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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5104991 No.5104991 [Reply] [Original]

Who on /jp/ will be trying out?

>> No.5104997

You're mom

Also, reported.

>> No.5104993

All of /jp/.

>> No.5105004
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>> No.5105001


>> No.5105007

You've got to be kidding me

>> No.5105009



If anything, you faggots should be reporting the /a/ thread. /jp/ is OTAKU CULTURE, and thus, and OTAKU CULTURE THREAD IS RELATED TO /jp/, but not /a/.

>> No.5105014


>> No.5105018
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>> No.5105019

Report this thread for spam/advertising/flooding like all the other /a/ threads.

>> No.5105028
File: 127 KB, 480x368, yamireal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm going to come up with a "Reported." spam just to piss you off. Also, anybody notice how the content is using the SEGA Genesis font?


>> No.5105034


I don't even browse /a/. Please don't assume everyone on /jp/ browses /a/.

>> No.5105035


>> No.5105070


>> No.5105083

lol what?

>> No.5105103

What's funny is that the winner won't even be a real otaku; it'll just be some normalfag they paid off.

>> No.5105108
File: 119 KB, 1024x768, sega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting, you retarded manchild.
I can't wait for your subnet to be banned.

>> No.5105121


>What's funny is that the winner won't even be a real otaku; it'll just be some normalfag they paid off

He or She or IT will pretend to be an Otaku. Then there will be this big transformation at the end where they win a makeover, and the moral of the story that everyone goes home with is that being an Otaku is lame and gay.

>> No.5105126
File: 52 KB, 480x368, yamirealv2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was banned over a year ago kid, get with the times. I've already burned through over a thousand proxies and have plenty more to spare.

>> No.5105131


>> No.5105132



More like GAYga

>> No.5105138

Probably true. I won't be watching this shit, but inform /jp/ of the "winner" so we can rage at American tv.

>> No.5105156

What the fuck is with Americans and thinking being an Otaku is a good thing?

>> No.5105158

the show's hosted in england...

>> No.5105167

>hosted in England
I don't see how that changes anything about the title.

>> No.5105161
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>> No.5105175

We don't even have loli over here.
What is the point?

>> No.5105192


>> No.5105194


>> No.5105206

Normalfags judge how otaku otakus are.
This is going to be hilarious.

>> No.5105207

And it's only gonna get worse now the election's done.

>> No.5105208

>Hosted in England
They're trying to catch lolicons who are trying to hide or resist by hosting this show. It's all a trap, and the series ends with all the participants going to jail, while the narrator says "This is why everybody should avoid Japan."

>> No.5105232

i no

>> No.5105233

I'm not sure if I want my weeaboo hobbies known to the rest of the world outside of people who lurk the internet. God knows if some weeaboo gets on there and starts spouting shit about towhows and uminayko.

>> No.5105239


>> No.5105242

There's no way that will happen. It'll just be the sort of people that go to animu cons and think they're wota because they watch shows subtitled.

>> No.5105253

what is this

>> No.5105258

How common ARE western wotagei anyway? Apart from unique cases like Halko it doesn't seem as though seiyuu are particularly idolised by western anime fans.

>> No.5105264

Reported, hidden, saged and called the cops.

>> No.5105269


>Calling a female voice actress a "seiyuu" instead of a "voice actress"

Yeah, you should be on the show.

>> No.5105273


Out of all the crap wrong with his post, you chose to nitpick THAT?

>> No.5105275

Just looked it up.

Looks like a publicity stunt to remind people that they're still trying to sell anime in the west.

>> No.5105287

Oh man, I can only dream.
The rage will be deafening.

>> No.5105293

When has /jp/ ever called them voice actresses?

>> No.5105298

are you new here?

>> No.5105301

hay guys if that baka is in an anime, who will be her seiyuu? will it be kawaii?? xD

>> No.5105307

I don't care about your virgin freak display show

>> No.5105353
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>claiming to be a non-virgin slut

>> No.5105358
File: 239 KB, 640x455, [suiginisafag]playernanaya2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like you're not such a fucker after all, fucking retard. I guess I will you off easy today. Appreciate it.

>> No.5105436

