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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 66 KB, 500x500, cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4979734 No.4979734 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know if you remember me, but a few days ago, I asked all of the boards to vote on a song representing their board, in order to create a "4chan Album." It's finished, so here's a track list and a download link.



/adv/: Help! by The Beatles
/an/: Who Let the Dogs Out
/b/: Never Gonna Give You Up
/c/: kawaii dame desu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tE5ExTBW0QA&feature=related
/co/: Drives Us Bats
/cgl/: Round http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVsR09ibYAQ
/ck/: Eat It http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyfcOriVKBM
/cm/: It's Raining Men
/d/: Rammstein - Zwitter (Hermaphrodite)
/e/: Manga Maniac
/fa/: Fashion is Danger
/g/: SNSD - Gee
/ic/: Sketches (20 Something Life) - La Rocca
/jp/: Vocaloid Luka
/k/: Let the Bodies hit the Floor
/lit/: READ A BOOK
/m/: Chicks Dig Giant Robots
/mu/: Neutral Milk Hotel - King of Carrot Flowers Parts 2 and 3
/new/: All You Need is Love- Beatles
/o/: Highway Star
/p/: Nikon Girl music video, The Photo Club
/po/: 1000 Paper Cranes by Motion City Soundtrack
/r9k/: Everyone Else Has Had More Sex Than Me
/sci/: A Glorious Dawn
/sp/: brass bonanza
/toy/: You've Got a Friend In Me
/tg/: In the Hall of the Mountain King
/trv/: Kokomo by The Beach Boys
/tv/: Video Killed the Radio Star
/u/: Zettai Unmei
/v/: Erasure - Always
/x/: X-Files Theme
/y/: Gay Bar by Electric Six

>> No.4979748

>/jp/: Vocaloid Luka

The only thing original in this album.

>> No.4979749

>/jp/: Vocaloid Luka

>> No.4979753

>>Vocaloid Luka
Never heard of that song before.
Why not Miku?

>> No.4979759

vocaloid luka?
not touhou?
that's bullshit.

>> No.4979762

>/an/: Who Let the Dogs Out
Okay, I laughed. I'm gonna bump the thread just for that.

>> No.4979764

>/adv/: Help! by The Beatles


>> No.4979768


>> No.4979770

Would you really rather have had "Marisa Stole the Precious Thing" in here?

Because I don't.

>> No.4979771

whatever, back to my VNs

>> No.4979776


I hope so. What ever happened to the guy that made that?

>> No.4979778

The funny thing: /jp/ is the only one that actually made a music for them self

The other boards? only singed a little music that already exists

>> No.4979782

I'm kind of surprised you didn't get banned for cross-board spamming, but I'm glad you didn't.

Thanks for the time.

>> No.4979788

I like this, good job.

>> No.4979789

>/y/: Gay Bar by Electric Six

You are awesome.

>> No.4979792

>/u/: Zettai Unmei
Wow, /u/ showing good taste for once.

>> No.4979793
File: 16 KB, 320x240, 1271004006513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Somewhere on this interbutt
lies a newborn message board, /jp/
It's called "Japan/General"
but it's actually a place where loser otaku gather

"I'm really sick of these Touhoufag hijacks!"
"The Naruto thread is getting trolled!"
That's when moot came to /a/,
and made us a board for our shit

/jp/ /jp/ is boring
but for some reason I've come here again today
/jp/ /jp/ creativity
is something none of us has, so we all just take it easy

(Take it easy!)

No matter what kind of thread, it always gets saged
by the unforgiving Anonymous-san
There are tripfags too, fucking namefags
like Zun!BAR and D. Hirano Aya-sama Fan

"Don't call eroge VNs!"
"Being NEET is not a status symbol!"
We'd be better off on Futaba or 2ch
but can't understand Japanese, so...

/jp/ /jp/ this is the only place
the only community that will accept us
/jp/ /jp/ nothing can stop us now
let's make lots of original content!

(Nevemind, back to my dating game...)

>> No.4979794

Put it all in a .rar

>> No.4979798


>> No.4979800



>> No.4979802

He was just another anon.

>> No.4979807 [DELETED] 

Any hope of a consolidated RAR?

>> No.4979809

>/fa/: Fashion is Danger
>/mu/: Neutral Milk Hotel - King of Carrot Flowers Parts 2 and 3

Glorious choices.

>> No.4979820
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>> No.4979821


Yeah, I remember. Id like to hear more by him.

>> No.4979824

>/mu/: Neutral Milk Hotel - King of Carrot Flowers Parts 2 and 3


>> No.4979826

>/toy/: You've Got a Friend In Me
>/adv/: Help! by The Beatles

These two are really good (if obvious in the case of the latter) choices.

>> No.4979830



>> No.4979831

Come now, leave your /mu/ in /mu/, man.

>> No.4979833

>/x/: X-Files Theme


>> No.4979840
File: 85 KB, 250x300, Sage for Tsukasa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in my day, /a/ would've said an actually good OP like Motteke! Sailor Fuku.

I think I might download it anyway, though, just to listen to some random music.

>> No.4979841

Why does moot say he likes OC, yet he hates /jp/?

We make a decent amount of stuff, even if we are horribly outclassed by /tg/.

>> No.4979843
File: 74 KB, 512x382, 1261707458691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/x/: X-Files Theme

I want a link to youtube.

And i want it now!

>> No.4979846

128kbps? We're not in the 90s anymore. Here's a better quality version.


>> No.4979855

Eeeeeh, it isn't in a rar or anything?
Downloading individual files is lame, and not in the encoding sense.

>> No.4979858

Damnit guys. It should be obvious. Rainbow girl.


>> No.4979865

Why the fuck is this not in a rar or zip?

God damn I can not facepalm hard enough.

>> No.4979873

chicks dig giant robots is by deathwish nine I think.

>> No.4979874

When did we pick this? I wasn't here when it happened. Why would you guys pick such a shitty choice? Most of the boards outclassed us.

>> No.4979878


Rainbow Girl is great, but how could we not use our theme song?

We're tbe only board with one.

>> No.4979885

Like a Virgin - Megurine Luka (Madonna cover)

>> No.4979886


>> No.4979887 [DELETED] 

Who gives a fuck?
Reported for inter-board shit.

>> No.4979896

Reported for not taking it easy in /jp/. Not really though, since the report function doesn't work when we have NO MODS.

>> No.4979902

I wanted some IM@S for /jp/ but oh well. Excellent choices for some of the boards though.

>> No.4979909


This. Goddamn where is my .rar

>> No.4979911

Because only about six people have ever heard of it?

>> No.4979915

/jp/ is a shitty board

>> No.4979918

While admittedly that is retarded, just use JDownloader. Feed it the url for the whole set and let it take care of the rest.

>> No.4979923

So? Everyone on this board (or at least everyone who deserves to be on this board) has heard it, and that's what counts. Not like something like this is at all important though.

>> No.4979924

You can't censor my love, meido.
This thread is shit and you know it.

>> No.4979932

That may be, but you should take it easy nonetheless.

>> No.4979935
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>> No.4979938

This is the first time I've ever heard of it, and I spend ~five/six hours here every day.

>> No.4979946

Taking it easy died with KoG raids.

>> No.4979947

I stand corrected. Keep up the good word, meido-san.

>> No.4979953

Metathreads are a reportable offense. I have done so and invite all others to report it as well.

>> No.4979964
File: 453 KB, 1088x718, 830e48296aff03d71b4077ce31b7132c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does moot say he likes OC, yet he hates /jp/?

He keeps spewing that to keep the cancer out of here. Either that or he's extremely tsundere for people who don't care about GETs, sage properly, almost never force memes and are the target audience of his J-List adverts.

>> No.4979967

Don't let a single moron affect your enjoyment. Wait it out, take it easy, enjoy your board back when the mods take care of it.

>> No.4979973

Actually, JDownloader's mediafire plugin is out of dat e and so you wont be able to use it there until the next round of updates.

>> No.4979981


That's just your newfag showing.

>> No.4979983

That doesn't mean much, or anything at all, if you've only started coming here recently. From /a/.

>> No.4979998

I've been here since the split, thanks. On 4chan since Mai-HiME was screening.

>> No.4980005

Obviously you haven't, or you would've noticed the incessant spam of JAYBEEJAYBEE that lasted for a month. It isn't too late to go back to lurking.

>> No.4980011

Perhaps it's because I ignore incessant spam.

>> No.4980013

If you're butthurt over the choice of the /jp/ theme song you're another newfriend. There's no way we could pick a single song out of so many interests that make this board, so we should just go with our original content. Just sit back and enjoy the fact that we're the only who gets one.

>> No.4980023

It's possible to completely miss some activities of the board. For some reason, I notice this myself. I'll have missed something huge /jp/ did for months when I was here since the start of the board. Maybe it's just bad luck or something.

>> No.4980048

Why must this delve into yet another, "YOU'RE A NEWFAG!" "NO, YOU'RE THE NEWFAG!" thread?

No one cares how long you've been visiting this site. Being a frequenter of this site longer than someone else and vice versa doesn't make you special and is not something to go around gloating and feeling proud of anyway.

Please children. Calm down.

>> No.4980079

I should clarify, until the next patch, jdownloader will not download from mediafire anything that is larger than 3.0 megabytes

>> No.4980085

It is a genuine indicator of poster quality if verifiable.

It's just a shame that it's also impossible to verify, leading it to be a totally useless statistic.

>> No.4980087


>> No.4980113

Rainbow girl would have been better, even if it's not our theme song it fits so perfectly the nature of the board.

>> No.4980150
File: 297 KB, 626x800, 01ce4064b54c3cf36222284a49d9bb7c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is a genuine indicator of poster quality if verifiable.

No, the only indicator of post quality on an anonymous imageboard.... is post quality..

And bitching about "who has been here longer" doesn't say anything good about your OR his post quality. Take a long hard look at yourself before you look at others.

>> No.4980163
File: 189 KB, 1280x720, 1272101669175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever happened to /jp/'s arrange album?

>> No.4980181
File: 37 KB, 237x141, 1270677735625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/d/" Rammstein - Zwitter

>> No.4980186

I wasn't around for this either, and while I think there would be much better choices for /jp/...
I'm just taken back by the fact that /jp/ backed a vocaloid seeing as most vocaloid threads are saged and OP is told to go the hell back to /a/

So I'll stand with this.

>> No.4980187

>Why must this delve into yet another, "YOU'RE A NEWFAG!" "NO, YOU'RE THE NEWFAG!" thread?
Because /jp/

>> No.4980205

This is a terrible thread and you should all feel bad.

>> No.4980209

Most Vocaloid threads are saged because we've had thousands of them and they're now old stuff.
Doesn't change the fact that we once enjoyed them.

>> No.4980218
File: 1.14 MB, 3125x3125, 1266493452314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/r9k/: Everyone Else Has Had More Sex Than Me

>> No.4980236

>most vocaloid threads are saged
Oh boy, here we go AGAIN.
Sage doesn't do anything besides not bumping the thread. There's absolutely NO negative meaning or downvote-like function to it. Anyone who's been on /jp/ for at least a week would know that.

>> No.4980244

Probably the same thing that happened to the /a/lbum some years back. It died after the first thread and was never heard from again.

>> No.4980273

A vocal minority of people who refuse to acknowledge sage's historic usage does not magically make that usage non-existent. Sage has had a negative connotation for a long time on 4chan, and simply saying "well now it doesn't" isn't enough to change that.

>> No.4980279

What's the point of this? Every board will just listen to their own theme song

>> No.4980290
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There are weekly Luka threads. Also a part of /jp/ enjoyed Deco's album release.

We'll probably see an influx of Miku in July when Project Diva 2 is released. Until then there's just not much to discuss about vocaloid except image dumping, really.

>> No.4980292

Which ones are originals besides /jp/ song?

>> No.4980299

/jp/'s theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sib2L6A6xgw

>> No.4980312

>/mu/: Neutral Milk Hotel - King of Carrot Flowers Parts 2 and 3
Why am I not surprised?

>> No.4980314

It doesn't fucking mean that I hate Miku and Luka. I use sage in their threads because I have nothing to contribute in them.

>> No.4980327

/jp/ theme


>> No.4980335

Different boards have different cultures. Sage doesn't have a negative connotation on /jp/ even if it does on other boards.

>> No.4980339
File: 699 KB, 2500x2436, liar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/o/: Highway Star

Initial D didn't win? BULLSHIT

>> No.4980354

I saw people talking about the /jp/ song on Gaia once.

>> No.4980385

What were you doing on Gaia?

>> No.4980396

/jp/ is not an isolated island that suddenly popped into existence one day. It is an offshoot from /a/ which was itself an offshoot from /b/, and all the other boards are also branches of the same tree. You can't just say "herp we're totally separate".

You complain and say that sage isn't negative. But it isn't positive either. You post in a thread without bumping it, and that means it isn't bumped to the first page, which means that people may not see it, which means that the thread will not get the number of interested posters reading it, which means that the discussion may be negatively affected compared to if you had just posted normally.

Also using sage means not using noko.

>> No.4980398

These are actually really good songs.

And they fit.

I like it.

>> No.4980401


>> No.4980402


Gaia ruins everything.

The point is to never go there.

>> No.4980412

The biggest shame of Gaia is that it once had a lot of promise. We must learn from their lesson.

>> No.4980417


>> No.4980422

Your illogical claims that a no-effect action has a negative effect are falling on justly deaf ears.

>> No.4980434

Same fag.

>> No.4980445

>It is an offshoot from /a/ which was itself an offshoot from /b/, and all the other boards are also branches of the same tree. You can't just say "herp we're totally separate"
And /b/ used to use sage in the same way we do, so I'm not sure what your point is here.

>Also using sage means not using noko.
oh no i might have to hit the back button instead i can't fucking deal with thissssss

>> No.4980454

What are you doing there?

>> No.4980464

Nowadays you can't even call it a weeaboo haven as it's now overrun by try-hards.

>> No.4980467

Trolling and playing their games. Problem?

>> No.4980477

Okay, here is the argument set out a little better.

You have three options when posting: sage, noko, or anything other than those two, including nothing.

Sage has a net effect of 0.
The miscellaneous option has the effect of giving the thread additional exposure, for an abitrary value of +1.
Noko has the effective of the miscellaneous option, plus an additional positive effect on your own person, so let's call that +2.

If we normalise these three posibilities around zero, we end up with:
sage = -1
noko = +1
misc = 0

Thus in a fair comparison of possible things to put in the email field, sage comes out as negative.

>> No.4980492

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.4980498

Ah yes when we assign some arbitrary values we can see the results come out in my favor

Check and mate sirs

>> No.4980500

>You can't just say "herp we're totally separate".
I didn't say anything like that. Stop putting words in my mouth please. I just said that we have a different view of sage, which is obvious if you spend fifteen minutes lurking the board.

>> No.4980503


Noko is useless in a slow board. Sage becomes more useful as more people use it properly, as long as the board is slow.

Personally I refuse to use sage until some sort of catalog is implemented.

>> No.4980507

No, what is obvious is that there is a decided split between those who interpret sage in the 2ch way, and those who interpret it in the 4chan way, since every day the same argument crops up. The same argument also crops up on other boards as well, though not as often.

>> No.4980510

oh another thread derailed because of a newfaggot who gets offended by a command on the internet

>> No.4980513


What. Why would want to have to find threads again and again when you can just leave the tab open and hit refresh now and then?

>> No.4980516

>and those who interpret it in the 4chan way
actually known as "post eternal summer /b/" way

>> No.4980528

Thread was shit anyway.

>> No.4980530

>find threads
are you people (well, just you really) honestly incapable of using the back button

it's not like you'd sage when making a thread

>> No.4980533

>have trouble finding threads
Are you kidding me?

>> No.4980534

the 4chan way IS the 2ch way, for those that aren't 15 and don't frequent /v/, /b/, or /a/

>> No.4980535

More around the time of the /a/-/b/ split really. It was definitely well-entrenched by 1M GET on /b/.

>> No.4980544

Which is easier: scrolling down a page, possibly having to click the next page and scroll down that too, then click on the thread, or just leaving the thread open?

Both are easy, but one is significantly easier. I don't understand why you would deliberately gimp yourself in such a fashion.

>> No.4980549

could you answer >>4980530 please

>> No.4980557

Or you could y'know, hit back on your browser.

>> No.4980560

Sure. Which is easier: clicking the back button or doing absolutely nothing?

>> No.4980570

ah yes
the shear effort of pushing a button located under your thumb on any modern mouse is quite the reason to say fuck all to board etiquette

this is 100% sensible and not a cop out in any way

>> No.4980585

>board etiquette
You honestly think that using sage counts as eitquette? What the hell is wrong with your brain?

>> No.4980600

you are literally retarded if you think bumping a thread with inane comments is generally not frowned upon

oh wait that's what you've been doing

>> No.4980610
File: 86 KB, 400x400, trollstrolling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a shitty thread

>> No.4980615

Just.... go back to /a/

You're failing at integrating and you're really not wanted here at all.

>> No.4980628

I happen to think that bumping or not bumping a thread is neither frowned upon nor supported, and that those who actively support "positive sage" are as fucktarded as those who actively decry it. Just take it easy, for fuck's sake.

>> No.4980634

Good god

>> No.4980642

>I happen to think that bumping or not bumping a thread is neither frowned upon nor supported
okay well

maybe lurk the fuck more before you post

>> No.4980652


>> No.4980669

Hey guyize let's just talk about /jp/ theme ok?

>> No.4980672

Perhaps you should do the same.

>> No.4980677

Do you want to make a (hopefully useful) post and go back to the thread you were on? Use noko.
Do you want to just make a post? Don't use anything.
Do you want to make a useless post or reply to a thread you don't like? Use sage (and hit back if you want to stay on it).

Deciding whether or not you should use sage or noko doesn't have anything to with etiquette. And well, most of the people who use sage as it's supposed to be used don't care about etiquette anyway.

>> No.4980687


>> No.4980689

<Jones> Neutral Milk Hotel is SHIT
<Jones> Just thought you ought to know
<Yuki_Is_Mai_Waifu> I, for one, like Acidic Milk Hotel.
<Yuki_Is_Mai_Waifu> I'm so edgy.
<Jones> I dunno how hipsters manage to enjoy this
<Jones> It's simply not very good
<Radical> Jones, not as cool as Eksopl

>> No.4980690

Realize you're being trolled, post anyway, etc.
And there's also the "ALL THREADS MUST BE REPLIED TO" rule.

>> No.4980701
File: 50 KB, 420x420, threadout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4980704
File: 194 KB, 850x850, take_it_the_fuck_easy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4980708

>128kbps mp3

>> No.4980718

Listening now. This is great. Thanks, OP.

>> No.4980721

And this is why we can't have nice things.

What can help in taking it easy, guys? I've always had some anger issues, so relaxing is a bit hard for me.
Any kind of tea or something?

>> No.4980733

It's not the tea you drink, but how you drink it. >>4980604

>> No.4980746
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>> No.4980884


>> No.4981527

A bit disappointed /f/ isn't there with Where the Hood At or I Wish.

>> No.4981656

Or the Moon theme from the Ducktales NES game (corgi.swf).

>> No.4981723
File: 255 KB, 400x3028, YukiBaww2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you all and would totally be Yuki for you.

I'll go back to being tsundere for you after I sober up.

>> No.4981977


>> No.4982055

>/tg/: In the Hall of the Mountain King
Oh wow. I lol'd. /tg/'s a bit pretentious aren't they?

>> No.4982087
File: 37 KB, 640x480, 1223011937899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/v/: Erasure - Always

>> No.4982095

Been a long time since I've seen her. What a disappointment for the "sequel" to Mai-Hime

>> No.4982123

>/v/: Erasure - Always
I hate everything.

>> No.4982144

Most of these selections are actually funny. What is going on?

>> No.4982175


To run table top games, you have to be a little pretentious.

It comes with the territory.

Of course, /tg/ is still trying to argue that they should have been represented by Fantasy Metal. It could have been worse.

>> No.4982249

>>4980186 Here
Even though it wasn't my original intent...
I had to lol at what my post did to this thread,
after coming back 5 hours later.

No ofcourse not, because /jp/ is never SSDD...I mean can kinnda understand that, but the way I've seen some vocaloid threads treated is sad. Let's face it we move from one fad to another. In a year are we going to start telling Touhoufags to go to /v/?

>> No.4982263

Why In the Hall of the Mountain King won? Wasn't "be aggressive" more popular?

>> No.4983607

Hell, not even some Cirno's math class or Kero ⑨ Destiny for /jp/. This sucks.

>> No.4983621

>In a year are we going to start telling Touhoufags to go to /v/?
Very unlikely.

>> No.4983630

/jp/ themesong creator here, I didn't even see the OP's vote thread but I'm honored you guys voted for my song.

>> No.4983652

>miku threads get sage
Fucking lurk more please. The only time miku thread get saged was back then during some stupid /a/ tripfags spam for the send miku to venus crap.

Everyone or majority of people here enjoy supercell, deco27, generic miku nico medley or miku porn.
The popularity of miku 3d concert should be an indicator of vocaloid popularity.

Might you be the above mentioned /a/ poster that spam /jp/ with miku?

>> No.4983672

>/new/: All You Need is Love- Beatles
Oh wow, the irony i can't take it.

>> No.4983677

fuck you.

>> No.4983683

this is /jp's/ theme song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJHRtklMRwc

>> No.4983686


>> No.4983695

Did anyone already put all this shit in one rar or torrent?

>> No.4983700

If you see >>4979935 it might help.

But yeah, reading the thread isn't recommendable.

>> No.4983701

everyone who has not heard /jp/s theme song is a newfag.


also the name of the song isn't "vocaloid luka"

>> No.4983702

I just looked fast, theres a zip file.

>> No.4983722

I gotta agree with you.
Not only was it spam during /jp/ 1st year anniversary, it was also brought up every once in a while. The recent sid-chan shitstorm which probably span a few months period mean there is no reason how you could miss it unless you lurk 5mins/day.

Seriously, why is it so hard for newfags to admit they are new? It is not like people recognize you over an anonymous board. If you are so ashamed of being called a newfag you can always just lurk silently.

>> No.4983724


>> No.4984360
File: 86 KB, 900x338, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4984366

Why is this crap still here?

I'm usually disappointed with you every single day, /jp/ but now I'm also disappointed with our janitor.

>> No.4984392

Ok, can I ask what the hell were you taking when doing this and where I can get some?

>> No.4984632

bump for orginality

>> No.4984657

/g/ is that somebody call 9-1-1 shoty fire burning on the dance floor that moot played a few weeks back
