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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 44 KB, 600x601, I wish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4971151 No.4971151 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4971164

the fark?

>> No.4971178


>> No.4971186

Happened to me to when I was a kid.

If only... if only I was born a girl.

>> No.4971200


>> No.4971213

This improved my mood. Thanks, anon.

>> No.4971215

Who else read this in a falsetto?

>> No.4971221



>> No.4971224


Me too. Pretty funny.

>> No.4971226

I didn't know stick figures could cause heart attacks.

>> No.4971229

This never happened to me as a kid. No matter how hard I tried ;_;

>> No.4971233
File: 48 KB, 646x505, goatwut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4971234

Why does he ask him to come before getting his attention? Doesn't make sense.

>> No.4971253 [DELETED] 


>> No.4971276

The cashier lady at a gas station once thought I was a girl. It wasn't moe at all.

>> No.4971305

Some woman followed me into the men's room once. Maybe I should cut my hair...

>> No.4971336
File: 32 KB, 330x357, feels-bad-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4971351

I got called a girl once. A very, very ugly girl.

>> No.4971424

1 2
3 4

>> No.4971466

what ? you don't want to be a manly space marine ?

>> No.4971498

>space marine

but they're most likely homosexuals..

>> No.4971516

Space Marines are asexual by nature, but have a gigantic hard-on FOR THE EMPRAH.

>> No.4971520

Happened to my every so often when I was a kid.
It had its advantages in the supermarkets. I would sometimes be offered to get in front of the line~
I miss the days of having long, blond, drill hair.

>> No.4971528

go play a muscular game of pretend

>> No.4971540


>> No.4971547

>long, blond, drill hair.

So jealous

>> No.4971562

>long, blond, drill hair.

pics or it didnt happen

>> No.4971648

I've never seen natural drill hair in real life. I get those Jew curls in the hair near my ears but that's a bit different.

>> No.4971671 [DELETED] 

I was never, never will be, able to pass for a girl.
I'm too manly for that.

>> No.4971702

I was never, and never will be, able to pass for a girl.
I'm too manly for that.

>> No.4971708


>> No.4971711

I finally get the chance to post pictures of my young, girly self, but then I realize my 1TB HDD, with all my personal stuff, died 2 weeks ago. Sorry, guys.

>> No.4971728

When I was a kid I answered the phone and the guy called me little girl. Now I don't anwser the phone anymore

>> No.4971756

The idea seemed very intriguing to me before, but then I learned I'll have to get thge Bald for that.

>> No.4971913

A clerk at London Heathrow asked my father if I was his daughter once. I was 13.

>> No.4971920

No actually that was Gatwick, not Heathrow.
Flights to Gatwick are cheaper.

>> No.4972161

I have never been mistaken for a girl. Oh, it's raining. About time, we haven't had rain in weeks.

>> No.4972173

cool story broseph

>> No.4972188

how the fuck this thread has so many responses? I'm fucking disappoint. /jp/ even being a Sunday.

>> No.4972203

People confused me with my sister all the time back when we were young. Oddly enough our gender roles were switched, I was shy and bookish while she was a tomboy and protected me from bullies despite her being the younger one.

>> No.4972213

The only thing people ever mistook about me was my age. You can't get used to being addressed "mister" at the age of 12.

>> No.4972279

Threads like this are pretty commonplace you know

>> No.4972284

this is relevant to my interests

>> No.4972287

everyone thinks I'm a bear

>> No.4972303

You smell like one.

>> No.4972323

Girls would refer to me as "little boy" when they called me.

Even when I was already in highschool. Fucking bitches and whores.

>> No.4972379

OP made my day. Thanks.

>> No.4972390

Because your the Red Cyclone.

>> No.4972395

This comic always makes me smile

>> No.4972408

This happened to me all the time as a kid.

Felt bad, man.
Boku was a boisterous little shota who wanted to be a MAN.

>> No.4972412


>> No.4972627


never understand this one...

>> No.4972669


shouldn't there be more than one あ?

>> No.4972684

For ara ara, sure.

For ararara, nah.

>> No.4972722
File: 36 KB, 600x450, 1247154519443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday in a shop one grandpa called me "a girl".


>> No.4972730

Dunno man post a picture of yourself and then I'll tell you.

>> No.4972734

Just did it.

>> No.4972750
File: 78 KB, 274x295, spongecoolface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, buddy.

>> No.4972751

I would.

>> No.4972767

No way

It's... not possible.

>> No.4972774

A young lower class man mistook me for a girl while I was reading a book in what I thought was a deserted area. I was wearing a hat and my hair was really long back then so I can't say I blame him. He was surprised and laughed when I looked up. He then sat down next to me and explained how he was a criminal and that good money can be made in steelworks, after which he shook my hand and walked off.

What the fuck, man.

>> No.4972782

Its my photo from "Nan Desu Kan" animefest 08 in Denver.

>> No.4972788

Lookin good. I wish I wasn't born with Conan the Barbarian's facial structure.

>> No.4972800

You can't be a man... THERE'S NO WAY

But anyway, if that's you and you are indeed a trap, let me say you're the first attractive trap I've seen.

>> No.4972801

Happened to me when I was a kid. It bothered me a bit.
I'm way too manly now to ever pass as a girl.

>> No.4972811

aahahahah queeeeeeer

>> No.4972824
File: 9 KB, 166x166, CHEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-it's only because he looks like a girl!

>> No.4972832

virgin nerd

>> No.4972870

It's a girl

>> No.4972874

>I wish.jpg

Yeah, me too

>> No.4972889

I'm not a girl.

>> No.4972891

post more deliciousness.

>> No.4972892

its you
you are a virgin nerd

>> No.4972915


>> No.4972950

Dude you think that im a little girl?
What the hell is your problem, you wanna fight?

>> No.4972957
File: 55 KB, 800x448, Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu - 06 [TX 800x448 H.264 AAC].mp4_snapshot_16.57_[2010.04.24_21.26.17].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I should cosplay Hideyoshi next time. :3

>> No.4972970
File: 3 KB, 100x126, hideyoshi is not amused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4972978
File: 309 KB, 620x1601, hideyoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one?

>> No.4972988

I WILL BELIEVE YOU ARE A BOY, but the angle is a little "myspacey" ya'know.

>> No.4972997 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 400x388, sadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfortunately, we're in 3D.
bottom.. ;_;

>> No.4972992
File: 533 KB, 1133x1600, 026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one of course.

>> No.4973007
File: 55 KB, 400x388, sadfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're in 3D mang.
so bottom.. ;_;

>> No.4973029

Considering I've had that image on my hard drive for years, I doubt it.

>> No.4973058

I can't believe that.
I demand a picture of your manly chest to ascertain your gender.

>> No.4973063 [DELETED] 

Wow that comic caused some old memories to resurface in me..

There was an old lady in the church I went to when I was a little boy and would address me as if I were a female and it's been a very long time but I think she probably told me at least once or twice that I should dress a bit more like a lady and less like a boy. Well in addition to her being old and her vision probably not being quite up 100% I guess it didn't help matters that I generally had fairly long hair (my parents couldn't afford things like haircuts often back than), my girlish-little boy voice and I dunno maybe my face was a bit feminine?

Although I'd just smile and nod and be all like "Okay. =)" inside my mind it would be all: 'ﺧ益ﺨ I'm not a boy! Why can't my parents afford to get me a haircut more often?' So yeah although NOW days I'd be glad to get to pass for a girl back than? HELLL NAWWWW

>> No.4973073

Wow that comic caused some old memories to resurface in me..

There was an old lady in the church I went to when I was a little boy and would address me as if I were a female and it's been a very long time but I think she probably told me at least once or twice that I should dress a bit more like a lady and less like a boy. Well in addition to her being old and her vision probably not being quite up 100% I guess it didn't help matters that I generally had fairly long hair (my parents couldn't afford things like haircuts often back than), my girlish-little boy voice and I dunno maybe my face was a bit feminine?

Although I'd just smile and nod and be all like "Okay. =)" inside my mind it would be all: 'ﺧ益ﺨ I'm a boy! Not a girl! Why can't my parents afford to get me a haircut more often?' So yeah although NOW days I'd be glad to get to pass for a girl, back than? HELLL NAWWWW

>> No.4973075


>> No.4973076

So, what's the gender of the person in the picture.
It's a girl, right?

>> No.4973085

I still get mistaken for a female simply because I have long hair.

>> No.4973110
File: 53 KB, 800x448, Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu - 06 [TX 800x448 H.264 AAC].mp4_snapshot_17.07_[2010.04.24_21.26.30].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was posted and reposted a thousands times.

>> No.4973115
File: 54 KB, 800x448, Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu - 06 [TX 800x448 H.264 AAC].mp4_snapshot_11.05_[2010.04.24_21.08.28].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a girl. Stop confusing me.

>> No.4973127

Prove it.

>> No.4973145


>> No.4973393

I started to as soon as I saw "Ararara."

>> No.4973438

Why do you think he wants that little "girl" to come here?

>> No.4974486

Happened to me once when I was a young child. It's one of the only memories I still remember from this time.
I had very long, curly hair and was wearing a red outfit. I was walking with my mother on the streets when she began talking with some neighbor, the guy told me I was really cute and that he was sure that a lof of men would want to marry me once I grew up. I didn't say anything and just stared at cars passing by. Seeing that I wouldn't answer, my mother told him "Ha ha, It's a boy."
The guy said "Oh sorry kid." And he went away.

Later, I cut my hair with scissors.

>> No.4974511
File: 379 KB, 850x1185, sample_337d2130c3303887d710db57c2a6aa7a65f37f34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ara ara

>> No.4974522

Whenever I got called a girl it was supposed to be insulting

>> No.4974567

Recently, when stepping on the bus, some old guy was like "ladies first." I don't know whether he was sincere or not... maybe his eyes were bad. I wonder what he thought when I asked for a ticket.

>> No.4974580


Whenever I was in pain. Folks would say stop being a little girl.
Felt bad man

>> No.4975414

"Real men don't cry!"

>> No.4975614
File: 97 KB, 418x384, the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4975626
File: 21 KB, 300x255, pacifica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get my hair to be all pretty with drills?

>> No.4975632
File: 156 KB, 544x800, top169-TRANSL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP last panel needs more kana

>> No.4975647

I used to be considered a girl because I grew my hair long and cleaned it thoroughly every day for that glossy shine.
Then I cut my hair short, lo and behold my gender was revealed.

>> No.4975671


Girls aren't bald. This comic confuses me.

>> No.4975690
File: 5 KB, 349x351, barbas seal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In demonology, Barbas is a demon described in the Ars Goetia. He is described there as the Great President of Hell governing thirty-six legions of demons. He answers truly on hidden or secret things, causes and heals diseases, teaches mechanical arts, and changes men into other shapes.

>changes men into other shapes.

Summon him, become the little drill-haired blonde ojou-sama.

>> No.4975714


Average /jp/ user

>> No.4975736

I have long hair, so sometimes people assume I'm a girl from my back/side appearance. For some odd reason, I feel like I have to keep pretending and not let them down. Maybe because it'd be totally awkward and somewhat humiliating to face the fact the reality of it, but I still try not to reveal my manly features when this happens. I also have a very deep voice.

>> No.4975770

I've groomed myself a huge, long neckbeard just to prevent this very problem.

>> No.4975775
File: 490 KB, 1050x1500, 1220561811639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4975782

My neckbeard/mustache just ends up looking like pubic hair or a dirty mexican so I can't even do that.

>> No.4975885
File: 81 KB, 548x361, 1270245301388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many people thought I was a girl


>> No.4975941

And the problem is?

I haven't cut my beard or mustache for almost 2 years. Feels good man.

>> No.4976081
File: 19 KB, 200x200, 1271146976962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 19...

and people still call me a ma'am when they speak to me on the phone.

Actually feels bad.

>> No.4976086

I'm 21 and people think I'm a girl if I'm talking and they don't see me, and think I look like a sophomore in highschool.

>> No.4976095

When I'm on the phone people think I'm my father.

And he's built like a bear.

>> No.4976106

Are you sure he isn't a bear?
Are you sure YOU aren't a bear?

>> No.4976111

Same here, only I had long, curly, black hair, down to my butt. I eventually got tired of being mistaken for a girl so many times that I asked my parents to get it cut.

Oh, what a dreadful demon that possessed me that day.

>> No.4976123

I myself am built like a pile of sticks, and have a fairly feminine face.
and fuck off back to /v/ with that shit meme

>> No.4976128

I get that a lot too. Feels nice, but, rather than be because of a feminine voice, I think it's just because I'm soft-spoken.

>> No.4976134

Lol'd... god damn /v/ making a mental image so clear.

I've had a deep enough voice to sound 30ish since middle school. Feels.... kind of bad I guess. I want more range for singing.

>> No.4976148

I've been blessed/cursed with the physique and beard of a lumberjack.

>> No.4976151

Much as I want to be the little girl, I can only do it in the confines of my room. I fixed my fair to be like a tomboy's, now gay people are looking at me like I'm a girl. Not sure if want.

You must be an operator.

>> No.4976155

Likewise. Though I seldom used the phone so I didn't know how to speak, and when I'm on phone people got a feminine voice screaming at them while I wondered whether my voice is going through.

>> No.4976187


>> No.4976189

Wen i was kid that really happened to me. I wish i would look like girl now, but now i'm hairy man.

Feels batman.

>> No.4976196


>> No.4976199

Happened to me many times.

>> No.4976208

Nobody corrected Doushio to Doushiyou?
I am disappoint.

>> No.4976215


>> No.4976252


>> No.4976266

I get this on the phone every now and then.
Apparently my voice on the phone sounds like my mother's... not sure if that's good or bad.

Not as often as before though.

>> No.4976275

Arere? >= Ara Ara >>> Ararara

>> No.4976284

Where does oraoraoraoraoraoraoraora stand?

>> No.4976298
File: 95 KB, 530x557, dio,.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4976306

That would be pointless and indeed missing the point, much as complaining about spelling mistakes in Finnegans Wake would be.

>> No.4976350

I understand why you say it, but if you were a girl, you would probably end becoming what you hate, a cocklusting slut.

>> No.4976386

When I was a kid I kept my hair down to my shoulders and got mistaken for a girl all the time.
I got molested when I was 11 or 12. For a long time I thought the guy went for me because he thought I was the little girl.
Ten years later he gets arrested and I'm called to testify and find out he'd been dragging little boys into public toilets all over the county, ~lol~

>> No.4976390

I'd be a naive, gullible bookworm with luscious curly hair down to my butt.
Yeah, I'd probably be taken advantage of enough times to become a cocklusting slut, despite my pure nature.

>> No.4976398

>the guy went for me because he thought I was the little girl [then kept going after he found I was a boy].
That's my fetish.

>> No.4976483

I guess I'd be the sort who blushes at the very mention of sex and closes her eyes during kissing scenes in movies, but all of that would be a front to hide a massive collection of sex toys.

>> No.4978392

I wish I was short and cute ;_;

>> No.4978463

I still get mistaken for a girl very occasionally. Kind of weird. But I secretly like it, just have to make sure nobody else knows I like it.

>> No.4978467

Despite having short hair as well.
