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4989824 No.4989824 [Reply] [Original]

Yu Yu Hakusho is the best anime ever... There will never be an anime that will change this!!!!!! =3

>> No.4989856
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welcome to /jp/, kindly get the fuck out

>> No.4989858

I'd like to meet Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho. Dear God...he is cute. But I wouldn't be squeeing. To his face, anyway. We'd go to the library and get some books, then go to my place and have some deep philosophical discussions (These things usually end up in me gloating about my superior intelligence. People, I can play Xenosaga and understand every last reference.)

Then we'd head to the arcade where we play Dance Dance Revolution. Since I'm a fat lazy dirtbag, Kurama mops the floor with my ass. Of course, he's tired, so we go to the park and chill. He pulls a rose out of his hair which makes me raise an eyebrow WTF style. He tries to play it off, but I don't buy it. "You've got a secret, I've gotta know it."

He somehow manages to keep his cool. I wonder how this man does it. I start humming something by the Cruxshadows. We just stare at trees and talk for a while until I'm half-asleep. Instinctively I lean against Kurama's shoulder and stare at the sky. Boredly I fire a spirit beacon at a tree and we end up talking about witchcraft.

I launch into a lengthy clambake about Discordianism and Kurama interrupts me. "...The ones who worship Eris?"
"...Ya. How do you know about them?"
"How can I ignore the yells of 'HAIL ERIS!' and 'ALL HAIL DISCORDIA!' going through my school?"
"...Meiou High has Discordians?"
"Yes, actually, we do."

>> No.4989865

Then I'd turn and mutter something,
Kurama looks at me like my brain was left at home. "...That...was random"
I turn red a little. "Damn...sorry. The autism's getting to me."

We get into another clambake about my Asperger's Syndrome.

"We're both born with some interesting things aren't we?" he asks.
"What do you have besides being a total brainiac?"
"...Well...let's just say that the numerous girls who call me a so-called sexy fox are not lying."
"Wait, what?" I am seriously lost at this point.

Kurama tells me his life story. Apparently from his small laughs, I'm amusing him.

"I'm funny how? Funny like a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh?" I launch into the Goodfellas routine, which makes me and Kurama both burst into laughter

>> No.4989867
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Deus ex is the best anime ever... There will never be an anime that will change this!!!!!! =3

>> No.4989872
File: 81 KB, 301x360, Sion doesn't know where to begin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky Star revolutionized anime.

>> No.4989920

One month. Well, it didn’t feel like a month. To Anne Frank, a Jew in hiding from the Nazis, it seemed like a year. One month since the fateful encounter with the mysterious man from another world, who she only knew as ‘Goku’. The handsome stranger had stepped through time and into her life, then disappeared without a trace. Anne was almost sure that they’d never meet again, even though not one day passed without her dreaming of him. Little did she know, however, that their lives were tied by the unbreakable red string of fate.

>> No.4989952

Lucky star was pretty much the same thing as Azumanga.

>> No.4989956
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>> No.4989962
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Shit rocked

>> No.4989965

you can't deny it.

>> No.4989961
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>> No.4989972

I can and I will. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.4989976

It tried to be Azu but it failed horribly and was nothing like it.

So no, it's nothing like Azu.

>> No.4989983
File: 39 KB, 201x277, Huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>failed horribly
>Lucky Star

>> No.4989989

p sure he means failed horribly at being Azumanga and not in popularity dogg

even though it wasn't really trying to emulate Azu but whatever

>> No.4989992

It failed horribly at trying to be Azu, not in sales, nigger.

>> No.4990018

protip, azumanga wasn't the first slice of life. the only similarity between the two is they both deconstruct the various popular tropes that are trendy in their respective time periods.

>> No.4990022

protip I never claimed it was the first - Lucky star has a lot of directly ripped jokes from Azumanga, not just 'similarities due to being the same genre'.
