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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5103572 No.5103572 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 20 and my life is over and all i have is touhou

>> No.5103585

Welcome to MLFHEA ( My life has ended Anonymous)

>> No.5103589
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You say that like it's a bad thing.

>> No.5103592

>I'm 20 and my life is over
Haha, no.
Come back in 30 years at least.

>> No.5103595

I'm 23 in 13 days.
You have at least a couple of years ahead of you.

>> No.5103598

I can save you
all you have to do is start practicing aikido
Arguably the most powerful martial arts in Japan.

An Aikido practitioner is practically invincible, no one of any martial arts background can ever land a punch or kick on one.

Using the power of the attacker, the Aikido practitioner uses absolutely no energy to knock them down.

A fearsome martial arts it is.

>> No.5103609

you mean judo?

>> No.5103621

Here is a requiem for you, OP.

>> No.5103647
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My life was over a year ago when I failed the term and had to drop out of uni. That shattered all hopes of every going to Japan. Now I can't bring myself to get out of NEETdom.

>> No.5103655
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I'm 24 in 2 months.

>> No.5103666

maybe in anime judo has a chance against aikido

>> No.5103677

i'm 26 and my life is far from over since i take it easy and live without thinking about bullshit like "what am i supposed to do in the future" or "what did i achieve?".

i prefer to ignore that shit and just take it easy.

>> No.5103826

First, come back when it's Wednesday. Seems people labelled it the /jp/ suicide day or something.

Second, I'm tired of seeing that picture while I have no idea who it is, who drew it and where I can get more?

Third, I hear ya. Same shit here ;_;

>> No.5103869

You're new here, aren't you?
Ange, Umineko, artist is Rifyu. Why don't you give up and die?

>> No.5103909
File: 93 KB, 1456x851, homeless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 22 and I'm going to be homeless in 3 days.

Cry more.

>> No.5103914

I'm 36 and life is wonderful and idyllic with every sign of getting better!

>> No.5103920

you again? quit whining and sort your shit out, retard.

>> No.5103927

join the military

>> No.5103932

I'm 25, my life is drifting along, and the most important thing I have is Touhou.

>> No.5103933

Fuck that, be a hobo anon!.

>> No.5103942

How did you manage to fail biology?

>> No.5103975

Make me.
That's an even dumber idea than choosing biology as a major.
They were boring upper level classes that I just didn't and couldn't give a shit about, like population genetics.

>> No.5103987

Why did you pick a course you couldn't give a shit about? It's not as if there's money in biology.

>> No.5103998

It's like you've never heard of medicine.

>> No.5103999
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>They were boring upper level classes that I just didn't and couldn't give a shit about
then why the fuck did you take that class?
seriously, the only way out could be shooting yourself holding a map of gensokyo.

>> No.5104028

It was required for my degree. I had to take it if I wanted to graduate.

I've been planning on changing my major to Biochem for 3 years but never got around to it. Now it's too late, and I'm not trying to act like it wasn't my fault. I'm a lazy faggot.

>> No.5104045

So what your plans in 3 days?

>> No.5104066


He'll become one of us, waking up as a NEET and going to bed as a NEET, pissing on the floor throughout the day.

>> No.5104069

lol he thinks thats a real martial art

>> No.5104074

If I recall correctly he said he can't even return to his parents home.

>> No.5104076

I already sold everything aside from my laptop and its ethernet cord.

I have $300 left after paying for breaking the lease. The plan is to become a wandering hobo and get a job if I'm lucky, then build myself back up. Or kill myself. Both are equally likely.

>> No.5104079

Oh man, I just love these new blogger folks who are visiting this board.

>> No.5104086

I'm taking Automotive Tech. I can see why rednecks enjoy this so much.

>> No.5104092


Sell your laptop, spend all your money on hookers, a hotel room and drugs. Snort drugs, fuck hookers, kill hookers, kill yourself.

>> No.5104105


Time for some blue collar work for you!

>> No.5104108

Laptops are better than hookers.

>> No.5104125

Why don't you spend this time trying to find a place to stay? Who knows, maybe someone around these boards are willing to house you and you have enough for travels. What do you have to lose at this point?

>> No.5104136

I'd rather just kill myself on the off chance that there's a heaven. I imagine suicide is judged more leniently than snorting drugs, sleeping with hookers and multiple homicides. Plus, I'm still a pure virgin. That's gotta count for something.

>> No.5104148

I have no way of getting to said places since I don't have a car, and I'm far too shy to ask to live with someone. I would actually be happier just living on the street than bothering someone by staying at their place.

>> No.5104181

Sorry bud, but suicide is the greatest sin you can make against God.

Just sell yourself or something.

>> No.5104192

Suicide is self murder. It's a sin and your going to hell if you do it.

>> No.5104201

You would rather end like a failure clinging onto some cheap pride rather than putting up a fight before you die? This is exactly the type of attitude that put you into this situation in the first place. There are Greyhounds for traveling across the country, Taxis to get you around the state. Start looking.

>> No.5104208

How is it a sin if my life would never amount to anything good? It's in the best interest of society and God's little experiment.

If he's willing to drive me to the point of suicide, why should I give a shit in the first place?

>> No.5104220

I prefer cheap pride to being a jackass and a bother to other people. It's just the way I am.

>> No.5104231

>I prefer cheap pride to being a jackass and a bother to other people.
>I also enjoy telling /jp/ all about the story of my life.

>> No.5104232


PROTIP: God doesn't exist and there is no heaven. From dust ye came, unto dust ye shalt return.

>> No.5104247

Because you're throwing away the life, neigh, you're murdering the life that he gave you to live out to the full.

>> No.5104268

As if I have anything better to do right now. I'm just waiting for them to send maintenance over and kick me out on my ass and mooching off their free water.

[citation needed]

What can I say? He gave me a shitty life.

>> No.5104283

OP, why don't you just get on a bus and go on a journey across your country. If you travel long enough chances are something will happen, good or bad. Anything will be better than just killing yourself.

If you're going to kill yourself at least strap a bomb to your chest and take a group of feminists with you. At least by sacrificing yourself you can help make our lives better. So you didn't amount to anything while alive- at least you can die and be remembered as a hero.

And if you want a job I can teach you to be a 3D modeler.

>> No.5104290

>[citation needed]

The burden of proof rests on the one making a positive claim. If you state that god exists, you have to provide evidence for it.

>> No.5104303

OP here. Hobo-san isn't me, he just hijacked my thread.

>> No.5104305

instead of killing yourself become a hero. run into burning buildings to save kids, take out mafia and in the off chance you get killed, it won't be suicide anymore.

>> No.5104318

The same goes for you. If you're claiming the universe started with a big bang I want to see proof. You can start by explaining dark matter and dark energy.

>> No.5104327

I still don't see how this shows your preference for cheap pride. Seems to me more like you're readily tossing away your dignity so you can continue to cling parasitically to your host as long as possible. And asking anonymous people on the internet to pity you doesn't make your case much better. Don't try to pretend you actually care about pride anymore, alright?

>> No.5104328

>run into burning buildings to save kids

He'll just get labeled as a pedophile and thrown in jail.

>> No.5104338 [DELETED] 

Dark matter theory is the modern day version of the ether thoery. There is not evidence that it exists on the contrary scientific laws would point to it not existing.

>> No.5104350

Dark matter theory is the modern day version of the ether theory. There is not evidence that it exists on the contrary scientific laws would point to it not existing.

>> No.5104362

Somebody's never heard of gravity.
ΛCDM is called "standard model" for a reason.

>> No.5104374

I'm not asking for pity, and an anonymous imageboard clearly isn't the place to get it. I'm just telling my story to anyone who gives a shit, if you're on /jp/ and responding to this thread you clearly have nothing better to do.

I didn't mention living parasitically in my plan, either. If you read my original post you would've seen that my plan was to become a wandering hobo and find a job if I'm lucky. If I can't find a job in this shitty economy, which is likely, I'll just kill myself rather than becoming a beggar on the streets.

>> No.5104386

Uh, there's tons of evidence.

Everything we know about physics says that there HAS to be dark energy and dark matter. The laws are all incorrect otherwise.

>> No.5104399

Don't blame me it's what they taught in science class. Dark matter theory is about as reliable as ether in Einstein's time. It directly contradicts the theory of relativity.

>> No.5104415

Your science teachers all need to be fired then. And quickly.

>> No.5104428

>I'm just telling my story to anyone who gives a shit
That's tantamount to asking people to give a shit. In other words, asking for pity.
>I'm just waiting for them to send maintenance over and kick me out on my ass and mooching off their free water.
That's called living parasitically.

>> No.5104438

How is that parasitic? My rent is paid for the next 3 days.

>> No.5104454

So? According to what you said, you're still going to patiently wait for them to come over and boot your backside. And you're probably going to be spamming more pity threads on /jp/ while you're at it.

>> No.5104462
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>> No.5104469
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>> No.5104479
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>> No.5104485
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>> No.5104496
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>> No.5104501
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>> No.5104504

>He'll just get labeled as a pedophile and thrown in jail.
well at least he'll have a bed, a roof, free food and a place to stay.

>> No.5104510
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>> No.5104511

They're going to boot me out on the last day regardless, I might as well enjoy the roof over my head that I paid for while I still have it. I even paid them for breaking the lease early, they have no reason to complain.

Also, I haven't even mentioned this since I originally posted in two weeks ago and this thread seemed like the place to do it. It's not like I made a thread about it, this thread was already shit when I saw it.

Anyways, you've managed to make me depressed to the point of tears again so I'm out. Later.

>> No.5104515

you have us

>> No.5104516
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>> No.5104519

22 here
my life has just begun and i look foward to the best days of my life, free of living with relatives and making monies for myself.

i love being a nuke

>> No.5104521
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>> No.5104522

Not to mention the free room service he'll get. Up the ass.

>> No.5104523

I hope you get booted out quickly, so you don't have internet access anymore, and we don't have to read your shit

Other than that, have a nice life though

>> No.5104524
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Hey, fuck you.

>> No.5104533
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>> No.5104542
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>> No.5104543

OP isn't the crying to-be-hobo, read harder.

>> No.5104546

jelous much

>> No.5104552
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>> No.5104557
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>> No.5104569
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>> No.5104574
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>> No.5104579
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>> No.5104585
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>> No.5104586

>>5104247 the life that he gave you
Looks like someone else failed biology.

Also reported.

>> No.5104593
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>> No.5104597
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>> No.5104601

so, he won't be a virgin anymore. he'll get more sex than everyone here combined.

>> No.5104625

I don't think you understand. /jp/ chooses to be a virgin of his own free will because he's above his normalfag biological instincts and an idiotic society that says you must have sex to be successful.

Sex is nothing but a distraction in a world filled with overpopulation. Brains started to trump brawn a long time ago. I've turned down several females who were at least 7/10 simply because I don't enjoy being around other people. A girlfriend just doesn't fit my lifestyle.

>> No.5104629
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>> No.5104630
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>> No.5104638


>A girlfriend just doesn't fit my lifestyle.

But a Waifu does, right?


>> No.5104639
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>> No.5104644
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>> No.5104646

i tried sex
i dont think i will ever be able to be emotionally attached to someone enough for it to be meaningful and actually feel good
would much rather just fap

>> No.5104649
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>> No.5104650

No, waifus are dumb.

>> No.5104653
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>> No.5104655




Hey! Hey, /jp/! Did you hear what this guy said!?

He said waifus are DUMB!

>> No.5104656
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>> No.5104666
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>> No.5104668

Go away, tripfag. We don't like your kind around here.

>> No.5104670
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>> No.5104674
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>> No.5104675


Hey, get mad at him, not me. I'm only quoting him.

>> No.5104678
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>> No.5104680
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Arc, what the hay? You keep disappearing. It's so boring here without you!

>> No.5104684
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>> No.5104691
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>> No.5104693


Don't look now, but I'm authoring some cool stories for you bros.

>Please wait warmly, Arcueid is getting ready.

>> No.5104698
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>> No.5104703
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>> No.5104710

Also, is this ironic loli porn spam supposed to highlight the hypocrisy of NEETs claiming to hate sex, but lusting after 2D girl-sex? Is it an allusion to the multitudes of "HOW WOULD U FUCK UR TOUHOU" threads that suggest otherwise when /jp/ claims to hate sex?

Total newfag alert. Hypocrites and /jp/ are one and the same, spammer, now go away. I am disappoint.

>> No.5104713
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>> No.5104737

Don't try to bring logic into /jp/, you'll just end up starting a fight and making a mess on the floor that poor Meido-sanwill have to clean up by herself after everyone leaves.

>> No.5104746

Normally I would condone this spam, but this porn is just terrible.

Reported for spamming.

>> No.5104759

>Make me.
Just wait 3 days and I'll do it.

>> No.5104765

How come threads are clearly being deleted by the janitor according to the archive, yet this thread is still here?

I don't get it.

>> No.5104767


Shutting one's self up in one's room requires a certain absence of logic, so I agree with you 100%.

>> No.5104773
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>> No.5104779
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>> No.5104792
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>> No.5104795

Otaku related

>> No.5104796

we want to be the little girl, so its a little different

>> No.5104802
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>> No.5104813
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>> No.5104823
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>> No.5104834
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>> No.5104840
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>> No.5104847
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>> No.5104853
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>> No.5104858
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>> No.5104865
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>> No.5104877
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>> No.5104882
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>> No.5104889
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>> No.5104908
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>> No.5104916
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>> No.5104921
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>> No.5104927
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>> No.5104934
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