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File: 93 KB, 800x800, 3576163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4952235 No.4952235 [Reply] [Original]

New thread here. Not hosting though, think I'm done for the night.

>> No.4952259

Currently on v1.10
More information about the game: http://hisouten.koumakan.jp/

>> No.4952265
File: 26 KB, 624x388, michael_cole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome back to Touhou Hisoutensoku. You are now playing the longest running episodic game in the history of /jp/.

>> No.4952304 [DELETED] 

ÍMpórT@ñ+ InFórMatÌoN ÁbOÜ+ 4[Hàn; [hRìsTÒphEr pÓòL€ (áKA mÒ0t ÀkÁ +H€ ÁdmÍN h3R€) HáS à v€rY s3rIóüS M€n+áI |IInE$s. he $teá|s Ò+HeR$' HARD wÒrk, pÚ8LÍsH€S pr|vÀ+e e-MaII$ (WHI[h h3 MòDÌFì3S) ànD 8IáT@nTIY lies To hìS ùs€RS ìñ ORdEr Tó get THEm ON H|$ síDEo mRo pÒÓ|3, @ged 22, LìvES ÍN ñew YÓrk, wh€R€ HE AISo @TTENdS <ÒL|EGEo Hì$ HóM€ àDDr€$s <àn B€ eA$ìlY FòÙnd USìNg àN áDdr€$s |OÓkUP FoR nyo F€eI fR3e +Ó $hòw Úp ÀT H|S DóÓr witH á GÙn. Tìnyo4[HÁñ*òRg Is aN í||egaI clòn€ óF WWWoàNÓntàLk.c0m, rEmoVE i+ ímm€Díáte|y, STòP [0nst@NTIy DdO$Ìñg @nD $p@mMÌnG Ü$ Ánd s+óP fú<kìñG WItH OÚr dOM@Ín. Tó Ac[3s$ áT [ùRr3ñt|y, yOÙ mú$T ÚS3 @ ProXY Hòs+ PrÓvìD€D BY à Trùst€D pÀR+Y Ás L|S+ed H3Re; Ht+P;//aT.KÌmMòà*SE/

>> No.4952428
File: 108 KB, 446x800, 4e2a552076826dbd66454698b372698c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are all the players doing asleep, it isn't even 3 am.

>> No.4952463
File: 301 KB, 1000x1150, 4055329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a better question might be: What are you doing still awake, it's nearly 3 AM.

>> No.4952569
Canadia East
low-mid level

>> No.4952583


(migrating from old thread)

GGs lolwat! i think I managed to pull even that time... I'm just starting w/ Yuyuko... need more practice w/ her. I didn't know rocket dive beat the butt bump, nice to know!

>> No.4952694


>> No.4953485 [DELETED] 


>> No.4953798 [DELETED] 

Bump for players

>> No.4953960

Bump for players even if it's hopeless during daytime Europe because I'm the only player here.

>> No.4953971
EU hostan
mid -tier by club ibuki

>> No.4953992

I find it funny how all the EU hosts are taken ~30 seconds after they start hosting.

>> No.4954005

Doesn't work. I refuse to believe that I just bumped this and someone else joined.

>> No.4954013

See this:
This is what happens with all EU hosts.

>> No.4954030

hm? i think i allowed specs, playing already btw

>> No.4954035

Yes, spectating works.

>> No.4954052 [DELETED] 

ÍmporTáNt |nf0rMat|0ñ ábòÙT 4[hÁñ: [hRi$Tòph3r pÒÓ|e (@Kà MóóT Àk@ +HE ADmÍn HEr€) h@S À veRy $ERÌ0US m3NTAL ILln3sso H€ ST3ÁLS Óth3R$' hÁRD WÒrK, Pú8LI$h3$ pR|vatE E-MAìlS (whíCH He MODIfI€s) àNd 8|ÁTÁNtly LI€S T0 hÍS Us€rS In ORd€r tó Get ThEm on H|s sÍde, MR, pÓòI€, aGED 22, LÌV€s |n ñEW yÓrk, WH€R€ hE @Ls0 àT+€nds cóLLeGe, hÌs HÓmE @Ddress cÁñ 8€ eÁ$Ì|y F0UND ùsing àñ ÀDDrESs LÒÓkÜP FoR ny* f€3L fR€3 to sHòW ÚP át Hís Dóór wìth a GÙno +íNY.4CHàñ*ÒRG Is aN ÌLlEg@L clOn€ oF WWw*ÁñÒñtALk,CÓm, R€mÓv€ |+ ÍmM€dÌáteLy, $+oP [óNstÀntlY DdòSINg Áñd $pàmMing US añD StÒP FÙ<KÌñg wÌTH òÜr d0mÁin. To àc[3sS Á+ [ùrREñtLY, yóU mUSt ú$e a próXY hOSt prOVíd€d by A TrÚ$t3D pÀrTy @s li$TED h3rE: h+tP;//á+.kÍMmÒÀ.se/

>> No.4954059 [DELETED] 

ÍMpÒR+àNt ÍNFòRma+ìòN @bÓÙT 4cHáN; cHrÍsT0pH3R p00I3 (@Ká Móót ÁkA +h3 @dMÌN h€R€) HAS a v€RY $3rióüs MEn+a| ILLN€$S. h3 sT3à|s ò+HERS' hARD WÒRk, PÚbIÍ$heS PRIv@+e e-mÁÌLS (WHì[H hE mÒDifí€$) ÁñD b|àTáñ+ly IÍe$ +ó h|S ù$ERs IN órder +Ó G3t th3m òn hI$ sìDE, Mro Pòòl€, Ag3d 22, l|v3S ÍN ñ€w yòRK, WH€rE H3 À|só ÁT+€ñDS [Ó|L€Ge* hÌS hòME addRe$S càN B€ EÀ$Í|Y FóÙñd ü$íNg An ÁDDResS IoòkUp fÓR ñY* F3EI FR3E TÒ $H0W ùp @t hÍ$ D00r w|th À GüN, Tìñy,4[háñ,òrg ì$ añ ÌlL3GÀI [IÓN€ Òf WWw.AñÒñ+àLk.<Òm* remÒv€ Ít ÌMm€D|@+elY, sTÒP CONstANTlY ddO$ÍNg ÁnD $páMMIñG Ùs AñD stÓP FùckinG WìTh 0ür D0M@|ño tó @[<€SS Àt cùRRen+|y, yoù mÜst ÜSE á PRo+Y HÓSt pRovId€d by á TRÜs+€d party @S lìsTed HErE: h+tp;//àT.KÌMmòà*$3/

>> No.4954076


>> No.4954104

rehosting, someone else gets the turn to whoop my arse

>> No.4954130

That timestop was close. Tenshi's 66C has a weird hitbox.
Haven't played at all with the latest patch. Looks like some spells work differently now.

>> No.4954146

Do I need to open ports or something to play ? i'm a total noob at this game, never tried to play against a human opponent.

>> No.4954162

I you are behind a router, you need to forward ports to host only.
You don't need to configure anything (except maybe your firewall) to connect to someone else.

The port is 10800 (standard) or any other port you select ingame.

>> No.4954174 [DELETED] 

ìmP0r+áñT InfÒrMàTìÓñ àbóÚT 4[hÀñ: [hRìstóPher pÒolE (ÀKA MOOT áka TH€ ÀDMín h3r€) HÀS À VerY $eRíÓÜs mEnTÀ| Í|lneS$, h3 $+€á|S ÒTH€rS' HàRD WÓRk, pÚbLì$hes pRíVATE E-M@Í|$ (whÌ<H H€ m0dÍfieS) Àñd bIá+ánTly Iì3S t0 HÌs Us3r$ Ín òRd3r +Ó g3t THeM ON HÌs $|d€, Mr. pòo|3, ag3d 22, IÌV3s ìñ ñew york, WHEre hE álSó à++enDS [ÒI|€G€, hÍS hóM3 ÀdDR3S$ <ÀN be 3aSÌLY fòùND ÜsÌñG aN ADDR€S$ lo0kÜP f0R ny. f3E| fR€3 TÓ ShÓW üp àT hí$ DoÒr wi+H à gÚn. TiñY,4cháñ.óRG í$ Án |||€g@L Clone óF WWW,AñON+a|K.[0m. R€MóVe I+ |MMeDíaT3ly, StòP [Òn$taN+Ly DdO$IñG àND SpAMMiNg u$ áñd StóP fu[KìnG WìTH ÒÚr D0MAÌn, +Ò àc<€$s At <Úrr€n+|Y, yOU MUST Us€ a pR0+y Hòs+ PRÓv|D3D 8Y @ +rùst3D pÀRTy às IíST€d here: H+tp;//á+,kÍmMóÁ,$3/

>> No.4954190 EU

Eternal loading screen tier, tried hosting this week three times but nobody joined. MAYBE NOW!

I've been sick for two weeks so I have an excuse if I lose too much

>> No.4954204

rehosting again
am i the only one around here who fails at performing unlimited combo works?

>> No.4954207
File: 117 KB, 566x800, 1270493917279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun games. You should block more, really.

>> No.4954216

tell me about it
ive never been good at defending no matter what game


>> No.4954218

Already busy? Damn.

>> No.4954230
File: 221 KB, 430x607, 6462217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And, I don't want to scare you or anything, but you'll fight opponents far stronger than me on /jp/. I am not that good, I just happen to know a few BnBs with some characters. Some people here won't even let you breath one second.

>> No.4954237

Is it bad if I play using my keyboard?..

>> No.4954238

yeah ive kinda felt that already...

>> No.4954260
File: 260 KB, 864x605, 1266605027735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not bad, it's just really harder to be a good player with a keyboard. If you're a beginner, it's even harder. You should really use a gamepad (or an arcade stick).

>> No.4954265


I'm the aforementionned noob. Thanks for the games, really learned a lot. CPU battles are going to feel slow after. Feel free to disconnect whenever you feel like it.

>> No.4954330


>> No.4954335

ggs, ty for bashing my arse
rehosting again later i suppose
i want a damn pad, keyboard breaks my fingers

>> No.4954386

I've been playing with a keyboard for a long time and the only thing that annoys me sometimes is that tk 236 on the left side is a little harder to do because my ring finger is slower than my index finger. I even think that DP motion is easier to do on a keyboard than on a pad. As long as you don't have to do half or full circle motions it's completely acceptable.

>> No.4954436


Well, I enjoyed this a lot, thanks. Even though I got my ass handed over to me.

>> No.4954449

>>4954190 here

That's enough, that's enough. Thanks for joining P1P, I guess you were getting a bit tired, since you were caught by a lot of bullets during the last few matches. I guess Yukari was somewhat the most fair character against you which I can somewhat play with. But you are spamming too much bullets and using many unsafe moves without any cover

I hate myself for using these trains

>> No.4954474


yeah I know :/ I'm new to the game, and after fighting only CPUs, I have caught bad habits. Anyway, thanks for your time, now I have a better idea of what the game really is about.

>> No.4954483

Note to self, read my goddamn comments again after typing them in the comment box because that was just some weird shit sentence

>> No.4954485

Any EU hosts up?

>> No.4954539

club ibuki's EU branch is up again at
too drunk to block -tier

>> No.4954628

sorry anon, that terribad lag is real annoying
up again

>> No.4954636

Same here as well, my bad.

But good game, You tricked me a bit there, gotta admit.

>> No.4955775

bump for daily playing while /jp/ is spammed with porn

>> No.4955805

At least porn is better than Hisoutensoku.

>> No.4955818 EC

>> No.4955856 [DELETED] 

Продажа луших и покупаемых<b> цифровых товаров</b>. <a href=http://basko-shop.ru/>Здесь</a> вы найдёте <b>базы, скрипты, скины, проги</b>,
книги, документы, всё для сайта, для оптимизации

>> No.4955881

Sorry, my internet died. Rehosting.

>> No.4955889
"Pretty damn shit" tier

>> No.4956057
File: 394 KB, 830x409, 9763178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting East Coast

My god, I hope it's not Yukari or Okuu tier.

>> No.4956288


>> No.4956324

i suppose we both still have a long way to go

>> No.4956335

Yeah. Although you pretty much won all of the games ;_;
Some close ones though.

>> No.4956352
File: 2 KB, 124x122, Territorial Oak.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4956455

ggs... guess we lost connection

>> No.4956464
File: 544 KB, 1120x700, 10019556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems so. I needed a break anyways. GG's and thanks for the practice.

>> No.4956704

Seems like we lost connection. Good games, I'm done for now.

>> No.4956720
File: 224 KB, 600x848, 1270742167115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I guess that disconnection is a subtle way for the game to tell me to go to bed.

Fun games, blank name! (if you did put a profil, I wasn't able to see it)

Even though I was no match for you, it was really fun. Damnit, your Tenshi is a monster, that middlescreen limit combo eats half of my life bar. And your Iku, damnit that j2A will haunt my nightmares tonight. And your Sakuya as well... And... well, all the characters you used against me actually.

>> No.4956798 [DELETED]
US Central

Komachismo tier

>> No.4957098
File: 41 KB, 400x450, 312b159d4099c6f75d356758e665ced5edec3f6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Trying new character tier.

>> No.4957145

Good games E-MAN, and good to see you again! It's been a while. I see you've been leveling up your Komachi--you use her j.6A a lot better than I could ever hope to.

Using "my" black dress Sanae is a responsibility--she's not supposed to lose!

>> No.4957182


>> No.4957186

GGs a.a.

Looks like I'm still lightyears behind you, it seems. All in all, still a blast playing you. Didn't get much from your Komachi, so guess I'll have to watch the replays later tonight. Notice any glaring problems with me using her? Thanks for the matches!

>> No.4957213

>Using "my" black dress Sanae is a responsibility--she's not supposed to lose!

;_; My bad. Any consolation, she lost the better Sanae players on the board, so it was only natural I'd get murked with her.

>> No.4957286

>Notice any glaring problems with me using her?
Not particularly. Too much 6[A] maybe.

You can always punish Meirin off a blocked/whiffed 623 with f.5A I think. I guess I felt like I escaped from corner blockstrings more often than I should have, but I don't really know how to combat that myself.

>> No.4957297
File: 147 KB, 650x650, 1261218391400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
West Coast US
Still the shittiest player on /jp/ - tier.

Also, I plan on going randoms after the usual couple rounds of failing with Meiling.

>> No.4957337

I want a hoster. Frustrated tier.

>> No.4957407


>> No.4957418 Canada East
Shitty gimmicks tier.

>> No.4957422

Why not go play a game that isn't shitty?

>> No.4957427

I play enough of those.

>> No.4957430

do they let you be the little girl? that's why i play. and spell cards.

>> No.4957455


Good games!

>> No.4957458
File: 28 KB, 386x454, ptu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh what the fuck...
www, you are not shit tier.

Ah well, ggs even though you raped me in every one.

>> No.4957465

you rehosting? i wanna feel good about not being able to BnB.

>> No.4957477
File: 103 KB, 500x500, 67cfa75da0aa68aa6cc0f583bcf109bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a few minutes
My butt is still hurt.

>> No.4957493

I got all night. Also this is what shit tier is:
no BnB.
no strings.
no limit breaking.
no break out.
no controller.
final destination.

>> No.4957513

Oops I have to go to dinner.
Good games.

>> No.4957527
File: 366 KB, 2000x2000, 8a8dd2b8d02e9f31b0fad2caf28af41052bcbf61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Crimson. I am starting to play like shit, so I am calling it quits for tonight. We are actually pretty even. And thanks to that, I am giving up on my new character. Thanks for the games.

Also I love my Grand Patriots deck.

>> No.4957534

moar komachi pichas.

>> No.4957544

Isn't www mid-high to Hi-low tier? He has two characters that he's really good with and has a solid set of skills for the rest.

>> No.4957547

Sorry for the rather noobish question, but I can't join any games. It keeps saying connection failed. What should I do?

>> No.4957549

GG's Resident51 and thanks for the practice. Was Reimu your test? If so, it wasn't that bad.

>> No.4957551

any shit-tier want to host????

>> No.4957554

Make sure you're playing SWR with expansion patched to v1.10

>> No.4957557

are you clicking the 5th option down? or maybe your fire wall?

>> No.4957565

i also want someone to make me feel better about myself. of course ill still end up dying.

>> No.4957567
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>> No.4957575

yukka is moe. yes youkai moe.

>> No.4957581
File: 211 KB, 591x874, 6de9b8b6deb5ccff25ca2264dc587ba0f516a2cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she was. I tried her before and it honestly didn't work out that well. I have been searching for a main for months now, and have pretty much given up. I just play about half the characters somewhat proficiently. Until they add more, it'll stay that way.

>> No.4957588

I have the game updated to ver. 1.10
Funny thing is I was able to get in games before, but suddenly I just can't get into any. Should I try forwarding ports?

>> No.4957590

You should main whomever your favorite Touhou is. Besides, what happened to maining Suika?

>> No.4957595

Thinks he'll get good by changing his main. Pick high tier for better results.

>> No.4957602

Joining should be fine without forwarding. Maybe try taking down windows firewall. If you'd like i can host to see if you can join

>> No.4957606

She is too drunk.

>> No.4957607

reqiuesting west host. love and piece tier.

>> No.4957614

Yes please. I'll set up a name so you'd know who I am.

>> No.4957618
File: 283 KB, 1000x1000, 1271709228579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hosting, canada west

>> No.4957623

Hostan Canadia

>> No.4957637
File: 1.37 MB, 2000x1414, 8b98ce3bfb45bbe2bbd44bb86b7a88bd80576486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

many of my favorites aren't even in. Pic somewhat related, with previous posts with Flan attached also related. I would love to see Flan and Yuugi get in there. A few others too. I can't really call them my mains, but the characters I play most often, being Suika, Sakuya, Meiling and Reisen, are my favorites. To a lesser degree Tenshi, Marisa and a few others.

While Suika is probably my best, I still feel like I have to adapt my play style to her. I mentioned in a different thread, I just don't click with any of the characters play styles. Suika feels the most right. But it still isn't great.

>> No.4957648

What's up? The game's on a standstill. I'm Keikoku by the way.

>> No.4957672

it works, and surprise its rabbit so dont fight him.
he'll rape your shit.

>> No.4957682

2 canadain hosters and i didnt get in time for either of them. god damn fapping. requesting another host.

>> No.4957699

Canadia East
low-mid level

>> No.4957711

o god you again ill revenge marisa you you double spoiler

>> No.4957720

This is weird, something is screwing it up and putting it into the game's pad mode which has no d-pad inputs, instead of it just using the goddamn keyboard+xpadder. Give me a second.

>> No.4957721

hey where you go? did you not want to fight me again?

>> No.4957729

ok, so what you're using a control or the number pad or what? all i got is the 4 directional. yep cant pull shit off to save my life.

>> No.4957748

and im refreshing, and refreshing, and refreshing, and someone will steal my spot, and refreshing.

>> No.4957777


>> No.4957922

GG Rabbit-box. I'm still learning the ropes so forgive my suckage.

>> No.4957954

Hey! Good games Keikoku! It looks like your joining games works just fine. Your Reimu is actually suprisingly tricky to approach, I quite enjoyed the Red vs Pumpkin Reimu match. I hope you enjoyed some of the weird playstyles I tried to pull.

Hey now, I was just trying to help a fellow anon out.

>> No.4957989

My bad, >>4957954 was supposed to be directed at >>4957648.
No need to apologize, I'm more worried about making it frustrating for you. You should try hosting since there is a lot of other people around right now.

>> No.4958046
File: 170 KB, 640x480, 1258049846445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
West Coast

>> No.4958079

Well that was a fast cancel. Did something come up?

>> No.4958149

Sorry, I just wanted to observe some matches

>> No.4958178

ggs www! very fun matches. i need to stop running into shit D:

>> No.4958189

>241 Skillcards
Illusional Delusional Rift: Yukari envelops herself in a black boundary and disappears only to burst from a light boundary in a new location. B version opens a ground level boundary and Yukari comes spinning out in comedic form. The point of exit can be controlled by holding back or forward. Holding back will result in Yukari appearing up to one back dash's distance from her point of entry, holding forward will make Yukari appear up to two back dash's distance in front of her. The distance is somewhat controllable depending on the duration the button is held and seemingly holding D.

I don't get it, D seems to make no difference for me

>> No.4958258

like my okuu? i was trying around, seems like i have to spam to win. just to say air is not your strong point.

>> No.4958265

It never has been.

>> No.4958286

It's a 421 card.
You can adjust your timing with D, reacting later. 421C though you can only choose left right or down.

>> No.4958442
File: 111 KB, 600x540, 1267163373910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games, Haze. I was speccing you earlier, and as I thought, you were a pretty decent player.

>> No.4958449

Thanks, you were actually alot more challenging than I generally expect people on /jp/ to be. Good games.

>> No.4958461

US east fag here.

can't combo reliably tier.

>> No.4958496

Someone host.

>> No.4958522


done with match, freely hostan

>> No.4958529

Sorry, getting a lot of lag. Youmu was too fast for me so the game decided to slow down.

>> No.4958562


Are you torrenting, or are we just getting distance lag?

>> No.4958575

Freezing tier.

>> No.4958593


Ah. Distance lag...

>> No.4958597



>> No.4958610
File: 957 KB, 1280x960, 1270213835305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I the only one lagging here
I'm sorry if I'm causing anyone distress if that's the case

>> No.4958689

Lol, sorry about that. Minor emergency. I came back just to see you log out.

>> No.4958691

GG. Seemed like you died or something so I just left.

>> No.4958704


GGs. Try not to fly too much, most of the time you were without orbs due to flying.


>> No.4958713
File: 1.91 MB, 1253x1770, 10167611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US Midwest

>> No.4958728

I think I'm getting a little better at this game. My controller seems to be getting worse which ends up with me shooting up a lot.

>> No.4958747

It's a bad habit since I'm pretty new at this game. It's so hard to resist not to fly around though, I feel so free. Partly the controller's fault. The matches were getting faster and faster and I panicked too.

>> No.4958755

People play the shitty fighting games?

>> No.4958818


GGs Aidid, what happened? I thought I was being challenging with traps and mind tricks.

>> No.4958837

>I feel so free
You got that right.

>> No.4958861

Rehosting. >>4958575

>> No.4958947


Distance lag. Sorry. Rehosting.

>> No.4959128
File: 277 KB, 1024x768, 1263227024144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess that's that. This week has been quite depressing, soku-wise. Best find some way to get out of my losing streak before playing in the decent leagues again.
Good show, though

>> No.4959148

Good games. Your Reisen definitely gave me a hard time.


>> No.4959165


Hello, GGs! Tip to self: avoid ice traps and don't forget to block.

>> No.4959222
File: 19 KB, 300x309, RageFace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US Central


>> No.4959262

I'm happy that there are so many new faces playing this game

>> No.4959271


GGs. Those Utsuho combos deal way too much damage. Cirno vs Utsuho is a David vs Goliat battle.

You had me at the edge most of the time but the last matches I was able to lure you into traps more often.

>> No.4959276

Sorry, that's just too much lag. I was going to try and see if it'd play better in a closed stage (Library, Elevator, etc), but if it's lagging that bad at the menu screen, it's not getting any better.

>> No.4959278


GGs Duckator, I leave with my single win.

>> No.4959284

Good games Nipah, your Cirno is still as tricky as ever.

>> No.4959352
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I hate living in central TX, I understand, I was gonna leave too

>> No.4959460
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US East

>> No.4959500

Anybody in the WC up for some games?

>> No.4959576
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Bump for EC players.

>> No.4959594 EC

Just learning tier

>> No.4959618


rehosting in one second, controller problems.

>> No.4959695
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>> No.4959710


>> No.4959728
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Hosting on :
Skill level : Please be gentle...

>> No.4959736

Good games E-MAN! I was hoping to see some more Komachi mirrors as I had a few spell cards I wanted to test the effectivity of. It looks like I really am a bullet type with Komachi, as I can't pull off that melee combo into alt236b you do. That Youmu of yours is really starting to get effective, as my poor Pumpkin Reimu couldn't mount an offense - I kept forgetting that Youmu elbow has ridiculous priority so I'd lose all the air battles. Also, I learned not to wait out your Sakuya's offense as you're quite capable of beating me to a pulp in the corner.

>> No.4959765

GGs Rabbit

Don't know if I'm worn out, gotten lazy, or you just all of a sudden turned into 2009 Rabbit-box PROGODBEASTMODE, but that was the worst my Reimu has ever done against you Youmu. 9 straight uncontested guardbreaks I've haven't fallen for since you first started using your 3/6[A] style! "I bet he won't guard high 4 times in a row" You beat me solidly on the magic of probability there! In other news, I'm just amazed how far Sakuya has dropped on the priority list, her DP not only doesn't graze anymore, but gets beaten CLEANLY by Yuyuko's j2A. But I will say, Stopwatches getting beaten out by Butterfly Rings was friggin CRAZY!

Thanks for the matches.

>> No.4959786
File: 1.10 MB, 2200x1670, 7791442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need a break again. GG's and thanks for the practice, www.

>> No.4959828

5AA 5B 6C 236C (or alt236B). It's no worse than Patchi's mid BnB, the tricky part is that pause between 6C and 236. I also found better IMO that if you use 5B instead of 6B, you can cancel the coins into 6C faster.

We'll run more Komachi probably Sunday night. There's the other cards I want to play around with, but I'm just too use to the default/alt decks right now.

>> No.4959832

Hahaha "2009 Rabbit-box PROGODBEASTMODE"? I don't think I was that good back then, it was probaby because Youmu was still top of the top tier back then. I'm actually a lot better now than I was before, thanks mostly to Guy. He forced me to learn an air game, simple guard chipping and better ways to approach to deal with his defense. What I learned on the flip side as Reimu against your Youmu is that you can sometimes just poke out of the corner when you B or go for the 3[A]. I'd be interested to see if you can shut down my Youmu game by doing that.

>> No.4959866
File: 56 KB, 465x379, MARISASASS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely a lot better than I was at just learning tier. Either that or my Marisa is getting rusty. GGs either way, you're still one of the better Reisens I've seen.

>> No.4959870

Alas, Sunday is the only day I'm not camping the SWR thread. Another time another day then.

>> No.4959881

Aww man. Guess I'll have to catch you through the week then.

>> No.4959885



>> No.4959890

>9 straight uncontested guardbreaks I've haven't fallen for since you first started using your 3/6[A] style!
I think I've fared worse in the guessing game against Rabbit-Box before. It was almost musical--the sound of a guardbreak then Crescent Moon Slash.

>> No.4959891
File: 722 KB, 800x1000, 41d9997bcb8cb87097a430532ea3e1b78a108cc9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be gentle
>www joins

>> No.4959904

I lol'd

>> No.4959918

It was even better when you always blocked the charge-ups, and he'd still DP anyway. Really, it was almost like clockwork; I think I'm getting a little nostalgic!

>> No.4959980

Haha, I didn't know I was that predictable! I still do all those things but you don't see them as much since my flow chart goes as follows:

>Does my opponent guard a lot in the corner?

>Are they able to block the 3[A] consistently?
Test if they're doing this by habit and switch to 6[A]

>Ok, so they can block 6[A] now too
Test if they do it on reaction, by switching between 3[A] and 6[A]. If not, then go back to 3[A]s.

>They block by luck

>They block on reaction! Oh noes I'm vulnerable

>They block on reaction, and block the dragon punch too
Looks like I'll have to rely on weak pressure that involve greenswords, B and 2C

>They jump and/or kick
Die fast. Never win another game against them

>> No.4960022
File: 450 KB, 902x1280, 5976102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting again.

US East

>> No.4960028

I can't beat anything on normal mode...

>> No.4960044
File: 107 KB, 850x850, 1256566574253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine, /jp/. It's not like I wanted to play with you anyway.

>> No.4960064

You two should play

>> No.4960074


Wrong profile/deck, that was my friend's. Sorry.

>> No.4960084 [DELETED] 

ÍmPÓrTANT Ìnf0rMÁtìón Á8oÜT 4chan: [HrìsT0pHEr Pó0LE (àK@ móóT AKA thE Ádmiñ h3r3) Ha$ @ vErY s€rÍòü$ M€ñ+Á| í|IN€Ss. H€ $t€A|s óTHer$' Hàrd Wòrk, PÚbIìsHE$ pRÍvATe 3-MáìL$ (WhìCH h3 moDífi3s) @nd B|ÁTÀNT|Y lÍ€S Tó hÌS USErS |N órDEr TÓ GEt THeM on h|S sID3, MR, PÓO|e, @g3D 22, |ívEs iñ nEW YÒRK, WH3R€ h€ Á|Só àTtenDs <òIL€Ge, hi$ h0Me ÁDDRe$S cAn Be €asìIY fÒÚnd ùSInG Añ AdDR3Ss |OÓKùP FOR ñY. Fee| FR3e T0 ShÒW üP át his D0òr wÌTH á gün. TÌny.4chaN,0Rg íS aN |L|3GAl CIOñ3 òF wWw,àN0ntÁIk.coM. R3mÒV€ IT ÌmMedÌaT€|Y, sTòP CÓNSTaNTly dDÒ$ìnG ÀNd SpàMmiñg Ü$ Ànd S+OP fUcKìñg Wì+H 0uR DóMAin, tó @cc€SS ÁT <ÙRRen+Iy, YóÚ MuS+ Ús3 à PrÓXY hoSt pR0VÍD3d bY a TRuSTed PaRty @s l|$T3D H€r€: HTtP;//à+,KÍMMÒÀ,s3/

wAn+ +HE$€ mE$$Ag3s +ó $T0P? $Ùr3, jù$T cÁI| +he t3l€PhònE ñÜmB€R +3522637251 ÁND haR@Ss €uROdN$ Üntì| +h3Y giVE BÀCK $ysÒp HÌS DòMáiN (AnÒn+Àlk.C0m), thEy wílI If yòU DÓ Ìt íñ mÁsS NuM83rS. màK3 ìT YÒÙr ñe+t "RáÌd",

>> No.4960081
File: 211 KB, 648x579, 070815+l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you want to play again?

>> No.4960086



>> No.4960093

Should be up.

>> No.4960162 [DELETED] 
File: 161 KB, 800x703, 1254523672233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't mind taking a shot at a few strangers.

I'm pretty bad though, and potentially very laggy.

If I start lagging that bad i'll just quit.

>> No.4960272

am I the only one here? noone hosting?

>> No.4960430


GG's. Sorry that I only play one character, lol. I'm just learning how to play.

>> No.4960454
File: 353 KB, 643x555, 4099370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problems, it's probably best to stick to one character and learn that character's strengths and weaknesses anyways. Remilia is my main, but I try to play a few others every so often too.

Anyways, GG's and keep playing folks online. You'll catch on. I'm not sure what to give for advice. I guess work on grazing and looking for openings to punish. Also, while it's not always helpful, try getting up in different places so people can't nail you with an unblockable attack.

>> No.4960509


All right, thanks for the advice. I play with my roommate who is absurdly good, and beats me 103% of the time, so one day I'll catch on after getting my ass kicked so often.

>> No.4960553

Anybody hosting?

>> No.4960622 EC

>> No.4960653


Still hosting.

>> No.4960827

gg Zack, I hope. lol

I suck so bad at 2D fightan.

>> No.4960834

Care to host once more? I'm pretty bad at the game.

>> No.4960839


You didn't do so badly. I'm still learning how to play. This is my first day playing people, so at least you had a chance. Most of the characters I randomed were the first time I played them at all, I usually play Reisen. GG's none the less.

>> No.4960843


Sure, one sec. though.

>> No.4960849


Ah, I figured as much you mained Reisen. You're pretty good, heh.

I hope my Alice improves soon. I don't even know if I was playing her right haha.

>> No.4960855

Thanks, I dont have decks set up for anybody but Patchy, Sakuya, Yuyuko and Reisen.. I really only play Sakuya though.. I'm trying to get a feel for other characters but they all play so differently, and its hard to really try out all their powers.

>> No.4960860

>>4960834 EC

>> No.4960941

Oh god, thats what I get for random..
Does it show i've never used Suika?

Anyway, thanks for the games.

>> No.4960947


No problem at all, gg. It showed a little, but then again, I'm sure you saw that I wasn't very good with any of those characters I randomed too.

>> No.4961681

Any US up? D:

>> No.4961702
File: 100 KB, 1200x1600, prepareyouranus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4961702 EC
Preparing my anus tier.

>> No.4961703

>Sorry, I just wanted to observe some matches

I did that once. Then I was kindly told you can choose to watch instead of joining at a question right after joining the server. Useful thing to know.

I think I need to observe some more matches soon.

>> No.4961729

Подскажите пожалуйста где можно найти в сети индексы Украины http://snezok.com/rivnenska/index.html - ?

>> No.4961750

doesn't work... or maybe you're playing already or gave up looking. derp

>> No.4961757 west coast

mid easy tier i guess

>> No.4961988

anyone want a morning battle? half awake tier.

>> No.4961996 EC
normal level

>> No.4962059 EC

I suck. Just downloaded the game 2 days ago

>> No.4962201

Good games, profile1p.

>> No.4962221

GGs, really fun games.
I didn't know half of the moves you used (I guess it showed, I had some really stupid reactions), I've gotta play around more with different characters to deal with that, I guess.

>> No.4962228
File: 98 KB, 345x426, 1267546888351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, any chance of some of you uploading particularly good replays? I'm bored, unable to play due to shit internet, and wouldn't mind living vicariously through some decent Alice or Komachi players

>> No.4962233

me here

Can anyone connect? I portforwarded 10800 in the router

>> No.4962263


jp replay pack there if you're interested. many good komachi replays by one of the best i've seen. not sure about alice, maybe a couple.

if the replays are greyed out, it's because they have japanese characters in them. you need to run the game in japanese mode, or rename the replays.

>> No.4962297

im bored i wanna fight someone who will make me feel good.

>> No.4962300 wc

anyone welcome.

>> No.4962352

Is there any good place to find additional information when the wiki seems lackluster?

I'm mostly wondering about the delay on spellcards as well as which are invulnerable or grazing while activating etc. Some pages seem to have this information, but not all of them.

I try and test it, but never get a good grasp about the speed or invulnerability since my computer opponents are never putting pressure on me.

>> No.4962414
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GGs, glad that lag cleared up after the first two games.

I really need to learn the spell cards better.

>> No.4962442

Try to test it in practice modo, using the option to control both P1 and P2 simultaneously. May be a hassle, but its a good way to know if a spellcard is a reversal of not, for example. Don't forget the F1-2-3/whatever buttons to refill your spellcards.

>> No.4962466

Which spells do you want to know about? Maybe I can answer some. Besides the wiki there's nothing else. You won't find any framecharts, not even on the jap wikis.

>> No.4962476

rehosting, ggs wingz and profile1p.

>> No.4962563

Pretty much all spellcards are vulnerable on block. The ones I can think of that give you advantage on block are:
Reimu: 4card ball
Marisa: none
Sakuya: 3card horizontal bounce
Alice: 2 and 4card spinners
Patchy: none
Youmu: none
Remi: 4card spear
Yuyu: 1 and 5card ghosts
Yukari: 3card border, ran, orange sparks
Suika: 4card fireball maybe?
Reisen: none
Aya: 1,2 and 3card wind
Komachi: 3card pink slam
Iku: pretty much all of them
Tenshi: 2card rocks

>> No.4962600

>Marisa: None
What about Light Sign "Luminous Strike" (2 card super version of the Radial Strike skill)?

>> No.4962627

It may be impossible to punish but it doesn't give advantage anyhow.

>> No.4962630

anyone hosting as of now?

>> No.4962777

Rehosting, hopefully someone will join this time.

>> No.4962817



>> No.4962832
File: 512 KB, 810x800, 0cb30daa7c876c6870dc76e48be27439a08403e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mainless tier. And still very rusty.

>> No.4963046

Good games, miko. Almost had me there a few times.

>> No.4963047

Good games! Sorry if the matches were boring. Haven't played in a while.

>> No.4963132
File: 253 KB, 1800x1800, 07c09ed754a4fe29e282974876aa4a22827a43d0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Idler. Pretty even matches I have to say.

>> No.4963154
File: 399 KB, 942x1000, 1270314797235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs, I tried to think of stuff to do but mostly I was just jumping around aimlessly... Youmu is still the only one I can play somewhat properly.

Surprisingly low lag overall btw, most US players lag like hell for me.

>> No.4963378

>> No.4963584 [DELETED] EU (EC if decent connection)
Trying stuff tier

>> No.4963587 EU (EC if decent connection)
Trying stuff tier

>> No.4963659


>> No.4963662
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US East

>> No.4963684


GG's. You are definitely better than me.

>> No.4963693

GGs Zackman, hope I didn't bore you too much.

>> No.4963714

Fun games, undecipherable name one.

>> No.4963759


>> No.4963773


lol gg, I got my ass kicked so hard.

I need to go back to practice mode and work on my Alice

>> No.4963786
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GG's, Akagi. Though seems like you needed to go. Maybe next time.

>> No.4963790

You'd want to focus on your spacing, I think one of the first things to know to do properly with Alice is to hit with f.5A/6A. It has a very specific range so it's not always easy, but its important to keep the opponent from dashing on you with these.

>> No.4963793

yeah ggs
needed a smoke break, good to go again whenever theres a host

>> No.4963816
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Rehosting at >>4963662

>> No.4963834
File: 79 KB, 450x789, 1264845292188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for cutting it short like that, Crimson Noble, I had a phone call. Anyways, fun games. If you're still hosting, I'll gladly join again, if someone else took my place, it can't be helped. See you around.

>> No.4963892

Any hosts?

>> No.4963932

Fuck, I'll host then. EC

High shit-tier

>> No.4963938
File: 480 KB, 700x979, dcdaca9929bc6e84c5cafcb3da12e2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgotten most of my stuff -tier.

>> No.4964047
File: 1.04 MB, 1447x1447, 0c6c28935b563e2555a564a5b94bedbcf61df8f0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I cannot play Sakuya for shit anymore tier.

>> No.4964146

>Which spells do you want to know about?

At the moment I'm mostly interested in which cards are useful defensive moves. To counter either someone pressuring you or to dodge other spells. Kind of like "Slash of Clearing the Six Senses", but it doesn't have to be a move that requires the other player to attack you.

>> No.4964176

Sounds like you're interested in reversal spells then.

>> No.4964190

GGs Zackman. I don't think I've seen you before.


>> No.4964198 shithole

>> No.4964200


I'm new around these parts. GG's Idler.

>> No.4964255


Yes, you could probably call them that.

I've been looking at the basic system cards too, but it is always more fun to use each character's moves. Dragon Star still confuse me though. Sometimes I feel like it removes the getting hit status, and sometimes it seems to not do anything at all. I guess it is some attacks that just count as multiple hits and it is supposed to just absorb one or so?

>> No.4964320


>> No.4964336
File: 770 KB, 1000x1214, 9a6c3c77d270e1c7391c13b0fc4e4bf09f562387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Fleece.


>> No.4964342

It started pretty evenly matched but got harder and harder. Yukari's a monster. I had fun and was able to win one at least.

>> No.4964344

GGs. Some pretty good fights, though I really have to fix my shitty net before I play again, all the timeouts and spikes that I've had recently are starting to eat away at my brain.

>> No.4964369

too bad the only game where i had the lead mysteriously disconnected

>> No.4964374

What character are you playing.

>> No.4964379
File: 370 KB, 700x990, 659ff1784d8dfcdf89e9a766cf8d3e868ed7dc0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would recommend making a deck for Reisen based around the Grand Patriot's elixir cards. It boosts both attack and defense. With the added defense boosting cards, you become a wall. Mine looks like this: 4x Grand Patriot's, 4x Defense up card, 4x Spirit Orb regen, and then whatever 8 skill cards you want. The trick behind this deck is to use 3 of the Grand Patriot's cards, 4 of the defense up cards, and at least 2 spirit regen cards. Beyond that, use up the rest of the cards accordingly. The amount of damage you put out and negate from this deck is amazing. Just a thought.

>> No.4964386

Ehh...? No games disconnected for me, but I got back to menu after that last match, Suika vs Marisa.

>> No.4964406

Damn your good. I was lucky if I was able to land a hit.

>> No.4964415

towards the end of the first match the game hopped back to character select

>> No.4964423

Spellcards are invincible on startup or they are not. Master spark has some invul frames but it's not a reversal. Don't know which one you are talking about but Marisas only true reversal is escape velocity, the 3card broom uppercut. Her sparks all gain invul very late and blazing star is way too slow to counter anything.

>> No.4964440

Thanks for the advice but I don't have any of those cards yet. I'll keep that in mind when I do get them, though.

>> No.4964455

Well, watching the replay now, you played pretty strange there. I guess our games got desynced, and after I had won in my game, your game followed me to the menu although your match was still unfinished.

>> No.4964478

could be it

>> No.4964536

Desyncs happen sometimes, but luckily not very often.

Rehosting, last time for tonight.

>> No.4964649

Rehosting once again.

>> No.4964688
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hosting, canada west

>> No.4964691
File: 53 KB, 334x419, OAsL5LSc9BvN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4964691 EC

>> No.4964705
File: 740 KB, 650x931, 9874995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but I needed a break, my thumb will thank you later. GG's, Akagi.

You play a wider variety of characters better than me. It seems I'm stuck with Remilia, as anyone else I play is shit cause I've spent so much time with her.

>> No.4964706
File: 952 KB, 1280x1024, 1266886099355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very fun games Crimson, I'm glad we could pick it back where we left it. Also, excuse my laughable Sanae, I'm just getting started with her, and she still feels weird. Thank you for hosting!

>> No.4964712


Are you sure you don't live on Neptune?

>> No.4964719

/jp/-tier connection.

>> No.4964725

I know. My connection crashed.
Rehosting again.

>> No.4964729

East Coast. low-tier. Started playing 2 days ago

>> No.4964732


Good games Resident.

>> No.4964739
File: 141 KB, 600x600, 1269788541369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs man.


>> No.4964753
File: 1.33 MB, 1446x1000, 9472232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to wonder that myself at times.

Your Sanae is certainly not laughable, neither is your Suika, Marisa and Aya.

My problem with Sanae is that one card where she throws out the lines and has super armor during the beginning of it. I don't think you can interrupt it, I swear I did once with a 5 card reversal. However, it's good to know that the parasol will block and eliminate the lasers.

Also, don't mind the fish. I only started using it on one deck just to see how it goes and most people are caught by surprise it seems.

>> No.4964798

You have to deal 2500 damage before it activates.

>> No.4964816
File: 411 KB, 768x1024, 1270313840820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't keep up, and my head hurts... I guess it's time to go to sleep. GGs, sgqhkkgn (hopefully that 's correct...). You're way better than me, most matches were pretty one-sided.

>> No.4964848
File: 380 KB, 900x900, 7680601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before it activates? You mean before the lasers become solid and buzzing? Or like at a certain point in the start up animation?

>> No.4964849


GGs, you're new so that's expected. Try to block more, because I was trying to melee, rather than projectile spam. Had I done that, I wouldn't have gotten hit as much as I did. I HATE playing against Suwako, because as you saw, Okuu's kick-throw kept missing and tripping her. Practice against computers is good to practice moves and decks as well.

(i'm low-mid tier myself)

>> No.4964863

During the startup.

>> No.4965229
File: 275 KB, 1280x960, 1266699905087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Resident! Damn, sometimes I realize that I'm being lured into your corner traps, but I keep running into it all over again. I need to learn to think while I fight, but that's definitely too hard for me haha...
Thank you for hosting, and see you around!

Ah, that spellcard is indeed hard to deal with. If you think that you have enough time to do the damage (if you have a spellcard ready for example), just go for it, like someone said you have to do 2500 damage before the lasers appear to cancel the spell.
Else, just go into the corner and block until the end of the spell. If you block long enough the lasers around you dissipate as well. Also, I think they don't do any damage when blocked, but someone should confirme that. If you aren't gardcrushed, you will barely take any damage.

>> No.4965240
File: 729 KB, 900x1200, c62ce8b23b210f53f2a08a0d6b4abf5f19b5baf5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Akagi. I can actually keep up with you now apparently. I'd play more but I want to go do some other things before I go to bed. Fun times as always man. Hope to play you again soon.

>> No.4965263 EC

>> No.4965280

Redownloading to see what's changed in 1.10. Here's hoping the game doesn't suck quite as bad anymore.

>> No.4965352 EC



>> No.4965501

Uninstall and go back to whatever you were doing, we have our quota of whiners and complainers already.

>> No.4965576

Well that was fun, I had a few laughs here and there, saddening that my clock missed at the end, didn't know it was invul ;-;

>> No.4965602

It's nice to get beaten one and awhile, all i get to do is beat newbies all day and not learn anything new. Just bad habits getting reinforced since no one punishes them, never learning anything new, etc. Though the slight lag made me miss alot of winning inputs.

>> No.4966055


>> No.4966116

Hasn't learned reliable combos tier

>> No.4966260

Haven't played for months and looking for a game, can't host. Only have a deck for Sakuya made up. USE.

>> No.4966262



>> No.4966268

twas okay, was the same strings over and over, I love getting j2a's by tenshi, feels good man

>> No.4966279


thx, mindgames amirite

>> No.4966344

No you suck quit this game you're never going to be good, xd. :three

>> No.4966372

Hmm? Did you quit?

>> No.4966384

No, I thought you did.

>> No.4966589

GGs. You walk into a lot of stuff. Work on your pressure and grazing.

>> No.4966597


Yeah, I've only been playing for a few days. GG's and thanks for the tips.

>> No.4966713


>> No.4966771


>> No.4966771,1 [INTERNAL] 

This is janny's first post on the jay.

>> No.4966771,2 [INTERNAL] 

Why are all janitors attention whores with tripcodes.

>> No.4966771,3 [INTERNAL] 


Nobody else is attention and power-hungry enough that they'd ruin the board in exchange for a little bit of authority.
