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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5087352 No.5087352 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/! I had a dream that involved Kaguya, I can't remember it fully. Something with me finding her in the forest and she needed to go back to a train station. I have no clue why.

Is something wrong with me?

>> No.5087357

Why would you think something is wrong with you because you had a dream? Dreaming is a good sign if anything.

>> No.5087363

fine then.

>> No.5087368

You'll be okay. I wish i could have dreams about Kaguya.

>> No.5087380

I wish I could dream...

>> No.5087383

This is the second dream in the past month that involved a Touhou. Something must be up.

I have more details of this dream 'cause I had it this morning I think.

>> No.5087403

I never dream about my favorite touhou so go fuck yourself you piece of insecure attention whoring faggot.

>> No.5087405

Only two? You need to play more Touhou.

>> No.5087413

Eh, I had a bunch of Touhou dreams, but I don't remember the details of most of them.

Only one I remember clearly is a really short and vivid dream where I'm lying on the ground somewhere with stars above me, while Yukari stands next to me and tells me I'm not useless and and should not give up.
It was a very nice dream.

>> No.5087414

If you dwell too much on your dreams, you'll lose sight of reality, deleted-chan~

>> No.5087416


well, who's your favorite touhou?

>> No.5087420

She isn't my favourite Touhou. She just happened to appear in a dream I had after I fell back asleep from waking up at 4 in the morning.

I've played enough Touhou, I don't know why they haven't appear more often.

>> No.5087423

looks like someone got trolled

>> No.5087425

I never had a dream about Touhou, or anything for a while in that matter.
I wish I could escape to Gensokyo, even if only for a bit. ;_;

>> No.5087433

i remember one dream were the good part was my head was on patchy's lap

>> No.5087437 [DELETED] 

>the good part of my head

And what part would that be?

>> No.5087440

I had a dream that all the /jp/ tripfags except for Boof and Hong Meiling were struck down and killed by Zeus. It was fucking great and everyone was happy, /jp/ had nothing but good threads from then on.

But then I woke up, went to the restroom, and cried as I brushed my teeth.

>> No.5087444

You need to learn to read, bro.

>> No.5087443
File: 278 KB, 1400x1001, gensokyo map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the day of destiny is close..

>> No.5087449

(if you know what i mean)

>> No.5087451

Dude, I fucking got rid of the post okay.

>> No.5087452

That's how it is already as 90% of anon shitposting is Hong, and all BOOF posts about is things he doesn't own.

>> No.5087463

Must've been a nightmare, I don't imagine there would be good threads.

>> No.5087476

I have Touhou dreams about once a month, so it seems.

Perhaps I daydream about Touhou way too much that I have no imagination left when I go to bed.

>> No.5087495

I think I daydream about Touhou too much as well.

Usually dreams involve stuff you haven't thought about in a while, or my case might've been that I fapped to Mokou the night I had the dream before going to bed.

>> No.5087514

I can't imagine being so retarded that a dream about the state/tripfag of /jp/ would actually trigger any emotions of happiness inside me regardless of how favorable it becomes. You must have been crying not because it was a dream, but because of how fucking meaningless your life is to be emotionally moved by a pointless dream.

>> No.5087629

From remembering the rest of the dream:

It involved me and a group of people (the people didn't matter to my view). We were on a train, the train goes in a loop and you're supposed to get off at the halfway point. We get off, we have to go through the forest (and this is a Northeastern-like forest). We do shit I don't remember and we only have about 1/2 mile left to get back to the final stop at the train station. I pass a log that's on the ground and Kaguya was sitting there moping (I think). I told her not to worry and she said she had to get to the train station too (I have no fucking clue why). She wants me to carry her, I try using my arms, but she's too heavy. I let her ride on my back and get back to the final stop of the train. We get on, some guy on the train says something in Japanese, but I think it was directed at someone else. At the end of the dream we're at the train station and she gives me hug and kiss on the cheek for helping her and gets off the train. I was sad. ;_;

Then my fucking father woke me up and said I had to go to church.

That's all I remember fully.

>> No.5087642

I just went outside and there was this guy cosplaying as kagamine ren and some other guy wearing all black and an "L" shirt
why do people do this embarrassing shit outside of cons?

>> No.5087655

Maybe because they like it?

>> No.5087654

you're a religious sack of shit too? wow.

>> No.5087659

Hey I have to finish my conformation then my parents said I could whatever the fuck I want.

>> No.5087680

But Zeus's ult is global and Boof and Hong would need at least lv 25 and a hood to survive it.
And even they are done for if Zeus got Aghanims and a Refresher Orb.

>> No.5087704

A little known fact about deleted is that he is really, really fond of cultivating hydroponic mushrooms (his favourite type being the Shiitake [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiitake]). Now, you're probably wondering why he'd have such a bizarre hobby. '''Surely he likes them for the taste!''', you might say, but you'd be wrong. '''Well, what about the shape? Maybe deleted just likes the way it looks. A fungi's natural beauty!''' Nope, not even close. The real reason why deleted is so captivated by the cultivation of hydroponic Shiitake has very little to do with the actual fungus itself, but with its name. Simply put, deleted loves saying Shiitake (''Shi-i-ta-ke~♪ Shi-i-ta-ke~♪''). '''Eh‽ deleted is such a weirdo! Why would anyone go through so much trouble just because he likes how something is called‽''' Well, it's simple really. If deleted were to go around warmly chanting Shiitake Shiitake in the cute manner only he could do, then people would react just like you did. A weirdo, they would call him. The shy deleted wouldn't be able to handle this at all so he cultivates hydroponic mushrooms. It is his justification to casually bring it up in day to day activities.

>> No.5087708

I had the same dream, for the most part. Just replace Kaguya with Yuyuko.

Woke up right as Yuyuko hugged me too, felt pretty terrible afterwards, a mixture between sadness and rage. Sadness, because I'll never be able to see a Touhou in real life, and rage because of how dull reality is. ;_;

>> No.5087719

You making a copypasta because of my longpost?

>> No.5087756

The only people in my dreams are "humans", I don't understand how you can have 2d show up in dreams. I wish I could do it, I actually feel a lot shittier when I have dreams involving girls I barely new 5 years ago in high school... somehow it feels more pathetic than if I were to dream of touhous like I wish I could.

>> No.5087786

Dude, I have no control over what appears in my dreams. My brain thinks otherwise. I didn't want to dream about Kaguya, that's why I said is there something wrong with me.

>> No.5087803

Well yeah, me neither, but I'm saying since I've only ever met real people in my dreams, I don't think my brain works that way... I will never meet my waifu, not even in dreams.

My brain is stuck in 3d pig mode and will not recover ; ;

>> No.5087826

I had a dream awhile back where I just fucked Liang Qi, it was pretty awesome because she's amazingly hot. I dream about my waifus on a normal basis, though not always sexually.

>> No.5087840

Sometimes my dreams can have 2D people in a 3D world. I don't know how my brain works around that.

>> No.5087849

I had a dream where I had a threesome with Currybutt and ZUN!bar. Strangely enough, Currybutt was the submissive one.

>> No.5087857

I once dreamed about mokou. She ran on treadmill and bursted into flames. It was all 2d chibi.

>> No.5087862


>> No.5087873

>Strangely enough, Currybutt was the submissive one.
Hmm... did you happen to be Ayanami Rei in your dream?

>> No.5087874

You didn't even do your Confirmation yet?

So you're about 13...I never would have guessed.

As for the actual topic of the thread, I've only had about three dreams involving Touhous. I daydream too much, no imagination left by the time I go to sleep.

>> No.5087883
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>> No.5087900 [DELETED] 

I'm very close to being 16.

And like with the daydreaming. I guess if you think about something too much in the day, It'll rarely appear in your dreams which I find that strange.

Also, I have this one dream I had about 5 years ago and still fully remember it. I don't know why.

>> No.5087908

You realize you shouldn't be here?

>> No.5087912

teach me ; ;. Even if I learned how to do lucid dreaming, which I've considered, I'm pretty sure I still wouldn't have 2d characters in my dreams.

> I daydream too much, no imagination left by the time I go to sleep.
I don't claim to be an expert but I'm almost positive thats not how it works.

>> No.5087920

If we're going to be fair here, even moot was underage when he started the site. Cut him some slack.

>> No.5087929

Like I said, I don't know how my brain does it. I won't be able to teach you.

And the daydreaming thing does have a factor. Thinking too much won't make it appear in dreams, but thinking about it sometimes will allow it appear.

And does anyone give a shit? No.

>> No.5087941

I do. You are reported.
As per the global rules of the 4chan.org website, you need to be 18 or over to access the boards.

>> No.5087951

Someone in /jp/ should become a psychologist. That would be pretty helpful.

I don't care. Just saying.

>> No.5087955

>And does anyone give a shit? No.
And then you grow up and "lol no1 cares i dnt care" act just isn't okay anymore.
Yes, people do care and you're not welcome. Kindly get out.

>> No.5087956

People always want to have lucid dreams here.
It's obvious none of you have had a lucid nightmare.
Shit is not cool, man.

>> No.5087950

I'd say it's fairly normal. I had a dream that Kogasa turned up outside my house in a very sad state. Then a bunch of stuff happened and she became my incredibly cute live-in girlfriend.

>> No.5087961

The global rules of 4chan claim a lot of things. One example would be that we don't post pornography on SFW boards. If you've never broken that rule you need to leave. Also, OP, don't mention your age. This is like a woman mentioning her gender or a black guy mentioning his race. You just don't do that here.

>> No.5087969


>> No.5087981

please mods
make the ban public
meido do not delete this

>> No.5087982


The first global rule of 4chan should be that unless it's criminal, they only enforce shit when they damn well feel like it.

>> No.5087985

Almost none of the rules on 4chan are enforced. It's just the way this place runs.

>> No.5087996
File: 727 KB, 947x1000, f55db48c74cda27e74743c6a53feb7c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are all so cute

>> No.5088015

Surely if I report every post of his, he will be banned

>> No.5088029
File: 19 KB, 424x287, whatstare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know I can remove the thread if you're that upset.

>> No.5088038
File: 47 KB, 519x765, 1273097494125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related to this thread.

>> No.5088049

I don't care about the thread. If anyone but you had posted, I wouldn't have given a fuck.
I just don't like you.

>> No.5088056

Beginning of thread: Dream discussion

End of thread: LOL BAN DELETED

>> No.5088064

It just seems whenever I want a good conversation, I get blackballed.

>> No.5088065

You're a 15 yr old AND you have a tripcode?

You...I don't like you.

>> No.5088066

don't delete it please

>> No.5088073

Oh really? Maybe I should, It would be better.

>> No.5088079

I had a dream once where I was laying on the floor with Mokou while it was raining outside and I kept patting her on the head, smelling her hair, and hugging her. Also I was very hungry.

>> No.5088085

not really

>> No.5088087

Succumbing to those who hate you will do nothing.

You'll still be the same age and have a tripcode.

>> No.5088092


So...did you eat Mokou?

>> No.5088093

everyone shut up

>> No.5088099

Now he's serious. Everyone, shut the fuck up.

>> No.5088113
File: 42 KB, 656x471, haters incoming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm very close to being 16. (゜д゜;)
if you admit watching hentai and stuffs, well, its pretty much against the rules so watch out getting banned. if not, welcome to /jp/ and watch out of haters.

>> No.5088103


Nobody knows who I am. I've been forgetting my tripcode recently, but I'm just too lazy to put it back up whenever I'm done posting as Anonymous.

>> No.5088108

Luckily, it's much easier to harass someone than it is to put up with having your threads constantly derailed.
I look forward to your next thread, deleted-kun. I have all my time.

>> No.5088116

f u nerd !

>> No.5088121

Just delete the thread. This is only going to degrade to shit throwing.

>> No.5088129

no, don't

>> No.5088132

Seriously, the mods usually don't enforce that rule.


Okay then...?

>> No.5088134


Just rerail it and talk about dreaming about Touhous again.

I would, but I dream about witches and not Touhous.

>> No.5088145

There have been several attempts currently but they failed.

I already put the complete dream I had here. >>5087629

>> No.5088154

Hong Meiling or NukaAnon.


>> No.5088165

Lucid nightmares are rage tier. As in BERSERK rage tier.


>> No.5088162

I've tried hard, but I can not dream of Touhous. I wish I could. Instead my dreams usually focus around sexually harassing my sister. God I come up with some creative scenarios in my sleep.

>> No.5088158

hmm lets talk about 2hu dreams again

i once dreamed my i was in highschool again and we were making a touhou musical and I had to be koishi

>> No.5088195


Nope. This is me.

I'm also the one who said he had a dream about Kogasa. Then I had another dream with Kogasa and Bern, and Bern started acting like a jealous little bitch. Then I woke up because that was too out-of-character for her to be believable.

>> No.5088199

I never kill anyone in my dreams. I always get killed by an invisible hellhound.

I think it's Cerberus. One time that bastard got me while I was taking out the trash.

My Touhou dreams have always involved Scarlet Devil Mansion. One time Marisa brought tea and then she spontaneously combusted.

I hate my mind for being LOL SO RANDUM XD.

>> No.5088211

on topic, i never seen any touhou dreams.
i guess its because they got no voice, and there's way too much pics of them.
i envy you people who can see their dreams. ;_;

>> No.5088217


No such thing as a lucid nightmare. Since you're in complete control, you can make stuff go from shit to awesome in a manner of seconds...unless your lucid dream involves you being raped, and in that case you're voluntarily letting it happen...and it ceases to be rape.


Your dreams are telling you to go fuck your sister. Post back with the results.

>> No.5088222

The only Touhou dreams I have are about endlessly weaving through bullet patterns.

>> No.5088230



Sure this wasn't the 'hellhound' that killed you?

>> No.5088243

Thanks for reminding me of this dream I had last ni-- today, in which I was in some huge mansion and I had some kind of super speed and shit. It was pretty awesome. Even Killua was there.

>> No.5088255

I once dreamed I was a Touhou. I don't remember much on what sort of monster I was, only that I could fly, which isn't exactly a big hint. I was quite good at it, though, and frequently rebounded off walls during my flight. I was drinking tea with Reimu, which I suppose means I lost to her.

Another dream featured Reisen. I was fighting her, and unlike her appearances in the games she was far from a pushover. Her bullets were quite huge but few in number.

>> No.5088268

Yeah. The "camera" switched to the view of it. I doubt a guy with a gun was running on all fours. Or maybe he was.

>> No.5088270

I never really remember much about my dreams... usually just bits and pieces. There was one I had recently, just as I was waking up, where Yukari was talking to me about something... we were focused on solving some sort of problem, I think.

The thing I remember most, though, is her voice. I remember it being unbelievably beautiful and melodious.

>> No.5088341

Sometimes we usually can only remember bits and piece of our dreams because they're short over a period compared to the 9 hours of sleep.
