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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4971230 No.4971230 [Reply] [Original]

I knew this guy from /jp/ once, good guy, yet with regards to the 2D/3D thing going on in /a/ and /jp/, he lives deeply inside his own mind. We were discussing waifus at one point... he was suggesting I find one too; which I have to admit got pretty weird pretty quickly.

All I really wanted to say was - "Bro, it's a fucking cartoon character"

>> No.4971241

Then why didn't you?

>> No.4971251
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There will be no mercy shown for those who like disgusting 3D creatures when


>> No.4971256

> All I really wanted to say was - "Bro, it's a fucking cartoon character"
Then why are you here.

>> No.4971259

Bro, get the fuck out of /jp/.


>> No.4971263
File: 132 KB, 640x649, 1fc43d0ae251f47c19285517c56c0700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waifus have feelings too, you asshole. You don't understand shit.


>> No.4971286

The idea of choosing a waifu is dumb.
It happens naturally, if not then you are most likely just influenced by "oh lawl you should have waifus xD".

And showing them off is dumb as well.
Lots of people on /jp/ have waifus but we don't need waifu threads.
There is no point in posting about it either, it just results in mindless picture dumps and other people fapping thinking about your waifu.

>> No.4971292

Because I didn't want to hurt his feelings

>> No.4971327

what's the purpose of a waifu?

>> No.4971341

What's the purpose of love?

>> No.4971365

can't love something that isn't real

>> No.4971371

Why not?

>> No.4971389

>You have already reported this post, or someone with your IP has already reported it.

>> No.4971397

because unrequited love is for creeps

it's like saying i'm in love the banana on my desk

>> No.4971399

I don't have a waifu, but I respect those who do have one.

>> No.4971404

Says you.

>> No.4971407


Stick the banana up your ass. Now you really have a waifu, you fucking shithead.

>> No.4971416

Too bad, we already are creeps.

>> No.4971409

you respect creeps and future rapists?

>> No.4971406

Chicken. It's awesome.

>> No.4971428
File: 333 KB, 689x895, 1268264912051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she is real. See this picture? This picture exists.
I may not be able to touch it, or the girl depicted in it, but it exists. And I love both the picture and the girl inside the picture.

>> No.4971432

>future rapists?
Tell me more about this wonderful future where you can rape 2D.

>> No.4971434

I'd like to see a study not from the University of Your Ass that says that falling in love with fictitious characters makes you a rapist.

>> No.4971438

ITT: creeps who should be shot

>> No.4971441

gosh, /jp/, i thought /r9k/ was pathetic but you take the crown

>> No.4971447

>Know it's an obvious troll, reply anway.

>> No.4971450

I don't really find that having a waifu is creepy, or in any way making that person a future rapist. They found someone they really love, so what's the harm in that? She's real to them in their hearts, and that's all that matters.

>> No.4971455

aspie detected

>> No.4971456


Think about what you are saying... Have you ever had a crush on someone that didn't feel the same way about you? If you say no you ARE lying so let's press on. Does that necessarily mean you thought about RAPING that person. If so, you are a sick puppy and just so you know: that's not the TYPICAL mindset of someone pining away for a woman.

All of which is moot because a 2D waifu will love you as much as you think she does.

P.S. I don't have one. Love is for pussies.

>> No.4971472


Sometimes you just need to say something out loud if that makes any sense.

>> No.4971473
File: 47 KB, 502x494, 1267554725885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the reasons I love /jp/ is that we experiment with new kinds of trolls every day.

>> No.4971482

You can't deny there's something wrong when a person has a crush on a drawing...

>> No.4971487

I don't have a waifu but I think having one is extremely romantic in a strange way.

>> No.4971485

It's not trolling if nobody really cares.

>> No.4971491

I only love people who don't love me back.
Being loved is a massive turnoff because that means the girl is a slut.

>> No.4971492

That's the biggest troll /jp/ pulls every day, pretending we actually care.

>> No.4971501

sure is aspie in here

>> No.4971507
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>> No.4971519

Don't throw that word around. I'm not a jerk, which is basically normal language for "someone who has asperger's"

>> No.4971527

Why are you here?

>> No.4971552

/r9k/ sent me, i'm doing research

>> No.4971569
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Fellow researcher here.

Fascinating, isn't it Doctor.

>> No.4971570

This is Lacedaemon, we don't accept foreigners in here, go back to Athenae and tell them they are normalfaggots.

>> No.4971585

Mind linking us the thread that sent you guys here? I'm intrigued to know why you idiots keep bothering with us.

>> No.4971603


>> No.4971608




>> No.4971634

Aspie is a term used by retards.
Being a jerk is not an illness.

>> No.4971630

>aspie board is calling us retards

sure is insecure aspies in here

>> No.4971639

Another R9ker here.
Enjoying your cartoons kids?


>> No.4971663


Aspie is a casual term for individuals with asperger's syndrome and has no relation to one's intelligence.

>> No.4971670

i hope your waifus vagina is hot and warm

oh right, she's 2D and not real



>> No.4971674

Asperger's is a medical term for "that person is a jerk."
No more, no less.

>> No.4971677

No, that would be >>>/a/.

>> No.4971691
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Except that it's not a crush on a drawing.

It's the love an idea.

Not taking sides here, just wanted to clarify.

I don't have a waifu, but I do have characters I like and can understand that there are people in this world who may like a specific character so much that they would like to remain faithful to the idea of that character.

Whether those people are wrong or right in their love for an idea is not something I want to judge. After all, people fall in love with ideas all of the time and still manage to remain functional human beings.

Pic related. I LOVE THIS CHARACTER. I LOVE AKIRA HONJOUJI. We're not married though. Because she only represents an idea and is a fictional character the only way we could ever interact is through fiction.

And as long as the person who's admiring the idea still has a firm grasp on reality the whole concept of having a fictional significant other is more of an indulgence than anything.

>> No.4971695

Who let these children in? Honestly, where is the meido when you need her?

>> No.4971696

>implying they arn't basically the same thing.

>> No.4971700
File: 2 KB, 33x33, ¦3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry, this is isn't a raid - we could never pull that together

we're just competing on which is the lamest board, and you know the circleje/r9k/ takes that prize

you guis can't even compete with our suck* so don't be frontin
jus sayin

*i mean, we've got fags on there who get away with using avatars
how does that work?

>> No.4971705
File: 486 KB, 882x700, 9379050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best part is the guy that posts White Ren in the thread.

I love you guys, sometimes.

>> No.4971739

gj you guys all the trolls were from the op

>> No.4971798
File: 70 KB, 359x512, byakuren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4971990

Oh look, someone doing their jobs for once. Thanks meidos/mods/moot.

>> No.4972267

Good to see the mods are doing something about this stupid invasion crap.

(Mods, could you please take a look at /po/ too? There's already been so much Pokemon spam the board tells me I've already reported enough posts.)
