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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5040016 No.5040016 [Reply] [Original]

Mine think I'm gay...

>> No.5040018 [DELETED] 


>> No.5040021

They can't think about what they don't know.

>> No.5040023

No one knows my hobbies since no one knows me in the first place. My family just say hello when they see me but that's it.

>> No.5040024


>> No.5040028

Mine thinks I'm a pedo, seriously, I keep telling them I do not discriminate but noooo.

>> No.5040030

One time I forgot to lock my door and my dad walked in and saw my exposed yuri wallpaper. I died inside.

>> No.5040031

My mom doesn't understand powerlevels.

>> No.5040040

The only thing they can have noticed that is otaku related is the Touhou games that lay about my computer desk.
Never heard them say anything of it so I guess they don't care.

>> No.5040042

LOL you people still live at home. pathetic.

>> No.5040043

My family respects it but still thinks I'm a little odd. I just go at it in my room with headphones on and no one bothers me.

>> No.5040051 [DELETED] 

LOL most people without jobs can't afford their house.

>> No.5040052

My father makes jokes about me masturbating to cartoon porn.

>> No.5040054

My parents are oddly taken with my figure collection.

Its amusing

>> No.5040055

LOL most people without jobs can't afford their own house.

>> No.5040064

They think it's cool.

>> No.5040066

ban OP

>> No.5040067

How about getting a job.

>> No.5040072

I dunno, father doesnt live here and Im not very close to my father-in-law. Mother doesnt seem to care, little brother comments my stuff every now and then but he is still a very young kid.

>> No.5040077

mom is pretty disillusioned because she grew up in a poor country, doesn't even speak english that well

basically what i mean she has no idea what anime, vns or anything about the otaku medium or video games or anything about america's culture

so i could be watching some hentai or nsfw vn and she would think im watching someshit like bugs bunny or some actual cartoon you would see on tv

and if i wasnt a poorfag and actually bought figs she would think im buying some action figures like a kid, you pretty much get the point

i still get shit for sitting around doing 'nothing' but im left alone at home often and she doesnt seem to care about what im doing so its as good as anyone can ask for

>> No.5040088

My family doesn't really know/care about my japanese-related hobbies (among others), since I don't care to inform them about such things, and why should I? They know I watch various movies and sometimes watch "japanese cartoons", but that's about it. I do have an animu/videogame wallpaper on one of my computers, and I don't find it shameful or disturbing in any way. The only time I felt awkward was when I installed some nukige with a rather suggestive name, and I didn't see the icon, except when I booted up my computer the next day, and my mom was also in the room, but I don't think she noticed it or cared enough if she did. I don't even consider myself an "otaku", even though I consume reasonably large amounts of japanese media (anime, manga, VNs, music and a lot of drawn h).
Why exactly did you feel like that? Why did you feel shame in your yuri wallpaper?

>> No.5040092


>> No.5040094

assuming its real pornographic Yuri (instead of just love between girls), I think its pretty understandable.

>> No.5040099

It was just love. Hand holding and kissing. But I did feel pretty shitty as he always thought I'd be a masculine sports lover like him.

>> No.5040102

You can't put '/'s in a filename, silly.

>> No.5040105

That's why you have to keep a plain room without posters or figures if you still live with your parents.

>> No.5040109 [DELETED] 

h t t P : / / At .k Í M m oà . 5 3 /

>> No.5040121

my flatmate says its cool as long as i dont drink his beers
so its cool as long as he doesnt drink my beers so i dont need to drink his

>> No.5040127

My grandma tends to borrow some of the animes and mangas I leave lying around the house just to see why I like them so much so I have to make sure i never leave any H out, and she's the only family that lives in my house. I don't really have to worry about any of the other family as they live in other states.

>> No.5040140

I think my family might think I'm gay too. Not sure.

>> No.5040148

depends on you and your parents.

>> No.5040149

How can your family think you're gay ? Because you never brought back a girlfriend or just because they see drawn characters in your room ?

>> No.5040153

I'm guessing they're thinking "It's something gaming related or something"

Don't really think they care for it or anything else much as long as it doesn't cause them troubles

>> No.5040158

Gay is a synonym for weird in America.

>> No.5040170

My family wonders why I haven't gotten a girlfriend yet. I tell them that they're all money-grubbing whores that are nothing but parasites.

I'd much rather have a ton of figures than a ho that'll be eating away at my life and money.

>> No.5040177

my grandmother likes some studio ghibli movies
then again, who doesnt?

>> No.5040186

Indeed I get asked often if she can borrow Naussica or Totoro

>> No.5040236

I told my mom I was gay a while back just to troll her, she was horrified. My parents don't really know much about my "otakuness" other than that though, I tend to hide my power level fairly well. Well, they know I'm a lazy fuck who has devoted his life to taking it easy, but that doesn't necessarily = otaku.

>> No.5041025

they have disowned me

>> No.5041039

your figs don't come cheap either you know

>> No.5041064


>> No.5041083

I don't care what they think.
They probably don't care also

Your dad already masturbated to dozens of lesbian bdsm hardcore porn recorded on VHS. Yuri wallpaper is not a big deal.

>> No.5041094

No one cares

>> No.5041103

They think you're gay because you're a fucking faggot, OP.

So do I.

>> No.5041105

My dad masturbates to hentai so it's all good.

Well, moderately good. It was pretty tame stuff, but I'm getting by.

My older sister on the other hand says I should move away from fanfiction and try writing original content. More fool her say I.

>> No.5041108

I think my mom thinks I'm gay, she's been hinting at it a few times.

My dad doesn't really know.

>> No.5041114
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No one knows my powerlevel but they do know i'm a life failure shut in social retard, so I have no relationships with my few relatives.

>> No.5041118

So do mine. I mostly keep some distance though, so it's not terribly annoying.

>> No.5041119

They encourage it.

>> No.5041124


>> No.5041146

they think I am HARD GAY with my girl animes, but it's OK.

>> No.5041168
File: 311 KB, 1280x720, 24ee0rc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl animes

>> No.5041183

mine gave up

>> No.5041202

>I told my mom I was gay a while back just to troll her, she was horrified.

I've been tempted to do that so many times. Brofist for actually going through with it.

>> No.5041208

actually i'm eating with my family while browsing jp, yeah, with the notebook on te table

>> No.5041215

I tried it once. They called bullshit and told me I don't bring home guys.
They also said it would be an upgrade to go from loner to faggot, so they support the transition.
Damn living in CA, nothing surprises people here.

>> No.5041227

Try telling them about your loli collection then.

>> No.5041247

My mom and little sister think I'm gay because I've never shown any interest in women my whole life. My sister said I wasn't human.

I couldn't tell them I'm only attracted to 2D, so I said I was asexual.

>> No.5041264

I bet your sister will attempt to "set you straight" by raping you.

>> No.5041273

nobody knows that I'm an otaku
well, except for my my second personality

>> No.5041279

Just lie and say you are attracted to 3d women. How the hell are they going to know? Make an excuse, "I just don't want to enter a pointless relationship and I haven't met the right woman." Any normalfag would probably praise you for that.

>> No.5041280

they don't know or they don't give a fuck

>> No.5041283

They kicked me out of the house for it.

>> No.5041302 [DELETED] 

5 t Ó p s p A MM ì ñ 5 á n d C | Ó n Í ñ5 +H € b € 5 t 5 I t 3 Ó n T H € | N T €r N € T h + t P : / /8 8 . 8 0 . 2 1 . 1 2/

>> No.5041296

You deserved it

>> No.5041303

my family dont mention it. my friend however on a night out kept saying how "aren't you ashamed to be a virgin" and all that. I just remarked with some shit about me having high standards. although when i was drunk some girl came on to me and i refered to her as being 3D pig disgusting. i don't remember how the rest of the conversation went though.

>> No.5041306

Dad pokes fun of me; Mum sometimes says it's cute; both opinions are tempered by the two or so bookcases in my room stuffed with history books and the such, my normalfag behavior and no public signs of the degeneracy associated with an interest in Japanese pop culture.

>> No.5041314

Hero status told.

>> No.5041316

My mom dedicated a room in our old house as a shrine to her favorite Disney character. She can't say a damn thing. :3

>> No.5041324

They don't make it a big deal, because I only have cards, computer junk, and video games. I don't money to buy anime figuers, posters, manga, dakimakuras.

>> No.5041339

my mom thinks that my figure collection looks really good.
I even lend her some mangas when I left home, she liked most of them

>> No.5041356

Yep, they were mad that I used up so much of our 250gb cap from comcast every month.

>> No.5041376

I haven't spoken to my parents in nearly a decade. For all I know, they're dead, or they think I'm dead.

>> No.5041414

I live far enough away that they don't see any of it.
When I lived at home they knew I watched anime but so did my friends and it wasn't really anything they ever remarked about.

I wish I had the self-distance to joke about being gay. Got slightly pissed off when my mom mentioned in a discussion with her neighbour that she wouldn't mind if I brought home a girlfriend some time, or a boyfriend.
Not because I have anything against anyone suspecting I might be gay but because I'm a bit stressed out that soon I'll have to tell my family I'm transsexual.

>> No.5041443

Mine doesn't mind because she used to be an Asian-loving hikki too.

Reported for /r9k/

>> No.5041591

Just come cross dressed to a birthday party or something and act like everything is normal.

>> No.5041608

The only thing I have to show for that is a couple of wall scrolls and my computer wallpapers. Also the fact that I'm lazily learning Japanese. I don't really think my dad thinks much of it, or at least he's never really brought it up. So I guess I'm in the clear.

>> No.5041632

Couple of wall scrolls, of what? Naked lolis in the bath?

>> No.5041634


>> No.5041636
File: 4 KB, 126x126, smileymonocle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, with all my brothers and their wives, six nieces, sister and her boyfriend etc.

Sounds like a plan!

>> No.5041639

When my extended family came over to visit, one of my female cousins wanted a dakimakura after she saw my personal harem. I told her where to look for body pillows for cheap and gave her a spare dengeki G's festival dakimakura cover.

>> No.5041650

No, just wall scrolls of my loving waifu. I wonder if he's noticed all of my otaku-related merchandise is of the same character yet.

>> No.5041652

What kind of dakimakura's did she want?

>> No.5041655

They keep trying to coax me out of it. Telling me to go out and play sports and shiz....eww

>> No.5041659

Am I the only one who wants a plain dakimakura just because it's be really comfortable to snuggle in bed?
Plus it'd have the additional benefit that there's actually no reason to hide it even if you're keeping your powerlevel somewhat under wraps.

>> No.5041664

Well, it's a bit scary to do. Or you can just not tell them and live happily ever after and they won't know shit.

>> No.5041672

My dad has one of those without a print.

>> No.5041676

>and shiz
Am I the only one who always starts thinking "He probably ain't from America or Britain since z is next to t."?

>> No.5041679
File: 72 KB, 500x500, BOK-2419_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wanted my Kudo cover from the 2010 feb. issue.

>> No.5041693

I want one because it'd probably be very comfy, but I'd prefer one with a picture of mai waifu.
too bad Im living with family and not very likely to move away anytime soon. God, I dont even want to imagine my little borther asking about a dakimakura..

>> No.5041696

Yes I'm not from those 2 countries.

>> No.5041702

My mom calls my Marisa dakimakura "my girlfriend"
She even bother to learn her name

>> No.5041706

I just thought he was being 'gangsta'

>> No.5041708

Fascinating. How do you feel about that?

>> No.5041719
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>Not hiding your powerlevel

>> No.5041722

Not much. They only say i am mentally ill and such things on a regular basis

>> No.5041723

Pretty good, although she still bugs me about getting a job

She also worries that I use hookers.

>> No.5041756

Your mom is moe

>> No.5041758

My dad doesn't discriminate.
He thinks anything I do on the computer is stupid, be it japanese or not.

>> No.5041766

Chink family here.

My older brother first got into Japanese culture before I did, so it's not awkward at all. As long as I continue with work/education, my hobbies are mine to enjoy; though my dad does suggest I cut back on buying figs and posters.

>> No.5041767

take a look at this thread and see that not everybody has parents who see it as that bad a thing.
+ I, for one, would go crazy if I couldnt do almost whatever I want in my own living space. Empty walls would be very boring, so a few posters make it better.

>> No.5041772

My dad is a /tg/ fag, and my mom is a LoTR fangirl, among other things, so they don't have any problem with it.

>> No.5041795
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well, my mother knows who to come to if she wasnts to amme to watch or vns to play, saying that she stole my first beatrice pic I had printed

>> No.5041800

*"anime to watch" even, sorry just out of bed

>> No.5041808

you can hide it all you want from your friends if you don't think they will accept it. I have some friends I've known for 20+ years that have no idea.

Your family? unless they don't care they can always find out. Unless you:
sound proof your room
use only your cell phone
lock your door whenever you leave
secure your computer
keep normal music on your music player or hide it at all times, etc

they joke about it a bit, but are more concerned with the fact that I wasted my potential as a doctor/lawyer to become an engineer (overworked and underpaid).

>> No.5041816

They will never find out

>> No.5041836

assuming you still live at home that is.

my sister first found out when she came to the city and needed a place to stay, so you aren't even safe there.
not that I was trying to hide it, just not shoving it in anyone's face the moment they see me.

>> No.5041847

My power level isn't really hidden, but nobody knows that I fap to hentai, or watch moe shows. They just think I watch shit like Hellsing or Cowboy Bebop. They aren't really disappointed, I think.

>> No.5041875

do it like the cool guys in /a/ and only do weeaboo stuff at night with a laptop with headphones, dont store anything weeaboo on any computers someone else might use (hidden & password-protected external HDD or DVD:s are the way to go). and of course mock anime and manga if anyone ever brings the subject up while talking to you

>> No.5041888


You do realize that she cries herself to sleep at night.

>> No.5041893


>> No.5041906

lol /a/.

>> No.5041932

- Use headphones
- Not have your room get searched by your family every fucking day

You really do need psychological help, it can't be healthy to be that paranoid.

>> No.5041959
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My parents are none the wiser, I just say I watch "Japanese TV" because it's funny. They think it's awesome when I pick up random bits of Japanese in US TV shows and translate what they said. They don't know shit about my waifus and moe moe mahou shoujo obsession. They did look a little confused when I bought a Strike Witches DVD, though.

My friends also know, but again I just say I started watching it because "I wanted to see whether it was good or not" rather than depending on someone else's opinion of it, and that passes with little to no fuss. Even people who write it off as being lame will chuckle when you tell them a story about watching Rucky Star and thinking "what the fuck am I looking at?" Just don't tell them that you actually liked it

Also, one of my friends talked shit on Touhou once, so I booted up MoF Extra and said "why don't you give it a try, then?" ...Upon game over'ing in 15 seconds he spoke of it no more.

>> No.5041973

haven't seen my parents and sister in years so they have no idea but i have a PD3D wife who calls me a pedophile for liking "little girl games and cartoons." she also refers to miku as "my girlfriend."

she's still cool calling me daddy during sex so i guess it could be worse.

>> No.5041984


>> No.5042004
File: 171 KB, 658x769, 1240853668084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have a PD3D wife

>> No.5042070


believe it or not, some of us actually get out once in a while.

>> No.5042078

Then why are you in /jp/
only truNEETs allowed here

>> No.5042079

Get out of /jp/.

>> No.5042088

Bringing your personal life in here is not encouraged. No, I'd rather say, it should be a bannable offense.

>> No.5042092
File: 44 KB, 835x774, internet-high-five[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>although when i was drunk some girl came on to me and i refered to her as being 3D pig disgusting.
Awesome. /jp/, you need to take notes from this guy.

>> No.5042105

your jealousfag is showing.

>> No.5042114 [DELETED] 

No one knows, not that's there much to know. I hate that I visit here for touhou art and fap to hentai (oh lord do I hide that) but other than that, I'm not an "otaku" in the slightest

>> No.5042130

No one knows, not that's there much to know. I visit here for touhou art and fap to hentai (oh lord do I hide that) but other than that, I'm not an "otaku" in the slightest. Anime and manga and the like I hate, I'm more of a video gamer.

>> No.5042135

This. I'm fucking sick of these "baw im so ronery ;_; what r u doin jaypee" threads.

>> No.5042141

Yeah, no. I don't even have to respond to this. Go to /a/ if you want to troll that bad.

>> No.5042170

I guess they don't know?

they occasionally see me watching some shows + i have some animu wallpapers once in a while but they don't seem to care.

They keep hinting that i should find a girlfriend though, but i just keep quiet every time.

>> No.5042210

I'm asian and I grew up watching animes, so they don't find it strange when I do. I watch tons of /m/ shit anyways, and they probably think whatever moeblob i am watching/listening to is from gundam or something. I own NO posters or figurines (except gundam models), so I'm pretty much in the safe zone. They probably know I fap to drawings though, then again, they'd think I'm straight at least.

>> No.5042240

lol what? Sounds like you are in denial, thinking that anyone who actually cared what you were into couldn't find out in a snap even with all your power level hiding.
I don't care, I was listing all the reasons you could be found out by your family if you were so interested in hiding it. if they actually care (chances are they don't) they could easily go in your room and find out.

Then again, all my family has a key to my apartment so I'm not really worried about hiding my power level and I trust them anyway.

Keep up with your 'secret lifestyle' like anyone cares enough to notice.

>> No.5042898

Why is everyone here so ashamed to be a chinese girl?
