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5125235 No.5125235 [Reply] [Original]

Argh I was too late to recruit her. Rushing in up to Nigata at first playthrough (Kunagi route) is really bad since I got my hand busy with PGG and Nightmare Eyes where events keep triggering. I think I'm going to restart from beginning National Chapter.

Anyway Big Bang Age thread. Previous: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/5062503

1. How to maximize the battle use of Naruse Yuuki (too little actions), Doumoto Mizuki (mediocre close range), Kongomaru Aya (seems more useful outside battle), Cleo Aripa, Asakura Yuma and Mitamazuka Youki?
2. Any worthwhile non-VIP unit to recruit at National Chapter?
3. Is it important ASAP to get Great Emperor Mu, Tanzawa Nina, or Sion?
4. Devil Daigo or Hiouguu Kaguya?

>> No.5125244
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>> No.5125256

Kaguya is female, Daigo is not.

The choice should be obvious.

>> No.5125277

He got anti-normal, which is huge advantage on first two and early National Chapter.

Kaguya is more useful late-game for anti-magic, just like Rouga. If you do aim for her it'll be a huge waste if you level Daigo.

>> No.5125432

1) Yuuki is best used when stalling for units that can capture or at least help for capture, like Hibiki, Misugi or Francine. Mizuki gets better, but only after getting her other skill, Scout (same as Ijuin's). Yes, Aya's pretty much only useful for her Honor Student ability. Recruiting Cleo... well, she does have a few scenes with Yuuki, that's it. Yuma's nifty to have early on when attack the PGG tanks, but do note that you need to get Youki first, or she'll bust out of prison with Yuma's help.
2) If you have most of the map cleared and have a few turns to spare, go get Misugi Ryoutaro and finish his events. Sure, he has 99 Pay, but the reward for finishing his events are quite profitable.
3) Getting Emperor Mu lets you build Mu Land, the most profitable place you can build (once), but he's only unlockable by finishing Heita's 4th Star, recruiting Nina... and some other event. Sion is a major heroine, get her early if you want to recruit Tsukiyomi Kibito and Daimon. You don't get to H her until after you finish off the Nightmare Eyes, but the H effect (increases loyalty of all units you have) is pretty much needed until you get the Red Moss Ball thingy in Lake Akan, Transylvania.
4) Daigo retains his type bonuses (includes anti-Demon) after turning back, but he goes back to close range. Unless you're aiming to complete all of Kaguya's stars, you should probably keep Daigo alive.
That and get Daimaouuuuuuu from Lake Fujiko to unlock her skill.

Protip: Early in the District Chapter, finish it off at turn 24 to get the last of Gou's financial help, capture and release as much people as you can while recruiting ones with high Law and Income. You can easily get 1000+ BP on the start of Nationals. Oh, and don't forget to clear the Sunshine dungeon first for an extra BP bonus.

>> No.5125439

Also, in b4 wall of text.
Game can be as easy or as hard as you want to play it.

>> No.5125538

1) OK, so prep works will be building and suppression for stable BP income and tackling Touma/Youki before going after PGG/Yuma in Akihabara district.

2) Turn 30 and I never got Misugi due to heavy cost. What reward are you talking exactly? I never encounter any capturing problem with the help of Ijuin's scout and proper damage output planning.

I finished District Chapter by delaying until turn 29 for clearing and other stuffs. I had no idea it was from shark, goddamn Gou.

I'll restart, pay more attention to inc/law cheap units and anti system. I'll save Daimon/Kibito/Kaguya for later playthrough/Sion route.

I restarted because I like Ulruka's character so much and can't stand losing her. ;_;

>> No.5125575

You need Misugi for a number of full character clears, and you get 3,000 BP for clearing his stars, plus you can get at least another 1,000 more after that (I'm not sure if the event is repeatable). Even doing just one of his events pays for him for 40 turns, and if you give him the ring item that halves pay, 80 turns, which is the entire period you'd have him anyway. He's still not a great unit, but if you need cash fast, get him, do his clears for 3,000 BP, then fire him.

>> No.5125600

Crap, that sounds awesome. His clears are so easy to nail too...

What's your opinion on Todoroki Yuu/Sonnet/Sparn?

>> No.5125616

They're all pretty bad. Sparn's easily the worst of the three thanks to his penalty skill, but you should still pick him up on an early game to get Kuga's full clear since you'll have Kuga every single game.
Sonnet dies if she spends too many turns deployed away from her home, so she has only limited use.
Yuu's the best of the bunch since his clears are easy and he gains a small powerup at the end, but he's still not a great unit.

>> No.5125631

But it's dem elves, man!

>> No.5125641
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Pick up Masakari if you can. He's an awesome short ranged unit with the highest counter in the game, high stamina, good damage, very high base evade, low pay, and max loyalty. Mario and Daigo can't be in your party to pick him up, but you can get around that by grabbing him when Daigo disappears to become Devil Daigo and just leaving Mario in prison until after you grab Masakari (or firing/not recruiting Mario since he's not a very good unit until Hard).

His sister's also an awesome ranged unit, but you have to choose between her and Tomoka and there's no way to cheat that.

>> No.5126380

If you also want to game the system, the results of the lottery are determined by how much BP you have when the drawing happens (turn 11). If you have under 100, you get 500 BP. So build a shitload of buildings to get yourself down to that the turn before, then talk to Sanae for her ATM card while you've got it low, and then pop back up to 500 next turn.

>> No.5128344 [DELETED] 


>> No.5128448

>1) Yuuki is best used when stalling for units that can capture
I found a way more efficient way to capture units. Say the enemy ha 36HP, just use a unit with 33-35atk and wipe them all out.

In fact it was too efficient ;_;
I had so many prisoners from the Dristrict I couldn't interregate any PGG soldiers...I was ready to get that slut Tomoka at turn 16 but had to wait to turn 19 to get to the PGG soldier. Long ass prison queue was long....

>> No.5128483

>District Chapter, finish it off at turn 24
Lol, no. Districts need to be cleared as FAST as possible or you'll end up with a gigantic debt.

>> No.5128507

That's just normal capturing. Yuuki is good for when there's a certain unique that you want to capture. You can use her to just eat up the turns so you aren't forced to kill them.

The debt's not that much more. It's just an extra 30 BP per income phase and 300 BP more overall. If you're releasing prisoners every turn and only fucking Sanae, you practically make that up already, plus you can farm dates for love points for Sanae or Kunagi or farm experience off of the dungeon.

I still almost always end District on turn 19 anyway, but that's mostly because grinding in District is boring and lame.

>> No.5128525

I don't even bother with the devil Daigo thing. I just just Daigo to clear Aya, then end him off to Saporo so I can get Kaguya and Masakari.

>> No.5128527

How the fuck do I capture MU without killing even one of those little shits.

>> No.5128548

Use Yuuki and other weak long range units. He can't really kill them and if you're lucky, they won't even counter.

>> No.5128561

You can kill the bikers. That makes it easy.

>> No.5128686

Something to note about Yuuki and his special attack Vaughn: even though it doesn't do any damage, it counts as a successful hit on the opponent.

I found out this by accident when I ironically made Yuuki singlehandedly kill off that vampire boss in Saporo (without actually damaging him...).
I was only trying to stall time with it. But it was good enough to conquer the area and that poor vampire boss was kill by a feint shot...;_;

>> No.5128715

>Vampire boss
Oh god I didn't realize you can do that. I wasted time killing him over and over. Poor girls, having to be eaten.

>> No.5128787

I was under lucky circumstance. There was only that boss and another enemy so 2 shots where enough.
And another circumstance was that Saporo has 5 contol points and I happened to only need the last point, so that attack was precisely enough.

Good thing about it was that I saved important stamina points for Rouga and Kunagi. But I did feel sorry for the vampire guy ;_;

>> No.5128869

So yeah, I guess that's a good use Yuuki. Vaughn is pretty much counted as a clean hit (without being hit yourself). 3 Vaughn hits and two other clean hits without being hit means you conquered 2 control points for pretty much no effort.

>> No.5128883

Sounds nice. Too bad Yuuki got too little action points.

Anyway is there fixed action point restoration per turns? Does it recover faster if the unit is undeployed?

>> No.5128905

1 per turn, 2 if undeployed. Mac's skill regenerates his stamina to full (minus the one needed to use it).

The items that give stamina can also be equipped onto a unit at zero stamina to give them three, which is abusable as fuck.

>> No.5128937

>Rushing in up to Nigata at first playthrough (Kunagi route) is really bad
What? No that's the clever thing to do. Do Yokohama first then Nigata and Akihabara gives you the most money.

I had no trouble beating PGG at turn 14. Nightmare Eyes didn't even respond to me and I just attacked them fist and raped them by turn 26-27.

The only thing stalling me right now is I can't figure out when the hell Kaguya will pop up. Daigo is already gone, but I have no option to recruit her ;_;

>> No.5129008

Well the result is I have to fight at three to four front (1 NE, 1 zombies, 1-2 PGG) and NE events keep on happening up to Ulruka which I want to get so badly.

By the time I reach Ezo she was already kidnapped 4 turns ago, and the rape scene turns on automatically.

>> No.5129031

Kaguya killing him is a really low priority event. It took 7 turns for her to show up when I tried to get her with that clear.

>> No.5129039

What? Why were you still fighting the PGG?

>> No.5129046

>recruiting ones with high Law and Income
Income is good, but Law is useless btw.

Generic girl students are awesome because the have low pay (5-8) while giving 50 income.

Generic boy students fucking suck, they are a waste of money. Order declining happens so slowly, you can just wait 2 or 3 turns then push this button when you see the skull in the city. You pay 10 bp and then everything is fine again....

No need to be concerned about law at all, it's just an added headache and you waste more money on having those generic male students. Not to mention you wast turns on recruiting them too. NOT worth it at all, they are a waste.

>> No.5129050

I rushed up to Nigata -before- I start attacking PGG.

>> No.5129074

>1 zombies
I haven't even triggered that shit yet. Waste of time and stamina.

I don't know what you did, but you seriously just need to rape PGG fast and there won't be any problems.

>> No.5129081

So did I>>5128937

>> No.5129089

Getting Touma Kanata ASAP, following the walkthrough.

>> No.5129091

You still want enough units to be able to put one everywhere, especially on Senna's route because of the Skull Serpent's ability. Guy students are the cheapest easily captured generics.

>> No.5129100

Hmmm I guess I'll clear the other independent territories while waiting for her then.

>> No.5129110

Hmmm, nifty skill he has there. Damn, I should have gotten him earlier then.

>> No.5129131

Next playthrough I'll just make sure I have 15-20 girl students recruited from the District chapter.

>> No.5129169


>> No.5129188
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>then push this button
lol, I forgot the imgae

>> No.5129189

Check the wikia link.

>> No.5129238

>when there's a certain unique that you want to capture
I just pick a unit with the appropriate atk value.

One thing I found out is that it's good to have both high damage units, medium damage units and low damage units just for this purpose. And Items that give +10 atk ac also be used to adjust certain units to fit a certain hitpoint range.

>> No.5129334

You're still not understanding. It's for when you have more units than the enemy (like need to defend against counter after) and/or don't want to risk accidentally killing them on the turns you can't see which unit the enemy's going to use.

>> No.5129418

That's why scout ability from Ijuin is very useful. Way more useful than Francine, I think.

In case that specific enemy with 1-4 HP is still going to attack and you got no more gentle/disable due to lack of action points, you can just retreat.

>> No.5130028

Which costs you a turn or control points. Still not as good a solution as using Yuuki to eat up turns.

>> No.5130920 [DELETED] 


>> No.5131195

I noticed that suppressing buildings in the District chapter was pretty fucking useless. So I stupidly ignored that in the National chapter.

It turns out that suppressing the cram school in Akihabara increases its income by a whooping +80 bp.....
Does anyone knows of other important unlocks like this?
Or maybe there's a list somewhere which tells what each suppressed building unlocks?

>> No.5131228


The tell you under the picture

>> No.5131254

Woah, you're right, there's those grey numbers under the building images....

>> No.5131292

I've gotten so sick of this game, and I haven't even beaten the PPG. Since recovery is so fucking slow, everything is an uphill battle, and even capturing people is fucking retardedly hard.

>> No.5131295

I missed Daigo because I accidentally killed him the first time he showed up, and being unable to save except once at the start of each turn pisses me off.

>> No.5131306

The PGG is so fucking easy once you understand the game mechanics.

>> No.5131309

Not much value was lost. You can still get Masakari and Kaguya to replace him.

>> No.5131334

No, you just suck. Badly.

>Since recovery is so fucking slow
Capture Shinjuku, suppress the hospital, you'll randomly get the Exclusive Nurse which increases recovery

>everything is an uphill battle
Not against the PGG...

>and even capturing people is fucking retardedly hard.
...no, again, you just suck.

>> No.5131360


Everyone should be easy except the final area. PGG should be harder than nightmare eyes and the national protectorate though.

>> No.5131517

PGG is the closest nation to beginning game and is in disorder due to VP Murata. I don't get your logic why they should be harder.

Go play Hard difficulty or something.

>> No.5131925
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Anyone figured out what exactly this option in the middle does?
It has a star...But it doesn't look like it does anything good.

>> No.5131936

>>everything is an uphill battle
>Not against the PGG...

I have to keep everyone deployed in order to stop attacks from fucking everywhere, if I happen to leave one guy alive somewhere with like 2 health, next turn he's joined by another two for no apparent reason....

>> No.5131968

Hmm, well I supposed it's not so much difficult as intensely time-consuming. In Sengoku Rance I can take an area over in ten minutes. In this every turn takes twenty.

>> No.5131996

Yeah, more micromanagement than Sengoku Rance. Also the save location isn't well-placed by game design standard.

It's more strategic to save/reload right before planning step and risk/time-consuming execution, which means it should be available after Gou-chan's report. Instead we have to ctrl again from hscene to jail and more plots etc.

>> No.5132227
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Can someone help me decipher what this even means?

>> No.5132230

The symbol in the brackets on the left is the type that the character is. The lit-up symbols on the right are the types that the character has a bonus to hit and evade against.

>> No.5132237

The symbol in the box to the left is that character's type. The other lit up symbols are types that character is strong against (+30% hit, evade, counter).

>> No.5132244

That means the character (Kuga) is Black-B type. He'll gain +30 on Hit and Evasion whenever he fight against White-B, Black-B and Supernatural/Fantasy type.

There isn't official translation for those types at this point.

>> No.5132252

Kyudo rape scene isn't translated yet ;_;

>> No.5132260

Thanks. Glad to have that cleared up.

>> No.5132283

Is it just me or does Mummy Shiraville suck for everybody else too?

She's supposed to be a mini-Kunagi and have awesome evade. And I can give her item that boosts her evade to 68, yet she still seem to be hit and damaged all the time....

>> No.5132288


>> No.5132344
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What about these 3 little arrows at the bottom right, what do they mean?

>> No.5132350

Nevermind, I figured it out, it's their ranges. Short, medium, long.

>> No.5132380

Short range (yellow): medium damage, high counter
Medium range (green): high damage, low counter
Long range (blue): low damage

Rough advantages: medium > short > long > medium

>> No.5132462

Is the translation patch good enough to play Senna route yet? I don't want to play Kunagi's one.

>> No.5132508


>Senna's heroine phase scenes are finished except >for the very last cowgirl one and a bunch of character >clear stuff.

That is of the latest patch (of today).

>> No.5132514

>Last updated: May 14th
Holy crap, I didn't knew. Patching at the speed of light. Hope they don't break my gamesaves.

>> No.5132579

>ALD updates are also not applied to saved games
So if you want to access new script you got to restart the game?

Gotta stick with Kunagi route, then.

>> No.5132592

The ALD file is a list of strings for character, place, dungeon, building, and item names.

>> No.5132631

Nah, new dialogue should be translated on old saves, but names for stuff won't be.

>> No.5132797

That Kyudo/Kuga scenes aren't translated yet.

Oh well, might as well just keep the save.

>> No.5132813

Senna's route is translated up until the Skull Serpents.

>> No.5132829

Oh Pram that faggot. I gang raped him with tactical command, evade bonus, reduced counter and wolf fang.

>> No.5132882
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Delicious vampire waifu achieved

>> No.5132914

I must say Pram has some very nice taste when it comes to wincest and waifus. Need a delicious incestuous waifu? We'll just make one in a jiffy

>> No.5133049

If I clear some characters, they will have bonuses in future games, right?

Then if I update to the latest patch, will my future games still remember the current clears I have?

>> No.5133468


>> No.5133831

Are characters considered cleared for future
I.e. say I have a single save file with a few cleared characters, will I get the bonuses if I start a new one even though I haven't finished the game on any save file?

>> No.5134012

>DX Sal (DX爆猿皇)
>How you get it: Select the event "Challenging the Clinkety-Clank" (ガチャガチャに挑戦) in the Autumn Wave Field (秋波原) about three times.
>Effect: Equipped unit receives +20 Attack stat
Anyone knows if this info is correct?
All I get from the Capsule machine in Akihabara is the Lightwing DX item....Which I already have, so I actually gain nothing ;_;

>> No.5134100

I thought the capsule machine gave out random stuff.

>> No.5134199

That sucks for me then. I get the same item no matter how much I reload now.

I wonder if it's something that's randomized then predetermined when you start the game...

>> No.5134212

Anyone had any luck with Aya's second star?

I just can't seem to clear her.
>Event auto-generated when you go under 99 BP. This event has a higher priority that the one Hibiki Sanae (日比生咲苗) under the same conditions.

>> No.5134378

>How you get it: Release or Sell 21 captives from the Prison screen
Said the wiki about the other DX item. They probably just got the two mixed up.

>> No.5134433

No, that's correct enough.
You get the Lightwing DX from releasing a shit load of prisoners.

but in my case I got the Lightwing twice....So basically nothing gained from the capsule machine. Fucking stupid game bug.

>> No.5134562

I fucking lol'd when I found out who Sae was... and the things she's been through....

>> No.5134616

That's not right. Sanae's scene is during the conversation phase, not the start of turn phase. Aya's thing is also super low priority, so you generally won't be able to see it until turn 30+, if not longer.

There's some level of randomness and some things aren't. I can't say about the Capsule game in particular, but for Interrogations for example, if you reload over and over again, the chance to get an item is rerolled each time, but you'll always get the same item for that given turn and save.

>> No.5135824

So, how exactly do you patch this? I dl'd the patch from the site, but everything in it can't be opened apparently. Something I need to dl or what?

>> No.5135837

Stop being stupid.

>> No.5135930

Oh thanks! Big help. (Seriously though, thanks, I was being pretty stupid)

>> No.5136755


>> No.5137050

You can get it three times actually. From interrogation, from releasing, and from the capsule game.

>> No.5139849

