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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 39 KB, 283x268, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5022217 No.5022217 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /jp/, you might be able to answer this question better than /a/.
Why is it that, with all those loli mangas depicting small children in sexual activities flooding the adult manga market, it is still difficult to find hentai animes with small children characters doing the same? Sure you'd find young looking characters but they are hardly 100% flat chested, and most look like 16 ~ 19 year old 'teens'. What is it that the Japanese hentai animator are so afraid of that they don't do 5 ~ 12 year old characters like in every loli manga? Is it something to do with the law?
Serious question.

>> No.5022219

>Is it something to do with the law?
Way to go champ!

>> No.5022220

Because H anime sucks, manga is always superior.

>> No.5022221


You're welcome.

>> No.5022222

I can't find it! That means it doesn't exist! Right? Right?

Serious answer.

>> No.5022225

I found it by googling, it's some game.

>> No.5022227
File: 151 KB, 800x600, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be awesome to see characters this young to be in animated hentai, but like op said, I've never seen them this young in any hentai.

>> No.5022228

Maybe a fully animated loli, panting and screaming, can't just be tagged as over 18. Or maybe because making an anime requires a lot of time and work, and getting it censored isn't really encouraging.

>> No.5022230

You really are dense, aren't you?

>> No.5022231

You sure bro?
I know hmanga is good but I usually find using h anime to fap better.
With hmanga, you have use a hand to flip the pages and another hand to hold your dick which make it not so convenient.

With h anime your off hand is free and you can use it to hold a kleenex so that you do not blow your load everywhere later. Cleaning is a bitch man. Also having ero voice with a moaning VA getting raped always get my dick hard.

>> No.5022232

I see alot of maybe's... Anyone knows how this stuff in Japan actually works?

>> No.5022235

OP is not talking about games, he is talking about animated hentai.

>> No.5022239

What kind of person uses Kleenix.

If you were a real NEET you would have a trashcan next to your computer that you jizz into.

>> No.5022241

Time, money, risk factor etc.

>> No.5022242
File: 368 KB, 985x1400, 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one with youngest girl I watched was Little Monica, but even then they're like 15 or 16 year olds.
Nothing as young as the one in my image (looks like 9 or 10).
I've never seen one this young in hentai anime, maybe they don't exist for some reason.

>> No.5022247

Exactly. I wasn't talking about games either, he was the one to bring up games at all. I just said that there exist animated loli hentai. As to why there are so few, beats me, maybe nobody is interested enough to make them or just what >>5022220 said. But they definitely exist, they sure aren't the majority of hentai, but they are out there.

>> No.5022250

Imouto Jiru

>> No.5022253

I don't think you could find solid answers on /jp/, better just ask 2chan, the actual experts directly.

>> No.5022597

What is the law in Japan regarding animated loli that looks even younger than teens?

>> No.5022626

There's plenty.

>> No.5022628
File: 40 KB, 652x852, 1644055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wondered about this too. Loli's fucking huge pic related, so there's got to be money in making animated videos, but the only really loli one I've seen was Korean or something.

>> No.5022660

>Little Monica

I saw that too.
I don't think they go any younger in animes. Some kind of invisible barrier to go any younger

>> No.5022674

what's wrong japan? in adult comics and games you even have toddlers!

>> No.5022708

This has a loli: daiakuji - bangaihen - 大悪司(番外編)

>> No.5022723


>> No.5022733

>Imouto Jiru

In the game they look like 12 year old, but in the hentai they look lik 17.

So unfortunately no.

>> No.5022748
File: 192 KB, 809x844, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that one has some tits, not as flat as loli mangas

>> No.5022758
File: 288 KB, 861x1307, 1254912434574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most manga doesn't have a "all characters depicted are over 18" line though. In fact if their age is mentioned it's usually in the pedo range.

I imagine animation just has go to through some classification process and they don't allow loli.

>> No.5022760

I've noticed this as well and was always sad because of it.

They don't have to ACTUALLY be that young, but it'd be nice to see shorter/thinner/flatter girls than what usually show up.. Sometimes it feels like even before all the anti-loli flared up recently, a lot of the 'younger' girls would still have decently-sized chests.

I mean, look at Aisaka Taiga, 16 can hardly be considered loli, but her figure hits the right spot for people like me who just like that body type. There should be H-animes with girls like that..

>> No.5022807

I think it's happening lately, mostly. A while ago, we had for instance Dark Love and Little Monica, both of which had quite obvious loli, but recently they've been getting some breast enlargement. The loli from Saimin Gakuen, for example.

>> No.5022856

>breast enlargement

Animators why..... ;_;

>> No.5022871

Yes, and in this case I was looking forward to Saimin Gakuen, but with breasts added she looked like just another bland character. Why, indeed.

>> No.5022877 [DELETED] 


>> No.5022890

I'm under the impression that H anime usually tries to target a wider demographic and that may be one of the reasons.

>> No.5022904

The Jibril animation is shit, but there's some pseudo-lolis, futanari, etc.

>> No.5022917

I only watched the ova
are you telling there was a loli character in whatever it was based on?

>> No.5022924

Yes, I only skimmed through the H-anime, but the short pink-haired girl was supposed to be a loli. Or were they twins? I forgot.

>> No.5022937
File: 394 KB, 1037x1460, 097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<---- Still, any Japanese person here knows why they can't go this far in hentai animes?

>> No.5022943

Give Wanyan Aguda a studio and $5 million

I thought of that exact page when I was reading this topic earlier.

>> No.5022945

I don't remember any short pink haired girl in the the ova
in any case it appealed to my hypnotism/mind control fetish though a pink hair loli would have been nice
so is the game its based of worth playing then?

>> No.5022949

maybe they think the target audience is too small to return an investment.

>> No.5022956

Dunno, I only saw the CGs.

>> No.5022967
File: 23 KB, 260x258, 1269143523702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAHAHAHA.... haha......... ha.... oh man

>> No.5022972
File: 242 KB, 640x480, yeaaahhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5022988



>> No.5022989

What are those tits doing on them? Why can't they be...
... flat?

>> No.5022993

Now that I think harder, I think I've seen some H Anime which had some DFCs, but I don't watch much H Anime, and its been a long time since I saw that OVA...

>> No.5022994

Choisuji - Episode 2

>> No.5023031


By the way, OP, could you post the complete version of hte pic you used?

>> No.5023303


>> No.5023527

Because most h-manga is done by amateur individuals and distributed on a small scale, while anime is done by big studios with bigger responsibility. That and >>5022228.

>> No.5023541

searched on tineye and iqdb and found nothing

>> No.5023606

Rule 16: Don't post an ambiguous /h/ doujin/picture without the source. Otherwise you'll start a "sauce request" shitstorm. If you don't have the source, then please specify it in your post so that you'll save your fellow /jp/ers some time by not having to ask you for the source.

>> No.5023645

Is /jp/ slowly being taking over by Pedotalk users?
(R.I.P sickfucks).

>> No.5024052

I want some fucking straight shota, with a girl.

I'm tired of men being fucking everywhere.

>> No.5024087

We built this board on pedophilia.

>> No.5024093

femanon detected

>> No.5024107


>> No.5024116

Didn't they have a whole board dedicated to this many years ago when not4chan was still around? A bit of clever searching of doujinshi archives will probably get you what you're seeking.

>> No.5024190

I love straight shota and I'm a bro
does this mean I am a weird person? ;_;

>> No.5024208

You like to imagine that a you're initiated into sex by an experience woman.

>> No.5024289

What about Hatsu Inu? That's not loli?

>> No.5024293

Actually, I'm a loli/shotacon. Adults are pig disgusting. Take your grandparents elsewhere.

>> No.5024296

Hatsu Inu is fucking awesome.

>> No.5024422

Sounds like furfag shit. Like that Wanko VN.

>> No.5024534

That's not even close to what it is. It translates to Strange Kind of woman.
