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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 168 KB, 1291x1457, 1271936151686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4979085 No.4979085 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there no non-loli non-futa Touhou doujins out there? Is there no straight guy in the fanbase at all?

>> No.4979104

>Why is there no non-loli non-futa Touhou doujins out there?
You must look a bit harder.

>> No.4979115

I do, I do! But every time I download one and browse through it, bam, dicks fly out of my computer.

>> No.4979125
File: 33 KB, 400x400, 1237859346781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teehee. Fascinating, homo!

>> No.4979129

>straight guy
Does not compute.

>> No.4979132
File: 878 KB, 2271x1600, 000a-000b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4979134

It's not my fault girlpenises assault me!

>> No.4979148

Top tier doujin right here. The translations a little engrishy though.

>> No.4979234
File: 279 KB, 842x1200, pimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koristic Violence

>> No.4979261

never saw this one, i know the circle but not this page

>> No.4979268 [DELETED] 

€Át á NÍg5er |ÓLOIÒ|Olólòl0lÓlÓ|OIÓl HTTp;//vwv:ÁNoñtÀIK.5e/ €A+ á N|5G€r lOlòlOlÓIóLO|ÓLOIòlÓ|Ò| H+Tp,//vwV:ÁNòñtÀ|k.5€/ €A+ á ñIggER |ÓLolòI0Lò|óI0LÓLÒLoLó| h++P,//vWv,áñÒN+àLK,$e/ €A+ Á n|GG3R lóIòlÓl0lOlòlOlólóLoIò| hTTP://wWv,ÁñOñTá|K,sE/ 3Át @ NíGg3r |o|OLo|oIòLÓL0IÒ|Ò|oL0L HTTp.//vVV;ánòN+@|K:S€/ e@T A N|g5€r L0|OIóIòl0ló|ÒL0|0|Olo| httP.//WWv.Àñ0nTA|k;S€/ EA+ á ñÍGg3r Lólò|OLòlÓ|òI0loLóIÓ|ÓI hT+P://Vvw;ánOñ+ÀLk;5e/

>> No.4979308

>implying non-loli is not straight
>implying futa is not straight

Yeah okay, back to /a/v/b/

>> No.4979342

>Implying masturbating to trannies does not make you a faggot in denial.

>> No.4979355

>implying you can't tell the difference between a drawing and a real person

>> No.4979359

futa != tranny

>> No.4979367

I think you're a homosexual and pedophile in denial and you subconsciously choose the dick girl loli.

>> No.4979375

It may shock you but there are some people out there who are so stupid that they won't notice if you remove an extra dimension or two.
