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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5094373 No.5094373 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, I find myself hating you more and more. I shall now make an attempt, however pathetic, to fix you.

Leave the board now:
If you found out about /jp/ from:

Any Touhou phpBB/IPB/VBulletin etc. board
Any Umineko phpBB/IPB/VBulletin etc. board
Anywhere where ^_^ is acceptable

If you have joined or posted on any of the above for reasons other than trolling, flaming or posting a link

If you are an obvious normalfag

Thank you.

>> No.5094399
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Don't make me take out the liquid nitrogen.

>> No.5094404

i am safe

>> No.5094415

OP, I find myself agreeing with you. So many stupid fucks come here from those shitholes that it's unbelievable. I'd rather /b/ than /jp/.

>> No.5094425

Oh cool im safe.

>> No.5094426

A lot of us will be safe. Make more attempts, this is good.

>> No.5094428

There's nothing too bad about Pireze.

>> No.5094450

Nothing wrong with Pireze, just the userbase.

>> No.5094455

Are there really that many people on/jp/ who came here well after post-split?
I always like to pretend that everyone has been on 4chan for at least three years or so.
Let me enjoy my delusions, please

>> No.5094470

/jp/ was made up of older people in the beginning. Not now, though. I've been here for 6 years and still feel like a newfag.

>> No.5094473

Hey cool, a metathread. Get used to it or move to another board. Might I suggest /lit/, /int/, /g/, and /tg/?

>> No.5094482

Aww, normalfags can't be here? Well shit, too bad I won't leave just because you think I should then. ^_^
Only been here for 2 years, sorry.

>> No.5094485


the original userbase from the split is more cancerous than anything coming out of gaia

>> No.5094486

Op is a faggot for knowing and apparently regularly checking that many websights/forums.

>> No.5094487

seems that I am safe has well.

>> No.5094492

I stopped coming to 4chan when /b/ stopped being a board about anime and weird people and came back when /jp/ was formed

>> No.5094495

I came from youtube. Cirno-chan so kawaii ^____^

>> No.5094499

I don't remember how I found 4chan.

>> No.5094505

Seemingly. I came here when it split from /a/. Was a pretty shitty board, but it wasn't this. Today's the first time I've been in /jp/ for about a year. If was a very shitty board then. Now it's just... nothing. Just anons sucking tripfags' cocks, endless Umineko and Touhou threads, imagedumps and successful trolls.

>> No.5094516

Actually, there aren't any new posters. Everyone just got so bored of discussing Touhou and VNs that metathreads and various other forms of entertainment sprung up.

>> No.5094517

Came here from /a/. Been here off and on since the split.

>> No.5094525

I'm contributing to an image dump right now. ;_;

>> No.5094526

Discussion? This isn't discussion. This is /jp/.

>> No.5094544

you do have a point though

/jp/ /jp/ creativity

>> No.5094542

I found 4chan when I saw people desu-spamming everything and heard how /a/ had people that knew more than just toonami/G4 anime.

>> No.5094541

Guess you missed the discussion stage.

>> No.5094551

There are better place to image dump like pooshlmer or /bun/, dumping it here will just make easymodo-tan sad.

>> No.5094567

Instead of that long list that contains no doubt cancerous sites I haven't ever even heard of, why not just say "If you found out about /jp/ from anything but old /a/"?

>> No.5094572

>anons sucking tripfags' cocks

>> No.5094587

I'd accept other boards here too. Except /u/ or /c/. /c/ should stick to imagedumping. When they talk, their mixture of pedophiles and ten-year-old "image collector" weeaboos is... well.

>> No.5094589

I didn't find out about /jp/ from any site, nor did I come from /a/.

>> No.5094590

You mean tripfags posing as Anonymous sucking their own cocks?

>> No.5094596

came here via /b/. should i go home now?

>> No.5094600

Well, the core userbase should be primarily /a/ migrants from way back when.
I thought this thread was all about kicking out newfriends.

>> No.5094620

Honestly. After a few hours browsing /jp/ again, I conclude that I'd honestly rather /b/ than /jp/.

>> No.5094627

The newfriends from after the board was formed think they're oldfriends, and are whining about newfriends, which is ironic.

>> No.5094631

I joined /jp/ when it was first created. However, I should add that I am a shitposter.

>> No.5094632

Depends on your purpose of stay.
If you knew about /jp/ from the constant raiding by /b/ then gtfo.

>> No.5094635

I found 4chan from gurochan.

>> No.5094651

The people who killed /jp/ weren't the supposed 'newfriends' from insert-weeaboo-forum-here. It was the old, original userbase. It was the people who got bored of Touhou and VNs, because everyone gets burned out of discussing the same thing every day. And instead of doing something else for a while, until their interest refreshed, they kept coming here, posting off topic bullshit, replying to trolls just for kicks/to annoy everyone else, spamming daily doses and generally acting like retards. Which invited actual retards to keep posting and shit up the board to what it is today.

So fuck you. If you hadn't treated the board as an irc channel/forum and just stopped coming here if you had nothing to contribute maybe now, when you finally feel like discussing things again, you'd still have a place to do so. Try to keep this lesson in mind and not do the same thing with whatever board we'll migrate when /jp/ keels over this summer.

>> No.5094652

my 4chan migration:

r9k (for about 3 months, when it was new) -> only /jp/ for maybe a year -> /a/, /v/, check a few other boards on occasion

I was browsing 4chan when there were still loli/guro boards but didn't really post

>> No.5094673

Oldfags /= good posters.

>> No.5094683

Lots of bullshit not worth reading, but your basic dig is that since we don't accept your retarded topics and report them so that the meido can delete them, that we are at fault for your shitty taste disappearing.

Thanks for playing.

>> No.5094685

This. It's true for all boards/chans.

>> No.5094707

I've found the average lifespan for a board is about two years on 4chan.
Blaming one group or the other over the fall of a board is a stupid thing to do when almost everyone is anonymous.
And try not to post such long-winded serious posts too often.
We have to keep with the general flow of the board don't we?

>> No.5094719

I found out about /jp/ from Mirrormoon and the UBW installer bullshit, haha.

>> No.5094728


>> No.5094735

Oh, a little late, but:


/jp/, so good.

>> No.5094734

I remember. A friend showed me /b/. First thing I asked was what 'fap' meant.

Man, innocent times.

>> No.5094755

The average lifespan of a _poster_ is two years. /jp/ is alive and well for people who are able to ignore trolls like Suigin and harmless things like Japanese Bird. The people bemoaning the decay of the board are the same people who cause or facilitate the very things they complain about.

>> No.5094768

That was quite a while ago. In a couple of years people will be nostalgia-ing about Umineko and metathreads, etc.

>implying I'll still be here

>> No.5094817

Well, I found out about this board from 4chan, when it was made.

>> No.5094820

/jp/'s still the best board on 4chan. If you don't like it, no one's making you stay.

>> No.5094828

>>The average lifespan of a _poster_ is two years.
You're right, this is probably more accurate.
I just get sick of the posting style and memes of a board and move on to another after a certain period of time.
Although I think threads like these are just a drop in the ocean compared to other problems with the board.
It offers a refreshing break from everything else at least.

>> No.5094861


>> No.5094905

I have been here since the start, and excluding more frequent spam/GET raids by other silly boards...Nothing has really changed.
Constant touhou threads, a few threads that survive for a long time(idols, newer addition is the OC drawfag threads etc) and then anons and tripfags posting shit.

They only real change is the fact that excluding the constant touhou stream, different shit fills in the leftover channels.

Mirror Moon drama of old? Cease and Desist.
TM mechanics and 'What if X fought y'? Umineko Circlejerk.
'WHat if I lived there in JAPAN'? Enter 'Why so pathetic'.

Then you have the constant Suggestion threads, and imagedumps of varying flavors.

Those who whine delude themselves.
We were never a good board, we just liked or argued about similar shit.

>> No.5094924

*Insert board name here* was never good.
You'd think people would get this after a while wouldn't you?
It describes every board perfectly.

>> No.5094934

The worst part about /jp/ are people who are such elitist faggots that they think they are somehow *better* than the idiots at Pooshlmer, Doujinstyle, or whatnot. No, you're not. You're not better. In fact, you're not even as good, because you produce almost no original content whatsoever. Even Walfas produces original content, regardless of how shitty it is.

>> No.5094939
File: 893 KB, 1100x858, 10575788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im shou

where pagoda

>> No.5094936

Indeed, everything gets old eventually. The problem (if you consider it a problem) is that it gets old for different people at different times. Old poster goes "I've seen this before, stop posting it" when there are lots of new posters getting plenty of enjoyment from something they haven't seen before. Sure, lots of stuff dies out quickly and doesn't get revived because it wasn't that good. But some things become classics, or at least long-lived enough that interest remains high. The board is for these people too.

>> No.5094952

Came here because I was looking for a site with good and easy to find info on Comiket releases.
Had never entered in 4chan before.

>> No.5094953

I'll admit I'm not a true oldfag to /jp/, but having been on 4chan for a while I can definitely say that my post quality has decreased over time.

>> No.5094954

The only statement that holds true is 'X board was SLOWER', which is a good trait.
But /jp/ is still not that fast, so that does not fly here.

>> No.5094970 [DELETED] 

W o W u G U y S u r g o n N a G e T s O M a n y s P A M m e S S a G e S F o r S T E a L I n G a t S D O m A I n l U l L l L L L L l Z H T T p : / / 8 8 . 8 0 . 2 1 . 1 2 /

>> No.5095042

I've been here since the start but honestly the only reason I stay is simply for the VNs threads.

/jp/ is pretty much the only board (in english) where I can discuss these though it's pretty hard to start a discussion about one that isn't
FSN/Umineko/Rance these days.

>> No.5095106

/jp/ has a severe drop in quality after April Fools.

>> No.5095103

F/SN barely gets any anymore and Rance is not a VN.

>> No.5095135

If you were paying any attention, you'd fucking notice that it has nothing to do with where the posters come from.
Some people are just idiots even if the like some of the shit you like.

Also, goddamn it, making threads about how you hate poorly defined groups of posters, THIS IS THE CANCER.
Do not turn this place into /b/, OP.

>> No.5095137

I've never advocated any sort of filtering or user-moderation as far as content goes on 4chan.
The thing that I still love most about 4chan is the relative lack of modding or control over the boards.
I used to buy into the hivemind type of posting years ago, but I feel that really stifles any sort of differentiation or originality in thought.
It is my hope that if you don't like the thread, that you'll just hide/ignore it and move on.

>> No.5095146

"/board/ was never good" is a terrible argument. Alot of people use it beacause it really is easier to point out the flaws of a board at some point in time, than to figure out what the good things were. Sure, we've always had some flavor of shit or other, but things were different. The atmosphere was better, people put more effort into good posts and discussions, and when we did have a good thread it was less often derailed or spammed. Posters had a better sense for keeping the shennanigans in threads made for that purpose and contributing seriously to decent threads.

Saying /jp/ was never good is like saying shitting on the floor is the same as shitting in the toilet.

>> No.5095171

>The people bemoaning the decay of the board are the same people who cause or facilitate the very things they complain about.
Putting it in pretty words doesn't make it true, sorry.

>> No.5095275

Of course it doesn't, it's true whether you state it in pretty terms or not.

>> No.5095315

No, people just now shit in the kicthen, instead of the living room, and you are the crowd that likes hanging in the kitchen.
When the shit was in the living room 'oh, what a great friendly atmosphere'. To stick with your silly analogy.

What goes wrong is that people make threads to WHINE about content instead of trying to post about things they want.
And the userbase is never the same over time, more people may agree with you in one month, more may be pissed with you in the other.
Learn to roll with the punches.

>> No.5095333

There sure are a lot of metathreads lately.

>> No.5095334

Do you honestly believe saying "/jp/ is shitty" makes /jp/ better?
No, of course you don't.

>> No.5095383

That saying is meant to show that there are always problems people find with certain elements in the board and always bitch about them,
when it first starts out, and much later when jaded posters try to convince themselves that things were better before
Trying to compare a later version of a board to a previous version is futile since it constantly changes, as well as the people who post in them.
I look at saved threads and "Epic" screenshots that I took back in 2005 and say to myself "what was the big deal?"
Impressions change over time, its not worth trying to compare them over time.

>> No.5095382

Y Halo thar, metathread.
I've been here since old /a/ and still lurk pretty much exclusively. "X Board was never good" rings somewhat true, as looking back we have a habit of forgetting about all the inane shit from way back when. On the other hand, every once in a long while there will be a good thread. Could be years ago, could be last month, could be last week, could even potentially happen today. But probably not.

>> No.5095396

I came from /a/.
And I'm going to stay.
And there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.5095422

Good meta-threads are the main reason i come here, since i started to enter this board to follow VN new, and we all know that only happens on sundays.
Might not be entirely board related, but its better to have meta discussions with people who share my tastes like /jp/ than with a bunch of children in /a/.

>> No.5095430 [DELETED] 

H o w c O m e Y O U S T e A l W e B s i t e s M R . p O O l E ? h O w c o M E y O u d O N t K n O W H O w t o m A k E y O u R o w N o R I G i N a l S t U F F ? u S h U D T r Y I t l u l z h t t P : / / 8 8 . 8 0 . 2 1 . 1 2 /

>> No.5095435

Shitting in the kitchen instead of the living room implies that while some type of threads decreased in quality, others equally increased. Which would those threads be?

>> No.5095440

The problem arises if you came from anywhere but /a/. (although, /a/ nowadays is basically /b/)

>> No.5095446

You lost me.

>> No.5095455

Whichever ones posters now prefer.

>> No.5095462

>If you are an obvious normalfag
Define normalfag. I'm not one of the guys that posts in the "peeing on your own floor" threads but I'm worried that my attending school may be a gray area.

>> No.5095483

Sameish. Well, I haven't been here as long as you have. I've been here since the end of 2006, and I also still feel like a newfag.

>> No.5095591

All of us have degrees of normalfaggotry, the NEET lifestyle that gets espoused here is quite simply not feasible in the long run. If the old folks around here really never left their rooms, even to shit, we would have died in our own waste years ago, and I personally would have starved to death while homeless. Simple rule: If you do something remotely normal, don't bring it up.

Also sage your posts, metathreads don't deserve bumping, even compared to the vast majority of shit that is page0.
