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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4943912 No.4943912 [Reply] [Original]

In japan, girls who are on the pill are seen as sluts.

How does this make you feel /jp/?

>> No.4943914


>> No.4943920

It should be that way.

>> No.4943925

So they like their females to lead a more painful and dangerous life?

>> No.4943930

Totaly good

>> No.4943969

i ate my gf's whole pack of birthcontrol pills thinking it was the new UFO pez dispenser...

>> No.4943976

enjoy being no longer a man

>> No.4943978

In this thread, highly imperfect /jp/ users demand perfection from girls, or brush them off as useless whores.

>> No.4943995

In this thread, highly imperfect /jp/ users demand girls not have casual sex, or brush them off as useless whores.

>> No.4944000

Yeah obviously, we're all pure and virgin-preserving. Suuuuure.

>> No.4944007
File: 67 KB, 490x424, Failure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone on /jp/ isn't a virgin they need to get out.

>> No.4944021

wow that that pic made my day... "Get out of here, you un-virgin!"

>> No.4944030

Masturbation is impure. Everyone on /jp/ is a slut of the worst kind, the selfish kind.

>> No.4944036

Virginity is irrelevant. Perfect girls, don't go for our type.

>> No.4944038

You should really read the manga, it's pretty good. Source is Sundome.

>> No.4944043

I was told that if i masterbate as a child i will go blind... like i cared, i was pretty sure that i would still be able to find it.

>> No.4944046

i think i should do that indeed

>> No.4944057 [DELETED] 

Unvirgin here, feels good.

>> No.4944070

Hivemind will blast you off the face of the earth for that.

>> No.4944108

Pixel Cot. hates happiness.

>> No.4944154

It's all good, if not for that, some other minor detail. Besides, it's good to demonstrate the variety present.

As for the pill, it's really the best alternative in a stable relationship. Minimal hassle, maximum effect. For random sex you need a condom as well, so much less of a reason to bother with pills in addition.

>> No.4944169

In a stable relationship that's fine. However, most women who use the pill do so for casual sex which makes them disgusting.

>> No.4944182

No she is a slut because she isn't a little girl anymore. SLUT.

>> No.4944197

What else are you supposed to use the pill for? I presume in a relationship it's OK?

>> No.4944217

Oh good, it's OK then. I do agree casual sex is pretty pathetic.

>> No.4944226
File: 8 KB, 191x231, 1269774692315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So glad I lost my virginity over almost a year ago now with the girl I love. Good times.

>> No.4944229

Japan sucks

>> No.4944233

Add stable in front and it's all good. You should have at least been seeing the person for a while, and think that it's going to last before you have sex.

>> No.4944231 [DELETED] 

because sex is some sacred union which must be done between two loving partners

/jp/ - pathetic romantics

>> No.4944238
File: 11 KB, 131x225, reported.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, slut.

>> No.4944247

itt failures and enviers accuse girls for having sex with everyone but them. 'cause u'r only good at whining, which doesnt impress girls and doesn't make u worthy of them

>> No.4944248


Nah, no one in this thread is really a romantic. They like to think of themselves as such, but really they're just creepy and misguided. Romantics have more emotional depth than the average /jp/ user, whose attitude towards love is thus: SHE MUST BE A VIRGIN, OTHERWISE FUCK EVERYTHING ELSE.

I mean, that's their one stipulation it seems. This obsession with virginity and therefore sex... you're all like sluts, really. Is that all you think about? Her vagina? Perverts.

>> No.4944299

Her penis is important too.

>> No.4944433

>In this thread, highly imperfect /jp/ users demand perfection from girls, or brush them off as useless whores.
/jp/'s ideal girl is a not ugly, virgin NEET or better yet hikikomori. That's hardly demanding perfection.

Well yeah, why would you want used goods.

>This obsession with virginity and therefore sex... you're all like sluts, really.
Aren't we obsessed with purity (as in not having sex), isn't that the opposite of being a slut.

>> No.4944460


>isn't that the opposite of being a slut.

No. The opposite of being a slut would be not thinking about it at all, or even if you do not really having such a strong opinion on it. When I think of dating a girl, I don't give a shit about her virginity. Not that I wouldn't mind a little if she wasn't a virgin, but I don't think about it initially. I think about getting to know her, holding her hand, going walks, shit like that. /jp/ on the other hand sees a girl and wonders if she has a hymen. It's just a creepy vagina obsession that makes you as focused on sex as sluts, just in a different way.

Oh, and no, you aren't obsessed with a girl 'not having sex'. You're obsessed with a girl not having sex with anyone but YOU, as though women belong to you or something. Again, just creepy. Not romantic. Not 'pure'. Creepy.

>> No.4944481

>Well yeah, why would you want used goods.
Also, girls are human beings, not goods.

>> No.4944482

That's quite the misguided assumption. I wouldn't have sex with a girl unless we were married, period. I think a girl who would oblige me before marriage is a slut and not worth it anyway.

>> No.4944485


lol, as if these morons could handle this fact. They think the world is an eroge where girls are nothing but narrative points.

>> No.4944491


protip dude: no girl will ever have sex wit you, married or not. There's no point in having a preference.

>> No.4944496

Jesus christ, not another one of these threads. Trolls being trolled by trolls and like only one genuine misogynistic poster among them.

>> No.4944497


We're all commodities in the market of sexual selection.

>> No.4944499

I think you forget that women make up more than half the population. Finding one that would have sex with me really wouldn't be hard. The thing is, that would go against my preferences and really just sounds like a waste to me.

>> No.4944505

>You're obsessed with a girl not having sex with anyone but YOU, as though women belong to you or something.
Well yes, isn't that the point. You belong to her, she belongs to you. True love and all that jazz.

>> No.4944506

>they still need real girls
Seriously, why would you do this?

>> No.4944522
File: 62 KB, 250x140, kafukamirada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4944532

True love also means admitting people have flaws you know, and forgiving mistakes. Not sexual ones specifically, but in general.

>> No.4944534

I wouldn't buy a car without taking it for a test ride first. Or buy I house I haven't even seen a picture of.

>> No.4944541


THIS. This is what is out of /jp/'s grasp, because this is how love works in the REAL world. No one is perfect. And -shock, horror- even nonvirgin girls can be beautiful and worthy to fall in love with. Seriously. They don't turn into demonic witch megasluts overnight after having sex with one boyfriend and breaking up with him later on. Amazing, huh?

>Finding one that would have sex with me really wouldn't be hard


Once again,

/jp/ - Idiot Culture

>> No.4944547

Would you buy a bed you haven't fucked in?

>> No.4944548

>>Finding one that would have sex with me really wouldn't be hard
Much like some girls are beautiful and worthy to fall in love with. Some girls are stupid and desperate enough to have sex with that poster. Girls are human, they're not a different species, bro.

>> No.4944563

All women are sluts, even those who are virgins. They just haven't had the opportunity to act like one.

Perfection doesn't exist in 3D form. We need to look for it in the 2D world.

>> No.4944566

Sounds kind of kinky, do you test drive by fudgepacking the salesman or what?

>> No.4944567

>You're obsessed with a girl not having sex with anyone but YOU, as though women belong to you or something
Hey, it worked for over 5000 years. Why is it suddenly creepy now?

>> No.4944574

Hiveminded perma-virgin detected~

>> No.4944576

>REAL world
Doesn't factor into it, 3D slut lover.

>> No.4944580

Indeed, women are animals that need to be tamed. Nowadays they are allowed to run free and fuck everyone and everything. No wonder all of them have turned into bitches and whores.

>> No.4944582

So, uhh, source on the OP?

>> No.4944589

It beats fucking impure women and letting them control my mind and life.

>> No.4944594


u mad?

>> No.4944596

Stay single, enjoy life. I'm doing the same, and even have a few as friends.

>> No.4944600

>THIS. This is what is out of /jp/'s grasp, because this is how love works in the REAL world.
>True love also means admitting people have flaws you know, and forgiving mistakes. Not sexual ones specifically, but in general.
This is what normalfags like to believe.

>> No.4944601

You don't need to actually fuck in it, it's enough to lie down and feel it, maybe bounce around a little. And that's an obvious must before buying a bed, yes.

>> No.4944609


He says, while he goes back to play a VN, which is basically Normalfag: The Game

>> No.4944618

Except the women in them are pure and lovable.

>> No.4944624

If by "pure" you mean "give it up to some guy they met two days ago and have no reason to expect will stick around"

>> No.4944632

Character archetypes like tsundere, oujo-sama, imouto, onee-san. kaichou, kuudere, etc. don't exist in 3D, normalfag. How the hell can a VN be Normalfag: The Game if 3D can't even give perfect equivalents of such archetypes? All we get are manipulative whores, bitches, sluts, money-grubbing women, etc. Are 3D giels really that likable to you?

>> No.4944646

Pay attention.

>> No.4944647

Wow, that's just plain self-deception.

>> No.4944650


>Character archetypes like tsundere, oujo-sama, imouto, onee-san. kaichou, kuudere, etc. don't exist

lol, idiot

What the FUCK do you think these things are based on, if not reality? Did the developers just pull them out of their asses?

2D love is just 3D love through a different lens. 2D could not exist without 3D. What is 2D referenced from, exactly? Pure, untouched waifus? Uhh, no. Women. 3D women. That's what you're looking at, through the pen of some artist. A woman. You find her attractive because she looks like a woman, not an anime character.

Now go look at some yaoi. Is that still hot? No? Why not? It's glorious 2D!

Oh yeah, 'cause it's based on two men having sex, which you wouldn't watch in 3D. It's exactly the same. Different format. Stop playing so dumb.

>> No.4944659

>Now go look at some yaoi. Is that still hot? No?
Wrong, get out of here faggot.

>> No.4944676

ITT: Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls.

>> No.4944679

Yes, 2D is based on 3D, so fucking what? Gold is refined from gold ore which is full of unnecessary filth. It's the same exact thing with 2D.

I can also easily filter out the 2D stuff I don't like by simply not watching/reading/whatever it.

>> No.4944684

>2D love is just 3D love through a different lens.
Not even trying.

>What is 2D referenced from, exactly? Pure, untouched waifus? Uhh, no. Women. 3D women.
Sure, it is based on 3D women but the fact the they are depressingly horrible is what makes 2D superior. In 2D, you know that there's someone for you, even if she's just an image in the screen, unlike in 3D where you see a fuckton of sluts and yet you cannot get your self to talk to them. They also look down on you if you don't have a big cock or lots of cash.

You get to know the 2D more without any hint of motive. You see through the girl -- you will know she's 'naturally' like that, unlike 3D whores where you will have to wrack your brains out before you figure out they're just jealous or shit.

>That's what you're looking at, through the pen of some artist. A woman. You find her attractive because she looks like a woman, not an anime character.
An idealized woman, I may add. And in 3D you fall for the looks first, personality second. In 2D, looks and personality go hand in hand.

>> No.4944690

You're telling me in the west it isnt like that?


>> No.4944695


>but the fact the they are depressingly horrible

Name your last three girlfriends.

If you haven't had them, shut the fuck up. You've had no experience with women and therefore can't make these sorts of judgements. What's this crap even based on? Guesswork? Things that /jp/ tell you to parrot?

>> No.4944697

Oooh, generalizations, generalizations~

>> No.4944720

Great, I actually three:
One is a demanding bitch that I cannot find time for myself.
One is an attention whore.
The last one treated me like a boytoy who she can play around anytime. Not to mention she was still seeing her sugar-daddy.

Happy now? I wouldn't be talking shit like this if I didn't know shit how horrible most women are.

>What's this crap even based on? Guesswork?
It's called imagination, normalfag. It's work of fiction after all.

>> No.4944724

>VN, which is basically Normalfag: The Game
Do all normalfags have a harem of pure girls that love you to choose from.
Do all normalfags get a magical girlfriends and lolis?

>What the FUCK do you think these things are based on, if not reality?
Oh boy, we aren't just dealing with a normalfag, we are dealing with a retarded normalfag.

>Now go look at some yaoi. Is that still hot?
Yes, some of my moyashimon doujins belong to my favourite porn.

>> No.4944745

Source on translated version of OP's manga.

>> No.4944758


>Oh boy, we aren't just dealing with a normalfag, we are dealing with a retarded normalfag.

super sekrit /jp/ club ^___^~! we are all so weird here!1 fuken normalfags! lol! bet he has a job nnd everyfin!11

...no. Firstly, I'm nowhere near the 'normalfag' archetype /jp/ likes to imagine. Virgin. Permastudent. No job. No girlfriend. 1 or 2 friends (loose term).

Second, you're not actually that different from 'normalfags'. You think being a shut in, playing video games/VNs/watching anime/whatever all day, and fapping to hentai makes you some outcast walking on the fringes of society? No, it just makes you a loser. Nothing wrong with that, I'm a loser too. But there's nothing particularly remarkable or deep about it. You aren't special or different from anyone.

Thirdly, were you suggesting that that those character traits don't exist in the real world? You really think there are no tsundere girls? It's not exactly complicated psychology. Girls have existed for hundreds of years before eroges, y'know.

>> No.4944762
File: 9 KB, 200x150, 1233903523065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fascinating, Joey!

>> No.4944769

>Name your last three girlfriends.
- Chubby weeaboo girl, pretends to have a nice personality but I learned she used to be a huge slut.
- Cute but rather dumb girl. Cheated on me with her ex.
- Plain looking blond girl (normally don't like blonds but I was feeling lonely and I caved in). The result was drama, drama, drama, drama, ... and non of it had anything to do with me.

>If you haven't had them, shut the fuck up. You've had no experience with women and therefore can't make these sorts of judgements.
That's stupid, you don't need to be a musician to know when someone can't sing. You don't need to be a painter to appreciate art.

>> No.4944776


Except she's being tricked into taking fertility drugs.

>> No.4944778

This reeks of last night.

>You really think there are no tsundere girls?
I, for one, have never seen a 3D tsundere girl. Bitch? Yes. Tsundere? Nah.

>> No.4944795

I've dated one, although the tsun faded quickly when we actually started dating. A classic-type tsundere in that respect.

>> No.4944807

What? Girls using stereotypes to attract otaku? Lying sluts.

>> No.4944810

>Thirdly, were you suggesting that that those character traits don't exist in the real world?
Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. Perfect women like in VNs don't exist they are fantasy. I hope you realise The Lord of The Rings isn't a documentary and elves aren't real.

>> No.4944821

Don't try so hard. People have real personalities too, you know.

>> No.4944827

Disgusting personalities?

>> No.4944830


Source was only given for this image.

>> No.4944848


Yup. Like yours.

>> No.4944853

This has nothing to do with women. People as a whole have terrible personalities and they are all awful, including you. I am a terrible person. You are a terrible person. People are selfish flawed pieces of shit that run on animal neurosis, just get used to it.

>> No.4944883

And also, none of those "pure" 2D women would go for us. Because the 2D MEN are also comparatively attractive.

>> No.4944886


Seriously, I never thought of it this way.

>> No.4944907



>> No.4944909

After having played otome eroge, I'd go gay for some 2D guys. Preferably I'd be turned into a little girl first though.

>> No.4944915

There is always a rape option though.

>> No.4944925

Unless you're playing a rape VN (and then you're hardly a pure person yourself), enjoy the bad end...

>> No.4944943

1) I never said I'm a pure person, in fact I agree with >>4944853
2) Life always has a bad end

>> No.4944981

Well you're fine as far as I'm concerned. Not in denial, or hypocritical...

>> No.4945149

But in the West, the woman, and especially the lady, finds herself in a false position; for woman, rightly called by the ancients, sexus sequior, is by no means fit to be the object of our honor and veneration, or to hold her head higher than man and be on equal terms with him. The consequences of this false position are sufficiently obvious.

>> No.4948045

Nothing wrong with being a slut, if you're not stupid about it.
