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4935106 No.4935106 [Reply] [Original]

buyfag here, are any of the 18+ games for sale on mangagamer worthwhile?

Link for reference: http://www.mangagamer.com/r18/

>> No.4935113

Download a copy, try it, if it is, buy it.

>> No.4935116

Yes. Kirakira is worthwhile. It provides hours of wacky band and tour scene, music, some SoL and dramu. 8/10 tier at least.

>> No.4935120

Who is the hottie with the bass?

>> No.4935128

KiraKira is great.
Suika is also pretty good.
The rest range from 'meh' to 'not bad'.

>> No.4935129

Except the second half of the game, no matter what route you take, turns into shitty drama.

>> No.4935136

That's just your (shitty) opinion.

>> No.4935137

Edelweiss bundle should be worth it if they've corrected the translation of the first game.

>> No.4935138

Wait till the 30th and buy the Kirakira bundle.

Edelweiss bundle will be worth it once the editing patch comes out.

>> No.4935139

Alright, they offer a free trial of Kira Kira so I'll definitely check that out~

>> No.4935143

The dramu in Kirakira is meh, but the fun of first half totally make up for it. Second half scenario is planned by different person anyway.

>> No.4935144

ITT: My own personal Opinion > your own personal opinion.

>> No.4935146
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>> No.4935148

Question is.... which one of those people is writing Deardrops? I hope it's the first half guy.

>> No.4935151

That's exactly the problem. If it was done by one person and was consistently lighthearted and fun throughout the whole thing, it would have been far better.

Which is why I'm hoping Deardrops doesn't fall into that same bullshit.

>> No.4935158


I didn't see any problem about the second half, I liked it more than first half

>> No.4935162


It will be all music, all the time.

>> No.4935165

I really need to play more of Kirakira to discover this hilarious joke. Shame I can't find the motivation, I'm at Chapter 2, after the second gig and I just can't be bothered. I like the characters and shit, but god it seems to drag.

>> No.4935168


I actually wanted it to drag, since I liked it so much

>> No.4935174

Which joke? you mean what's her name getting torched? that was a joke?

>> No.4935177


I liked the contrast between the parts though. I thought that difference was sort of the point of the game. Childish dreams vs. adult reality.

>> No.4935190
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Kirakira is done by two scenario designer; Bamboo handles the music/band/tour, Setoguchi Ren'ya (who is popular due to Swan Song) is the drama. The latter handles all the writing for Kirakira.

Deardrops should've Bamboo handles most of the planning, but writer might be different.

Some people might enjoy the first half only, some (Ren'ya fanboy) the second half only.

Bamboo is the guy in black shirt. He also writes for Overdrive's dev blog.

>> No.4935192

The biggest thing that bothered me about Kira Kira was how they went from having no musical experience to touring the country in just three months.

>> No.4935193

Thanks for spoiling, faggot.

>> No.4935199

Kira Kira is the only thing of Ren'ya I read.
So I'm not a fanboy, but I consider Kirari's normal route the best part of the game by far.
Also Chie's route was pretty good, it had some very nice scenes.

>> No.4935206

Agreed with Chie route being pretty good, but disagree with Kirari normal route part as the best since I can't help looking at it as forced dramu.

>> No.4935216

It's called fiction faggot so complaining about that it's just as stupid as say complaining about all those colors in VNs or unrealistically depicted characters, or fantasy / scifi elements and so on.
Or how in real action movies or series all the main characters looks like perfectly drafted models and how the characters act so fucking cliche, or those silly racial an gender quotas that are completely unrealistic and only there for propaganda

>> No.4935222


Only because they were backed by Star Generation and had Kirari singing. That's pretty much the only reason they were even vaguely successful. Not to mention they being taught by Tonoya.

>> No.4935223


That is fixed in Deardrops.

>> No.4935231

Tonoya is a stupid emo faggot. He does fuck all to help them, he just hangs around with them, being a stoner and tells them to dumbass shit and says deep shit because 'PUNKU ROCKU' is serious business.

>> No.4935234

They weren't even successful, it was primarily some sort indie scene hype obscure type of thing

>> No.4935236


Well fuck you too, shit cunt.

(Am I acting punk enough?)

>> No.4935249

I thought that was fucking hilarious how they were just throwing 'fuck you' in a sentence, and the way it sounds so Engrish is fucking hilarious. Shame it was just a stupid joke and never actually mattered, Tonoya was just being a stoner as usual and told them to be dumb faggots and say stupid shit.

>> No.4935252

That game just keeps getting better and better.

>> No.4935257


Mangagamer confirmed that he stops playing in a band and just smokes weed everyday.

>> No.4935268

Yeah Kira Kira is worth it.
If you want to get it cheaper and not insist on your ero then you can go with the erofree version too, which was somewhat cheaper.
Edelweiss games would be worth it too, but you might wanna wait until the improved translation for the original game is out (few months or weeks whatever).
Though not 18+, Higurashi's first 4 episode would be worth it too in my opinion, but I'd wait with getting Kai until there's going to be a cheaper offer combining all releases.

I personally think Soul Link was decent enough game for spending money on it too.

>> No.4935269


Deardrops is going to be pretty fucking awesome.

>> No.4935277

I've just been skipping through the DearDrops demo. I can't help but wonder which one of the heroines is going to die tragically. Overdrive do seem to like killing and/or maiming at least one of their girls.

>> No.4935282

From what I've played, I would not say Kira Kira is worth it. Does it get better after chapter 2 or something? Shit is pretty tiresome now, characters are cool besides rich girl.

>> No.4935285

>Deardrops is going to be pretty fucking awesome
I don't think so because not written by Setoguchi, so most likely it will end up as a generic moe romp with some music thrown in. Still better than Liar-shit but you know that's not really hard to achieve

>> No.4935287
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>> No.4935288

Nah, I think only Ren'ya fap to writing tragedic or dying scenes. See Swan Song.

>> No.4935290

The world needs more awesome eroge like Swan Song.
Too bad Ren'ya retired from the eroge business.

>> No.4935295

Good comedy or moe romp are hard to achieve. Some of fail ones includes Wind to Figure of Happiness. There are tons of shit untranslated so you can't know.

Anyway, Kirakira and MuvLuv Extra seems to be the most entertaining translated VN I've read so far.

>> No.4935304


>> No.4935315

>Kirakira and MuvLuv Extra
By 'most entertaining' do you also mean best? If so, fuck you.

>> No.4935343

No, not 'best' shit like newfriends' recently useless thread. They got weakness too, but when it comes to entertainment they're pretty good.

Imagine beginning part of each Higurashi, but 20 times longer before it hits drama. Kira Kira take the turn abruptly after tour's end, MLE gradually.

>> No.4935351

I had much more fun with Higurashi, even from the get go. Kira Kira was great overall but I would not label it as the most entertaining.

>> No.4935359

The slice of life scenes in Higurashi were very boring to me.
Oh well different taste and all

>> No.4935367

>he slice of life scenes in Higurashi were very boring to me.
I haven't read Higurashi, but I also find slice of life boring. Unless it's really well written and actually funny, but otherwise it has to be used in extreme moderation or I just get bored out of my mind.

>> No.4935370

Because the characters had much more soul in Higurashi while they seemed pretty boring and unexplored in Kira Kira until the routes started. The best parts in Kira Kira for me were when it started to get more serious.

>> No.4935383


Best game ever...

>> No.4935386
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Only one girl mattered in this game. No matter how hard the game tried, it couldn't make me like the others in the slightest.

>> No.4935390
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>> No.4935397


You will never have Chie for the canon end girl.

>> No.4935402


Who did the scenario/writing for Edelweiss then?

>> No.4935415

Oh, didn't expect to come back and find this thread still running!

In regards to Higurashi I really want to buy it but I feel like I'll be missing out without the porn. Is there any sort of patch out there or in the works to splice the ero scenes back in?

>> No.4935416

I don't care what the devs say. It's the only route that mattered to me.

>> No.4935418

Higurashi never had any porn to begin with.

>> No.4935419

Just get all FASISO releases and profit.

>> No.4935420

:O I had no idea

>> No.4935437

Well, Koihime Musou is coming out this month or the next. It's the only one I plan on buying.

>> No.4935443

>Koihime Musou
I've never heard of this.

>> No.4935462



Its even have a (shitty) anime adaptation, its kinda like Rance but iset n China (3 Kingdom) and pretty much everyone is now a women.

>> No.4935522

You rang?

>> No.4935530

I think you should click on that thumbnail.

>> No.4935554

I did. Both of them. I chuckled and took a sip of my brandy while smoking a pipe.

>> No.4935566


Being a classy motherfucker?

>> No.4935568

All day, every day.

>> No.4935577

Deardrops hijack? Fine with me.

>> No.4935578


How is the guitar coming? I haven't practiced in a week because I keep putting off fixing a string.

>> No.4935583
File: 166 KB, 814x634, deardrops07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting mai waifu

>> No.4935586


Your waifu is the most likely to die in a fire.

Like in all Overdrive games.

>> No.4935587

That skirt is way too short. Enjoy your slut.

>> No.4935595

Isn't there an unvirgin in Deardrops?

>> No.4935597
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>> No.4935598
File: 190 KB, 814x634, deardrops09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oi, don't talk shit about her, virgin nerd buttmad

>> No.4935604


Hey, Shouichi, what did you do to make her so embarrassed?

>> No.4935606


It's not even confirmed she's not a virgin yet. You fags only assumed that because of one sample HCG.

>> No.4935608


He accepts her as part of the band just as she's about to leave.

>> No.4935611

Has this been confirmed, or are you just saying that?

Either way, she's pretty nice. I'd hit it.

>> No.4935619



I've done this for, like, five games now and people usually believe me. No idea why.

>> No.4935626

I didn't practice yesterday due to "studying" and....... painful complications involving my penis and I'll leave it at that. But I'll try to make up for it today. It seems whenever I have exams, EVERY class has an exam at the same time.

Showed her a bit of kindness and a warm smile. No one can resist these pools of rain I call eyes.

>> No.4935627

She's pretty aggressive for a virgin in that HCG...

>> No.4935632


That is why you need to practice more, so you can drop out and tour the country with your band.

>> No.4935653
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She's just a banchou-type character. Not confirmed as non-virgin slut yet.

>> No.4935660

English release WHEN?

>> No.4935662

Yeah. It's a little disheartening when you're at the bottom and suck so much, but I think I'll be able to play the shit out of guitar soon enough.

>> No.4935663



>> No.4935675

isn't being a virgin almost a requirement for banchou appeal? It's the contrast between her everyday confidence/arrogance and her shyness/uncertainty in the bedroom which draws people in.

>> No.4935678

Don't lie to me, Shouichi CF.

>> No.4935688


Japan release will get pushed back again when it is near release, I bet it will be pushed back to September.

Mangagamer will need a few months to translate, so it will be out in 2011.


I still suck at guitar, don't worry.

>> No.4935691

It's hard to say since the japan release is delayed to June, and it seems like mangagamer hasn't actually started translating yet. Maybe late 2010 early 2011.

>> No.4935695

Well you better get better too! I wanna do this

>> No.4935705

I'm probably the only one who likes her.

>> No.4935706


A song for? You want to play the Kirari normal end song?

>> No.4935713

I like how it isn't BIG BLACK TRANSPARENT BOX now. I prefer it where it's just down at the bottom like that.

>> No.4935718

It's my favorite off the album.

Would you prefer true end?

>> No.4935720


I think there is another Shouichi that likes her.

And another one that wants a gay route with the bro.

>> No.4935725


No, I'm fine with "A Song For", we just need to find tabs or something.

>> No.4935728

And I actually need an electric lawl.

>> No.4935730


I never practiced on an acoustic, electric just feels more natural for me.

>> No.4935733
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I like all four of them, and the loli-Kushieda

>> No.4935740

It's turning my left hand manly. My pinky is still weak like child though. I expect the transition from steel string acoustic > electric to be easy.

>> No.4935749
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>> No.4935750


My pink is weak as well.

>> No.4935754
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So far the two songs from Deardrops have disappointed me a bit. The lack of Kirari's svoice might be one of the reasons, but the songs definitely lack something.

>> No.4935758

are they lacking passionate hearts maybe?

>> No.4935760

There's no loli at Kirakira. Flashback doesn't count.

>> No.4935764

I don't know. I really hope the rest of the soundtrack will be on par with Kira Kira/Curtain Call.

>> No.4935769


I liked Kibou no Uta (main theme of Deardrops).

>> No.4935786

As did I. I've only found one cover of it though. I hope there will be more songs with violin in them.

>> No.4935789

Well, I wouldn't doubt it, as it's the MC's instrument.

>> No.4935793

Post the sample HCG

>> No.4935794


Kibou will be the Let's Jump! for Deardrops.


Probably 2 songs in game and 1 end song with violin.

>> No.4935802
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The bro is loved.

>> No.4935805

Y'think? The OP for Kirakira wasn't used outside of the OP.

>> No.4935810


>> No.4935844
File: 99 KB, 350x548, Guitarprincess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am guitar princess!

>> No.4935850
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Hell yeah, Guitar Princess has got some decent fanart already. I'm really looking forward to her route.

>> No.4935854


Your waifu dies in a fire.

>> No.4935856
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>> No.4935860
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There's no drama in Deardrops. Only music and rabu rabu.

>> No.4935864



>> No.4935867


But someone HAS to die in the main game for Deardrops!

It is tradition set by Overdrive!

>> No.4935868

Delicious pink almond eyebrow, must east them.

>> No.4935875

Post the Rimu pictures! I don't have a pixiv account.

>> No.4935882
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>> No.4935885
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Only 2 pictures.

>> No.4935889
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>> No.4935893
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I love how they hint that she's got a shaved pussy with that picture.

>> No.4935895

Any Kanade.

Childhood friend, waifu, etc...

>> No.4935900
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>> No.4935901

i don't get it

>> No.4935904

Her hand features a shaved pussy.

>> No.4935906


Thank you Anon.

If I had a violin on me, I would play a song for you.

>> No.4935907

Oh.... now I see it....

Tee hee

>> No.4935920
File: 800 KB, 1280x1024, 9118552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually forgot one Rimu picture.

>> No.4935925

I want to stick it in her hair-ears.

>> No.4935949


Would she let you?

>> No.4935969

Without a doubt.

>> No.4935974


Why her hair ears?

>> No.4935983

Only Suika. None of the others excel beyond just average. I haven't played Soul Link though.

>> No.4935984
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Dem eyebrows.

>> No.4936009


Will burn in a house fire.

Because it's either her or drummer that gets the fire treatment.

>> No.4936017

because they look soft.

best not be my dummer, or I will rage.

>> No.4936019


I'm calling eyebrows for DIAF end.

>> No.4936025

Aw, shit, there's a fucking violin in deardrops. If it is more heavily featured in other songs than it is in the main theme, I will love this game forever.

>> No.4936034
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Daaaamn she looks all dere-dere in that position.

>> No.4936040


I think it will be drummer, it is always the clumsy girl that gets burned.


They will troll me and kill the CF, and I will rage and cry at the same time.

>> No.4936043

iya, hazukashii

>> No.4936050

Can't we just hope that..... no one dies? I know that might be unlikely for Overdrive but maybe?

>> No.4936059


Overdrive rule states that someone dies.

Sad but true.

>> No.4936069

The bad guy dies.

>> No.4936087


Rule also states that the person who dies has to have a route.

>> No.4936102

Bad guy route confirmed!

>> No.4936144


You know what? Now everyone dies in a fire! Except Kanade

>> No.4936874


>> No.4936894


We should also play this.


>> No.4936915

Sure. I could ask my bass bro if he'd like to add to it too. He's a metal guy though (which would conflict with our "band" if it ever happened. I'm more of a punk/pop-punk guy)

>> No.4936925


By the way, what other sites do you use besides Ultimate-Guitar to get lessons?

>> No.4936996

I don't yet really. I just google what I want to learn and follow a random site that will tell me. All i've been doing is practicing basic chords and scales with this lil' book I have.

>> No.4937044

I did however have to do some studying about diatonic harmony and how chords are made up. Took me a bit to understand that... and I certainly can't just follow the formulas myself at this point since I haven't memorized the scale of tones or anything yet...
