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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4981004 No.4981004 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a recent Japanese immigrant to Canada. In North America, is it illegal to enjoy pornographic products involving charcters whose physical features are deemed as that of an underage person by the Western standards? I'm scared of all these news about people getting sentenced to jail because of this issue.

I'm not a pedophile, but as shown in the picture, many Japanese H-Manga & Anime & Eroge includes high school or middle school girls, and as you already know, the physical appearance of a typical Western girl looks several years older than that of a usual Japanese Anime character, or even that of a real person. So, by having virtual sex with virtual teenage girls whose bodies are shorter and smaller than that of a real-world white teenage girl, is it considered pedophilia?

>> No.4981014

hahaha, why the fuck would you ever go to canada

>> No.4981010

No, it's not. Yet.

>> No.4981022

The law says no, and as long as you don't have real pictures of real childern the law will back you up 100%.

>> No.4981025

Canadians talk funny. :3

>> No.4981027


Stay right where you are. The authorities are on their way.

>> No.4981021

Assuming this is a serious question....

In Canada, yes, it is seen the exact same as real child pornography. In the US, it's still not quite seen as CP, but you can get charged under obscenity laws if you transport it across states.

>> No.4981036

You should move to the US. We have rights in this country.

>> No.4981038

Chinese Canadian here, are you living in BC? This place is packed with asian immigrants.

>> No.4981047


>> No.4981049


No, in Montréal.

>> No.4981052

The girl in the OP is cute.
In America, it is not illegal to masturbate to her. In Canadia, though, who knows.

>> No.4981055

Take it from a fellow resident of Canadia: live your life however you want and do whatever the fuck you want.

If the mounties come a'knocking, well, you can be proud to say you lived your life to the fullest.

Also, welcome to the shit-terrible internet club and lol ISP drama.

>> No.4981058

what do you chinese think of those koreans

>> No.4981059

Laughing so hard right now

>> No.4981061

just don't give anyone reason to suspect you and never share your hobby with anyone outside of the internet and you should be fine

>> No.4981062

What about those dudes who got arrested because their sister-in-law or something found out about Shota Anime pics in their hard drive?

>> No.4981067

Some are okay, most are faggots. Same goes for most asians.

>> No.4981078
File: 133 KB, 267x400, LadyLibertyCard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You best not be hatin', nigga.

>> No.4981086

>Recent Japanese immigrant to Canada


You people are idiots.

"Section 163.1 of the Canadian Criminal Code defines child pornography as "a visual representation, whether or not it was made by electronic or mechanical means", that "shows a person who is or is depicted as being under the age of eighteen years and is engaged in or is depicted as engaged in explicit sexual activity", or "the dominant characteristic of which is the depiction, for a sexual purpose, of a sexual organ or the anal region of a person under the age of eighteen years." The definitive Supreme Court of Canada decision, R. v. Sharpe, interprets the statute to include purely fictional material even when no real children were involved in its production."

>> No.4981090

I was wondering... The very H-board of 4chan is loaded with obscene depiction of Anime girls who are underage or at least look so. How come you are never arrested?

>> No.4981091


As a caucasian living in BC, I can say the stereotypes about asian drivers are fucking justified.

>> No.4981108


It may be illegal, but guess what, you're not going to have the RCMP or CSIS kick down your door for some Ichigo Mashimaro doujins.

>> No.4981111

I don't know if it's illegal, but unless you order loli doujins or something you'll be fine. It's not like they'll randomly barge into your house to check your computer for loli porn.

>> No.4981121


Not even then, I've ordered plenty of loli doujins and nothing came from it, well except me.

>> No.4981128

That's not what the OP asked though, was it? He merely asked the legal status of such content in Canada. If he is caught with it, he will be prosecuted just as if he had actual child pornography.

>> No.4981137

In Canada, sexual depictions of minors real or imaginary are technically illegal unless a court accepts artistic, educational or other valid justifications. The government does have a list of banned works that includes some anime/manga, but for the most part it only seems to include the more extreme stuff. If you're actually planning to import physical products into Canada, know that there's a good chance it'll be searched by Customs at the border, but I've never heard of them turning away anything that you might consider "mainstream" at least as far as ero-games go.

So long story short, if you don't think you could go to court to seriously argue a work's artistic merit, you might think twice. But I don't think there's so prudish (nor do they have the time) to start arresting people because a fictional character arguably looked 17 and not 18. In the strictest sense, though, it is illegal.

>> No.4981145


The fact is that they DO come barging in.
This guy is facing 20 years in jail just because he ACCIDENTALY clicked on a CP link which he deleted a year ago, when the FBI came to his house and scanned his laptop with some software.

Big brother lives.

>> No.4981146

>nothing came from it, well except me.
Well played, good sir.

>> No.4981159

Now this is just all manners of silly.

>> No.4981176


An example like your picture is usually okay. Technically it is illegal but no one will do shit about it as long as you keep it to yourself. If you are really paranoid just delete your shit after downloadan or get a removable hard drive you can save everything on.

>> No.4981175


Well there you go, someone was obviously monitoring the download he clicked, because it's a P2P system.

If you're downloading some loli shit from mediafire or even e-hentai, you wouldn't get caught.

>> No.4981169

I just realize I've never had a harddrive that worked a full year for the past 5 years

>> No.4981189

Once again, this guy is in Canada.

>> No.4981193


Use this on any storage device with material you are concerned about.It will encrypt the storage device so even FBI cannot access it (assuming you have a strong password).

Also,use peerblock if you download games from torrents.


The Beta is shit,do not use it.

>> No.4981200
File: 96 KB, 230x295, 1268781616735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread about Canada

Way to go, moron.

>> No.4981207

>Use this on any storage device with material you are concerned about.It will encrypt the storage device so even FBI cannot access it (assuming you have a strong password).
Just don't leave the drive mounted or your'are fucked.

>> No.4981209
File: 304 KB, 1051x1500, japan+canada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Canada is especially prude when it comes to CP, cracking down even on written works.

>> No.4981214


This,even the best technology can not help you if you are idiot.

>> No.4981215

Sigh... I guess I prefer not to take the chances and be a lawful citizen, seeking after busty 180cm milfs from now on. Some kind of government, to regulate the sexual penchants of its citizens...

>> No.4981227

I'm glad I live in a country where freedom of speech is respected, for now at least.

>> No.4981233


Don't be a pussy, just TrueCrypt with a throwaway volume of regular 3DPD porn and keep your loli on a another hidden volume.

>> No.4981237


So, where do you live? It can't be Canada, USA, Japan, UK...

>> No.4981244

But this is NOT Loli, seriously. Loli is like Strawberry Mashmellow, Comic LO, etc. This is only like... Loliish. High school characters are the most mainstream you can get. Why do I have to be treated like a freak, when playing the most widespread Ero-game in Japan right now?

>> No.4981250


Because 18 is an arbitrary number we picked for when people are old enough to be seen naked.

>> No.4981253

A strawberry marshmallow sounds mighty tasty.

>> No.4981260


Hey! I said 15 but nobody listened to me ...

>> No.4981272 [DELETED] 

It's funny than some people want to ban games portraying middle and high school girls even though in real life, these girls are the most slutty. Woman have more sex in their teens than in the rest of their lifes. Even cougars don't get as much cocks as school girls.

>> No.4981273

So if this guy was arrested for writing a few fanfics involving teenagers, why not persecute the hundreds of Canadians accessing the /h/ board right now?

>> No.4981279


Because he was retarded enough to let someone from Future Shop find the actual material on the computer.

>> No.4981280


Because it is easier to make a example out of one and scare off most of the fags from doing whatever they want people to stop doing then pursing every single person doing it.

Same basic concept that RIAA and MPAA is using with torrents.

>> No.4981288

As far as I know, the only place that this shit is illegal is in the UK.

Keep on fappin'.

>> No.4981292


Because writing fanfics in itself is a crime ... you want another Twilight sage?

I welcome Canada from stomping out horrible writing before it catches on, too bad we had to suffer Twilight and the Inherit series already.

>> No.4981297

Because when confronted with the evidence (as they were in this case by his employer), the police have to file charges. He plead guilty and got the minimal penalty under the law. That doesn't necessarily mean they're going to going after people left and right, just because a case could technically be made.

>> No.4981299

Loli was banned in Canada way before the UK.

Not that laws matter though, if no one knows it's not a crime

>> No.4981302

It is considered pedophilia by laws in Canada but it is not very enforced so as long as you don't import, buy things (way to support the industry) or talk about your hobbies you should be fine. Though I am a little afraid since one of my friend told me that they passed a law forcing ISP to identify users browsing websites with pedophilia in it but I couldn't find anything related to this so I am not sure this is true. And Montréal? Why is that?

>> No.4981316


All immigrants have to live in Montréal first.

We call it the Three Year Trial of Suffering.

>> No.4981320


And it still beats Australia.

>> No.4981325

Everyone lives in Montreal or Quebec, except me, I'm 2 hours away from it.

>> No.4981331


Well we call Brisbane the "Ha Ha Ha You're Fucked!"

>> No.4981552

I don't think you're Japanese - your English is not Engrishy enough. Enjoying being Caucasian for the rest of your life.
