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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 666 KB, 600x736, enjoythedemojp4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5127496 No.5127496 [Reply] [Original]

>Four Leaf Studios is officially announcing the release of Katawa Shoujo Act1 version 3. This update adds two main items: a full translation to Japanese and new art sets for Emi and Yuuko, as well as a number of minor improvements and corrections.

>a full translation to Japanese

>> No.5127505


>> No.5127504 [DELETED] 

KS dev leave this place

>> No.5127510

Silly devs, they said the Emi and Yuuko new art would only come out with the full version of the game.

>> No.5127511

Is it finished yet?

>> No.5127518

Not for another 15 years, anonymous~

>> No.5127520
File: 173 KB, 1000x600, heroines2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nice. When's Act 2 coming out?

It's been over a year already.

>> No.5127530


Are they still working on Act 1?
Fuck, in a few month it will have been a full year since the demo was released. The game should have already been completed by now.

>> No.5127536

Don't pressure them.

The more time we give them the better the game will be in the end.

>> No.5127539

Going by the blog, Lilly's entire path is written. The new A1 releases just seem to be mainly translation packs.

>> No.5127543

Japanese won't even care enough to download this.

>> No.5127550

Imagine Duke Nukem Forever releasing yearly demos then dying like a bitch.

>> No.5127549 [DELETED] 

get out KS devs.

>> No.5127557

there was a huge commotion on 2ch when they first released the demo.

>> No.5127560

Did they ever fix the arms of burnt-face ma- I mean girl?

>> No.5127561

Why are they wasting there time with that? Just release the full thing in English then translate it.

>> No.5127562

Not really

>> No.5127565

So, what does nippon say?

>> No.5127564 [DELETED] 

Get out KS devs

>> No.5127585

>So, what does nippon say?

gtfo KS devs.

>> No.5127588

Wouldn't time spent perfecting their demo be better spent on the actual releases?
Release Act 2 already.

>> No.5127592

Not really it was more
"Oi, look some gaijins made a VN isn't hat cute. Oh it isn't that bad, and is fairly interesting but it is no match for our good games. I am surprised by their ability yet still condemn them for not being from Japan."

Is pretty much it.

>> No.5127596

They don't care.
There was a thread about it in 2ch but if I remember correctly most of the posts were about THE TITLE FUCKING SUCK or THEY ARE RIPPING ONE or OH THESE SILLY GAIJINS and others.

>> No.5127602

-Japanese translation and manual
-New art set for Emi
-New art set for Yuuko
-New 4LS splash movie
-New act title card graphic
-several music tracks rerendered
-several script adjustments
-a choice clarification
-fixed a game flow bug

>> No.5127610

Except Duke Nukem Forever was nothing BUT FUCKING VAPORWARE.

Fuck you for reminding me, fuck you all to hell.

>> No.5127611


Act 1 is already completed and released. They aren't going to release anything else until the full game is ready, except for patches and stuff like that.

>> No.5127622

They already filled up an entire thread about Katawa Shoujo at 2ch.

They're on part 2 right now


>> No.5127635

>keep improving act one
>don't actually finish the game

KS Devs, if you want us to stop telling you to get out, how about you do things right...

>> No.5127640

Because the company threw out everything they've done so far and started over. Several times.
Good thing KSdevs would never do tha... OH WAIT

>> No.5127641

That's far from being a "huge commotion", especially considering that KS is already pretty old.

>> No.5127644

>not releasing anything until
>except patches and stuff like that
I hate it when you leave contradicting stuff at the end.

>> No.5127645 [DELETED] 

Get the fuck out

>> No.5127658

uh, link to part one as well?

>> No.5127696

Don't see part 1. Maybe you're just hallucinating.

>> No.5127847 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 500x500, 1259121242026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5127890

>post 20 minutes after thread died
classy, /jp/

>> No.5127902

Bumping 25 minutes after the tread died, responding to a sage 20 minutes after the tread died.

Great work, kiddo.

>> No.5127907

And Emi's new art looks even more out of place than before (but Yuuko's one is pretty good), I hope they did that because they wanted feedback on those art.

>> No.5127915

Posting 2 minutes after the thread died, then saged, then bumped again.

This could go on forever.

>> No.5127914 [DELETED] 

Take it to /a/

>> No.5127925

The whole purpose of the demo is to get feedback (and keep the interest alive).

Just tell 'em what's wrong with it.

>> No.5127921 [DELETED] 


>> No.5127934

Take Idol threads to /s/ and gaming threads to /v/.

You see this happening? I don't.

>> No.5127940 [DELETED] 


Damn, is /jp/ the retarded offspring of /v/ and /b/ or something? This thread is terrible!

>> No.5127950 [DELETED] 

Yeah /jp/ is pure shit.
So go away quickly and forget everything about this place.

>> No.5127965

What, no, I bumped just to spite you fag.

>> No.5127963 [DELETED] 

Not otaku related. Take it back to /a/ where they welcomed it with open arms.

>> No.5127979

Ah, ok, thanks for the warning.

Also bump because I can.

>> No.5127982

You don't know what otaku stands for.

Otherwise, visual novels should be banned from /jp/. Hell, everything would be banned. All that would be left would be spambots, spaghetti birds and people whining about /jp/.

>> No.5127986 [DELETED] 

I like how the troll wannabe kiddies from /a/ think they make anyone mad by bumping their own shitty threads

>> No.5127988

gb2 /a/, KS devs

>> No.5127997


>> No.5128005 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 640x480, suigintousmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the troll. Oh Suigin, you and your shenanigans.

>> No.5128013

No one gives a shit what you think KSdev.

>> No.5128011 [DELETED] 

learn what that word means, kid

>> No.5128067

I think I've given up hope for this game. They keep redesigning shit that doesn't need to be, and translating shit when the routes haven't even been written yet.

The first act was good, but I doubt we're ever going to get anything else out of 4LS.

>> No.5128072 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 400x542, net-troll2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure "Troll" fits you like a glove, Suigin-chan.

>> No.5128078

So only the devs play their game? Wow, they sure are busy posting all over then net....

>> No.5128098 [DELETED] 

you don't know what that word means so you can't be sure, you liar you

>> No.5128104

Read the blog, One girl's path is ready and they check act 3.

The designers don't work on the story...

>> No.5128110

The translators are complete separate from the actual 4ls developers.

>> No.5128128


Also, you guys realize these "act 1 brush ups" are almost all changes that influence the quality of future portions of the game too right?

>> No.5128132 [DELETED] 

People complaining about KS being in /jp/ for it "not being /jp/ related" are exactly the kind of autists /jp/ could lose.

>> No.5128148 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 550x344, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we have to go through this again?

You are an attention whore, and not even one of the good ones either. The best you do is post infuriating posts or cause drama whenever you have a chance. This is reinforced by the fact that you use a tripcode.

>> No.5128158

Dunno what the "not /jp/ related" tards will say now that the board isn't named Japan/General anymore. KS surely is otaku culture related.

>> No.5128161 [DELETED] 

/jp/ doesn't need to lose anything, just go away.

>> No.5128172

Stop fucking around with Act 1 and finish the rest of the VN you fuckwits.

>> No.5128175 [DELETED] 

Yes it does.

>> No.5128182

ξ(^▽^)ξ wahaha~

>> No.5128183

Visual novels are a huge part of /jp/. KS doesn't belong in /v/, it doesn't belong in /a/ (anymore), it simply belongs in /jp/.
Your pathetic hate of the devs and the game purely because of their western origins is something we can lose. It's hypocrisy, as you're probably also one of the people who insist that they're not weeaboo "unlike /a/".

>> No.5128211

Actually I don't want this shit in /jp/ because I don't want to see you and your followers that are all roleplayers, underage faggots and utter retards to come here.
This place already has enough problem as it is, doesn't need you faggots to make it even worse.

>> No.5128223 [DELETED] 

I have a tripcode because it makes it easier for me to find my posts in the archive and "my offensive posts are my opinions
not my fault if you get offended by opinions on the internet and like to call anyone who disagrees with you a troll

>> No.5128229

We'll love you when it's finished KS Devs


>> No.5128272 [DELETED] 

Suigin, you tend to gravitate to threads like this one. You are such an attention whore I can't even begin to describe you. And by infuriating posts, the only thing you do is post "me too" responses. Even your opinions are not your own.

>> No.5128288 [DELETED] 

is it that difficult to admit that you want extra attention?

>> No.5128298 [DELETED] 

>Suigin, you tend to gravitate to threads like this one.
threads we haven't wanted here since /jp/'s creation?
threads that are about touhou but aren't "what 2hu would u b?"
I have no interest in VNs at all I have only read very mainstream ones and I don't feel the need to discuss them
the last thing I read was umineko and you know how fucking terrible Umineko threads were since the start
>the only thing you do is post "me too"
you haven't seen me post at all
oh well I am talking with a troll wannabe kiddie from /a/ after all

>> No.5128316 [DELETED] 

Denial. you cant accept that people have different reasons than whatever you wish to happen in your crystal world

>> No.5128318 [DELETED] 

well shit, did he got banned?

>> No.5128322

/jp/ related.
Doesn't go in /a/
"KS devs get out" is one of the worse traits of /jp/. I understand that you want to keep the roleplaying idiots away, but you just look like /b/ level morons with that insistence.

Take it easy.

>> No.5128321 [DELETED] 

meido just went full retard

>> No.5128328

Can't take it easy if there are unwanted retards running around.

>> No.5128329

It's a computer game and it's not Japanese. How does that fit into /jp/?

>> No.5128327 [DELETED] 


get out. meido agreed.

>> No.5128326 [DELETED] 

Seems so. That or he decided to delete all his posts, which I doubt.

>> No.5128334 [DELETED] 

this thread won't go anywhere

>> No.5128339


we was always talking about that dandelion girl and that russian vn back then.

talking about hypocrite.

>> No.5128343

Sweet, now I can start trolling 4chan with screenshots of japanese KS and "hey guys look at this new VN from japan"

>> No.5128346

It's a VN so it's otaku culture related.

>> No.5128373

And since when /jp/ is actually Otaku Culture? A subject is allowed on /jp/ depends on whether the users here accept it or not. Period.
And faggots from /a/ and /v/ are not counted as /jp/ users.

>> No.5128381

Do it, I fucking dare you.

>> No.5128381,1 [INTERNAL] 

Meido is on a killing spree today. Poor Suigin-sama ;_;

>> No.5128392 [DELETED] 


>> No.5128401

I love how /jp/ can make a big deal about the smallest of things.

>> No.5128397 [DELETED] 


>depends on whether the users here accept it or not

samefagging a thread works like a charm in every boards

>> No.5128407 [DELETED] 

>And since when /jp/ is actually Otaku Culture? A subject is allowed on /jp/ depends on whether the users here accept it or not. Period.
And faggots from /a/ and /v/ are not counted as /jp/ users.

No you dumb son of a whore. The topics of /jp/ are what ever moot says they are. How can you bu such a stupid fucker? I'm mad bro.

>> No.5128401,1 [INTERNAL] 

Meido is a KS dev.

>> No.5128414 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 121x127, 1267663210978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5128421 [DELETED] 


>> No.5128418 [DELETED] 

I was so mad that I could not even respond properly. Your entire post reeks of "omg people are in my sekrit clup, BAWW cry my ass hurts"

You are the cancer killing /jp/, I want to make sweet love to you under the moonlight, then marry you and have 4 children and grow old a die by your side.

>> No.5128421,1 [INTERNAL] 

ITT: Баттхёрт of the highest degree.

>> No.5128455

/jp/ is like 15 guys. They'd rather fap to loliporn rather than play VN or be creative and start making/translating one.

>> No.5128477


>> No.5128476 [DELETED] 

No, no, /jp/ has a lot of lurkers who are afraid to post because all the "secret club, we only post on /jp/" faggots. The ones who rage if you don't know the latest VN fresh from Japan. In other words, Elitist sons of bitches.

>> No.5128482

Which do you think is more rewarding?

>> No.5128492

We could have a serious discussion about this, as the former is instant gratification but too much masturbation can lead to a severe depression, and working on a project can help lift you out of that.

>> No.5128493


>> No.5128499

Still haven't given Misha a route, I don't even have the energy to rage anymore.

>> No.5128493,1 [INTERNAL] 

make me a mod i will f*cking fix this place

>> No.5128500 [DELETED] 

I heard fap'n too much can also give you head aches. This true?

>> No.5128500,1 [INTERNAL] 

now really mood needs to add some iks or board only mods

>> No.5128505


>> No.5128500,2 [INTERNAL] 

You're not Suigin, why pretend?

>> No.5128505,1 [INTERNAL] 

Whats wrong with the place crybaby?

>> No.5128505,2 [INTERNAL] 

It seems like the fact that it has a janitor is too awful.

>> No.5128537


>> No.5128542

>Elitist sons of bitches.
Problem new tripfag?
How about you lurk more.

>> No.5128505,3 [INTERNAL] 

because he's deleting things you don't like? Email moot a complaint, You know every delete is logged.

>> No.5128546

How much fapping is too much fapping?

>> No.5128537,1 [INTERNAL] 

You're misunderstanding me.

>> No.5128558

>666 KB

>> No.5128546,1 [INTERNAL] 

/a/ and /v/ troll wannabe kiddies

>> No.5128564 [DELETED] 

U mad brah? I'm fucking up your "secret club"?

When you start getting head aches, the google tell me 3-4 times a day.

>> No.5128569

archive goasts leave this place

>> No.5128570

Yes, but it's a lot more likely to happen if you fap in the morning.
The headaches will only stay around until you sleep, and it's the kind that makes your head feel really heavy.

>> No.5128579

haha you mad because you are getting told to get out

>> No.5128587

>"secret club"
I like how you keep using quotation marks despite being the only one saying this.

Yes, if you don't like shitposters and devs advertising their shit it must be because you think 4chan is a super secret website.

>> No.5128607

"Problem new tripfag?" = mad
Let me tell you the real reason why KS thread do not get a warm reception here.
Majority of the people think they are just average but some "people" are under the delusion to think that it is ok to spam/fill /jp/ with it.

One example right here.
We have a thread made in 18:35.
Somehow another guy came along and decided to make another one just 1hour later here >>5128080

>> No.5128613 [DELETED] 

Shut up, You're one of the guys who thinks everyone who disagrees with you is from /a/ or /v/.

And what if they are? There is no rule saying you have to stay on one board. You never grew out of your forum kiddie ways.

Just another "secret club, secret club" faggot.

>> No.5128620

Because retards like you keep spamming and deleting.

/jp/ is really fucking shitty

>> No.5128622

You sure told him

>> No.5128628

>/jp/ is really fucking shitty
Nobody is forcing you to post here right if you think /jp/ is that shitty.

>> No.5128640

But the shittyness is what makes /jp/ so entertaining. That and the two or three threads a week that are not filled with faggotry.

>> No.5128638 [DELETED] 

God, at least someone agrees with me. Good to have you on my side valiant warrior. Off to battle we go.

>> No.5128649

go after him, tiger

>> No.5128662

Stop your huge obvious samefaggotry please.

>> No.5128669

why do you assume no one is forcing me to post here?
for all you know I'm here against my will.

>> No.5128678

Or maybe when it's not filled with faggots like you, maybe several months ago or something.

>> No.5128688

You have my condolences. Being force into a shit hole like this isn't healthy.

>> No.5128696

Sucks to be you, BAWWson.

>> No.5128708

forgot your trip,KS dev

>> No.5128710

he disappeared??

>> No.5128720

as mysteriously as he came

>> No.5128722

Banned/deleted for spam/viral marketing/advertising?

>> No.5128734

No I deleted my post because I'm being a ass hurt faggot. Sorry.

>> No.5128735

Right, because I'm one of the faggots who goes around saging and spamming everything I don't like while screaming 'Not /jp/!'

>> No.5128741

I am!

>> No.5128751

You know if you're underage you shouldn't be here. No real adult behaves like that.

>> No.5128757

>People on /jp/ know how to apologize?

Good job.

>> No.5128762

its ok i forgive you

>> No.5128764

but he apologized, when have you ever seen someone do that?

I think he is trolling, He's plotting something!

>> No.5128768

Not warmly waiting.

>> No.5128770

>"Not /jp/!'

I just ctrl-f for "not /jp/!"
No result found. What are you trying to say?

>> No.5128790

You finally realized that your awesome scathing post was in fact directed at yourself?

>> No.5128819

>durr I can take something over-literally am I smart nao

>> No.5129839 [DELETED] 

Reported for Spam / Viral Marketing

>> No.5131198

Release date: TBA

That is, never.

>> No.5131202

KS devs are Necromancers? How fitting...

>> No.5131209

Most of the posts were in fact "LOL CRIPPLES" "CAN'T READ SHIT CAPTAIN" and "TRANSLATION PLEASE" and for a while there was some attempts at wrangling up a translation group which went about as far as those things ever go but then I got bored and stopped looking at the threads and I don't know what happened after that.

>> No.5131214

so why the fuck are they translating this VN to japanese if they don't even care ? it's a pure waste of time for act2

>> No.5131216

Bro, this thread was on the second page. It's not as if this board moves fast. And if it does, it soon gets purged.

I believe we had a Reitaisai discussion that lasted an entire week.

>> No.5131221

because they do care, or at least used to

>> No.5131222

Just about 3 weeks in fact.

>> No.5131225

Most of the japanese said "Hey, lets give it a try".

>> No.5131230

Last time I checked it was on the 5th page.
And /jp/ right now is a bit faster than usual because of weekend and all.

>> No.5131231

What the hell devs, why'd you have to remove what little sparkle was left in Lilly's eyes in the new sprite?

>> No.5131232

This makes it sound like you're from fucking Gaia. Complain about KS devs all you want but don't sound like such a fucking moron while doing it.

>> No.5131238

What were the highlights of that thread?
I missed it.

>> No.5131243

Did you miss that we are lacking two entire pages due to the meido cleaning up some mess? It was on the third (5 - 2 spam) page.

>> No.5131246

Cool visual novel discussion we are having today! Don't forget to make new thread tomorrow KS devs!

>> No.5131249 [DELETED] 

Enough of the KS devs bullshit! You can surely be more creative than spamming that same meme over and over again!

>> No.5131251 [DELETED] 


>> No.5131257


>111 posts and 1 image reply omitted.

/jp/ sure does love KS, alright, in their own hilarious way.

>> No.5131253 [DELETED] 


>> No.5131255 [DELETED] 

It's not meme, it's just that KS is not wanted here. Period.

>> No.5131256 [DELETED] 


Hi, KSDev

>> No.5131258 [DELETED] 


>> No.5131259 [DELETED] 

Fuck off OP.

>> No.5131261 [DELETED] 


>> No.5131265 [DELETED] 


>> No.5131267
File: 450 KB, 800x600, BumpBumpBump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread amuses me.

>> No.5131270 [DELETED] 


>> No.5131272

Hahaha, not a meme? So how come we always get that same stupid automatic reply every time one of the discussions comes up? See also: translation please, x is slut/good girl.

As for "not wanted" check the first quarter of the discussion.

>> No.5131273 [DELETED] 


>> No.5131274 [DELETED] 


>> No.5131277

the title music is a ripoff of higurashi's "you"

>> No.5131315

I lol'd at them bitching about the translation. Perhaps we aren't so different after all.

>> No.5131317

I hope it never gets released, I don't wanna see KS roleplaying threads ever again, I've had enough of that gaia underageb& bullshit.

>> No.5131328

If that's your reason for hating something, you might as well hate everything on this board.

>> No.5131336

Don't worry they do...

>> No.5131346

Haven't seen an RP thread since the hype of Act 1 died down, get out KS DEV!

>> No.5131377
File: 26 KB, 370x658, 1225596019880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H--hhhelllo Anonymous
(Also that recent hilarious one involving some tripcodes)

>> No.5132999

Reported for Spam / Viral Marketing

>> No.5133004


>> No.5133005

Bumping to piss you lowlifes who have nothing else to do than complain instead of doing something productive.

>> No.5133045

Meido sure is goddamn fucking useless for tolerating this obvious spam shit.

>> No.5133053

She had too much alcohol and semen last night and is too hungover to moderate /jp/.

>> No.5133070

Fuck, might as well bump this shit to give KS devs all the attention they crave so much so they could go fuck off somewhere already.

>> No.5133076

I think they should try to get the game ready before translating to other languages~

>> No.5133093

Next time, use noko and give KS devs their long deserved attention.

>> No.5133178


Rin is mai waifu "

This man has good taste.

>> No.5133191

Bump to feed cock sucking ks devs

>> No.5133777

So, who is the most popular KS girl?

>> No.5133789

Hanako i think.

>> No.5136412


>> No.5136494

The reason Misha doesn't have a route is because you will have a bunch of threeways with her, right?

>> No.5136639

Emis new art doesn't really fit with the rest.
It's not bad, but they should try to modify it a bit

>> No.5136659


No, they should make new art for all the other girls instead. The old art is shit.

>> No.5137024
File: 83 KB, 500x281, 1273289134508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't Japan feel ashamed that these gaijins are going to officially release the game with full Japanese translation for free while Japanese VN makers are blocking access from foreigners to buy a game that they don't even understand?

>> No.5137055

Of course it is.
and it's not because she's going to die, forcing you to learn sign language in order to get closer to Shizune.

>> No.5137535

the opposite

>> No.5141050
File: 188 KB, 1000x1000, 1590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5141059

you call this a knife ?

>> No.5141079 [DELETED] 

This advertisement is brought to you by attentionwhoring men and women of 4 leaf studios. Please give us attention, we crave for it.

>> No.5141116

Reported for spam/advertising/flooding.

>> No.5141631

This times infinity.

>> No.5141668

I don't see why not. The Japanese can get the final product faster that way too, and it's not like it slows down the progress of the main game since the staff is completely different.
