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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 113 KB, 1280x720, [Mazui]_Angel_Beats_-_04_[104C26F1].mkv_snapshot_00.23_[2010.04.24_17.51.58].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4969087 No.4969087 [Reply] [Original]

sup /jp/, just posting a superior moe tomboy you can't overcome...

>> No.4969092

nyan nyan nyan nyan ni hao nyan
gorgeous delicious and deculture

>> No.4969098

>implying /jp/ isn't watching Angel Beats

>> No.4969105

I'm not. Fuck your Haruhi clone.

>> No.4969106


I thought you guys were to busy worshipping your tomboyish Cirno...

>> No.4969110
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, [Mazui]_Angel_Beats_-_04_[104C26F1].mkv_snapshot_03.03_[2010.04.24_17.54.30].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm called Yui!

>> No.4969114
File: 9 KB, 600x480, yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup /jp, just posting an inferior human being that you can never overcome.

Now in atrocious resolution.

>> No.4969128

I'm pretty sure I can overcome her, and use her and force her to be my teddy bear.

>> No.4969150
File: 23 KB, 600x480, 1272198911341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There might be someone who can overcome that

>> No.4969183

No, the one with the hairband and the purple hair.

>> No.4969211

It's not actually good.

>> No.4969225

Coming from a pedophile like you that probably means there are breasts in it. I'll start downloading it now.

>> No.4969227

Watched the first episode, was too disappointed to bother watching the second episode.

>> No.4969231

I'll download a couple of eps. It's been so long since I last saw anime, might've been over a year ago.

>> No.4969248

Watch the second, at least get to Yuri's sob story.

>> No.4969267

As a matter of fact there are breasts. (Also the premise seemed somewhat interesting but the show was actually quite boring.)

>> No.4969294 [DELETED] 


>> No.4969300


>> No.4969603


You must be new to anime, it usually is a way to get you know a bit of the setting before you actually jumpt to any story...

>> No.4969614



If someone did that to you, you wouldn't like it either huh? Atleast her story has a bit more appeal.

>> No.4969629

But she's not real. There's a difference between insulting a generic moe character and a generic Anon.

>> No.4969633

The show has dead kids with unfinished business from their previous lives, and those who're able to make up for their shortcomings will disappear.

Kinda interesting.

>> No.4969638

u mad

>> No.4969640

You know. JP seemed to be in a tiffy when this first aired and made me apprehensive. Sure, it's like a mashup of ideas set to feel like Haruhi but it's rather easy to watch and I'm enjoying it more than I thought.

And Lia never dissappoints.

>> No.4969656

>>mashup of ideas set to feel like Haruhi
I've never really understood why people think this about Angel Beats.
Its not just because Yuri looks like Haruhi does it?
The stories are sufficiently different from one another for me to disagree with that statement.

>> No.4969664

This is one of the worst shows I've ever seen. The Japanese couldn't make a comprehensible storyline without copypasted characters if their lives depended on it. And the author of this is supposedly one of Japan's best.

>> No.4969676

Looks like, sounds like, behaves like. Everyone is wrong, they're actually both ducks.

>> No.4969679

sup /a/, get the fuck out.

>> No.4969680

I agree, the only thing that connects it to Haruhi is that Yuri kind of looks like Haruhi, and that they're both headstrong people. Yuri is much more mature and leader-like.

>> No.4969682


Looks and acts like Haruhi. Just as rude, obnoxious and self-centered.
Show is about a school club of cliche characters who do pointless shit like play baseball or music. Oh, but it's deep and there's deep reasons behind it. It's not just another show about high school kids playing baseball or music. Not at all. It's deeper than that.

>> No.4969687

Angel Beats is kind of /jp/ related because of Maeda I think

>> No.4969692

Two of the main characters are copies of Haruhi and Yuki. In 4 episodes there's been a baseball and a band episode.

>> No.4969693

I guess the time constrictions make everything look cramped and messy even if the premise is good.

The first chapter of the light novel had the perfect pace for this series (not to mention I liked the writting style), so even if the anime won't deliver as much as it would, I'll be definitely following it in their other future media (visual/light novel).

>> No.4969698

Lets see.
Selfish capricious girl wages war on god because baw life is unfair vs. God who is apprehensive about destroying and recreating the world through her subconscious out of boredom. Girl drags new recruit into her club vs. Girl drags new recruit into her new club. Friends with superpowers do weird things, while new recruit is most normal all things considered. Angel which has about as much emotion as a certain robot android is their enemy. All things considered, I disagree. THERE IS A FUCKTON OF PARALLELs.

>> No.4969701

No. That's not a valid excuse.

>> No.4969706

But at least Otonashi does something unlike Kyon, he's grasping the situation of that afterworld pretty quickly like how someone dissapears there.

>> No.4969709

>Selfish capricious girl wages war on god because baw life is unfair vs. God who is apprehensive about destroying and recreating the world through her subconscious out of boredom.
That's not, in any way, Haruhi-like.

>Friends with superpowers do weird things
No shit.

At least they die when they're killed.

>> No.4969717

It will have a manga, light novel AND visual novel.
Hence its title of mixed media.

>> No.4969729

Mayoi Neko is so much worse than Angel Beats. It's only episode 3 and we've got an awkward love confession followed by "hahaha I was lyyyyyyyyyyyyiiiiing baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakaaaaa"

why am I forcing myself to watch this shit?....

>> No.4969730

>it will

Until then it belongs totally to /a/. I'm watching this show and enjoying it as well, but it just don't belongs here.

>> No.4969734

No... they DONT die when they are killed. They die when they live.

>> No.4969735

Because nyaa.

>> No.4969743

No, man. Mayoi Neko Overrun! is awesome because Indeksu is a rich bitch.

>> No.4969749

There are only so many character archetypes and cutouts Japan can go through before they need to recycle and put them into other works.
Having certain characters that are similar to other popular shows does not make it a ripoff.
Team/friendship building, superpowers, raging against gods, and light-haired mute girls are nothing that has not been done way before Haruhi.
Just admit you don't like anime nowadays

>> No.4969760

There are always terribly done moeblob ecchi shows that get on my nerves. But most of the stuff in this season I'm liking. The only one that is remotely bugging me is Mayoi Neko.

>> No.4969809
File: 43 KB, 519x720, 1272132134858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yui is surely going to turn me into an adulterer. There's no way my resistances will hold.

>> No.4969814

Because kuudere Azunyan.

>> No.4969827

The premise of Angel Beats started well. But then the more I watched it the more it reminded of being a comedy version of Haibane Renmei lite.
Maeda Jun is better than this and they fucking replace LIA piano OP with that crap from Yui.

>> No.4969833

Kitamura Eri > Lia

>> No.4969866

It could just be that I'm forcing myself to not to act as jaded as I am after years of watching anime, but I am enjoying Angel Beats more than a lot of other shows this season.
Not that I'd put it on the level of Haibane Renmei though.
I feel that it has a good enough balance between a somewhat serious backstory on the different characters in relation to the comedy parts; something I think Key-related works always do well.
I'm just hoping that they don't botch the later parts of the story by delving too far into either.

I agree with you fully on the new OP though, shit sucks.

>> No.4969869

Ayu-ayu should have gone to the Angel Beats world instead of back to Moriguchi.

>> No.4969884

I doubt they will use the rock version opening for the rest of the series.

>> No.4969891

After everyone has disappeared, there will be a requiem version.

>> No.4969904

The show is OK. I really have problem watching the latest /a/ overrated shit series, though.

>> No.4969915

>latest /a/ overrated shit series

>> No.4969918
File: 168 KB, 810x810, 1269939046760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mayoi is awesome because of the same reason Railgun was awesome.

>> No.4969926

>still browses /a/

Just watch what you think it`s good and ignore /a/, son.

>> No.4969927

God, I wish we had this word globally wordfiltered.
Seriously though, don't let people on 4chan influence your opinion on your interests.
If you let this site dictate your tastes, you'd never be able to enjoy anything again.

>> No.4969941

>He thinks he's being so edgy and artsy by watching shitty shows

>> No.4969946

Are you talking about KeiON S2?

From the first 4eps it is exactly like Haibane Renmei. Suicider heaven/paradise. People disappeared once they reached enlightenment.
But knowing Maeda Jun, I bet there will be some magical bullshit later on to reset/revive all of them.

>> No.4969956 [SPOILER] 
File: 323 KB, 800x1200, candles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure they could've found a hotter vocalist.

>> No.4969961

Ah yes, the greentexting cretins come out from /a/ whenever this show is mentioned.
Enjoy your homogeny and never being able to think for yourself.

>> No.4969971

Who else thinks Angel Beats is just a big joke by Maeda, which was inadvertently mistaken for being serious?

>> No.4969973

>I'm sure they could've found a hotter vocalist.

I'm going to find out where you live and murder you in your sleep.

>> No.4969983

Shit posting already, Sion? You're getting worse.

>> No.4969990

I am not amused by this pun. You guys try to pull the same thing with Sill but it isn't funny. Please stop.

>> No.4969992

Is Angel Beats really that bad? The OP looks pretty awesome. I haven't watched animu seriously in years, so maybe I'll give it a try.

>> No.4969998

And it's by Key too, definitely going to watch.

>> No.4970043


Do you watch such garbage as Haruhi? If so then you'll just love Angel Beats.

>> No.4970049

loooool garbage xDDDDDDDD

>> No.4970053


>> No.4970055

Episode 1 and 2 were unimpressive but 3 was good.

>> No.4970076
File: 43 KB, 704x400, kyonsip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ep 3 was godawful

>> No.4970078

>generic moe tomboy


>haruhi clone

>> No.4970084

Episode 3 made me cry.
You have no heart.
Does that feel good? Not having a pulse?

>> No.4970088

you do know this show is aimed at 15 year olds, right

>> No.4970096 [SPOILER] 
File: 23 KB, 210x210, somoeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting a superior moe

>> No.4970097

Well duh, all cartoons are aimed towards children. Same with those picture books /jp/ seems to love.

>> No.4970100
File: 201 KB, 560x461, derp derp shark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4970126

I find it hard to get attached to a character who was introduced the very same episode.

Also the mixing of humor and seriousness is done pretty poorly, Maeda should stick to VNs

>> No.4970132

Nothing Key has made since Clannad has been any good

>> No.4970135

I don't think you have read Little Busters! Refrain route, or Saya route

>> No.4970557


>>implying that Clannad is good

>> No.4970563

They created Kudo.

>> No.4970565

Alright, not good, awesome is closer.

>> No.4970567

Angel Beats is much better than Clannad so far

>> No.4970568

Oh great, bumping this thread again, followed by stupid overused way of trolling hoping for attention. Are you lonely, Anonymous?

>> No.4970575

>implying /jp/ isn't watching Angel Beats
Why should I watch the anime adaption when I could read the superior originals?

>> No.4970582

Haruhi and Yuri are totally different characters. People who are saying 'LOL THEY'RE THE EXACT SAME U GUYZ XD' are utter idiots who can't understand characterization. Not every high strung girl has to be compared to another, you know.

>> No.4970583
File: 84 KB, 864x480, snapshot20091020221131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see how this says they made anything good

>> No.4970588

Take it as a troll if you want, not my business

>> No.4970592

Yui is the best character to come out of anime in years.

>> No.4970596

Or people who decide if they will watch a show or not by watching 3 screenshots of this show.

>> No.4970601


Too bad she's too moe for her own damn good.

Someone post Hinata beating the shit out of her.

>> No.4970611
File: 55 KB, 673x175, Yes, Sion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you guys even posting in a Sion thread?

>> No.4970614

Most of them are from /a/ so yeah...

>> No.4970625
File: 73 KB, 848x480, [Ryuumaru] Mayoi Neko Overrun! - 01 [480p][6E46E42F].mkv_snapshot_08.18_[2010.04.10_23.44.29].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't post Angel Shits

>> No.4970631
File: 36 KB, 266x386, tenshi6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So /jp/, do you actually like anything or do you just wallow in hatred and misery all day?

>> No.4970637

I like many things but certainly I don't like you and OP.

>> No.4970638

I like wallowing in hatred and misery every day.

>> No.4970645

Sion is tsundere for Angel Beats

>> No.4970650

Apparently Haruhi is newfag's first anime lol.

>> No.4970654

I believe you, Sion.

>> No.4970688

Sion is tsundere for many things, we are also tsundere for Sion. This whole world is made up of tsundere.
