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File: 304 KB, 800x1045, Roa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
502695 No.502695 [Reply] [Original]

I can't fucking wait for this to come out so that I can rip into Arcueid's sweet ass with Roa. This is going to be an epic revision.

>> No.502701


>> No.502703

I cant wait when its get to the pc port of this.

>> No.502707

Arcueid and Roa look good together

>> No.502705
File: 131 KB, 512x512, 1209005963338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This time, in action.

I want to see how badass Kouma is in this one.
From the screenshot, he's lookin good.

>> No.502713

I wonder why they didn't put Shiki Tohno(Real) in this game.

>> No.502715

Can't wait to pirate it.

>> No.502728


Maybe Roa is a perfect clone of him?

>> No.502745


Makes sense considering Real Shiki is just another one of his reincarnations.

>> No.502752

Not really. He has his on will until it comes time for Roa to take over, and he's shown resistance even after Roa had supposedly taken over.

>> No.502756

I'd rip into Arcueid's sweet ass if you know what I mean.

>> No.502760


But when he first appeared in that form he had Real Shiki's powers.

>> No.502765

So, Is arihiko playable yet?

>> No.502781

So is it definite that Hisui and Kohaku won't be playable separately anymore?

>> No.502789


Is Akira playable yet?

>> No.502790

who else going to in it? besides Roa

>> No.502792

They're playable seperately.

>> No.502793


God, I hope not.

>> No.502801


A new character who was Sion's partner is in.

>> No.502804


>> No.502825


>> No.502851

Was The Forest of Einnashe's defeat canon?

>> No.502854



>> No.502861


>> No.502873


>> No.502879

>In the side-story “Talk” which seemingly follows Arcueid’s True End in Tsukihime, the forest was successfully destroyed by Satsujinki, though the particular side-story’s canonicity is still unconfirmed.
Well it might be canon.

>> No.502903
File: 375 KB, 447x500, 1209010711827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the most powerful beings in the Nasuverse in order from strongest to weakest.

1. ORT (so, so much)
2. Crimson Moon Brunestud
3. Roa
4. Altrouge Brunestud
5. Trhvmn Ortenrosse

>> No.502912


Isn't ORT pretty much like "fuck this shit" and asleep somewhere?

>> No.502913

>5. Chair

>> No.502921


But if you try getting close to ORT.

>> No.502922


Come to think of it, #5 is really a big toss-up between Trhvmn Ortenrosse, Merem Solomon, Arcueid, and Nanaya, just to clarify.

>> No.502927


When it wakes up, everyone is doomed.

>> No.502970

I keep on hearing "Nasuverse is the strongest around". Fucking Amateurs. Not one of those little faggot Lovecraft rejects can fuck with my fictional posse. If you guys don't know, I'm Joe Quesada. I am the fucking master of magic. Fuck with me, and your life will be miserable very soon. One day you'll be fucking your beautiful supermodel wife, and the next you'll be jobless and living with your old ass aunt in Queens.

You think I'm scary? Then you don't want to fuck with THANOS. He once threw a bitchfit on the other side of the Universe. The force of said bitchfit was reduced to 2% by the time it hit Earth.

It completely destroyed Japan.

Holy shit right? You thinks he's awesome? You don't knbow about BLACK BOLT. Motherfucker can destroy a continent by whistling the theme song to Lucky Star. By the time he hits "AI MAI-" or however the fucking song goes, your leg is on Mars and your dick is in Ceres. You don't want to fuck with that guy.

And that's nothing. Motherfuckers don't want to touch THE SENTRY. He was one of my better achievements. I was watching DBZ one day while masturbating to Superman comics. That's when I went "Oh shit, what if I put these sexy motherfuckers together and doubled their powers?" The Sentry is so strong, he can kill Gods. Black Bolt destroys planets? This ghastly motherfucker eats suns. You know how you faggots like to put your finger up your asses while masturbating? He just stuffed Antares up his ass while masturbating. And he used the energy to go back in time and come. The Big Bang was just his orgasm. Hot greasy fuck.

And that is why Arcana Heart 2 is the pinnacle of Japanese Fighting games.

>> No.502977

Nanaya has the most fearsome power in the Nasuverse pretty much, but he is by no means the strongest one.

As for that list, apart from a couple mentions of fights, we don't know SHIT about Altrouge or that number 5.

I'd put Zelretch above Roa too.

>> No.502984


The nightmare/Tatari Nanaya, or Tohno Shiki?

Neither one comes remotely close to the top. Try considering people like Kishima Kouma or one of the DAAs.

>> No.502988

Funny you don't mention the Hulk, who apparently, in FOCUSED ANGER MODE is stronger then FUCKING CELESTIALS.

And Sentry has no shit to Superman of Golden Age.

In a way, the Nasuverse is the strongest universe in which powers are vaguely explained how they work and people do not get sudden powerups.

Noone knows how the fuck Sentry's power works.
Has something to do with solar energy and his molecules moving ahead in time (the fuck does that mean?)

>> No.503000


Relatively surprised no one mentioned Galactus yet.

>> No.503008

Hulk vs. ORT

Fund it.

>> No.503011

Galactus is only MIGHT MIGHTY when he has just eaten a planet.

Considering he is always starving and someohw beaten/driven away, I refuse to put him on my 'HAX list'.

Batman with preptime, now that's HAX.

>> No.503022
File: 19 KB, 195x300, 1209012274980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sentry already fucked Galactus up. As a matter of fact, most high-class Marvel characters have. He's pretty much used as a plot device to show how strong someone is.

>> No.503029

Hulk keeps smashing and raging till with a plot device he overcomes whatever ORT is supposed to be doing.

Then he calms down and leaves.

That, if it's a comic writer who does the story.

>> No.503035

Nasuverse is not that strong. The typemoonfags are just trolling, because we all know they're not that fucking stupid....right

Of course

>> No.503049

Well, of course.

Vegeta before his first encounter with Goku can destroy planets.

But in Type-Moon, characters have awesome SPECIFIC abilities, instead of HUGE KI-SOUL PARTICLES-FIRE DRAGONS-GUTS etc.

>> No.503045


>> No.503091


A lot of Nasuverse people are immensely strong in one specific category, with very few multipowered do-everything characters save for a certain few(and those few appear to be at the top of the ranks anyway). They exhibit surgical precision at specialized tasks, but a weakness when handling different threats.

Whereas DBZ characters can just level everything with their chi/force/magic/whatever fictionalized catalyst the protagonists use to blow everything in sight away.

>> No.503517

holy fucking shit.

>> No.503527

how? i thought this was only meant for arcades?

it'd be a long wait for a PS* port, much longer for a PC port

>> No.503545

What the fuck is a guard crash?

>> No.503646

Probably a guard meter, that is reduced by blocking attacks. When guard meter empties, "guard crash" and you take full damage.

>> No.503651
File: 72 KB, 706x442, 1209020503548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of those can hold a candle to SONIC GOKUVERINE.

>> No.503660


Power maximum?

Over nine thousand?

Yep, we're fucked.

>> No.503681



I want to see a complex list of how and why kira with her slime is infinitely superior to anyone that stands in ther way, with formulas and bigass wall of text explanations.

>> No.503688

I didn't know Michael Bay directed Sonic fan fiction.

>> No.503711

Please tell me this is some SA goon posing as a Deviant Art faggot.

>> No.503717

Arcana Heart (haven't played 2 so no opinion there) is actually a very good fighter. Unfortunately some people find it hard to look past the generic fanservice plastered on top.

>> No.504003

Three Words.

Spinning Pile Driver.

>> No.504132
File: 260 KB, 640x480, 1209027663449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.504183


>> No.504225


You need to level up your Type-Moon faggotry if those are what you think is the top 5.

>> No.504253

A Roa fan? I didn't know they existed.

>> No.504440

>Roa stronger than Altrouge Brunestud
True, but Roa isn't #3

>> No.504443

But what about Zelretch?

>> No.504444

Roa will be top-tier

>> No.504690


Defeated Type Moon, one of the top 10 of the DAA, Magic User, Grampa to Arcued. Go figure.


No. Mid-tier at best. There's tons of powerful beings in Type Moon for him to be considered top tier.

>> No.504705

Nobody mentioned Gil or Dark Sakura yet? Amateurs.

>> No.504709

I want fucking Shiki Tohno, why must they continue to deny me? He better have a yaoi route in the remake.

>> No.504727


Both are not strong enough. Gil will probably a Mid-High tier.

>> No.504829

>A Roa fan? I didn't know they existed.

Of course they do. Roa was the best character in Tsukihime.


You mean the original Roa, not the one in Tsukihime who was weaker than mr. Chaos.

>> No.504862
File: 87 KB, 600x480, 1209044010281.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are there any good/cool pics of Roa? There are tons for the other characters but of Roa i have only this (and thats not awesome)

>> No.504863

Hay guyz, remember how all the fags on beast-lair were insisting that Roa was dead and would not appear in a MB game?

>> No.504869

Don't go to forums because I'm not a faggot.

>> No.504940

Uh, Ryogi Shiki is MILES ahead of Nanaya.

Trained killer PLUS ultimate Mystic Eyes.

>> No.504944

That didn't stop Nero.

>> No.504945

PS. can we get Ryogi confirmed for Actress Again?

cus that would be awesome.

>> No.504949
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Technically not Roa but...

>> No.504958

Only Ryougi 3 could be considered high tier. Her eyes are shit on older things which Nanaya can destroy with ease.

>> No.504962


Chapter 3 - she kills Fujino's psychic attack, and yes, Final Form is the best. Same goes for Nanaya/Tohno tho.

for instance: Ryogi could probably take on Akiha without even getting hurt - just kill the attacks as they come. Nanaya has to dodge and lolSPIDER to kill her.

At the least, Ryogi's less likely to get killed on the way to her opponent. Of course, she'd have to comprehend the ability before she can kill it, but the fact she doesn't LOLHEADACHE and such means she's way more survivable.

>> No.504973

Your point? Neither of them are inherently better than the other, you're only using one-sided matches. I can do it too, Ryougi would have absolutely no chance of killing Nero, where as Nanaya did it in a single blow.

>> No.504983

I dunno why she couldn't kill nero (i haven't read past chapter 4.5 yet unfortunately) but her eyes are generally accepted as way better than Nanaya/Tohno's, and the fact she can use a sword (more reach ftw?) would probably give her an edge.

>> No.504989
File: 60 KB, 572x800, 1209047937361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, Ryogi is delicious.

>> No.504997

Saber's maximum speed + command spell boost is Mach 13.2.


>> No.505021

touhouverse is the most powerlevel verse

>> No.505032

Don't try to rationalize it. It's magic.

>> No.505060

Ok so I don't get it. Ryougi is supposedly reported to exist in a different universe from Nanaya/Tohno (hence the proto-Shiki).

...why are there power-level discussions again?

>> No.505069

The same reason why there are powerlevel discussions betwee Fate and Tsukihime despite both of them being in alternate but parallel worlds as well.

>> No.506579

I want it to hold me down and put it's large prehensile dick into my virgin hole.

>> No.507110

aozaki family wants a word with you

>> No.507156
File: 111 KB, 670x635, 1209075459932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asagami, Fujyou, Ryougi and Nanaya are mentioned in Tsukihime.

They're in the same universe.

>> No.507364

using a command spell also lets saber teleport to shirou, saber's normal speed would be like the others listed i would imagine

>> No.507368

oh forgot to add how the ryougi and asagami families were of the 4 demon hunting clans ( like the nanaya's )

>> No.507417

>Hay guyz, remember how all the fags on beast-lair were insisting that Roa was dead and would not appear in a MB game?

Don't go to Beast's Lair. It's full of fags, like you said.

>> No.507456

So..will Ciel be invincible in Actress Again?

>> No.507477

Hope not. Just so I can use her without being called a Ciel faggot. Hell, I used her in MBR when she sucked donkey dick.
