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5097191 No.5097191 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished Infinite Space. Finally, a great JRPG with good story and characters in a long while. Anyone here played it?

Btw it was developed by a VN company which explains all the incestous undertones in the game.

>> No.5097207

I might pick it up again someday but SMT was released shortly after Infinite Space so I delayed it

>> No.5097231

>incestous undertones

It's not undertones if they flat out display their love for each other.

>> No.5097247

And it's not incest if they just call each other brother and sister when not related at all.

>> No.5097686

I like the anime scenes, where can I find artwork and anime screencaps of this game?

>> No.5097709

I don't own a DS but I think I might buy one just to play this, looks fucking interesting.

>> No.5097717

I don't have NDS ;_;

>> No.5097794

Best rpg on DS. Fuck, I even dropped FFXIII to play this.

>> No.5097810
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The game was pretty awsome alright.
The ending however felt a bit.. blah after all that.

>> No.5097826

tell me /jp/, to play this, what ds should i buy? the dsi has less homebrew options so i don't really want that.

>> No.5097832

incest end is best end

>> No.5097834

Their bodies were probably made as blood-relatives, no reason for them not to be. That was probably retconned out of existence when Yuri subconasciously wished they weren't brother and sister while fighting the Desmond Gate.

>> No.5097849
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Great game. I found this Ian fellow most agreeable, too bad he was not given his due amount of screentime once he became a driven and determined adult man.

>> No.5097855

Anyone noticed adult Kira copied the hairstyle and dress sense of Nia? That girl is seriously obsessed with her brother...

>> No.5097878

You only like Ian because he was a trap.

>> No.5097880

>developed by a VN company
>Developer(s): Nude Maker & Platinum Games
>neither of which are VN companies

>> No.5097905

I was kinda dissapointed at how Pappas just vanishes from existence if you don't side with Kalymnos.

Dude was a great bro. I would have liked to go on manly BROMANCE adventures with him, Dietrich and Roth.

>> No.5097970

This needs a fucking sequel. That just can't be the end of it. Yuri needs to rape Lugovalos into submission and raise an army in case the anti-spirals fuck shit again.

>> No.5097981
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Soo what the hell actually happened at the end?

>> No.5097994

They blew up the thingie surrounding the sun that was powering the gate that the Phages were using to enter our universe, and then Yuri hitched a ride througha Flux sector to wish Kira back into existence.

Of course, that just stinks of temporary solution, the Overlords have to be able to enter the universe some other way. Thus the cries for a sequel.

>> No.5098017

Did they ever explain who the fuck Celina was?

>> No.5098029

Yuri gets to fuck his sister.

>> No.5098055

I wish the dub was better. I really liked the combat voices in the Japanese version even though eventually you just skip them.

It's harder to play an undub when the cut-scenes have no subtitles.

>> No.5098116

>It's harder to play an undub when the cut-scenes have no subtitles.

WHAT cutscenes? What voices?

You mean the "Prepare main canons for firing and mouth some random technobabble for twenty seconds" sequences each time you were about to fire? The ones everybody always skips after playing ten minutes because they say the exact same irrelevant shit each time?

Who the fucking hell could possibly complain about the voicing in a game whithout any voiced cutscenes whatsoever?

>> No.5098974

The battle with Eremon was awesome with them playing the theme song. What was the story behind him and Nia anyway? They didn't explain any of it.

>> No.5099016

Nia may possibly be Lugovalian royalty or something. Eremon had a thing for her. Shit happened between the two, and Eremon is a commander while Nia is a pirate. At least, until Nia meets Yuri and then the game begins.

Celina Sioufas? The pirate chick? Just that. Also, she knew Nia from way back. Probably drinking buddies or something.

>> No.5099024

Damnit, I bought the game, but I remembered my touch screen broke, and it's only usable some of the time.

Ah well, I'm just at the void gate after beating Ropsek (whatever it's called), so I made at least some progress.
