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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 146 KB, 590x1680, 037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5003579 No.5003579 [Reply] [Original]

Seems like #8 died an early death due to the get spam. Anyway, let's try to get another OC thread going (or not). Use this thread to share works, ideas, and possible projects.

In before haters hating on OC.

Previous one at http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/4988953

>> No.5003595
File: 19 KB, 248x226, idontknowwhattocallthisface girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone in the pchat drew this for me awhile ago.

>> No.5003631

requesting a picture of anon drawn in jojo style with the maid (also drawn in jojo style) as a stand and the words "MAID IN HEAVEN" below it

>> No.5003791
File: 84 KB, 700x300, souaisei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inspired by Deco*27's recent album I made this to be printed on a mug. Will post pictures later once I get it if it turns out decent.

>> No.5003803
File: 74 KB, 700x300, saihate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this one.

>> No.5003916

Thread 8 died long before the GET spam.

I don't like to bump when I'm not contributing, so good luck keeping this one up.

>> No.5003928

Delicious meido feet.

>> No.5003964


>> No.5003989


I can't babysit the OC threads as much anymore since I barely spend time on the internet lately... I guess if this one dies too I'll just get the hint and go the way of warehousedevs.

>> No.5003988 [DELETED] 

If I had any drawing ability I would do this. Brillaint

>> No.5003996

If I had any drawing ability I would do this. Brilliant

>> No.5003998
File: 57 KB, 518x533, 039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitty anatomy

>> No.5004019

Draw her extending her foot towards the viewer with her panties showing.

>> No.5004024

requesting uninformed Reimu

>> No.5004112

Go back to Deviantart

>> No.5004399

Is there an archive of all the pictures from the OP picture?

>> No.5004597
File: 119 KB, 1000x1000, typical day on #bunbunmaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone drew this yesterday. You're free to interpret it any way you wish.

>> No.5004671

reimu, saya, Sill???, Berg, anon, and... is that vista-tan?

>> No.5004710
File: 44 KB, 500x765, nuntr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5004733

Can you also make a version without her head dress and hair down?

>> No.5005053

If you're looking for more of that guy's work, some of it can be found in http://bunbunmaru.com/kareha/projects/kareha.pl/1267758784/l50

>> No.5005063 [DELETED] 

reported as spam for bun shit

>> No.5005066

Saya, Sill, Rika, Anonymous, Reimu, and the Meido, I believe.

>> No.5005074

Alicia at her computer trolling

>> No.5005932

Blah blah night bump.

>> No.5006361


>> No.5006363

requesting Alicia shooting Rika

>> No.5006382


Or no, I got an even better idea! Since we got to see some Mod action, draw Meido making a Jojo-like pose and a Heado Meido as her Stand, same words as Suigin suggested. Or even better draw both!

>> No.5006458

That's a stupid idea.

>> No.5006464

I want more meido porn.

>> No.5006474
File: 312 KB, 1000x975, 91dc1c5f4365178a45379e7420532c0f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jojo style
>drawing with a face that which has no face

>> No.5006477

I just want more meido feet.

>>5003998 draws cute feet, he needs to draw more.

>> No.5006495

Well, it's not about just the face, it's the pose that counts.

>> No.5006531

I think the first picture was a better example of cute feet.

>> No.5006541

But dem spread toes!

>> No.5006543

Am I the only one who got the impression that the Maid is a mute?

>> No.5006544
File: 243 KB, 1050x1200, miku_akg_k701_WIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been listening to a lot of Deco27 lately... guess that explains this drawing. Hopefully I'll finish it sometime today, if I don't get lazy and go to bed.

>> No.5006550


>> No.5006562


Whatever floats your boat, anon.

>> No.5006565
File: 5 KB, 235x197, meidokkuri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is only allowed to talk to us through easymodo archive.

>> No.5006570

I don't see any Adam's apple.

>> No.5006621
File: 368 KB, 1200x1300, 100430 Meido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5006673

Do you have anything else you've done? I like your style.

>> No.5006684
File: 423 KB, 1000x1000, 100430 Marisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5006688


>> No.5006759
File: 237 KB, 1039x1477, alice_sennheiser_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I generally try to participate in drawthreads when I'm not too busy/lazy. I don't really think I have a style, unless "unfinished" counts as one.

>> No.5006784

I saw this on DA

>> No.5006785

Really? Disgusting.

>> No.5006787


Great, then you know where to find my stuff.

>> No.5006808

The Meido is actually a mass-produced gynoid centered around the general maintenance of cyber communities. It may come as a surprise to many, but Meidos were actually quite common during the heyday of the Empire. Eventually though, after centuries of corruption, infighting, and general apathy, the Empire crumbled and with it, the Meido system. Meido production ceased, the Royal Engineer Corps disbanded, and the remaining gynoids fell into disrepair. The few Meidos that are still functional today are crudely maintained through the constant cannibalization of other units. Surprisingly, /jp/'s Meido is in miraculously good condition with 99.7%* of her parts being originally hers.

*The 0.3% consists entirely of the green gem she wears at her neck. The original piece was lost ages ago and was only recently replaced on request by the late Duchess of /jp/.

>> No.5006874

How can you stand that place? I stopped using dA 5 years ago because it was full of retards. It must be even worse by now.

>> No.5006905


I think a lot of that comes from the fact you tried to get involved with the community. I really only use it to update artwork and talk to a few other artists, and for that it's quite handy. A community is only what you make of it, after all. Also, speaking from experience, nearly every place I've been to on the internet has been full of retards, you get used to it eventually. If people like giving shit for having a dA, that's fine too. I'm not japanese enough to start a pixiv.

>> No.5006907
File: 277 KB, 1115x1443, 100404 Anthro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is full of retards as well, so that's ok.

Still got the yaoi fangirls and 13-years-old, sure, but there are more touhou fans now.

>> No.5006922

>I really only use it to update artwork

Then just use pixiv. That way you won't even have to read stupid comments.

>> No.5006954


>I'm not japanese enough to start a pixiv.

Why not? It only takes a few minutes to figure out how the site works. And if you're on /jp/, your art style is probably animu enough for pixiv.

>> No.5006976


You skipped the part where I mentioned talking to other artists.


I know well enough how the site works. The question for me is, why bother? I don't have a problem with the functions in dA, getting a pixiv doesn't do much for me either.

What I don't understand is why people have such a negative stigma towards dA, yet find pixiv perfectly acceptable. I don't claim either to be good or bad, they each have their purpose and I'm perfectly content with my dA for the time being.

>> No.5007019
File: 76 KB, 277x309, sids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a dA but I only use it to stalk Sids-chan and her friends.

>> No.5007037

pixiv has less furry

>> No.5007048

And less 3DPG photography.

>> No.5007061


>> No.5007070


Once again, image searching is hardly what I use dA for. Still, this is getting quite off topic, I'm going to try see if I can finish this pic so I can get some rest.

>> No.5007078 [DELETED] 
File: 210 KB, 750x1000, 100430 Neko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5007096
File: 217 KB, 750x1000, 100430 Hunter Cat Status Updated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5007119

Requesting Rika riding a Luigi

>> No.5007322

Maid feet please.

>> No.5007488
File: 97 KB, 416x424, 1270862380957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mediocre electronic song I made.
Remix of Alice's theme from PCB.


>> No.5007696
File: 242 KB, 1050x1200, miku_akg_k701_glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done. Damn headphones took way too long.

>> No.5007700
File: 237 KB, 1050x1200, miku_akg_k701_no_glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No glasses version, for anyone who wants it.

>> No.5007706

Sounds a little bit like diarrhea. I liked it.

>> No.5007718

no it isnt

>> No.5007734


>> No.5007743

If requesting is OK, I'd like a picture, with a person screwing around on an iPad, and Sakuya's breasts changing according to the gestures.

>> No.5007746

I can dig this.

>> No.5007815

Sounds more like Geth from ME2 talking.

>> No.5008089

Requesting Rika flossing her ass with her own hair. It's long enough.

>> No.5008102

This, seriously this need to be done.

>> No.5008198

Give me meido feet.

>> No.5009616
File: 247 KB, 1095x1000, x2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5009641

Those areolas look kinda too big for my tastes. And maybe she has slightly smaller breasts, maybe half a cup or something. Otherwise fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap

>> No.5009644

Thanks for trying, but I can't fap to this. And her boobs are scary.

>> No.5009643 [DELETED] 

/ Ps r3mòwE ýÒüR ì||e5Á| cIòñ€ Òf At oK Móo+àRd Ù úGIY 5h|+

>> No.5009648 [DELETED] 

/ P$ R€mÓW€ ýOÜR ì|L3GaL cLÓNe 0f A+ oK mòoT@Rd ù Ú5|y Shí+

>> No.5009712

I love your style. Draw more porn!

>> No.5009734

oh please don't draw porn of the maid

>> No.5009822

You know the rules, and so does the meido.

>> No.5009829

come on

>> No.5009866

Be careful you don't become too popular, or it will happen to you too.

>> No.5009874

not like i have an internet persona or anything

>> No.5010949

I like the synths you use. Pretty cool.

>> No.5010968

Was there ever a ref sheet made for the meido? If not, can someone please repost the full body coloured pic, gonna attempt to draw her.

>> No.5011093

>Was there ever a ref sheet made for the meido?

Man, just look through the OC archive thread (on /projects/) for old Meido drawings and use them for reference. Or try this: http://www.stack.nl/~vdz/oc/wakaba/src/1268081338197.jpg

>> No.5011103


Thanks anon.

>> No.5011867


>> No.5012029
File: 242 KB, 800x640, rumia .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is so goddamn old, and I just found it floating around the intarnet, so I might as well share it.
maybe someone can find a use for it.

>> No.5013420


>> No.5013435 [DELETED] 

fígHt th€ ÌnT3Rñ€t cenSòRShíP h+tP:// at : KÌmmÓ@ . s3 / FíGh+ THE ÍntERñ3+ c€Nsor5HÌp

>> No.5013437

FÍgh+ tHE ín+ErN3+ [ENSór$h|P hTtp.// @t , KiMmÒà : s3 / FÍGHT TH€ ÍntERñet CenSORSh|p

>> No.5014586
File: 159 KB, 881x1000, x3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid sexy maid

>> No.5014588

Still waiting for this.

>> No.5014593
File: 24 KB, 400x402, cat_barf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5014626

sounds nice, do you have more?

>> No.5014627

I liked >>5009616 better.

Maybe the boob feel a bit too unnatural in this one. But you really draw nice anatomy. Specially the legs and feet in the last picture.

>> No.5014629

I liked >>5009616 better.

Maybe the boob feel a bit too unnatural in this one. But you really draw nice anatomy. Specially the legs and feet in the previous picture.

>> No.5014630

This picture is somehow awesome. I can't really put my finger on it, but it's awesome.

>> No.5015222

dat ass

>> No.5015575
File: 156 KB, 660x1000, x4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5015663

Where's x1? Also, I kinda like these, although I prefer normal-sized boobs.

>> No.5015682

Needs lots of work...

>> No.5015685

x1 was a kuesu image i posted few days ago.

>> No.5015703

I've fapped to the meido at least 5 times now. She's starting to remind me of Aya.

>> No.5015711

could you draw a bit more realistically instead of ZOMFG HUUEG balloons?

>> No.5015726

Yeah, you should definitely make these tits sag a little bit.

>> No.5015728

dunno, i'm already trying to make them smaller. i usually draw eiken-sized.

>> No.5015732

they would, but since anonymous is holding them and pushing them up with his hands, they don't.

>> No.5015801

Indeed, but I can't feel any weight when I watch them. They just look like they're full of air. Otherwise it's really nice. Also don't take that critic too seriously, I don't draw myself.

Also, you should draw a flat/normal chested picture as well, just because I'm curious to see how it'd look like.

>> No.5015811

Somebody draw the meido shooting KоG in the face

With a gun

>> No.5015822
File: 70 KB, 401x425, 1278894578324632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We already have like, 20 pictures of Cirno punching KоG in the face. Isn't that enough?

>> No.5015848

Ya can hear all my stuff on here.


Aaaaah... Man we need another phantasmagoria game. Hopefully they'l bring Yuka back again.

>> No.5015935

Hmmm, I'd like a version where she's fully top-clothed.

>> No.5016612
File: 58 KB, 500x500, 1270709808226.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like how none of the drawfags can ever get Yami's hair drawn right.

>> No.5016674

but cirno is a baka
our maid is our symbol, our savior and our waifu

>> No.5016742

Is that so?

>> No.5017853

Just-in-case bump
I would appreciate less meido porn. It's off putting

>> No.5019456
File: 90 KB, 557x739, meido-bw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Will this shit even be useful for anything? Just draw her however you feel like, bro.

>> No.5019464

armless moe~

>> No.5019476


Silly BOOF, I just to that to show the sides of the dress.

>> No.5019593

BOOF is moe.

>> No.5019728
File: 345 KB, 533x746, fft6daac37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guilty Gear cover - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCv9MpZv804

FF Tactics arrangement - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYqeQ-m83M4

Wow, you're awesome at guitar. Those are really relaxing.

>> No.5019761
File: 107 KB, 1920x1080, [LSS]K-ON!_Special_-_05[1080p][H264][4D7F2A30].mkv_snapshot_01.37_[2010.04.03_01.52.17].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are bad and you should feel bad

>> No.5020138

I just came upon this by accident


I don't really understand what it is, but I guess it still counts as OC.

>> No.5020176

Even if it's OC, I don't think it's terribly relevant to our board.

>> No.5020187



>> No.5020375


>> No.5022347


>> No.5022349

Really nice work, dude. Particularly liked Green Eyed Jealousy.

>> No.5024184


>> No.5025363


>> No.5025404

Well I'm happy we get more maido pictures.
