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5096780 No.5096780 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you a NEET?

>> No.5096785

why not?

>> No.5096792

Because it can't be helped.

>> No.5096793

What led down this path?

>> No.5096805

Because I like to.

>> No.5096810

It builds up my negative energy

>> No.5096813

Laziness and social anxiety. I wish I could get a hobby that didn't involve foreign material, though. Feels bad.

>> No.5096827

I've always liked to take it easy and would often stay home from school so I could laze around and do things I liked.

Since I'm done with school, I decided to keep that lifestyle.

>> No.5096833
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Because I don't have to go outside

>> No.5096838

Lack of interest for a job I guess.

>> No.5096859

Yes it can. At least I admit I'm lazy.

>> No.5096937

I'm not.

>> No.5097110


>> No.5097276


What he said.

>> No.5097304

Clinical depression and social anxiety are a big part of it. The rest is mostly not giving a shit enough to change.

>> No.5097334

I don't have the willpower to even get my GED. Or rather, I'm too afraid to. I don't think I'm smart enough to be able to pass college classes anyway.

>> No.5097336

I'm not, I mostly just troll this board.

>> No.5097345

That can hardly be considered a job.

>> No.5097349


What if your waifu asked you to get a GED?

>> No.5097359

Same here, man. ;_;

>> No.5097366

Im not a NEET because im not a faggot manchildren

>> No.5097363

You can type a full sentence and read what I am typing. You can get a fucking GED.

>> No.5097377

I was a NEET for most of the past 3 years - combined laziness, lack of motivation, disappointment in society, and lack of clear direction in my life lead me here.
But this year I'm going back to university. I found my motivation, I found my purpose, I found my place in life, thanks to those 3 years of doing nothing that allowed for a good amount of much needed introspection and soul searching.

>> No.5097381

I'm not but if I don't watch out I will become one. I 'study' at a university, but I haven't been to classes since december and I only go to things that are absolutely required to pass the course. I've managed to pass all of my exams up till now though. Anyway I don't think I'll be able to keep it up till the end so I'll probably drop out eventually...

>> No.5097387

I would do absolutely anything for her. ;_;

>> No.5097388

I did the same thing, only it was 2 years. Was a great growing experience, believe it or not. Will never regret it.

>> No.5097389

>Im not a NEET because im not a faggot manchildren
>a faggot manchildren

>> No.5097395

I'm out of high school, but right now I'm torn between going to college or becoming the sun.

>> No.5097404


Well, anon-kun, she wants you to get that GED.

Because she knows you can do it.

>> No.5097417

I'm not.
Well, not anymore.
I wish I was rich enough to be one again.

>> No.5097548

Crippling depression just came out of nowhere.

>> No.5099461

I'm dying, so why should I contribute to society.

>> No.5099487

Not in education because I graduated college already. Twice.
Not in employment because I currently only get work 4-6 months of the year. Right now I'm out of work.
Not in training because I'm not an athlete.

>> No.5099502

I'm not. I have to be able to pay for my epic weeaboo loots somehow.

>> No.5099504

I'm a NEET with a バイト: I make enough money to sustain myself and I get lots of time to myself. So that's why.

>> No.5099514

Crippling anxiety. Even hearing a phone ring gives me a panic attack.

>> No.5099529

I was a NEET, but my parents kicked me out.

Now I have a job... this sucks.

>> No.5099551

I was in community college, graduated, then took a year off to repay some student loans. Had a great job, 3000$ saved up for extra money when i go to uni, then BAM. A car crash. Fucked up all my savings, i had to move back in with my mom, and now... you know the rest of the story. Fuck life. And Mexicans.

>> No.5099583

i'm not but if I could I would
my reason would be: because I like doing nothing but playing video games and watching anime all day

>> No.5099593


>> No.5099631

What would a person like me need money for?

I don't buy figs or anything like that. I eat macaroni almost every day and drink a bottle of vodka a week.

I've considered going to the breadline to get some change to my diet but I haven't managed to bring myself to do it yet.

>> No.5099642

I'm still in high school, that means I'm still in education, so I'm not a NEET.

>> No.5099646


>> No.5102982

This. Being a NEET was one of the most important periods of my life. I will never take it back.

>> No.5103003
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>I'm a NEET with a job

>> No.5104330

Was a neet for 2 1/2 years for various reasons, I become well enough to re-attend college and did, I just completed 2 semesters of a full time schedule with decent grades. It's not bad at all.

I hate society to the core, but I can't stand the thought of burdening my poor mom and dad anymore. I will be independent for them.

>> No.5104347

Still in high school?
Why are you here? There's still hope for you.

Escape this place before it's too late!

>> No.5104633

Same here. I'm studying biology and chemistry at university, but the only reason I'm still going at it is to please my father. I've always been his favourite child, because academics have always been my one and only strength. I couldn't bear disappointing him.

>> No.5104661

Don't think I can hold down a job. There are people I have to stay alive for, so I don't kill myself, but I can't seem to act like a real person. TL;DR I suck

>> No.5104673

I'm a NEET until I go back to school for the fall.

Sophomore year here I come!

>> No.5104708


long term depression has made me stupid and I passed with mostly good scores. Got a GED textbook for about 20 bucks, studied for a couple months. You can do it, anon!

>> No.5104714

I can't find a fucking job. I've applied to countless places and done tons of interviews, but I'm too awkward and inexperienced for anyone to hire me.

>> No.5104718

Anyone who passed 8th grade can pass the GED test, no need for study books, but I suppose if you have awful memory or never paid attention in middle school.

>> No.5104721

Because I fear society.


>> No.5104749

I have no social skills whatsoever.

>> No.5104800

>awful memory
>never paid attention in middle school

that's me! Seriously, the hardest part was leaving the house and talking to people. Do ittttt

>> No.5104818
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>talking to people. Do ittttt

>> No.5104810 [DELETED] 
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talking to people. Do ittttt

>> No.5104957

what do you do?
same here ;_;

>> No.5105016

Easier said than done.

>> No.5105052

This will be me in 2 months or less. Feels incredibly bad, man. Almost like impending doom.

>> No.5105048


>> No.5105155

This. You extend the I, not the T.

>> No.5105177

I wish I was a NEET. But I feel so bad about being a burden on my parents and whatnot that I'm about to graduate from college and spending my whole life working 9-5 when all I would like is a computer, a room to sleep in, and food.

So basically I'll earn a decent amount of money in exchange for my happiness and time for no reason other than I would feel bad if I didn't. Hooray. Life rules.

>> No.5105182

Hello, failure from the maid thread. Watch Kaiji yet?

>> No.5105197


Sorry to say that whoever you are referring to isn't me. I don't really post on /jp/ very often. Also I watched Kaiji as it was airing (also the manga as releases come out).

>> No.5105205

My mistake then. You have good taste by the way/

>> No.5105228


>> No.5105254

Today I went to a job interview. I spent 8 hours in a wooden seat without eating anything since the previous day.

I was one of the last people to be interviewed, after 8 hours of waiting, turns out the recruiter didn't deal with the position I was applying for and that the email they sent me was a mistake.

Left the place feeling quite sad.

Tried to catch a bus, bus drive closes the door on me, and even though the bus was still stopped when I reached their, he just looked at me and sped off. It made me feel even more sad.

The real world is a terrible place and every time I leave my home it reminds me why I don't leave my home in the first place. ;_;

>> No.5105261

Turned down for every job because I won't cut my hair, won't wear anything else but black clothing, and won't stop being "negative".

People are so damn picky.

>> No.5105267

My own clone

>> No.5105290

/jp/ should make a company for people like us.

>> No.5105300


>> No.5105306

I really couldn't give a shit about what I wear and I try to give a positive attitude during interviews, but I will not cut my beautiful hair.

>> No.5105317

I have a calendar with little motivation quotes on it. Today's was "No man is a failure who has friends."


>> No.5105334
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You're home now, anon! Everyone has bad days, don't let it get you down.

>> No.5105354


>> No.5105367

It does suck, huh?
But, it'll work out. Something will. :)
