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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 139 KB, 1118x243, refugee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4944840 No.4944840 [Reply] [Original]

[a/ refugee here. I hope we can all get along for the summer.

What are some of your interests?

>> No.4944844

Oh for fuck sake.

>> No.4944843

Delete thread.
Don't mention where you are "from."

>> No.4944855

Whatever, /jp/ is long gone under the shit of gamefaq normalfags.

>> No.4944856


>> No.4944859

Fuck off to /a/, or just delete this thread and lurk until you figure out that /jp/ is not your refugee.

>> No.4944850
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>> No.4944867
File: 81 KB, 414x1291, meido_san2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will never return ;_;.
Someone tells /b/ to come and do a KoG raid. Maybe that'll wake her up...

>> No.4944870

NO! get the fuck out! We already have a huge problem with our janitor missing.

Go back to your shithole and fight the Geass assault once again.

>> No.4944877

We will use CP as a ultimate effort. There is still time left before that.

>> No.4944887

>implying /jp/ isn't best when there is no moderation

>> No.4944889

I better tell taiga to come and make your lives a living hell

>> No.4944890

oh sweet code geass. expecting a lot of threads in /jp/ this summer.

>> No.4944898

preferably about code geass

>> No.4944900

You must think /jp/ is fantastic then when some idiot makes invasion request threads on /b/ and more than half the threads on this board are spam.

>> No.4944906

Then you are probably wrong here as I'm the only one who hasn't watched any Geass series yet, though that's because I'm just too lazy and I don't like spaghetti in my visual media

>> No.4944908

>implying we don't enjoy being raided

>> No.4944910

Nah, I'm cool with Taiga and most of the tripfags. I'm just pissed with the new tripfags especially with that fucker whose trip is Animoe and Mangar or some shit like that...

>> No.4944918

Well... I like weightlifting, swimming and other exercise. I recently picked up guitar and I'm enjoying that. I don't draw much anymore but I like working with my hands.

>> No.4944919

Just a few days ago, there was code geass CHESS thread in /jp/, good luck holing up in some other board.

>> No.4944921

Smoked Cheese?

>> No.4944922

No. We have enough hell with you alone.

>> No.4944927
File: 28 KB, 266x285, 1269098831018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noodle people

>> No.4944928

we love getting penetrated by big foreign boards so they can mess us up from the inside and spray their warm spam everywhere

>> No.4944931

im only malebolge

we need to add more circles

>> No.4944935

That's my fetish...

>> No.4944938

like the spam isn't as bad as most of the threads already on /jp/

>> No.4944950

Well, since most of the threads are infested with newfriends such as you.

>> No.4944954

Lurk more, faggot.

>> No.4944961

/jp/ is pretty shitty right now. I for one welcome /a/. Even if you'll spread annoying faggotry, at least it'll be new annoying faggotry.

Angry /jp/ is cute but never tell you you're from another board if you don't want the native savages to go nuts on you.

>> No.4944962
File: 403 KB, 1000x1010, bd76f406462a1f5ac0c76692db453c8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ictim here

After a mass banning of Pokemon threads, mods have made clear that it is against the rules in /v//

Can we have them here instead?

>> No.4944966


Oh god not this aga-

>Code Geass thread at over 800 replies is stickied

It's already begun.

>> No.4944977

You know you can't.

>> No.4944979

Maybe you can go to /a/ instead, it's better for all of us that way since you like newfaggotry that much.

>> No.4944980


Loli: yes.
Pokemon: no.

>> No.4944987

Pokemon, no. But Touhoumon, maybe yes. And play the rest of all the Touhou games when you are at that.

>> No.4944993

Hey faggots, pokemon is japanese culture, but is seen as child-otaku(?)-culture

>> No.4944998
File: 1.28 MB, 1750x1000, 1270343734175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought it was worth asking
Oh well

>> No.4945001

I already do.

>> No.4945003

Well, I knew the summer was gonna be bad. I didn't expect it was going to be that bad though.

>> No.4945018
File: 128 KB, 500x1000, 9b558c206ec99a5b8178e4ec859fe25d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of manchild would I be if I hadn't already played Touhou as well?

Not that I've gotten anywhere with it. Only managed to 1cc PCB so far, and get my ass handed to me in all the fighting games.

>> No.4945024

Hey /v/, pokemon is a game, but it is seen as child-game(?)

That attitude won't make it any better, we'll have to double our efforts to make this place not so bad.

>> No.4945043
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I'm sorry, you got the wrong mules that can't do anything.

>> No.4945059

I see a lot of people that know how to deal with the bad threads and all, I know I'm not alone.

>> No.4945072

We don't efforts before since /jp/ is all about taking it easy. But since we can't even do that in peace now, /jp/ needs to do something about it.

>> No.4945114
File: 175 KB, 1235x800, 1240881050551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting wannabe-NEETs to UNITE against faggotry, if only /a/ already didn't make this, I would witness and record.

>> No.4945133

We've had multiple long lasting pokemon thread on /jp/ at least I welcome them

>> No.4945326

What the fuck, why did ban Pokemon in /v/?
