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5090426 No.5090426 [Reply] [Original]


Gensokyo could use some more yelling.

>> No.5090443
File: 3 KB, 183x297, 1252223840964.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God of War / Touhou crossover game in which Kratos brutally slaughters every single Touhou in his quest to kill Yukari and escape Gensokyo.

>> No.5090456

Does anybody have that Touhou/Command & Conquer crossover picture? It has tiberium or something.

>> No.5090460

He cant kill Yuyuko or Komachi so just let them fight him

>> No.5090466

Yet Kratos still owned Hades. DERP

>> No.5090467

I'd have fun with the QTE sequence where I'd get to poke out the eyes from Suwako's hat.

>> No.5090471
File: 314 KB, 1500x1250, 1239947709042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad everything in God of War just stays there and waits for Kratos to dismember it. The stronger Touhous would just graze and dodge.

>> No.5090473

Or Kagura and Mokou

>> No.5090489

Kratos rips out their liver and eats it.
Gensokyo is fucked.

>> No.5090496

Kana and the Primsrivers?

>> No.5090497

Just do what Zeus did to Prometheus.

>> No.5090499

touhous are more powerful than hades.
if one can handle danmaku, she can also handle some MACHO MAN with two swords.

>> No.5090505
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>touhous are more powerful than hades.

Come on now...

>> No.5090507

Danmaku is not fatal.
Gensokyo is to peaceful to be ready for something like Kratos to show up out of nowhere.

>> No.5090512

They were ready for Tenshi.

>> No.5090514
File: 83 KB, 800x540, 1265186131684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5090515

but still, Kratos is rather slow and from what I know, doesnt have very good attacks/weapons for fighting from a longer distance.

>> No.5090517


You sound like one of those fanon loving faggots who think a gun wont kill a touhou

>> No.5090519

Are you really comparing Tenshi to Kratos?

>> No.5090525

Reimu won't.

>> No.5090535


>> No.5090537

The Claws of Hades would make short work of them.

>> No.5090538

Kratos is pretty fast, especially when he gets Hermes's boots. Not Aya-fast, but he's not slow.

>> No.5090543
File: 22 KB, 140x182, 1273093210843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rip Cirno's head off.
>Freeze beam.

>> No.5090547

Most of /jp/ really come from /v/ not the old /a/

>> No.5090554

I'll pass on the annoying, high-pitched scream every time she's used.

>> No.5090558

>Hermes's boots

HERP DERP, that's the point

>> No.5090575
File: 332 KB, 654x658, 1271791700831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5090583
File: 127 KB, 330x350, ORT_CharacterMaterial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ORT can kill Kratos. Discuss.

>> No.5090595

Yukari can kill ORT

>> No.5090608

Cirno with prep time can kill Kratos.

>> No.5090616

Shiki with prep time can kill ANYONE.

>> No.5090660

Jesus fuck you idiots stop overvaluing touhous.
Danmaku = silly ligts. Doesn't hurt. Yes, even Master Spark, that's why it's called "spark".
They aren't some hax overpowered master-race bullshit.
There is a MULTITUDE of fictional heroes who can easily kill touhous, and Kratos is one of them.
I have never played a single God of War game, I just know the general fluff. and watched some trailers.

>> No.5090744

Here's why you're an idiot:

Master spark is a LASER and has the power to burn down a mountain.

>This Mini-Hakkero is a magical item I made when >>Marisa left her parents' home. Even though it's >>small, it has extraordinary heating power. It can >>reduce a single mountain to ashes. I guess it can >>also be used for heating, experiments, combat, and >>more.

That's just one example of dangerous danmaku. You should be shot for stupid. Yes there are harmless danmaku but that doesn't mean all of them are harmless. Utsuho's bullets would kill you on the spot while Aya actively holds backs and Kaguya never uses her power in Danmaku. Saying that Cirno's danmaku may cause you to have nothing more but frost bite so that means you can take black hole danmaku from Suika is stupid. Look mom I can blow out a candle so that means this raging 5000 degree fire surrounding us is easypeasy.

Worst part of your idiocy is how you insult people for being secondary and not knowing the source material when you don't know shit about it yourself. Fucking hypocrite.

As to the thread, Kratos gets his head ripped off by any 3rd stage boss and higher worth their salt if they take him seriously. Suwako drops a mountain on him.

>> No.5090762

Someone hasn't played PC-98 Touhou.

>> No.5090777

Batman with prep time can kill all Touhous.

>> No.5090782

same with owl-man.

>> No.5090783

anyone with prep time can kill anything that isn't immortal.

>> No.5090786

lol The Mikuru beam is stronger than batman

>> No.5090787

Batman with prep time can kill things that are immortal.

>> No.5090789

I just pictured Kratos raping any touhou that crosses his path. mind you if touhou was grimdark, they would be the ones raping him. but following canon, they would just play around with him.

>> No.5090792

This meme was funny 4 years ago.

>> No.5090790

Oh god, I can't begin to imagine Krato beating the crap out of Mokou and Kagura, then endlessly tear their regenerative hymen.

>> No.5090794

U mad.

>> No.5090796

It's true, though.

>> No.5090802

>>lol The Mikuru beam is stronger than batman

Seriously bro. I like Batman, but he's pretty weaksauce when it comes to super powers.

>> No.5090803

yet he's able to duke it out with Superman teir bad guys?

>> No.5090807

Shoot him in the eyes/chin/mouth. He's no Iron Man, he doesn't have full protective gears. Pity.

>> No.5090809

Batman would just create full body armor that would deflect the attack.

>> No.5090811

>Implying he can foresee the future.

>> No.5090815

Batman's ability to win comes from prep time. He would prepare appropriately for the fight beforehand. He isn't some silly Touhou.

>> No.5090820

Thats why someone needs to drop a mountain on his masion and then have suika stomp it out.

>> No.5090821

Christ, what did I walk into? I can't believe you fags are arguing about this...

>> No.5090826

Yukari could beat Batman even if he had prep time.

>> No.5090827

Batman would build a decoy mansion.

>> No.5090833

I wonder why he never prep condoms.

>> No.5090835

Now, wouldn't a Kratos vs Unzan fight be butally epic?

>> No.5090843

Wait what? Last time I checked Superman was dead.

Anyways that stuff happens all the time in these Bleach/stay Dragonball Night DC and Marvel comic series; the weak guy can always easily take on the big powerful boss. Yamcha fights Freeza, Archer fights Berserker, Batman fights Darksied, etc.

>> No.5090846

no one can beat batman. you know why? BECAUSE HE'S THE GODDAMN BATMAN!

>> No.5090851

Being dead doesn't mean anything in comic books.

>> No.5090852

did you stop reading the comic after his "death"?

he's alive you know.

>> No.5090854 [DELETED] 

I think we call beat him. We maintained our virginity longer than him for one.

>> No.5090858

batman isn't exactly week. he's studied many martial arts and he has a superior intellect (I'm pretty sure he could solve the Rokkenjima mysteries in a minute.) he just needs some time to prepare his game plan.

>> No.5090861


You're killin' me here.

>> No.5090857 [DELETED] 

Batman with prep time can take your virginity.

>> No.5090865

Shiki arranges for Kratos to meet his wife and daughter in the Underworld.

manly tears commence.

>> No.5090866

>border of Batman and not Batman

>> No.5090874

that....would be awesome actually.

good end triggered.

>> No.5090884

You know, no matter how much a man trains he can never beat someone who can bench press a black hole. I wonder why people who argue for Batman in Batman w/ Prep VS Superman can't understand that.

If we're basing shit on intellect then Yukari still fucks him in the ass in that department.

>> No.5090889

Because Batman has beaten Superman before.

>> No.5090905

How? By locking Superman in a basement devoid of sunlight for several months?

>> No.5090909

>fucks him in the ass

Literally, and with his own dick.

>> No.5090913

Kryptonite helps...

>> No.5090917

Yes because Superman doesn't have a laundry list of weaknesses that anybody with a large enough budget can't get his hands o-OH WAIT.

It also helps that Batman has Bat-Plot-shield on par with Captain America or Superman never really is out to smear him across the star system.

>> No.5090918

Can Kratos fly, out of curiosity? Because that'd put him at a bit of a disadvantage against characters who can not only fly, but can also fill the air with magical death over a wide area.

>> No.5090921

Reimu has more plot armor than Batman.

>> No.5090924

He can get wings that allow him to fly. He can't do it on his own, though.

>> No.5090938

Trying to find thermals at night would be a bitch.

>> No.5090947


He gets wings in the second game, but can only glide with them out of cutscenes.

>> No.5091535

I actually have God of War for the PS2. I got it about 2 years ago, with the PS2. Never played it.
