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5049293 No.5049293 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a little confused. If to "love" is to be able to accept all of someone, rather than on the condition of, that would including accepting her shit coming out of her ass, right? So if your relationship with your waifu depended on it, but you refused to eat her shit, does that mean it's not true love? And why isn't eating shit of your waifu in more romantic poems? I think it's the highest form of loyalty one could express.

>> No.5049305


>> No.5049312

Wasn't there a Southeast Asian critter that had a long tentacle-tongue with which she probed people's asses for shit?

Perhaps that would make the best waifu.

>> No.5049323

Don't mix up "love" and "having a crush on someone".

>> No.5049322

shit is shit is a waste of the body

>> No.5049354

Except I'm not. To love is to accept. To have a crush on someone is but a fleeting realization for true love or simply lust, but not necessarily accept.

Now what better way is there to express your loyalty to someone in one instance than eating their shit?

>> No.5049362

Kill everyone else.

>> No.5049364

>"having a crush on someone's shit"

>> No.5049366

Thank god for my scat fetish.

>> No.5049375

What a shitty thread.

>> No.5049385
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Come on guys, aren't you interested in properly loving your waifus? Or are you only into "who is your favorite touhou" and powerlevel threads?

Eating shit is the ultimate expression of love.

>> No.5049403

The scat/piss fetishists have to be the lowest of the low in /jp/.
First it was diapers, then it was shitting/pissing on the floor, and now this?
How does it feel to be so loathed that not even /jp/ would accept you?

>> No.5049415

But 2d waifus don't shit.

>> No.5049416

OP I think you are a little confused. Well maybe one day you'll understand what "love" really means.

>> No.5049433

Fuck you, I piss on the floor, but I'm still way better than these shit eaters and diaper fags.

>> No.5049440
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>> No.5049441

Shit is nutritionally devoid; it's what the body rejects. Eating it is effectively about the same as junk food. What, cheetos aren't enough for you?

>> No.5049448

Ironic, is it not? I would have liked to have a deep discussion on the topic of truly loving our waifus, be it idol or 2D, but alas, no one seems to be as interested as I. I don't feel at all loathed, though, perhaps you are angry about something?
Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen!
I'd be more than willing to hear out your philosophy on true love then, good sir.

>> No.5049449

LOL, have fun with your floor pissing, you filthy fucking wretch. Unlike you, my floor excretions are quantized for easy removal.

>> No.5049462

Except if you are a denitrifying bacterium, but yeah.

>> No.5049472
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I haven't eaten, drunk, pissed or taken a dump in the last 70 years.

>> No.5049496

Which is all the more reason why it is the true test of loyalty and love. Ever heard the saying, "eat your vegetables"? If you cannot even eat your own waifus shit, how can you tell her you love her later after rejecting what was once a part of her? To love, you must first accept yourself, and then your waifu. You cannot love just one part of her and reject the other.

>> No.5049513

This is /jp/ - Waifus and 3DPD.

Love is just an excuse to have someone at your side for whatever you want. Do you wonder why most pairs nowadays stop feeling what they felt before the wedding after getting married, and they divorce? Because you don't know what the fuck are you doing until you fucked up everything.

>> No.5049520

Hey, aren't you the guy who made Brutal Touhou?

>> No.5049524

I was under the impression true love was locking them up in a tower. Or am I still living in the middle ages?

>> No.5049549

I don't like shit and I wouldn't eat it, if my waifu loved me then she wouldn't ask for it because in a relationship both sides have to give up on something
People can be in love without eating shit, stop making up stupid facts please

>> No.5049569

I haven't made Brutal Touhou.


I though I already told you that wasn't even a game. Why you refuse to understand? Anyway, that conversation is over. I decided to start over. But I am not going to release anything.

>> No.5049565
File: 326 KB, 765x765, a92d6e0daee83c101463b6749738b6cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I take threads from here and post them on normalfag sites. I'll be posting this one.

I don't have a scat fetish, but I'd eat her shit if she really wanted me to. I don't think she would care either way though.

>> No.5049603

I called it Brutal Touhou, and if it wasn't a game, what was it? And I thought you said you were going to release some beta versions in the future after you worked on it. What a shame.

>> No.5049626

Well, I changed my opinion after "that" thread. Do you think I still have to release something after how some of you have treated me?

You treaten me like a shit.

>> No.5049676

Hey, I was there, but that was them and I had no part in the bullying. At least a few people, albeit while being a little crude about it, still gave you some helpful criticism. But personally, I'm always open to new potentials. No use in letting a few assholes get you down about it.

>> No.5049679
File: 74 KB, 250x261, ;).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth is my friend.
You wouldn't eat the one you love. Even if she asked you to, it would prove to be difficult.

>> No.5049699

This is 4chan, where the most affectionate word you can say to someone is "faggot", you should know how to interpret shit-like treatment into constructive criticism. If that's too hard for you to accomplish, you might as well drop the "unnamed" gimmick too, you already got yourself some pretty bad reputation.
PS: I liked your work

>> No.5049704

I am not getting down, I am not letting them getting me down. The opposite thing, I desire now more than never to make something good.

The problem is, I am not releasing it. Here. Maybe in another place... but not here.

If you are interested, really interested, then ask me often. I will be here or in /a/. Or mail me some often, you know where.

I don't have too much time, but I will do my best anyway.

>> No.5049709

Love isn't accepting all of something, but being willing to reject everything else for it.

>> No.5049720

>If you are interested, really interested, then ask me often.

Be an attention whore somewhere else.

>> No.5049722

Love is accepting the parts of them that aren't "yours", or that don't fit the ideals you first projected onto them, so to speak.
That doesn't really have a lot to do with poop, but if that's what you like to do bro, that's cool.

>> No.5049734

>Love is accepting the parts of them that aren't "yours", or that don't fit the ideals you first projected onto them, so to speak.
In that case, it never existed to begin with, since you can only "love" someone who is "your type."

>> No.5049737

And if you are not, just forget about it. Seriously, I don't give a shit about getting attention.

>> No.5049754

They are that type.
You crushed on them because they fit your original ideals for a mate.
But there are always qualities that are separate from that ideal that you will accept anyway, when you really love someone.

>> No.5049764
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Cry some more. If you want respect, you have to earn it.

>> No.5049767
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Oh, excuse me, princess, that's not the attitude of "not wanting attention". You know even people who said "it's shit" actually want to see the end of this. When you say "if you are interest find me THERE, BUT YOU GUYS ARE NOT INTERESTED SO FUK U", you essentially want us to follow you.

We are interested. And tell you what, you started it here, you will end it here, like a man. Take it to the OC thread, I don't know, but you won't pussy out like the others. /jp/ needs content.

>> No.5049785

Oh, so love is when you find someone tolerable despite their flaws.

In that case, social conservatives who do not want to legislate racism love niggers, but people who think niggers are good people don't.

You're a retard.

>> No.5049789
File: 175 KB, 470x467, f4fde51d9cc1bd2913292c2ade8d66b86409c81f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This Thread


>> No.5049790

I would personally like to see it done here. If it is as good as you are saying, the best revenge is to show everyone and all the more satisfying. The fact that you're unwilling to do it here anymore is because you are letting those few assholes getting to you still.

>> No.5049794
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posting non-original content in an original content thread

>> No.5049803

It's not about just finding them tolerable, it's about loving all of them, even their flaws. That is what makes them a complete person to you.
You've never been able to do that before, have you?

>> No.5049814

If your waifu's conditions of love is to eat her fecal matter, clearly she doesn't love you or even respect you.

How much love can there be if she WANTS you to eat waste? Clearly this isn't true love, but it's not your fault, you see...Rather this is the fault of the waifu who has based her skewered perceptions of love solely on who would eat her shit.

But it doesn't matter, because my waifu loves me enough to not want me to eat her shit. Our love is something more

>> No.5049823

Oh, is that so? So, after everything you told me, you are willing to see a full beta version of my project? I really missunderestimated your trolling skills.

Well, then, if you want to see it here, you will see it here.


Respect? Depend of who are going to respect me. I don't want you to respect me but to treat me like a normal person here.

By the way, you forgot the thread. We shouldn't be talking about my project here. This is a thread about love, isn't it? Then talk about love.

>> No.5049838

>It's not about just finding them tolerable, it's about loving all of them, even their flaws.
Loving all of them?

But by your definition, you can't love the good parts of them. After all, the good parts aren't flaws, and love is defined by flaw.

Stop contradicting yourself.

By the way, there isn't a word for what you're describing, but there is a word for what inevitably happens when people try to practice what you're describing. It's "divorce."

>> No.5049848


I'll treat you like a normal person when your name field says Anonymous.

>> No.5049857

So that's why /jp/ has so many tripfags.

>> No.5049858

Never. I have no name, not even "Anonymous".

>> No.5049868


Let me clarify: This is to say that unless you are anonymous, as far as I'm concerned you ARE demanding recognition, and you give people full privilege to associate you with posts you've made in the past.

>> No.5049877 [DELETED] 

You fell for with them for the good parts.
You start actually loving them when you accept the rest of them as well.

It isn't defined by flaw at all (I also never said this), but you'll never have a real relationship if you're not able to do this.
You should read what I'm actually saying instead of putting words in my mouth.

>> No.5049882

I really can't love someone who wants me to eat their shit. Maybe they aren't right for me, then.

>> No.5049885

Unless I want to mix with you in that way, my posts will clearly remain unnamed and without any tripcode.

I am Anonymous at my own way. My past or my real name, that doesn't matter.

>> No.5049887

You fell for them for the good parts.
You start actually loving them when you accept the rest of them as well.

It isn't defined by flaw at all (I also never said this), but you'll never have a real relationship if you're not able to do this.

>> No.5049894

Well, duh, also, if you start posting about it in the OC thread, the drawfriends can help you with the art.

Also what >>5049790 said.

I think by "loving all of them, even their flaws" he means deciding to tolerate their flaws or considering them insignificant in order to stay close to them. Love isn't solely about satisfying your ego, it's about making sacrifices too.

>> No.5049901

>I think by "loving all of them, even their flaws" he means deciding to tolerate their flaws or considering them insignificant in order to stay close to them. Love isn't solely about satisfying your ego, it's about making sacrifices too.
Yes, exactly.

>> No.5049908

The concept of love is entirely subjective. Love is expressed and felt as each individual sees fit. You're as bad as "3dpd is better because its real" people. Stop trying to override our definitions of love with your own.

Also, the 1st definition of love from dictionary.com:
love:a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

It doesn't say anywhere in there that the person has to have imperfections.

>> No.5049930

But we're people. We do have imperfections.

If you love someone, what do you think is the appropriate way to deal with those imperfections?

>> No.5049931

>you'll never have a real relationship if you're not able to do this.
So real relationships are built on lies, denial, and generally self-destructive behavior, then inevitably end in divorce.

I think I can live without them.

>> No.5049933
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See that, dude? What you're doing is demanding recognition. You want to be separate, you want people to recognize you and remember you. You show that you want it by ALLOWING yourself to be recognized. And recognize you we will, for as long as you want it. If you want RESPECT, however, that has to be earned.

So quit your bitching.

>> No.5049934

I never said any of that.
They're based on acceptance.

>> No.5049940

>But we're people. We do have imperfections.
Go preach original sin elsewhere.

>> No.5049944

This is coming from ~the perfect man~ I'm assuming.

>> No.5049956

space is your name

>> No.5049962


Acceptance of flaws--that is, things you do not accept.

In other words, denial.

Pursuing a relationship based on denial is self-destructive behavior.

Maintaining a relationship with someone you don't actually like requires you to lie.

Relationships which involve these things end in divorce.

Any questions?

>> No.5049966

And what person doesn't have imperfections? Even your 2d waifu has imperfections, you just aren't looking for them or willing to accept them. Take Cirno for example, she's dumb as a rock. Do you know how irritating it can be to be with someone as retarded as her for a while? The worst part about it is that she ages slower too, hence much slower maturing of the brain. You might not like the way she never has manners, considers you in her thoughts, and always freezes your dick frozen whenever you try to touch her. Yet despite this, you might even say you'd still be with her if she were real.

>> No.5049973

Here's the thing, you actually can accept flaws. Did you know that?

>> No.5049981

No, these are shallow relationships. Real relationships are based on revealing the truth and managing to accept it, even if it has been built on lies on a primary stage. Divorce comes when people put their ego over love.

I think love is that feeling when you are willing to be near another being, aware that maybe you won't have any benefit from this.

>> No.5049984
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Yes, I want to be remembered as the one you can't remember anything about.

>> No.5049978

>she's dumb as a rock
>she never has manners, considers you in her thoughts, and always freezes your dick frozen whenever you try to touch her.
ITT: Charm points are flaws.

>> No.5049990

>Did you know that?
Well, seeing as how it's called "denial" and I've been talking about it, I would assume so.

>> No.5049997 [DELETED] 

It's not called denial. It's love.

>> No.5050006

My face is so horrible (skin disease) that no one could ever accept anything from me. Even my waifu would reject me if she could. Even though I could accept anything from her...

>> No.5050010

>Divorce comes when people put their ego over love.
Since the ego is the basis of love (and everything else), that would mean divorce always comes unless you have a marriage between two vegetables.

>> No.5050014

You're just finding any way that you can to deny that a real relationship with someone isn't something horrible.
Well, if you're okay with being alone, that's fine. What are your plans in that regard if you feel this way?

>> No.5050015

We are referring to 2d here, not 3d. In 2d either you accept imperfections or you adopt a view in which they don't exist. The problem is negligible because imperfections too difficult to accept can be removed.

>> No.5050019
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>> No.5050025

>You're just finding any way that you can to deny that a real relationship with someone isn't something horrible.
Oh, yes, because human psychology is built around the desire to fuck oneself over.

Thank you, Freud. I think I understand the concept of "Thanatos" now, and shall promptly kill myself.

>> No.5050023
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Divorce always comes. Right.

>> No.5050027

I've only just noticed you and I'll remember you as 'that self-important faggot with no name' for years to come.

>> No.5050035
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"Virtue lies in a mean"

I never said ego is not the foundation, even for love. Hell, when you love someone, your ego gets satisfied. But you can't let your ego expand in excess amounts. This is when divorce comes.

>> No.5050036
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Yeah, ah, that's worked out pretty well for you lately, hasn't it.

>> No.5050049

Eventually, you will forget about me. Slowly...

>> No.5050059 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 489x557, 10631_166444571813_602156813_3350694_5337879_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, this is exactly what I thought when I started posting with an identity, and that didn't work out so well for me.

>> No.5050054
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i want to be remembered as anonymous

am i doing a good job

>> No.5050077

You killed your credibility when you looked to the stupid, ignorant Greeks for philosophy.

But anyway, if you believe that all divorce is caused by overinflated ego, you're too retarded to be worth anyone's time.

>> No.5050095
File: 33 KB, 268x300, 1978_el_cazador.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you can also remember me as the guy who hunt Tengus on /jp/.

>> No.5050117

>I'm too stuck up to realize some concepts have more degrees than black and white.

Yeah, ok, your point being? You know, besides the whole ad hominem you just spewed?

And I never said every divorce is caused by overinflated ego. But "I can't stand the flaws of this person, even though I'd like to be with him/her if he/she didn't have them" sounds like too much ego on your part to me.

>> No.5050197
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