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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5028411 No.5028411 [Reply] [Original]

>A top British judge has ruled that Christian beliefs have no standing under secular law because they lack evidence and cannot be proven.


So the British finally did something right.

>> No.5028427
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Best get started on those image replies, then. Most threads like this don't have anywhere near that many.

>> No.5028417

>198 posts and 72 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.5028436


>> No.5028440

Back to /b/ or /new/.

Come back when they re-legalize loli.

>> No.5028442
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>> No.5028445
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>> No.5028446

England: We'll tell you what you can believe.

>> No.5028448
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>> No.5028449

'sup "Artefact," what (outside of your own peculiar Gordian knot of an assburgered "thought process") does that have to do with otaku or Japanese videogame/internet culture?

>> No.5028452


>> No.5028454
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>> No.5028456

Meanwhile, the pope falls asleep.

>> No.5028461
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>> No.5028467

indeed Orwellian, congrats, but I still don't see what your medieval old-world tribe's goings-on have to do with this board's topic

>> No.5028468

thats it im moving to the UK

>> No.5028471
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>> No.5028476
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Do I get to be considered an edgy intellectual if I bash religion, too?

>> No.5028489

One judge isn't Britain isn't an idiot. Better tell /jp/

>> No.5028488
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The edgy intellectuals bash atheists these days.

>> No.5028482
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>> No.5028492

Protip: they have an official religion there
The modern world doesn't.

>> No.5028495
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>> No.5028509
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>> No.5028517

The modern world doesn't have the death penalty: The united states does
The modern world doesn't have a state religion: Britain does
The modern world has free speech: Germany doesn't
The modern world has internet: Australia doesn't

Pray tell, what IS the modern world?

>> No.5028524

>The modern world has internet: Australia doesn't


>> No.5028529
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>> No.5028535
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>> No.5028536

My state doesn't have the death penalty.

I win, you lose, GB2 screaming at kids cause you got owned

>> No.5028540
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The judge's commentary was overdone but I think the end result of the case was correct. You should not be able to claim religious belief as a reason to not do the job you are employed for or not to defer to someone better suited in regards to the situation. The real question is whether this can be used to auto-judge all relevant cases in favor of the secular over the religious position.

Enough of that. Suwako.

>> No.5028541
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>> No.5028546

your mom was a kangaroo, so don't worry about ANYTHING

>> No.5028551
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If Suwako was real, you'd all believe in her.

>> No.5028552

Germany's actually pretty liberal
Certain states don't have the DP
Australia sucks.

>> No.5028556

silly westerners
"the modern world" is a collective concept
always beyond reach if you focus on one state at a time

>> No.5028562
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>> No.5028565

>Germany's actually pretty liberal
Shout "THE HOLOCAUST DIDN'T HAPPEN" on a crowded street and see how long it takes you to get a 20 year prison sentence.

>> No.5028566

Christfag status:
[x] TOLD

>> No.5028574

I used to refer to this girl as frog bitch, because for some reason, I didn't like her. After watching that one flash video of her, I know love her. I hope she can forgive me.

>> No.5028576

Hey. No one's perfect.

>> No.5028579

That's hardly the point

>> No.5028581

I never liked her until UNL

>> No.5028586
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>a position held purely on religious grounds cannot therefore be justified
Sanae/Reimu just got told.

>> No.5028593
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How could anyone dislike Suwako? She's easily the nicest Extra boss in the series.

>> No.5028597

But Sanae and Reimu DO have evidence and the existence of their gods CAN be proven.

>> No.5028604
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>easily the nicest extra

>> No.5028605

Who IS Reimu's god, anyways?

>> No.5028608
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>> No.5028610

There is demonstrable evidence of religion being real in Gensokyo. Not so in the real world.

>> No.5028614

Hulk Hogan

>> No.5028615

> Gary McFarlane protested that he was fired because offering sex therapy to same-gender couples violates his Christian principles.

So the judge decided that personal beliefs are not grounds for refusing to counsel gays? I mean, as much as I disagree with religion's stance on gay people, he has every right to subscribe to said religion whether I think it's absolute bullshit or not.

>> No.5028617

If he doesn't do that for the other religions, he deserves to get sacked.

>> No.5028622
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Sorry Koishi, without emotions and the accompanying reward for altruism, I cannot trust you to be consistently nice.
Nobody knows, but he's pissed because Reimu is a bad miko.

>> No.5028621

Well, other than WW2-crap, Germany's pretty chill. The gigantic amount of S&M material lead me to believe this
Or maybe I just don't read up enough on them.

>> No.5028619

Good luck finding Gensokyo then.

>> No.5028626


>> No.5028627

>implying Gensokyo isn't real

>> No.5028629

Wait, really?

>> No.5028638

He has every right to subscribe to a religion, but he does not have the right to impose that religion's restrictions on others. If he doesn't want to counsel gay people, he should change jobs.

>> No.5028639


>> No.5028640

It's possible. Apparently anything can gather faith if they put their mind to it, and Reimu doesn't have regular contact with her god... Mima could have kicked her real god's ass and usurped its spot.

>> No.5028642

Germans are very socially conservative to the point of being stodgy. Most of the fucked up stuff that comes out of Germany is made by the people who grew up in Easter Germany and got fucked in the head.

>> No.5028654

If he owns the business, he has a right to do so.

>> No.5028663

That's not the point. Post coordinates of our side of the Hakurei shrine when you find it, Gensokyo needs fresh genes.

If you are baptized into one of the state-supported churches, you pay church tax. You have to leave the church to stop that. Guess what, changing that info in your papers costs money, too.

>> No.5028674

Yukari would probably sterilize you. At best.

>> No.5028675

No he doesn't, for the same reason a restaurant owner can't refuse service to black people.

>> No.5028678

How can you be fired from your own business so easily?

>> No.5028699

Discrimination law disagrees with you.
