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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 76 KB, 128x256, 1269272291725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5012385 No.5012385 [Reply] [Original]

Have you done any good actions today, /jp/?

>> No.5012397

Yes I did, I posted random links

>> No.5012399

I masturbated to porn of you today.

>> No.5012401

I haven't done much of anything today. I fed my dogs, if that counts.

>> No.5012402

fucking god that must be one of the worst things IOSYS has ever done

>> No.5012406
File: 11 KB, 200x220, 1219957654302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck... fuck... fuck... musn't click... musn't...

>> No.5012409

Yeah, I printed a picture of you out and shit on it.

Stupid lecturing whore.

>> No.5012415

I bought a little girl a ice cream cone.

>> No.5012417

Well, no, there's a beautiful story behind this...
(Shiki want boobs, It's beautiful)

>> No.5012425

i practiced my guitar studied and worked out.

>> No.5012428

well, it sounds like pendulum but actually, the arrange's pretty good. I"ll give it 7/10.

>> No.5012429
File: 68 KB, 500x571, 1265308848129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You should re-think about your actions.

You can't lie to me, just reminding you.

>> No.5012433

smoked 2 bowls
played with my cats
rewatched saber marionette j and some other shitty anime
fapped while thinking of my little sister

then i took some time to think about what i'm doing with my life... feels bad man

>> No.5012435

More like one of the best things they ever done!

Eiki-sama~ I don't quite recall any good actions today..... But I tried my best to not do bad things.

>> No.5012439

It's utter shit. Song, lyrics, everything.

>> No.5012446

well let's see you make something better, smartypants

>> No.5012447

You should think about lecturing your own self dumb whore. For all that shit you talk you secretly lust after Komachi's tits and feel burning jealousy for her large bust.

Shiki, you're a fucking hypocrite.

>> No.5012448

Sure Eiki. I washed the dishes.

>> No.5012450

At least it's not another moe shit.

>> No.5012452

I enjoyed it oh god of musical taste.

>> No.5012458


>> No.5012463

i had sex with my dog and my mother, killed my neighbors, and posted child pornographys all over the internet.

>> No.5012466

I've heard worse.

>> No.5012472

I baked cookies and served to my African orphan children during their daily calculus lecture.

>> No.5012473

I sense troll......

>> No.5012475

I don't think so, she's in the good side of law, so she can do what she wants =D

>> No.5012486

Those are not really 'good actions' are they?

You should stop smoking. And make sure to control your sexual urges.

Keep it up then!

I don't know what are you talking about and you should watch your mouth.


Lying is bad.

>> No.5012493
File: 197 KB, 400x400, 1268525541488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(forgot image)

>> No.5012509 [DELETED] 

FIgH+ THe ìNtErn€+ c€nSòRsHÍp Ht+p.// át , KÌMmóÀ , s€ / fÌ5hT tHE iñT3RNet ceñSorsHip

>> No.5012497

Thank you Eiki-sama~!

>> No.5012514 [DELETED] 

fíGHT +HE |nt3rNE+ C3N$OR5hÌP htTp:// @T : KIMMoÀ : 5€ / fIGh+ tH€ ÌntErnET cEñSoR5HÌp

>> No.5012510

I reunited the Pkunk and the Yehat today. I think I'm almost ready to take down the Sa-Matra.

>> No.5012518

I masturbated while lying in bed next to my Reimu dakimakura, while thinking of the 40+ year old secretary where I work. I didn't write as much code as I'd like at work. Actually, I didn't write a single line, I just helped fix other problems. I went shopping, and bought some shitty store-brand pizza. And booze. Ate the whole pizza, drank some booze. Drank some homebrew too. Nope, I guess I didn't do much good today.

>> No.5012521

i fucking love this type of threads. VIP quality.
also, fuck jesus. i want Eiki sama to decide my afterlife!

>> No.5012532

Lets see...uh...I did some things that were good for ME, but I doubt thats what you're asking...

>> No.5012534

>I don't know what are you talking about and you should watch your mouth.

You choose denial eh? Oh well, I cannot blame you. You are just a dumb harlot after all. Go back to harping it up about people's negatives when you yourself are also full of them.

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, Shiki.

>> No.5012536

I'm more into Youkai Jesus...

>> No.5012540
File: 72 KB, 404x446, freddie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't my judge.
Who the fuck are you and where the fuck is Saint Peter?
I'm not going to hell because they made some incompetent little girl decide my fate.

>> No.5012533 [DELETED] 

Fi5h+ +H€ InTErn3T c3n$órSHìp ht+p:// át , k|Mmoá , $e / figHT th3 Ìñ+eRñE+ [3n$óR$HIp

>> No.5012541

I helped my mom by carrying some bags.

>> No.5012549

Geez, man, lighten up. Nobody but nobody's perfect.

>> No.5012554

today I beat you in PoFV

>> No.5012555 [DELETED] 

f|5ht ThE ìnt3rñ3T c3n$ÓR5HíP H+tP;// á+ : KimMÓà : Se / fiGhT The ÌnTerN3+ CenSORSH|p

>> No.5012559

Go back to work Komachi, it's bad enough you get to be busty, now you have to rub your moral superiority all over the place?

>> No.5012562

If you know what I mean.

>> No.5012570

Shiki needs to be put in her place. She has no right to decide my fate and her own personal opinion comes into play in her decision. Also, she's female. We ALL know how unnecessarily overemotional females are.

>> No.5012575
File: 447 KB, 617x849, 1266284094593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, you should do more things like that.

You are being aggressive. Maybe you should calm down and think things over again, it's never too late.

Actually I really am your judge. I'm not a little girl. And age is not something important for this topic don't you agree?

>> No.5012580

Aren't we suppose to have great discussion and none of this who's doing what awfully?

>> No.5012592

Actually, she does. She's the yama. Her constant nagging is her trying to KEEP YOU FROM GOING TO HELL, you ungrateful twat.

>> No.5012598

Someone never left the 19th Century......

>> No.5012603

Eh, if I'm going to have some asshole wagging his finger at me and analyzing my each and every action in this world to place in some 'good' and 'bad' bin depending on other people's views of morality, she may as well be cute.

>> No.5012607
File: 8 KB, 225x230, Johnny ringo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are being aggressive. Maybe you should calm down and think things over again, it's never too late.

It's never too late to yet again call you a picadilly whore.

You mind your own goddamn business.

>> No.5012611

Brainwashed by feminism I see. Enjoy your castration.

>> No.5012616

I have a feeling this is the same person.

>> No.5012624

No, not feminism. I just mean if I'm going to have some kind of god, any kind of god, constantly judging me for shit I do, I'd rather she be cute. At least then I can close my eyes and pretend it's a really word S&M session.

Or, I could revolt, but that sounds like a lot of work.

>> No.5012625

I mowed my grandparents' lawn.

>> No.5012627

Today I helped a old lady to cross the street, it felt somehow good.

>> No.5012634
File: 250 KB, 581x717, touma fuck this man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good to see you can use the basic techniques of logical deduction. And here I took you for a dipshit.

>> No.5012635

Not yet. I plan on going to the donut shop soon though. I might tip the guy if he's nice.

>> No.5012636

Takes forever to delete posts

>> No.5012637

What the hell do you mean "age isn't important", younglings won't be good at doing their job yet because they haven't had enough practice, it's goddamn obvious.
Okay, let's assume that just because you don't have a white beard doesn't mean you aren't experienced. It's still bloody humiliating to have your fate decided by a little gi- not old enough woman. It just doesn't look proper.
I refuse to be judged by you. I don't ask for God himself, I'm not that demanding, but I'll either get someone respectful or I'll call my lawyer.

>> No.5012644

I gave some money to a homeless guy.
Then I realized I had less money than I thought and didn't have enough for lunch...

>> No.5012653

It's good to see you still have nuts. You're still a man.

>> No.5012656

And then you asked the homeless guy to give you your money back?

>> No.5012658

Don't get your hen in a hizzy. Remember this whole thing was contrived by ZUN.

>> No.5012651 [DELETED] 

Fi5ht TH€ |n+3rN3t cEN$óR$híP htTP:// á+ : KÌMmoÁ : $€ / F|5H+ th€ In+3Rñ3t <3nsòRsHìp

>> No.5012663

For a whole month I saved the change from my lunch and gave it to the same homeless man. I wonder what happened to him. He suddenly disappeared. He had a messed up knee and was apparently from Seattle. In retrospect, that was somewhat rude of me. I should have invited him to lunch instead of giving him the change from my feast. I actually feel really bad now thinking about this...

>> No.5012674

I feel sorry for you, Yama, having to put up with all this shit...must be tough...

>> No.5012679

>S&M session
Man, I would do every bad deed possible if it meant being 'punished' by Eiki-sama.

>> No.5012681
File: 19 KB, 424x287, whatstare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5012690
File: 401 KB, 800x992, Shikieiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed. hate those guys who ruined this thread with totally random discussions. they be going to hell!

>> No.5012697 [DELETED] 

fÌ5HT tH€ iNt€rN3+ [eN$or$HÍP htTP,// @T ; kÍmMòà . Se / fì5Ht +h€ ÍntERn3T c3ñsor$hÍp

>> No.5012700 [DELETED] 

FÌGhT +H3 |Nt3RñEt cEñ5ÓRSHIp HT+P,// a+ : KÍmm0A ; 5e / f|GhT ThE inTerñ3T c3ñ$ÒRshiP

>> No.5012693

Of course not. He was probably hungrier than I'll ever be anyway.

>> No.5012698 [SPOILER] 
File: 660 KB, 1024x767, 1271127444130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


E~ki-sama! I pleasured myself to dirty pictures of you so many times I've lost count, can I go to heaven?

>> No.5012702

You could use a bit of your free-time to do something more productive than playing games.

If you liked that sensation you should experience it again!

A mere tip may be something futile but it can also mean a lot, small acts like that may cheer that person a bit.

I see. Rest assured that I have many years of experience then.

Think from this point of view: It may have took you your lunch but that person who usually have many problems in a daily life could have a moment of happiness and hope.

>> No.5012695 [DELETED] 

fíGHt th€ Int€Rne+ [€nSór$HÌp htTP,// á+ , kiMMoà ; 5€ / FÌgHT thE InT€RN€T <3ñ$ORshÌP

>> No.5012709
File: 23 KB, 310x377, 1232613908348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was riding my bike along Ridge road today and there was a big wadded up rug blocking traffic on the right hand lane. I got off my bike, picked it up and threw it off the road.

>> No.5012713
File: 894 KB, 1056x910, 1269801280916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Forgot picture again ;_;)

>> No.5012715

But see, that's what I figure is so hard about it. You judge whether or not they go to hell, but you've gotta stay neutral, so you have to ignore the little shit they've been throwing at you and focus on the big stuff. Like, uh...murder and rape and theft and stuff.

>> No.5012717

It's okay Eiki-sama~ Most of us can tell it's you without the picture...

>> No.5012719
File: 21 KB, 338x431, cmanson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stole away a book from the prison library on my person back to my cell regarding the nature and understanding of telepathy. I read the tomb twenty times; no more, no less. I used my new found skills to help a young fellow inmate overcome his fear of Rainbows and we engaged in an uproariously good tune about conversion and Kool-AID

>> No.5012727 [DELETED] 

fÍgHT +h3 Ìn+erN3T <En5òR5HIp h+Tp,// At : KÌmm0á ; $€ / fÌGhT Th€ ÍNt3Rñ3+ CeñSórsH|p

>> No.5012728
File: 256 KB, 850x637, Komachi6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiki-samaaaa, howdy!

>> No.5012749

It has been a long day.... I must retreat for the night.

>> No.5012759 [DELETED] 

FÍGH+ +hE iNteRN3+ <3nsòR5HiP HtTp.// à+ ; kÍMMoà ; s€ / fÍ5H+ +HE iñT€rñ€T cEñ$oRSHiP

>> No.5012784

How can I help other when I'm not not happy with myself?

>> No.5012785

I jerked off to porn of you, then smoked a huge ass bowl.

>> No.5012793

Sorry bro, True Neutral here.

>> No.5012796

Some guy asked me to help him get better at playing soku, so I played with him and trained him.
On one hand, I helped someone so that's a good deed, but you just said that playing games is not productive, so that's not a good deed to make someone waste his time.
Tell me whether it's good or bad, I dare you.
Also, a little gift from /tg/: "If a Paladin finds baby kobolds (which are evil in nature, and are bound to commit evil if they grow up) will he fall (do something bad) by killing them or not killing them?"

>> No.5012797

I just woke up.

>> No.5012805

No matter how many times you try and help, it is pointless, the human race has signed it's own death warrant.

Time and again I tried to guide others but people refuse to hear me out. Such insolent filth deserve to be expunged.

>> No.5012816

The best choice would be to enlighten it and turn it to the good side.

>> No.5012825 [DELETED] 

FI5h+ +HE íNT€Rñ€T [€n$Or5H|P HTtp.// ÀT . kÍMmóÀ : s€ / fìghT TH3 IntERN3T c3nSOr$híp

>> No.5012835

You can't, they are evil by nature.
You could probably force them with magic or something,but that would be slavery. And slavery is absolute evil.

>> No.5012838 [DELETED] 

Fí5H+ tH3 ÍNterñet c€ñ$òr5HíP hT+P:// àT : KìmMóà , 5€ / Fìgh+ tH€ íñ+€Rñ3t c3nS0R5hIP

>> No.5012840 [DELETED] 

Fí5Ht the ìNT€rneT [3nsór$hìP hTTp;// áT . KiMMÓÁ ; 5E / fÌGhT +HE ÌNTErnet CEn5ÓrsHÍP

>> No.5012842

>I'm 13 and filled with angst
Cool roleplay, troll.

>> No.5012863

Yup, there is no hope. Better off yourself quick.

>> No.5012869
File: 196 KB, 849x1182, 1270932716401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure you will find happiness by helping others to find their happiness.

I never said that. What I said before was: "something more productive" in terms of helping other people. Since you helped that person to be better at the game he likes I'm certain that he is happier now. I'm not saying that playing games is a good or bad action, what matters is if you helped someone somehow.

And about your paladin question: What you are asking is pretty much like the battle between Humans and Youkai. They will always fight each other in a way, but still, some of them get along just fine (that don't applies to the kobolds though). When there is a situation that you just CAN'T obtain the best conclusion it's not wrong to harm the other side since you are in danger, but you always have to try.

Even if it's futile you have to reach for the "happy ending". When the time comes they will all be judged, including you, so keep that in mind. I suppose this answers your question.

>> No.5012875 [DELETED] 

FÌgHt +hE ÌN+3Rñe+ C€ñ50RShìp http,// Á+ , k|MMoá . S€ / FiGHT +H3 ìNTerñeT cEñs0RShÍp

>> No.5012894

Ate a shitload of junk food, posted in troll threads and ordered a figure. Does that count?

>> No.5012896

Then the Paladin has to kill it even if the act itself as evil, once the Paladin becomes a Paladin, he has to accept himself as the lesser evil for the greater good.

>> No.5012901


Suicide is the coward's way out. I will not throw away all that the people around me have given to me, that would be the ultimate betrayal.

I know I have committed my share of ills as well, but I do desire to see the human race advance and unleash it's infinite potential.

>> No.5012903

Siki-sama~ Today, I took my friend to the movies for a film I'd already seen twice. I also talked about philosophy with another friend of mine. Then, I sat in my room alone and talked to people on the internet.

>> No.5012909

Choice 1: Paladin kills baby kobolds. Babies are absolute good, so Paladin falls.
Choice 2: Paladin does anything other than choice 1 or 3. Kobolds are absolute evil, so paladin falls.
Choice 3: Paladin enslaves baby kobolds to do good. Slavery is absolute evil, so Paladin falls.
Your "black and white" moral absolutism cannot stand. Moral relativism is true. Everything is shades of gray. Or "white that got dirty", as some may prefer.
Your power is wrong.

>> No.5012913

Potential would be nice. To bad the human race has signed it's own death warrant, huh?

>> No.5012919

Paladin can't be "lesser evil", he has to be completely good.

>> No.5012922

Because such children chose of their own free will to dispose of the potential all are born with.

>> No.5012929 [DELETED] 

Konichiwa! I know 9,999 Kanji in Japanese! In fact, I know so much about the Japanese, they call me a Weeaboo, which means they consider me to be one of them! Send me a message and tell me what you think!

> http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000905790620#!/buddy.fielder?ref=ts

>> No.5012926

Worked. Signed up for summer classes. Hosted FNM at my shop. Ordered the Fate Testarossa Movie Version Figma and the GIFT Patchouli plush. Came home and talked to you guys.

>> No.5012944

See, now you're just saying stuff that sounds cool. You're not very good at this.

>> No.5012956
File: 121 KB, 650x475, 1270597656413.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I laughed at god.

>> No.5012962
File: 597 KB, 1280x960, 1270941475239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it doesn't.

Nice job, I bet you friend had a good time.

But it was said that the kobolds were pure evil no matter what, so there is not choice 1 to make. And I agree with the "gray" conclusion of things, but I responded accordingly with the concept of black or white that was created back then.

Those are not really good actions, are they?

>> No.5012964

Actually these are my convictions I have stuck with, any one of us has the ability to shape a new future for the human race, but so many fellow members of our species have been led astray over trivial ideals, believing that salvation could be attained through a primitive system of Do ut Des (Quid pro quo) and that money and sex are the end all be all to their own existence. People bringing life into the world they cannot raise, further causing degeneracy.

>> No.5012974

Miss Yama, I have a question...
You judge in black and white, right? How does that work? Does the majority win, or does one or two sins cancel out a bunch of...uh...not-sins?

>> No.5012985

I've slowly pushed forward my plans of world destruction.

>> No.5012991

Today I took a shit, and it looked like a question mark.

>> No.5012996

Can I join?

>> No.5013006

I murdered a rapist in cold blood. I had no relation to him.

>> No.5013017
File: 28 KB, 400x400, dfzvgrobuor1h256ch6xl17po1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I have spread the Communistic ideals to blind, capitalistic masses via internet.

>> No.5013024


No, fuck you, human trash.

>> No.5013035
File: 71 KB, 600x800, Hanyuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I her horns.

>> No.5013061
File: 1.18 MB, 240x180, 1262874806567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine! Then I'll make my OWN plans to destroy earth and they will be SO much cooler than yours! And I'll have a secret underground lab and evil henchmen and everything!

>> No.5013083
File: 342 KB, 600x950, 1264771967428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell you exactly how it works, it's not that simple. I can only tell you that one should focus on being a good and honest person. And besides this is not the topic.

That's a lie.

>> No.5013085


/jp/ - USSR/General

>> No.5013088

I fapped to softcore CP and had a cigarette afterwards
felt good

( I wish I was joking)

then I did house chores

then I studied some stuff

now I'm gonna sleep

>> No.5013091
File: 323 KB, 850x1100, sample-e5075b703f3ecc7c4d4b6023e020672a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5013105


Yeah I did. I almost killed my parents.

Wait, that's a good thing, right?

>> No.5013134
File: 237 KB, 1680x1050, 1269887460147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define "good", o' flat one.

>> No.5013155
File: 668 KB, 1024x768, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so today i jerked off using one of my mom's socks

and then i whacked off to cp

do i win

>> No.5013194

Yeah. It's my job.

>> No.5013206 [DELETED] 

fÍgHT +H3 Ín+3Rnet c€ñSòR$hIp hTtP,// At . KÍmMÓÀ : $€ / f|5HT tH3 ìñT3RN€+ <€N$ÓR$hiP

>> No.5013199


What is your job?

>> No.5013204

Doing good actions.

>> No.5013209

>tangerine man
That motherfucker


>> No.5013216

today I crashed my space shuttle into an Orphanage, killing orphans in the process, I get to go to heaven right?

>> No.5013220 [DELETED] 

figHT The íñ+eRNeT <3n5or5HÍP hTtP,// Àt : kÌMMÒÀ : SE / fìGHT thE Iñt3RñET CEnSóRshÌp

>> No.5013223

I cleaned up the house for my mom today

>> No.5013272

I work at a place that houses and rehabilitates the mentally ill.

>> No.5013288
File: 70 KB, 367x344, 1265319769729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's not.

You'll be able to figure out after reading the thread.

Is that so? Interesting.

We all know that it never actually happened.

Good job. I'm sure she appreciated that

>> No.5013292

i trolled touhou wikia and took off the touhou influences page. touhou is one and only!

>> No.5013293

So, good deeds is something that makes other people happy?

>> No.5013299


good deeds are actions that benefit your fellow man

>> No.5013311


>implying that my fellow man deserve to be benefited.

>> No.5013329

hey you havent read mine

>> No.5013333 [DELETED] 

fíGHT The ìnTernet C€ñ$óRSHIP H+tp:// @t , kìmMoà . 5e / fíght ThE ÍNTERñET CEñ$orSHÌp

>> No.5013334

So if some girl decides to be a complete skank and whore herself out to every man she sees, is that a good deed? It does benefit them after all.

>> No.5013343


If anything, it makes problems worse. STD's Anyone?

>> No.5013345 [DELETED] 

fIGh+ +H€ íNt3rn3T [eNSór5h|P ht+p;// ÁT : kImMóÀ : 5€ / fígh+ +hE Íñ+eRñ3+ c3ñSòR$Hip

>> No.5013354

What do you mean by "good actions" exactly? Actions that are productive to society, or actions that benefit the said individual? If you answered "actions that are productive to society" let me ask you this: Does society deserve it in the first place? Do all the dumb whores, hipsters, and stupid normalfags that make up 90% of society deserve it? In my opinion they do not. The only "good" thing that can be done to benefit society is to wipe out 90% of the population. Let's hope World War 3 does the trick.

>> No.5013357

She uses condoms and all available precautions, and takes tests after every time. And stops as soon as the test comes out positive.

>> No.5013363

Like that you only perpetuate the cycle of hate that causes people to grow up to be dumb whores, hipsters, and stupid normalfags.

>> No.5013385

Eiki sama, I pleasured myself to dirty pictures of you, can I still go to heaven?

>> No.5013388


It's not any cycle of hate that creates these types of people. Hate has always existed between opposing groups of people. It's the cycle of repeated brainwashing by stupid entertainment, dumbing down society, that creates hipsters and whores and so forth.

>> No.5013394

>Let's hope World War 3 does the trick.
It will do the trick in killing everyone on the planet.

Not that I have a problem with this.

>> No.5013395

I was playing Pokemon and caught a wild Lickintung.
And nicknamed it Shikitung. After you.

>> No.5013413 [DELETED] 

fíGht tH€ ÌNT€Rñ€T <EN$ÒRSHÍp htTp.// Á+ . kÌMMOA ; sE / fIgHT THe ìNT3rNet <eN$0RShìP

>> No.5013423

I do. I live here.

>> No.5013448 [DELETED] 

F|gh+ +H3 ìñT3rn€T Cen5òR$HIp HTtP,// a+ : K|mmOà : 5E / fÌgHt the ÍNtErnet [eñ$óR$hÍP

>> No.5013459 [DELETED] 

F|GH+ +H3 |ñterNe+ <ensoR5h|p ht+p:// At : kÍMmOÀ , SE / FÍ5Ht Th€ Ìñ+3RNE+ c3N$ÒR5HÍp

>> No.5013480

>Hate has always existed between opposing groups of people.
That's what makes it a cycle.

>> No.5013509


But hate has nothing to do with the fact that society is full of idiots. If anything, hate has helped us a long way. Look at the cold war for example. The U.S. *hated* the communists and wanted to prepare for war against them. As a result, we have many new inventions, such as the internet.

>> No.5013544

Shiki-sama, sorry for going off-topic, but how do you like 4chan?

>> No.5013555
File: 557 KB, 700x988, 8422322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I helped some new players beat Barroth.

>> No.5013580
File: 817 KB, 800x1139, 10318026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wouldn't bother coming here if there wasn't hope for us.

>> No.5013581

The Yama is taking a break and will be right back to answer all questions

>> No.5013608

You mean she wasn't taking them before?
It took her 30 minutes average to write each post?
Is she technologically impaired or something?

>> No.5013613

She is busy judging and responding at the same time. Now she is taking a proper break.

>> No.5013634

I think it does. Not stupid as in literally unintelligent, but rather making poor choices that make society worse for everyone.

>> No.5013640
File: 338 KB, 800x749, 9934860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiki is incapable of taking proper breaks... a workaholic, that's just the sort of person she is. Be grateful that she considers saving your sorry asses her job.

>> No.5013674
File: 2.60 MB, 2006x2833, 10351824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cool if you're too lazy to help others, but you should just admit it instead of saying they don't deserve your help.

>> No.5013675

She takes a break in Reimu's route ending in PoFV

>> No.5013828
File: 834 KB, 2143x3027, 1266285075106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they deserve it or not doesn't matter. Everyone will be judged in the end. What matters is that every individual should work for a better society. Keep doing your good deed and you will be rewarded and properly judged.

Thanks.. I guess.

4chan is a interesting place at the very least. Here you can find people helping and hating each other at the same time. The fact that people can interact and help each other anonymously is very nice. Of course you can find bad things here (probably most of it) but it still has good points.

I see. I hope they had fun with it.

Of course I won't be answering certains questions that don't need to be for obvious reasons. And sorry for taking so long.

>> No.5013839
File: 655 KB, 2031x3042, 1266284786911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they deserve it or not doesn't matter. Everyone will be judged in the end. What matters is that every individual should work for a better society. Keep doing your good deed and you will be rewarded and properly judged.

Thanks.. I guess.

4chan is a interesting place at the very least. Here you can find people helping and hating each other at the same time. The fact that people can interact and help each other anonymously is very nice. Of course you can find bad things here (probably most of it) but it still has good points.

I see. I hope they had fun with it.

Of course I won't be answering certains questions that don't need to be for obvious reasons. And sorry for taking so long, Gensokyo's signal is horrible right now for some reason.

>> No.5013845

>Gensokyo's signal is horrible right now for some reason.

I see...

>> No.5013861

Shiki-sama why were you in a obscure shoot em up game? Did they pay you to be there?

>> No.5013864

well ive only been up 30mins, but looks like the local foxes ate the food I left out for them if that counts.

>> No.5013875
File: 201 KB, 500x650, 1219092302244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, don't use my wife's identity as your little facade for fucking kawaii xD anime roleplaying.

>> No.5013876

Maybe she just wanted to post more pictures of herself.
Wait, why are you posting pictures of yourself? Are you seeking attention? And where did you get them anyway?

>> No.5013882

>Touhou roleplay thread
I'd sage and report if I wasn't so hungry for entertainment right now.
And uhh, I woke up. Isn't trying to live another day considered a good deed?

>> No.5013899
File: 176 KB, 572x718, freemeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave more of this.

>> No.5013901

What I meant was: I can see your signal problem because of the double post.

>> No.5013920
File: 150 KB, 444x606, 1265840717148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well.. that's the Touhou universe, and I belong to that universe..

No, that was a connection problem and I can't delete my posts right now.

I suppose so. But it's a good deed with yourself.

>> No.5013927

I normally do that but this thread is not so bad since there are many discussion about fairly nice topics and the RP faggot is not that bad either. Besides we are in the midnight /jp/ so things are really slow and all..

>> No.5013943
File: 86 KB, 694x634, 1268011811853.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lynched a nigger.

>> No.5013944
File: 199 KB, 600x800, 9195145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course they enjoyed it. Most of my help was teaching them how to dodge Barroth's attacks, not doing it for them.

>> No.5013960

Roleplay faggottry isn't bad. As long as it's not rampant. Just like with those fanfic/cyoa threads. They were fun, but there were too many. So mods started to delete them until someone made a specific imageboard for them.

>> No.5013962

hehe It did cross my mind, but it isn't exactly easy to get in this part of the world - they do like chicken tho.

>> No.5013973
File: 155 KB, 794x602, brofist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiki-sama, I masturbated while wearing my sister's clothes and fantasizing about being raped by multiple burly men, can I still go to heaven?

>> No.5013974
File: 202 KB, 1000x1000, 1264497963825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked out a 3D and got rejected. Just as planned.

>> No.5013978

I cleaned up my apartment today.

>> No.5013988 [DELETED] 

FIght th€ ÍN+€Rñ€+ CEn5Òr$hìP ht+P,// À+ . kìmMÒa : 53 / FìGh+ +he iNtERne+ ceñ5ÓrShÌp

>> No.5013992
File: 497 KB, 632x1001, 1266285569317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't send you to hell because of sexual fantasies like that. But it's wrong to take other people's clothes like that so that would be a negative point in the balance.

It's much better to live in a clean space isn't it? Make sure to clean it more constantly.

>> No.5014011

Yeah reporitng this roleplay faggotry

>> No.5014012
File: 226 KB, 600x815, 8771129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cloned my dead daughter today.

>> No.5014013
File: 566 KB, 215x194, 1270933412702.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't send you to hell because of sexual fantasies

>> No.5014020
File: 135 KB, 737x600, precia fate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Precia is such a sexy villain.

>> No.5014022

I'm a normalfag. Can I still go to heaven?

>> No.5014026


>> No.5014027

fuck off heretic

>> No.5014039

She isn't a villain. But yes.

>> No.5014041

Normalfags souls are also judged by the Yamas so yea.

>> No.5014044

You are going to fucking burn.

>> No.5014046

We don't need a Yama to know that normalfags burn in hell.

>> No.5014066

There is no Heaven and Shiki doesn't exist.

>> No.5014082

Tough shit.
We can still pretend though. Just like christians do.

>> No.5014084
File: 149 KB, 582x800, 1268781368373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went out for most of the day and got various business and errands done, and then returned home and tried to teach someone about the benefits of honor and why it is best to control your anger rather than seek revenge.

I mean, honestly. Trying to get revenge on someone is pointless. They had a reason, a justification for their action, so all your revenge will seem like is an infraction against them. You start a vicious cycle of anger, possibly harming completely innocent people.

>> No.5014090
File: 49 KB, 491x349, sadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But society's standards and parental disappointment do.

>> No.5014093
File: 460 KB, 1000x1200, 1266258225650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only realized how Youmu-like my actions were when I looked back on it. That is why I am posting this Youmu.

>> No.5014100


Well, they weren't altruistic but seeing as how I didn't hurt anyone I'd say they were pretty decent.

I DID tolerate a retard at my store for like 6 hours without suggesting he kill himself. Does that count?

>> No.5014101

I'm not going saying anything about the rest of your post but
>innocent people
No such thing.

>> No.5014109


But revenge is satisfying, so fuck off.

>> No.5014113

You are just to afraid to fight back.

>> No.5014116
File: 14 KB, 300x245, Casually_we_converse___JTML_by_neofox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Being a misanthrope is so edgy :3

>> No.5014126
File: 434 KB, 509x650, 1267789499882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to put it that way... then yes. Maintaining your patience is not very easy after all.

>> No.5014141

I'm not a misanthrope, I'm just stating a fact. There is no innocence, only degrees of guilt. I'm not innocent either.

>> No.5014148

Shiki-sama, why do you ignore so many posts that are actually interesting, and deserve your attention?
Most of them aren't even lies.

>> No.5014151

such as?

>> No.5014154


I just minded my own business while walking.

Is that bad, Shiki-sama?

>> No.5014162
File: 105 KB, 750x700, domesticabuser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whe I do't dink I sad beacause my freinds are all meen to me. and don't want to hangout wtih me or anyting sayng im all boring andim not good at singstuff
but wheni do drink i start tohurt people. that make me mad or upstme. ivomit inmikus mouthon accident lastnight and sh's givngme allthese nasty looks. sheshouldnt belooking likeaslut if shedidn't want me to goover there andsmack that ass over hersall thatmany times. kaitoassholeneeds back off beforei riphisdick off or sumthing, fuckingswere. lukastelling me igota prolbem andineed fixmyself. fuckingwhore, she'sgot the problems overhere banging that poles. meikoknows why ifuckingdruink iloveher she'smyreal frind. fuckthos twin fuckers, i mnot a scarydrunk justneed to learn to fuckeachother in bed and shut the fuck up.

>> No.5014163
File: 157 KB, 650x602, 1270938526732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not bad, but it's not good either.

>> No.5014164



Staring at the ground and smearing your NEET scum on people you bump into is the most heinous of crimes.

>> No.5014171

I won't bother myself to look higher, but you get the picture.

>> No.5014184
File: 355 KB, 595x842, 1270937657627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ignore useless questions such as "I masturbated to you, what do you think?" because they are not important.

Some of the things you pointed are not even questions so I don't need to answer them since people start to talk about it.

>> No.5014190

Eiki-sama don't give a damn about trolls, that's why
