>> No.5160236



>> No.5160244

yeah, like...
haven't you ever done something amazing and then there's someone next to you (internet counts too) and they just say ".....son." in complete awe at your feat

>> No.5160247

Takajun is probably the best out of these guys.

>> No.5160249

I'm disappointed.

>> No.5160255

I was thinking of reading Planetarian, this gp32 chap translated that right? How is his translation work?

>> No.5160257

Stop comparing the translators. They're all awesome and you should love them all equally.

>> No.5160262

Nagato =
kingshriek =
ViruX =
Message =

>> No.5160267

Nagato = heh
kingshriek = cool
ViruX = ahh
Message = jesus fuck

>> No.5160272
File: 523 KB, 640x480, alcg0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5160274

Troll Answer: He's shit.

Serious Answer: He's pretty damned good, but rather liberal with his translations to English -- it'll read great but might not match up with the original too well. The guy's a jackass though.

Planetarian was his. Wind was also his.

I'd give that to Makoto. Taka still needs some editing (not that much though) - Makoto churns out awesome at an insane rate.

>> No.5160298

Who translated Clannad? Is that TL any good?

>> No.5160311

About 50 people translated Clannad on a Wiki-like site (not like TLWiki, while TLWiki is a translation Wiki, it's never really had a project where absolutely everyone jumped in and did a little). The translation is terrible.

>> No.5160316


I think that was a collaborative effort.

>> No.5160321


>> No.5160328

Basically he fancies himself a writer, so rather than actually translating he rewrites each line while keeping the same general meaning. Even if you're ok with liberal translations there's still the problem that he isn't a good writer.

I can't remember much about Planetarian's translation but I don't think it was as bad as some of the other insani translations. Probably because it was a joint project and one of their earlier releases.

>> No.5160334

What about other tlwikidevs?
LoSs and The n00b avenger come mind

Also, cheese from dakkodango

>> No.5160348

LoSs and TNA don't really count, since their translations are basically rewritten (LoSs because they're full of Engrish and TNA because Moogy rewrites everything he edits). This might apply to TakaJun too, actually, I'm not sure.

>> No.5160359

Rewritten in editing, I mean. If that wasn't obvious.

>> No.5160459

Thanks, I guess I'll just read it in Japanese.

>> No.5160466

Rewriting everything does not always mean changing the line. If the line is perfect, it may stay as it is.

>> No.5160472

Taka has a few editors. Honestly, every TL should have an editor. The only one that's proven they don't need it is Makoto, I'd argue.

>> No.5160479

What has Makoto translated?

>> No.5160481

However, everybody, including Makoto, need proofreaders.

>> No.5160484

Kikokugai, Saya no Uta, Jouka no Monshou, Demonbane's Al route, Hanachirasu.

>> No.5160490

Saya no Uta, Demonbane(Al's path), Kikokugai and some other Nitro+ works. He also used to sub anime in the past, he subbed more than 13 eps in less a week once.

>> No.5160499

What a crazy guy. He must have a lot of free time.

>> No.5160503

I think he just really enjoys translating.

>> No.5160515

Whoa whoa, hold the fuck up there.

One of Demonbane's paths got translated? When the fuck did this happen?

>> No.5160517

It's been translated for well over a year now. Not released, though.

>> No.5160544

It was done before the NitroPlus deal with JAST. Now Makoto is doing the tl for JAST, I think. Probably going to be the best commercial release to date.

>> No.5160605

I don't think it was ever confirmed if he was working with JAST or not. The only thing we know is that JAST will use his Al's route translation.

>> No.5160624

Moogy seems to talk as though he is. I'd assume he'd have a better idea than us.

>> No.5160636

Makoto stopped translating Demonbane at Al's route. The rest is being done by LoSs. So you'll probably see AWESOME translation quality followed by rather average translation quality.

>> No.5160651

Somebody needs to update the VN TL Mafia image. It's at least a year out of date at this point.

>> No.5160936

Still no word on if they're going to continue Yosuga no Sora?

>> No.5161035

I await with baited breath.

But seriously, would it kill Jast to throw a few more site updates so I don't totally lose faith in them?

>> No.5161039

Demonbane's finished translation has portions (in order of how much they did) from: Makoto, another fan translator, a commissioned commercial translator, LoSs, gckc, and myself.

>> No.5161112

>Dote up a cat- Being translated
more details are needed

>> No.5161179

Given that JAST's estimate (which has yet to be updated) is Q2 - that leaves them two months to release it.

>> No.5161264

>Release on time

>> No.5161319

I can pray.

>> No.5161340

Demonbane will probably be a repeat of Family Project last year, golden master at AX, release at the end of the month

and just like Family Project, contain unannounced loli censorship

>> No.5161355


>> No.5161382 [DELETED] 

Oh god fuck you.

But that was just like one scene. If they censored loli in Demonsbane, they'd have to remove Al's whole route.

>> No.5161394

JAST is a shame for every translating company. People shouldn't give them their money. It's the only way to make them improve.

>> No.5161413

So Demonbane does poorly, NitroPlus is disappointed by the response and ends the partnership. JAST then decides to license nothing but porn games because they earn them more money. Smart move. Of course if they do:
then there's no way in hell I'm buying shit from them.

>> No.5161450 [SPOILER] 
File: 150 KB, 800x600, sp0054b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love SubiHibi

>> No.5161459
File: 129 KB, 800x600, sp0054d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5161471 [SPOILER] 
File: 139 KB, 800x600, sp0054e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5161586
File: 260 KB, 1200x700, 1271305512572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5161689

This is what haunts me at night.

>> No.5161783
File: 272 KB, 795x589, Kei shield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5161800

I too am haunted by Tomino lookalikes in my dreams.

>> No.5161835
File: 94 KB, 618x749, Sumika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5161851
File: 142 KB, 800x600, front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5161854
File: 102 KB, 804x654, potatohead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5161857
File: 870 KB, 799x601, sumi heart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5161865
File: 285 KB, 650x919, sumika pencil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5161872



>> No.5161886
File: 173 KB, 1000x600, heroines2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5161890
File: 54 KB, 802x600, rin eat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5161896
File: 119 KB, 500x680, hanako haato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5161897
File: 452 KB, 794x562, kei1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5161900
File: 236 KB, 921x1394, katawa original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5161905
File: 56 KB, 360x580, shizzle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5161920
File: 431 KB, 800x601, hanako1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5161929
File: 135 KB, 730x482, hnng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5161937
File: 38 KB, 520x305, 1265507277969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5161949
File: 166 KB, 1024x768, holy fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5161973
File: 363 KB, 1280x1024, love and courage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5161983
File: 32 KB, 366x300, sumika takeru gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5161994
File: 67 KB, 800x600, kenji manly tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5161996


>> No.5162002
File: 181 KB, 1632x1152, 436F9329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5162026
File: 174 KB, 740x523, shizune x lilly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5162029
File: 181 KB, 800x600, kenji trolling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5162033
File: 58 KB, 812x887, facesole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5162045
File: 267 KB, 819x579, rin3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5162056
File: 397 KB, 700x596, katawa party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5162066
File: 210 KB, 640x1800, DTB KS parody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5162084

So is this a new method to bring the thread to auto-sage?

>> No.5162267

It was so close to autosage that it doesn't really matter

>> No.5162304

What is the point of aging it off the board? The whole point of /jp/ is VN and Touhou.

>> No.5164318

I lost the psd, sorry~
