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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 205 KB, 572x1165, 1271975421312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4949486 No.4949486 [Reply] [Original]

Uh....the last page died. Rather randomly. Not sure why.

I'll try to start this up again, if it fails, just move to the damn forums?


We were talking about lucy, and her unique take on faith, when it died.

>> No.4949498

I think you guys to need to work on Nina more, thought she was supposed to be the "cover girl", so to speak. Really don't want to unbalance the quality of the routes if there are only two heroines.

>> No.4949515

mod deleted it bro

>> No.4949521 [DELETED] 

Medio is a fag and deleted it I think. It might be time for us to take this elsewhere.

>> No.4949526

I only followed the first thread for this project, but it seems to be making some good progress. Good luck.

>> No.4949529

warehouse devs leave this place

>> No.4949533


Nah, that's true. I think we were trying to hammer all of one out, before we started on the second, but, if you wanna have a hand at Nina, well, lets go for it.

>Nina used to be a total weeaboo and made her own doujin, which were probably pretty well-drawn but were exactly what you'd expect from a twelve year old girl just getting into anime. She probably cooled down with the weeaboo tendencies, and for the most part does not admit to them, although if an obscure joke is used, she might catch it and not be able to hold back a laugh. She's also held on to her old drawings, and keeps them in her room. The protag can go to her apartment/other living space at some point and step on something before she flicks the lights on, and when he looks down he realizes he stepped on model train tracks. She's sort of OCD about them, its why she pays a bit more to Lucetta, so she can have her own room, rather then keep them in the communal area.Knows the setup intimately, can traverse the room even when exhausted and the room is dark.
>Mild body issues, is not fond the fact she has dat ass, and tends to dress in bulky clothing to hide the fact

>> No.4949536


Well, we DO have the forum, if it comes to it. I'd rather of stayed here, but, if it vanishes again, we can pop on there.

>> No.4949551

Yeah, the forums fine, really. But I think Medio has gone to sleep and left us alone.

>> No.4949553 [DELETED] 

I think we need to work on how she meets/interacts with the MC some more.

>> No.4949554

Surely it was the mod? If this happens for the third time we really have to move to somewhere else. It's one thing if there are only trolls complaining but when the mods start deleting the threads it's go time.

>> No.4949557

When projects like these are just gonna end up like Katawa Shoujo, why bother?

>> No.4949559

I'm voting for IRC and the forums

>> No.4949563

Ughh, what's with the influx of tripfags onto this project. It's becoming less and less enticing to help out.

>> No.4949571

I rather use k1chan or bunbunmaru than a forum. People probaby hate the project because it attracts so much faggotry from people who admit to coming from other boards. We don't need normal faggotry here.

>> No.4949580

A lot are using a trip soley for these threads. I am, we are just Anomymous with a trip to make it easier in these threads.

>> No.4949581

This. Kindly get out tripfags.

>> No.4949583


I don't HAVE IRC, so, I'd be unable to help with that, though more then happy to help with what I can over the forums. I'm not trying to imply that you need me, but, to be able to help do need to be in the loop.


Well, we had an issue like that over in the other place a while. A janitor that deleted anything that did not suit them. Drop a message to moot, he might do something about it.


True. So far in the rough draft, I don't think she's met up with him at all, at that point.

>> No.4949585

Dem hips man

>> No.4949590

With some sane organization and a dedicated team, it could end fine. I have no idea if /jp/ would succeed with it, but I don't see why those willing to do it shouldn't try. KS can probably be considered better than certain bad eroge, altough they've had their own problems not related to content (organization to say the least).

Disclaimer: I'm in no way involved with any OELVN projects, although if I wanted, I could probably write a VN engine myself.

>> No.4949594


First and only time I'm gunna trip, bro. I don't mind being just a name fag, but, it makes it hella easier to show who is who, when working, so there is less confusion.

>> No.4949595

>don't HAVE IRC

Because it's so difficult to download right?

>> No.4949597

What are the vacant positions?

>> No.4949598

It could also be that the old thread still hasn't died 404'ed yet.

>> No.4949599


>> No.4949600


Well, I've never had reason TO have it, before. How big's the DL? I'm running a 24.0KBPS. Home nets BLOW. And laptop is at the moment broken.

>> No.4949605

mirc is like 1.5mb...

>> No.4949611

sure ill just download irc
*attempts to download a protocol* lol what the???

>> No.4949615

Everything. The more the merrier.

>> No.4949617


Uh...at the moment, it's help with what you can. I know we need writers, right now we got just one guy, and some people editing it. We could also use more drawfags.

I THINK we got someone doing the programing, but, not sure on that.

>> No.4949625


Alright. That's about half an hour, not too bad, thanks.

>> No.4949632
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, [CoalGuys] K-ON!! S2 - 02 [12FBAD7B].mkv_snapshot_00.51_[2010.04.14_01.05.11].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when pretty much all of jp hated OEL VNs

>> No.4949651

These threads have been continually filled with people telling them to fuck off. They can't take a hint, so

>> No.4949658

If you need a beginner krkr2 scripter, I can volunteer.

>> No.4949662


I don't know what one we have settled on, hell, I think it's still in the air. We might need that, thanks.

>> No.4949672


Due to the spacing of the timing, we can tell it's mostly been a single troll. So, yeah.

So, back to Nina. So far, trains, delivery girl, dislikes her ass, mild OCD, recovered weeaboo, what else?

>> No.4949678
File: 150 KB, 844x1206, nina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My attempt to line/color.

>> No.4949700

Pretty nice. But where is the hips and ass?

>> No.4949708

Not a slut. She doesn't think of sex at all.

>> No.4949709

>If you need a beginner krkr2 scripter, I can volunteer.
I don't think that's a good idea. Unless you can definitely commit to the project, they'll be screwed if you leave. At least some other engines have a lot of English documentation.

>Uh....the last page died. Rather randomly.
I believe it was because the other project threads had not actually fallen off the board or were below the post limit (one of them was at 296 posts or something) so it could have been a thread condensing measure.

>> No.4949714


Not half bad, at all.

>> No.4949722

Who the fuck cares about your shit, tripfag.

>> No.4949728


Fine with me. Might think of it a little, but, most humans do. Do Agree with the "Not a slut" rule, though.


Well, she does tend to hid both, after all.

>> No.4949729

If only I was a mod, I'd ban all the whining fags who waste people's time instead of simply hiding a thread.

>> No.4949748

If I was a mod I'd ban you!!!!


>> No.4949752

Whatever happened to good drawfriends who wouldn't whore using tripcodes.
Now we only get this shit.

>> No.4949769

What was it you were doing again?

>> No.4949796


Me? I seem to have fallen into my old habits of motivation, and character personality and past creation. It's why I keep doubling back to them, trying to see what you guys think fits best, and tossing ideas at you, and keeping a log of what we DO agree on, thus far.

>> No.4949797

I do like the same angry troll, he comes in every hour or so for a little while and sages constantly, then goes away again.

>> No.4949806 [DELETED] 

ÌmP0RtAñ+ ÍnfÓrmAtIÓñ ÁBòú+ 4[H@n; CHríS+óPH3R PÒÒL€ (@kà MÓO+ ÀKA thE Ádmíñ HEr3) h@S A VERy $eriOuS mEntáI ìILnE$S* He s+e@IS òtHEr$' HáRD WorK, pÚBLIsHE$ pRiv@tE e-m@Ìl$ (WHích h€ mòdIfi3s) àND 8la+áñtLY Ií€$ to HÍS ùs€rS ìn OrD€r T0 Get +HEm oN HìS $iDe* mRo PoO|E, ÀGed 22, IÍv€s ìn nEW yòrK, wh3R€ h€ á|$O àT+EñDS cÓl|egE, H|$ HòmE ÀDdr€$S <Áñ B€ €àsÍlY FòuñD Ú$ÌñG áñ ÁDdR€$S LÓÓKÙp fóR ñYo f€3I Fr3E +ó $HÒW üp aT hÍs dÓÒr WìTH à gúN* t|Ny*4CH@ñ.ORG Ìs an ì|IEga| Cl0N3 òF WwW*ànòñ+@lK.<óM. r3móV3 |+ |mm3DÍa+€ly, $tÓp c0nSTAn+|Y DdOSInG @ñD $pámmIng Ü$ ÁñD STóP fU<kìNG WÍth OúR DóMÁÍN. tó a<<€SS at CUrR€nTly, YóÙ MÜ$+ ús3 À ProxY HósT prÓvid3d By à TrùSt€D PARtY A$ |i$t3d h€r3; h+TP://áT*kìMmÒà.s€/

>> No.4949798

its pretty cute i agree

>> No.4949808

Shut up OP, nobody likes attention whores

>> No.4949812

>and keeping a log of what we DO agree on, thus far.
Good. All these unclear ideas need to be recorded when agreed to avoid the confusion we've been having.

>> No.4949822

>Medio is a fag and deleted it I think

Fuck yeah, meido is awesome!

Delete this faggotry some more

>> No.4949873

Okay, can you do less ideas and motivation but more content?
Logging stuff is good too but don't try to set it all in stone just yet. Nina and Lucetta both have their looks pretty well decided since concepts were done from the start and liked by most. Everything else is a mess.

>> No.4949876


Right-o. Look on the forums, I've posted what we got so far, that's agreed on, and will update as we decide more.

>> No.4949894


I'm not setting it in stone, and I'm not touching the looks part. You don't WANT me to draw.

I mean, working on the personalitys, historys, that kinda thing is what I'm tinkering. And, part of the motivation is just keeping shit moving. That's how half this shit dies.

>> No.4949906

So you shit post and call it work


>> No.4949928

Go contribute to another thread.


>> No.4949949


I post things, ask questions, keep logs. So, yes, I "post shit and call it work".

>> No.4949954

You can let it cool down and give people some time to make stuff too. During the last three days there have been over five full threads of mostly ideas, shit ideas, derailing/hijack ideas, a few shit pastebin scripts, some half-decent concept art and a short music tune.

Just take it easy and play some eroge.

>> No.4949957
File: 246 KB, 1125x1607, nina3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Err, have some underboobs for now.

>> No.4950001 [DELETED] 

Fucking attention whore. Drawfags like you are the worst. You're literally a slut

>> No.4950000

JADF you wanna sketch up Alexis, Chris and Chisame? I'll probably work on your Lucetta in the meanwhile.

>> No.4950015

Please replace her thighhighs with pantyhose. A woman of faith shouldn't be wearing such slutty legwear.

>> No.4950018

That's not Lucetta, that's Nina.

>> No.4950032


I DO let other people make stuff. It's why I'm constantly asking opinions, adapting other ideas that people have, trying to make them work together in the best manner.

And, yes, I do know the amount of them. I only stepped in around number three because I like the idea, and the trolls were stating to discourage a bit. I know I'm beating a drum a bit, but, the best things for this sort of thing is to keep working on it, or it starts to die. Seen it too many times.

Dammit. Did not mean to rant on, sorry.

>> No.4950037

I enjoy underboobs.

>> No.4950041

Depending on the engine that's decided on, would it be possible to make the VN 16:9?

I think that would help make the VN more engaging and attention-getting.

>> No.4950042


Lucette DOES wear pantyhose.

>> No.4950046

I'm okay with this.

>> No.4950052

Who cares?

>> No.4950075

The aspect ration doesn't change it all that much. But I partially agree. I would prefer 4:3 though because I've got a retarded resolution due to playing on a regular HD TV.

>> No.4950077

>>JADF you wanna sketch up Alexis, Chris and Chisame?
isn't there a sketch of the trap already?

>> No.4950082

Drawfriend responded to my post with the underboob, so I'm sure he will appreciate that I appreciate it.

>> No.4950093

Yup. Several. Like 4 messy ones with a mouse. An awesome with a front coloured and a side sketch. Possibly others.

>> No.4950114
File: 37 KB, 511x598, chibi5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if it counts, they probably would want the final product in the same styling?

>> No.4950122

there are only colored ones of Lucetta and Nina right now.

>> No.4950131

I want a Chisame that's done by someone other than Chisame. No offense mate.

I appreciate that you appreciated it (lawl sorry, couldn't resist)

>> No.4950168

You're wrong I'm pretty sure. I want to prove you wrong but I can't when browsing on my iPod. Look at the imageshack collection. I'm sure someone
did Chisame.

>> No.4950188

I'm sorry, but what is this? It's posted in everyone one of these threads and I have no idea what relevance it has to the jp project...?

>> No.4950192


Far too much appreciation . We are going to go into an endless appreciation cycle if it keeps up.

>> No.4950194


Fuck off.

>> No.4950208

Yeah, I think I remember thinking 3 was bad. I was here from the first, like others, where it wasn't just a VN idea. The problem is too much enthusiasm and energy from people who should take it easy or do something productive. Then they go redefining stuff every other thread.

You and others should quit with the trips when you don't need it here, and stop bumping the thread to the first page every two minutes. Remember where you are, what we like, what we hate, and just don't force these threads.

If you want to do something really productive, then look into a way we can centrally store versioned assets for everyone to access quickly, easily, and without an account/e-mail. Or at least better organize what we already have.

>> No.4950227
File: 283 KB, 995x1000, trap1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not chisame though.

>> No.4950233

Have you read character descriptions?

>> No.4950250

Yeah, but I probably mixed something up.

>> No.4950254

I hope this dies soon, fucking normalfag tripfags

>> No.4950266

You don't like anything even without trips.

>> No.4950275

That expression kind of worked well in the other pic, but now she just looks straight up slut - especially with that blush. Do no know if want.

>> No.4950278

I don't care if it dies or not, I just want them to take it somewhere else and stop calling it "the /jp/ VN" so we won't be associated with this shit.

>> No.4950301

>If you want to do something really productive, then look into a way we can centrally store versioned assets for everyone to access quickly, easily, and without an account/e-mail. Or at least better organize what we already have.
We have the website in the OP for this, it allows guest viewing and posting. But it's still better to use
this to get ideas and only post in the thread if we've got something new to work with.

>> No.4950304

What about Dandelion Girl?

>> No.4950320

>we won't be associated
Speak for yourself. Contrary to what you appear to believe, you do not represent /jp/.

>> No.4950334

Why does that upset you?
This is more of a "visual novel partly made from a small group from /jp/" than something like "/jp/ : the visual novel".
If this novel gets finished, they can probably not include /jp/ in the credits if it is hated that much here.

>> No.4950337

actually /b/ raided us for a little while earlier today. The other thread might have just 404'd on it's own. Or maybe it was just deleted in the crossfire.

>> No.4950345

why does anyone even reply to that crappy 0/10 troll wannabe anyway? is it that hard to treat him like air, like we did till now?

>> No.4950350

It didn't 404 on it's own. Must be /b/ shit then.

>> No.4950362
File: 602 KB, 1100x1100, wtfisthisshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now to randomly bastardize Lucette:

"Many of us were stranded. Left to die.

But we came back. And though some have questioned why they escaped death, we all failed to realize we did not escape death.

You are still connected to it. To me. I put myself between you and everlasting death. I allowed your numerous soup kitchen meals. You will help me expose the Church's greatest secret and return this world to a place of quiet, NEET order.

Anon of Earth.


>> No.4950367

>visual novel partly made from a small group from /jp/
No shit, and that's why we want you to leave.

>> No.4950383

Well, unlike the VNs that predate this one so far it's 100% /jp/ made.

>> No.4950394

Well, art is being collected http://kureha.no-ip.org/k1chan/o/res/39.html and in the photobucket for easy access. For writing, http://jpproject.pastebin.com/AynpVqUd should make it easy for everyone. There isn't a open-music box thing set up yet (perhaps http://www.stack.nl/~vdz/oc/wakaba/wakaba.html or http://iiichan.net/boards/music/ can be used for that); right now I'm just collecting them all here http://www.box.net/shared/bz4yx94trs..

>> No.4950399

needs more blood, how can you have zombie without blood?

>> No.4950410


>> No.4950424


I..I don't have a reaction image for that.

>> No.4950430

Well, if it makes you feel better, Dandelion Girl was 100% /jp/ made

>> No.4950432

/jp/ people can stay but normalfags should get out right now and never come back.

>> No.4950440

that was more of a Kinetic Novel wasn't it?

>> No.4950441


Yeah, I just had a run around the 'nets, and asked a few people as well. Those seem to be our best bet, thus far.

>> No.4950448

Yeah, no choices.

>> No.4950456

>I..I don't have a reaction image for that.
jegus fuck

>> No.4950467

Yeah, it's all over the place. Lets say someone gets something done and I want to merge what they did into the main project. We have nothing like that. Infact, we can't even sort assets, or group related items.

All we have is links to scattered dumps of different file types.

>> No.4950481
File: 67 KB, 315x320, rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... I need some time to rest my mind.

>> No.4950514

Well, only thing I can think of is setting up a wiki of sorts, maybe? No idea how to do that myself though.

>> No.4950530

I don't recall trying to speak for /jp/. I just said I don't want /jp/ to be associated with this. Though it's pretty clear that I'm not the only one (that was my first post in any of these threads since the second one).

Because it's terrible. And like you said, it's only a small number of people from /jp/ (who are fresh out of /a/) so they shouldn't be trying to make something in the name of the entire board.

>> No.4950558

Wikia is free I think.

>> No.4950568


Speak for yourself. Been here a good while, mostly anon, and back on /tg/.

Don't go making accusations that you have NO way of backing up.

>> No.4950577

I've been 4chan since october 2004 and I don't mind

>> No.4950583

and their TOS forbids adult content.

>> No.4950595


The issue comes from, that we do need some way of keeping things out of easily modifiable hands. The last thing we want is the troll that comes around every so often, popping in, and messing all our shit up.

>> No.4950598

Who gives a fuck? /jp/ isn't exactly a unified community.

>> No.4950599

I've been on /jp/ since its creation and I don't have a problem with it. I do wish they would start using sage more though. You don't need to bump this thread for pointless arguments.

>> No.4950606

I don't think we have any artfags skilled enough to do any explicitly adult stuff, so that shouldn't be a problem...?

>> No.4950613

We've not made anything adult. Images can be stored elsewhere. I'm making a wikia, will link when done.

>> No.4950625

Haha, oh wait, you're serious, let me laugh ever harder, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA

>> No.4950633

I'll add stuff this tommorow when on my computer, feel free to make it nice, anyone. Easy to organize etc.

>> No.4950640

Any major updates in story in case i write tonight?

>> No.4950644

We do, but I don't think drawing hentai is much of a priority.

>> No.4950651


Been using noko+sage, for mine, at least. Lets me stay in the tread, and does not show in the email field.

>> No.4950663

the wiki should have a subtitle called "warehouse" or whatever your naming it.

>> No.4950671

I don't think so. But can someone go on the wiki and make character pages with set in stone and basic ideas? A wiki like that will help creativefags write/draw for this.

>> No.4950672

Damnit you guys make me want to learn to draw hentai.

>> No.4950691

we do have basic guidelines for characters, read the thread linked in OP's post

>> No.4950692

I was too lazy to do it properly.

>> No.4950693

It really doesn't matter, does it? Warehouse and /jp/ project are just working titles, they aren't final names.

>> No.4950701

Why don't you? Drawing isn't that hard to learn. Just practice drawing random things you like and when you start to get good at copying lines, look up figure drawing/perspective.

>> No.4950705

You guys really are new here, eh? We've had this Wiki since the last /jp/ Project and no one really uses it (except myself to put up random information like walkthroughs).


It can finally fulfill its intended use!

>> No.4950709

Why? So you can draw hentai of Lucy? Pervert.

>> No.4950713

Oldfag here and I only really even go on /prog/ and /jp/ now. I support this project but I agree that it looks like shit right now. Cudder's translation projects are shit too. OC threads are usually full of mostly shit. Newfags post Cross†Channel, Sengoku Rance, Fate/Stay Night, old games etc. daily because they just completed it or can't. All these idol threads lately have been shit too. I'm not even getting into the Walfas threads.

So what part of /jp/ isn't shit, and doesn't deserve a shit game?

>> No.4950724

Well I've kinda wanted to learn it ever since someone posted ideas for hentai of the mangagamer mascot.

>> No.4950733

Hey you, wanna do some official art for this project?

>> No.4950736

The only reason Lucetta has thigh highs is because /jp/ wanted her to have a scene where she's giving the protag a footjob. So his urge to draw is justified.

>> No.4950741

Let's use that one, then.

>> No.4950750

She doesn't wear thighighs. That's Nina.

>> No.4950760

Can Chisame have garter+stockings then?

>> No.4950766
File: 2 KB, 114x127, churchgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thigh highs

>> No.4950767

I'll pass. But keep up the good work, guys. I'm watching y'all niggers. Always.

>> No.4950772


Not really, no. Still trying to hack out the exacts of Lucys faith, we were having a bit of back and forth on it, before the thread vanished.

>> No.4950774

Back to /b/ with you, Dandy Dev!

>> No.4950777

you must be mistaken because that is clearly panty hose

>> No.4950787

Chisame is a slut.

>> No.4950791

I almost didn't want to believe it was just 1 troll spamming these threads every minute but after seeing a good number saying they don't mind it that much...wow. Just, wow.

>> No.4950803

Yup. It's never been thighighs in any of the drawings. Also, cool thumbnail.

>> No.4950804

Oh wow, surprised that it's still alive. I thought remember not being able to access it for a good while, so I though that was done for good. I'll see if I can start porting some stuff over.
How does it handle multi-media stuff though? Can it host images/music directly on there, or still need to go through external site?

>> No.4950809

People saying they don't mind it -> there's only one person who does mind it?

You lost me.

>> No.4950812

You must have made some mistake. I'm not associated with that project in any way whatsoever, contrary to that random Anonymous' claim.

>> No.4950814
File: 212 KB, 500x1303, jp_churchgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original drawfriend also confirmed pantyhose.

>> No.4950815

You do realize it can work both ways, no? For all you know, there's really only one tripfag (using multiple trips) samefagging the entire project.

>> No.4950824

>>Can Chisame have garter+stockings then?
that's a nice idea. so far he has just generic thighhighs, so garter belt would probably make it nicer.

he's such a slut.

>> No.4950827

lol. Untrue, but funny. We're not Cudder.

>> No.4950831

>How does it handle multi-media stuff though? Can it host images/music directly on there, or still need to go through external site?
I'm not sure, but it's best to go with external anyway. Make an ImageShack account for uploading pictures and Tindeck for music/sound.

>> No.4950834

Mind = BLOWN!

>> No.4950842 [SPOILER] 
File: 39 KB, 469x428, 569874123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic.

>> No.4950846

arrrgggg fuck it I can't hold back my urges for nun sex... I'm so sinful.

>> No.4950848


The times don't match for that, though. For the troll, when active, it's mostly been one post a minute.

>> No.4950857

A /jp/ OELVN would be better without H content.

>> No.4950867

I wanted to suggest a centralised FTP, but then I remembered that my server doesn't have good enough specs and output for large files, it can crunch files @ over 1.14mbps but can only cough it back up @ around 260kbps

>> No.4950876

I guess nobody knows what git is? svn?

>> No.4950879

Stop shitting up the thread!

>> No.4950880


If it makes you feel better, she's not really a nun. She just claims to be a priestess.

>> No.4950905

It's really a Cthulhu Moe~ VN adventure in disguise.

>> No.4950923

I've heard of them before, no idea how to use them though. Is it easier to set up than wiki?

>> No.4950937


Damnit! Our plan is found out!

No, not really. It's part of why she's so driven, they would not ordain her. so, she's out to prove all the good she can do.

>> No.4950944

SVN yes, but no one made one during the /jp/ Project thing last year so whatever. I'm just pointing out resources that were already there (e.g. the imageboards that had been setup to accommodate future /jp/ collaborative efforts).

>> No.4951034
File: 44 KB, 500x765, nuntr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh kami-sama, I'm such a sinful woman, even though I wear this outfit and spread the will of god, I'm still tempted by the lust of this world.

>> No.4951058

Git and SVN are version control systems. They let you keep a central repository of a development project, letting you push changes, pull updates, create branches (spin-offs), revert back to original project, merge your branch with the main project. Stuff like that.
Yeah, but I'm lazy and wouldn't mind killing three birds with one stone. Keep everything centralized in one place, backups/version control, and being able to update quickly without checking content or saving from the browser.

>> No.4951079

inb4 someone shops dick into her hands

>> No.4951088

Sounds too /prog/ for me; I think a more casual wiki environment might work better for people to freely and easily contribute. Then again, it might just be one or two people updating the stuff, and wouldn't matter either way.
In any case, I took an earlier suggestion and made a wikia for the project: http://wvn.wikia.com

Don't know how good it'll be, but worth a test.

>> No.4951095

Disregard that, I suck cocks. Still runs into the problem of not being able to upload content without an account.

>> No.4951096

Wiki's are a mild form of VCS since they keep a history. I'd say go for a real VCS for the actual game files and use a wiki for planning and concept stuff.

>> No.4951107


>> No.4951124
File: 44 KB, 497x761, dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in after dick

>> No.4951152

In before the SICP snake.

>> No.4951176
File: 52 KB, 497x761, 1271992692054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4951191

having fun yet?

>> No.4951194

I think that instead of all of this figuring out of the who and the what where, the primary focus should be towards finishing the goddamn script.

The script IS the game. Without it you have NOTHING.

Whatever assets get used or not or tossed to the wayside are DEPENDENT on the script!

Whatever characters get used or not or tossed to the wayside are DEPENDENT on the script!

And the deciding factor of what gets used or not should be whether it adds anything of value to the story.

This is how production should work:

1. Make concept.
2. Write script using that concept as a guideline.
3. Revise script. Repeat as necessary.
4. Finalize script.
5. Create art assets(graphics and audio) based on what the script clearly needs. (This actually makes the character design process easier since you'd know what to expect from the characters, and helps artists not waste time making assets that don't get used.)
6. Put it all together, make amendments were necessary.
7. Polish.
8. Completed VN.

>> No.4951199


>> No.4951202

The problem is that the concepts aren't solidified. I kinda want to help with the writing too, but the characters are changing so often there'd be no point. I'm just gonna wait a week or two to see if we actually come to a decision on this stuff.

>> No.4951206

I agree, but script writing is probably the hardest part in this process; very hard to turn those ideas into actual lines of dialogue and Also, writefags seem to have taken a sick day today, so drawfags are probably just trying to pump out more stuff to keep up the morale.

>> No.4951210

the writefags are sleeping, timezone difference, we do have a script and even a working mockup


>>It's not like I like you or anything, but I took your working script and music file and put together a title screen and duct taped everything together in Novelty to satisfy my curiosity of what it would look like as a visual novel...mock up.

>> No.4951214

Well in the porn race....

Lucetta 1 Nina 0

>> No.4951216
File: 53 KB, 816x658, warehouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4951232

Huh. The script sounded a lot worse when I wasn't reading it in VN form. That's an interesting effect.

>> No.4951238

can I crank out more Lucetta fanart/hentai?

>> No.4951246

Well, it's not really gonna hurt anything if you do.

>> No.4951257


Sure. can't hurt, and it might help us get a better feel for them.

>> No.4951298

I'd prefer some of the other characters, since it's so uneven right now. But shoot, do whatever.

>> No.4951555 [SPOILER] 
File: 247 KB, 1318x1200, trap3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a challenger appears

>> No.4951595

You're absolutely right.

I'd also like to help with the script, but since I can't tell where the original author is intending to go with this I feel like the most I can do is edit the script for readability.

Hell, I actually wouldn't mind writing a route if I knew enough about the story's goals. But I guess that also means there's a lot of room for creative freedom at this point too.

It's from the pacing. When your eyes can skip ahead to the next line you don't take as much time to let the messages sink in and give you the feeling of immersion you get from reading something a bit at a time.

I'm actually...The person who put together the mock up. But! If I had a finished script I could, along with art assets and music, put together a finished game.

I caution everyone involved to please try not to get bogged down with details this early on(like what to use as a data repository, whether it needs to have linux support, etc.) I know that getting bogged down with details is inevitable, but I think if we can all agree that we need a working script it'd be a step in the right direction.

>> No.4951620

Nameless artfag, your interest in this trap character is borderline obsessive. Are you really projecting Chisame or something?

>> No.4951640


Oh, completely. It's the main reason I'm advocating hashing the girls and their historys out, it lets you script, and it would keep them in character.

There IS a method to my madness, believe it or not.

>> No.4951680

i don't like 3dpd, so not really.

i only drew 3 images, so i wouldn't call that an obsession yet. now if i do 30-40, then sure.

if there's a trap i obsess over, it's probably zepar, and even that isn't anywhere close to some characters for who i drew easily over 100 images.

>> No.4951704
File: 34 KB, 622x778, nuntrb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't draw upskirts

>> No.4951736

screw linux most of them dual boot windows anyway

>> No.4951747

and i thought that naruto threads were gay...

>> No.4951759

if drawing girls were gay, I don't want to think about the guys drawing guys

>> No.4952742

Get the fuck out.

>> No.4952750

Oh wow, did you just troll a thread that's inactive for two-three hours?

>> No.4952758

So many tripfags associated with this project now. Disgusting.

>> No.4952791

Why is this shit still here.

>> No.4952818

Why not? Better this tripfag circlejerking fest than rest of /jp/ has to offer.

>> No.4952935


The point of the trip is simply so we can tell who is who. I don't use it for anything else.

>> No.4952988

Agreed. I don't use my trip unless I'm contributing/feel the need to identify myself.

>> No.4953804
File: 207 KB, 1128x449, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna call it a day, I need my sleep. I'll finish Nina and Chris later today hopefully.

>> No.4953830

Wait a second, that red-head...

>> No.4953841

is that some Maria-Holic?

>> No.4953860

No, that's Chisame. I just drew him/her according to what I was given.
That's Alexis, our reverse trap.

>> No.4953951

Oh, devs, teach me how to become a normalfag with this masterpeace of yours! But I don't think it should have sex in it, because sex is so childish and immature xD.

>> No.4954479

i thought his hair in the back wasn't supposed to be bound in any way, just held together by the hair that goes into twintails.

that one looks like a third ponytail or something.

>> No.4954492

I have no knowledge of how exactly his hair goes. I'm just drawing according to what I think I saw. I'll change it in a bit maybe.

>> No.4954504

I can voice acting mail me

>> No.4954599

Wow. You said this in the last thread too, and failed to put a mail. Are you trolling?

>> No.4954663
File: 250 KB, 1129x1200, trap4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought it'd be more like this

>> No.4954680
File: 270 KB, 829x913, sokawaii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty awesome.

>> No.4954824
File: 320 KB, 882x825, vn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4954833

As I was drawing this, I was thinking if Chris should be gay. It'd make a lot of sense why he hasn't assaulted any of the other (he doesn't know Chisame is a trap), and why his sister Alexis dresses like a guy (influenced by her brother that "guys" are prettier/more lovely/etc etc).

>> No.4954870


Humm. And Idea to work off of, at least, although guys CAN live with chicks without, you know, hitting on them.

>> No.4954874

I believe you need to learn more about drawing torso and ribcage. Stuff like http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/1852/1250981600298.jpg

>> No.4954883 [DELETED] 


Also, I thought Lucy was to be more busty then Lucy?

>> No.4954893


i dunno if he'd even be interested in the trap though. from what i know, gay people don't like traps since they remind them of the opposite sex they don't like.

and since he thinks guys are prettier, i dunno if he'd really want to hit on someone who tries hard to look like a girl.

>> No.4954913

>I thought Lucy was to be more busty then Lucy?

So we all agree that Chris is gay?

>> No.4954925


Urghh....let's have another go at that.

I thought NINA was less busty then LUCY?

>> No.4954931


Well, we need a majority opion from the...what, 5, 6, 7 people working on this? Post it as a question to the forms, see what they say..

>> No.4954955

Never heard anything about Lucetta having a great body. All I know was that, people wanted footjob from her. As a former NEET/Hikki, I think Nina would've collected some fat in her body, resulting her DAT ASS, HIPS, and most likely, her breasts.

>> No.4954959

Don't ask for an all agreement when everyone else is asleep. Make your suggestion and prove your case with content. When other people adapt, improve, and work on pieces of their own based on your ideas and content then it will be seriously considered for inclusion.

Nina and Lucy are a perfect example of this. Chisame only to a minor degree, because it was a joke at first.

>> No.4954997

Give Nina a A or B cup, Lucy a C or D. Nina is taller, DEM HIPS, DAT ASS, and could probably be tweaked more to represent this. Lucy can have more of an athletic slim body.

>> No.4955012

C or D Lucetta? Not sure if want...

>> No.4955053


>> No.4955064
File: 321 KB, 882x825, vn2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About a 10% increase. If you want any bigger, you'll need to find yourself another drawfriend/photoshopper.

>> No.4955088

One more shot http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/448/1250982216177.jpg

>> No.4955091


Lucy was always meant to be over all better per-portioned while Nina's thing was her hips and ass. And if you were worried, no, Lucy is not a titty monster.

>> No.4955094

One thing though. How the heck will anyone mistake Alexis for a dude? He looks pretty girly to me. I think you really need short hair for a reverse trap thing to work in most situations.

>> No.4955098

Are you from /co/ or something?

>> No.4955111

I think MC, or anyone can tell she's a girl right off the bat. It's just that, her brother and her both refers to her gender as a he.
Yeah, I'm afraid of having a titty monster nun, that's why I didn't want to make her breasts too huge. Besides, I thought her breasts were big enough already for her height.

>> No.4955131


It looks good with that one, might want to consider flatting Nina slightly.

Otherwise? Looks good.

>> No.4955142

It's just Nina should probably not be big breasted in comparison, and the other cast are pretty small chested. So Lucy should be better proportioned. In fact, consider Lucy to have perfect proportions for a young woman who has lived a healthy youth. Played outside, helped around the house, went to church and did charity work every weekend, practiced a sport. The kind of stuff /jp/ doesn't do, active stuff.

>> No.4955145

the arms ... all your girls look like guys

>> No.4955431

This is starting to look partially non-shitty. I am impressed, /jp/. You managed to make something original that is shaping up to not look like shit.

>> No.4955488

Figured I might as well contribute a bit to the music since it's a bit slow now: http://www.box.net/shared/9nrkn1vt81

I had the prologue section in mind when I did this.

>> No.4955504

I'm male, I don't even know if this thing has other male characters except for MC, which I doubt.

>> No.4955511

It does.
Cool music, bro. That's like the second song you've made. Pretty simplistic, but nice.

>> No.4955531

but then, I doubt OP would want voice acting since the gurlllllllllllllllllllllllllls wont have voices, brb going to voice Ef.

>> No.4955534

>brb going to voice Ef.
I hope you're trolling.

>> No.4955545

I am, my mic is broken...

>> No.4955551

Every fucking year, I cannot articulate how much I hate you retards. You are not part of this board. Period

>> No.4955568

Actually, the other one was made by another Anon. I just rehosted it in a box.net folder so people can better access it. Wasn't initially going to participate in this since there seemed to be a bunch of music bros that were interested.
Where did they all go? ;_;

>> No.4955573

Why don't you kill yourself?

>> No.4955576

god would get angry at me.

>> No.4955585

Get out Ef fandub devs.

>> No.4955590

Nowhere. I can play drums and other bros can play guitar, but that doesn't mean shit. We can't actually make music like you. Also, it's early right now. Most activity in these threads seem to be about 1 o'clock in the morning for me.

>> No.4955605

Don't forget that you're not posting when you're doing stuff.

>> No.4955622


>> No.4955684
File: 276 KB, 669x1429, Chisame_pre-concept_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trap card activated.

>> No.4955693

Oh god, that bulge.

>> No.4955894

What the fuck is this 'Empty Area' shit?

>> No.4955898

missing outer skirt and garter+stockings

>> No.4955927

Areas that will not be colored because there is nothing.

Looks like I put the top right X marker in the wrong place.

>> No.4955947
File: 268 KB, 669x1429, color-in meh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To make the hair not look "thick", or whatever the it is, since the skin and background are the same color.

sad attempt at coloring but whatever.

>> No.4955961

Sorry, I've done enough of that trap for one week. Pass me the next concept and I'll color it.

>> No.4955962

>skin and background are the same color.

Whoops. I mean hair, not skin.

>> No.4955963
File: 773 KB, 2816x2112, fnv[dnohwnpxfbkv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4955981


I mean my sad attempt at coloring it in. Or am I reading your post wrong? Doesn't matter, really.

>> No.4956023

You made it sound like you wanted someone to finish it for you lol. Either way, I'm not doing that trap. Waiting patiently for Alexis's concept ;D

>> No.4956116

So it's true that all these tripfags aren't residents.

>> No.4956156
File: 65 KB, 954x1826, alexis concept.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow great minds think alike. I was just sitting around drawing that nondescript character when I read this. I hope it's everything you were expecting! lolsorandum smiley faces yay! XDXDXDDDDD chin monster and three eye pairs!

>> No.4956200
File: 213 KB, 430x430, not amused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>text emoticons
Not here. You should know that already. Use images if you need to express yourself.

>> No.4956231

Alexis is in those pictures up in the thread. The side-view ones. It's the reverse trap.

>> No.4956581
File: 86 KB, 703x677, 1270418116103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn, it just slip out! Now I gotta jump out the window, thanks.

>> No.4956611

I was the anon who suggested the whole onahole idea. Haven't checked in on you guys in a few days, but I'm glad to see we've braved the storm of trolls and are making progress. I'd be glad to help in any way or just join in on the discussion.

>> No.4956650

Welcome back. We're still working on Chris, Alexis and Chisame in terms of personality, hobby, and maybe appearance a bit more. So far, a few of us have favored Chris to be gay (so he doesn't hit on the other characters and gives a logical reason for why Alexis, his sister, became a reverse trap) and that's... pretty much all we got. Then again, Chris doesn't have to be gay if a lot of people vote against it.

>> No.4956714

Do it again.

>> No.4956739

I'm still bleeding from the last jump. Can I rest first?

>> No.4959136

I don't know if we should make Chris straight up gay; maybe more of a "gay on the weekends" sort of character. But it's really up to the writefag to be able to pull this off successfully one way or another.

>> No.4959162

He's Bi. The protag can have a dream of Chris getting it on with his sister

>> No.4959178

Chris is asexual. He's not attracted to anyone. And Yes that IS a sexual preference it's just very very rare.

>> No.4959447

Did people finally give up on this or did the interested people move somewhere off 4chan?

>> No.4959465

They're zzzzzzzzzzz

>> No.4959466

People are burning out. That, or it's the weekends - believe it or not, that may be the common NEET's most productive time!

>> No.4959602

Decided to play some 12.3 instead.

>> No.4959842

well if chris is asexual and we need a gay character, there's always the trap.

>> No.4959908

I hope you guys can start discussing things more constructive than side characters' sexual orientations. Just a thought.

>> No.4959935

Can Chris be play mahjong as his hobby?

>> No.4959975

Sure, but they're just filler characters anyway.

>> No.4960136

fleshing out the side characters usually makes them more fun, as well as should give some ideas for conversations with them.

you won't be seeing them as often as the main girls, but that doesn't mean they need to be boring, flat one dimensional characters.

main girls are already described pretty well anyway.

>> No.4960681

Chris can be asexual, but how will we explain why Alexis dresses like a guy? To prevent her from being raped (even I would think twice before raping a girl that refers to herself as/act like a guy)?

Maybe some kind addicted gambler (or used to be), so he usually ends up losing all his money (resulting him being kicked out by his parents/becoming homeless/etc. Alexis, being close to her brother, moved out with him I guess)

>> No.4961044

By the way, the drawfags here need to start copying each others work so that they can collaborate without slipping in their personal style/bad habits.

>> No.4961079

hopefully things will consolidate into the same style as the multi colored Lucetta one, JADF draws shitty eyes

>> No.4961182


Ah.. I'd like to try help with this, but, guess my art style would be too dissimilar to really collaborate.

Ah well, suppose there's always fanart

>> No.4961211

Can I help write something yet or what?

>> No.4961226

Just contribute what you have. Practice and get better as long as you don't limit yourself to whatever habits you're comfortable with.

>> No.4961272 [DELETED] 

For now we're still pretty loose. Later, our team needs to have a designated position for the art.
1. Art Director: one person that pretty much acts as a link between all the artists and writer, sending completed/incomplete pieces to the proper artist
2. Storyboard/Sketch artist: one that does nothing but sketch/key drawings (and maybe really some really simple coloring), building the story up from the ground
3. Line artist: one that takes the proper key drawings and do the proper lining and all the major fixings.
4. Color artist: one that only color and shades (and alter lines if needed). Not much to say.
5. Background artist: someone that does all the backgrounds. This position can also be filled by one of the artist above.
6. Editor/Photoshopper: someone that takes all the finished work to inspect and fine tune
7. Secondary Editor/Photoshopper: someone that takes all the finished work by the FIRST EDITOR ONLY to inspect and fine tune more.
The art will go from 2 to 7 TWICE, meaning it will be completed once, then be inspected by all the artists that've worked on it to ensure it's perfect. Long process and complicated process in my opinion, but it will bring out the best of work from us and at the same time be very uniformed.

>> No.4961290

This is why I won't do anything more than fanart.. lol I have trouble trying to copy another artists style.

>> No.4961338

What the shit? That's way too complicated organization scheme. Good luck getting organized enough to do something like this.

>> No.4961364


Hmm.. I've an idea bouncing around in my head for trying to do something for Lucy. Not sure if I'll do it tonight though.

Any other character concepts I could play with?

>> No.4961378

Agreed. Considering we STILL have not made the test run version, that's just TRYING to kill this project with its complicatedness. Same with the number of characters, three is more than enough.

>> No.4961387

read the project site, it lists the character settngs and has the links to the archives along with galleries of current concept art I'm sure you'll find something in there.

>> No.4961392

we have a test run version, it's a mockup with the old version of the script


>> No.4961404

>5. Background artist: someone that does all the backgrounds.

So uh... you need help on this?... also on GUI coding...

You have my bow... and Arrows.

>> No.4961413

Don't you have your own VN to be working on Mugen?

>> No.4961418
File: 34 KB, 594x373, 1249716138346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4961442

True, but BG-CG is my forte so making one won't be that hard and I am more than willing to contribute if asked. I would love to see this project take off.

>> No.4961451

no mugen all you do is 3dpg models and slap filters on them to make them look 2d

>> No.4961456

For you're "..."s, Mugen.

>> No.4961461

Ok mugen you can go render the warehouse, run along now.

>> No.4961475

Oh my God!

>> No.4961531


Don't know about the rest of you, but it's giving me shit about there being no d3dx9_37.dll file or something.

>> No.4961545

I really strongly suggest to use Renpy for stability so people could focus on the actual content.

>> No.4961555


update your Directx you retard

>> No.4961561

fuck you mugen renpy takes much time to code for, the same time they could be using to actually write the damn story.

go play with your own vn oh wait, it's not done yet because you're taking your lazy ass time coding for renpy

>> No.4961614

Great ideas. Yes, I was hoping someone would step up to the plate and organize everything in just such a way that the whole project halts to a standstill when just one of many contributors is lazy.

>> No.4961627

I was actually going to ask you about that, but they will have to be your best backgrounds ever, beyond anything you've ever done in the past.

>> No.4961650


This shitty drawfag thanks you for even taking the time to dig up a link. Cheers.

>> No.4961745

..Oh wow. Apparently this thing's directX hasn't been updated since april 2006 or something.

Suppose this explains a lot.

>> No.4961748

Yeah, now you mention it, my idea does seem retarded. Please forget what I said.

>> No.4961856

>Page 5
>313 post
We need a new thread soon.

>> No.4961925

No. /jp/ should not be that fast. Let this one die in a few hours so we don't have two threads like before.

>> No.4962039

But it's easier to get things done in Renpy. Even a layman like me can produce decent GUI in a short time. With all due respect you obviously don't know what you are talking about.

And please see my blog and projects page before you accuse me of things.


>> No.4962348

your blog serves to only show that you are filthy corean and that my point about 3dpd cg was right

>> No.4962492

This is what you need:
1. The person who draws the sprites, so that would be a combination of the line and color artist. In all likelihood will be the "art director" as well.
2. Storyboard artist. Should be the same guy as 1, in all honesty.
3. Background artist.
That's it. No more than 2-3 artists for the final product.

If you have more people interested in contributing art--well, anyone can make concept art in the planning stage.

>> No.4962745

What the heck is a storyboard artist? Also, who does the CGs?

>> No.4962834

Actually, his latest bg does seem to be a big improvement from the others I've seen.

>> No.4962886

still obvious 3d generated model, and it looks out of place with 2d sprites.

>> No.4962979

I'm not sure what you're asking, so have this link instead:

>Also, who does the CGs?
The same person who does the character sprites, I'd presume.

>> No.4963005

I mean, I know what it means, but I just don't see how it really works here. You're not doing an animation or movie - aren't the words enough to describe what's going on?

>The same person who does the character sprites, I'd presume.
Is that the norm? It always seems to me that characters in the CGs are somewhat different looking than the sprite ones. I wasn't sure if that was intentional or just due to different artist doing it.

>> No.4963059
File: 165 KB, 1200x900, file_002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Dandelion Girl kinetic novel was storyboarded by the artist. In fact, the final script was based off the storyboards, instead of the other way around.

>Is that the norm?
I don't know, but for a relatively small, amateur project like this it's acceptable. For example, Tsukihime.

>> No.4963118

The norm is that developers work together in a company where that kind of structure actually makes sense, unlike what we have here. People are just trying to sound clever by suggesting everyone should follow a simplified copy of what large production companies do.

Needless to say, that is complete bullshit. Even if we were in a production company one could argue about more modern and even entirely new production/development models and work methods. Rather than mindlessly mimicking traditional companies who actually have the resources to throw away on multi-year productions with huge dev teams.

>> No.4965654

Sweet ladies blood. No wonder I could not find a new thread, this one is still here.
