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4933138 No.4933138 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4933142

Touhou Wax gives Mouku sex hair?

>> No.4933211
File: 402 KB, 1124x1600, ShinyShinyHair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me of SHINY SHINY HAIR!!!

>> No.4933219

Who knew that bean paste was such good wax?

>> No.4933243

Why would you put wax on your hair?

>> No.4933252

For aesthetic purposes.

>> No.4933260

Never heard of styling wax before.

>> No.4933273

Hair wax is a thick hairstyling product containing wax, used to assist with holding the hair. In contrast with hair gel, most of which contain alcohol, hair wax remains pliable and has less chance of drying out. Consequently, hair wax is currently experiencing an increase in popularity, with many manufacturers releasing versions that are referred to as pomade, putty, glue, whip, molding gum, or styling paste.

>> No.4933302

Sexy Mokou is sexy.

>> No.4933330


>> No.4933340

Mokou was better before.

>> No.4933463

I like it. It fits Mokou's style, right, Wild girl.

>> No.4933476

puffy hair moe~

>> No.4933483

Just wait until her body temperature rises enough so that the wax catches fire.

>> No.4933500

That would be cool, if the ribbons are actually to keep her hair from burning. Flaming hair.

>> No.4933507



>> No.4933516

I've been holding back on this thought for a long time, and-- bear with me here--I think it's about time I say so.
Mokou is hot.

>> No.4933520

Too bad for you, since she's also a flamer.

>> No.4933522

And she can use the rest to polish Keine's horns.

>> No.4933538 [SPOILER] 
File: 388 KB, 1124x1600, Shiny11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, none left. You may want to know how it got in her hair.

>> No.4933568
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>> No.4933597

source please.

>> No.4933606

Why do you need to strip naked to wax your hair?

Also, source please.

>> No.4933613

Can't unsee....

>> No.4933628
File: 295 KB, 689x512, 38bb64998e676890d56f7e6c7c1a858f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mokou, Mokou, my immortal Mokou.
You live forever and don't know the weight of eternity on your shoulders holds ahead of you.
You've lived so long and fought so hard, but in the end, it doesn't even matter.
With only Kaguya, your one and only hated nemisis, to be by your side forever. You can't even stand thinking the thought. Outliving everyone and everything, it's the pain of immortality. Ever since that medicine...
Victim of the Ultimate Sin. You are, after all, the Hourai Incarnate.

>> No.4933635
File: 66 KB, 414x597, KM16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Eternal Girls" by Canaria Mint. Came out like one eternity ago and is still translation in progress. I don't have the link but for sure it's on the Touhou wiki with everything else. Also, they washed her hair before treating it. It's not actually wax but some obscure product that Kaguya knows about for some reason.
It's cute, like everything else by Canaria Mint.

>> No.4933650

thank you.

>> No.4933686 [SPOILER] 
File: 603 KB, 1169x738, KM11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome. If you aren't familiar with the circle I might recommend "Slow Resurrection" which you can find on /rs/ (it's KaguMoko too btw).

>> No.4933707

Thank you once again, I'm going to download it right away.

>> No.4933711

Okay, so I don't buy this "Mokou and Kaguya will eventually realize they only have each other for eternity" stuff. It's the basis of the MokouxKaguya shipping, and it's bullshit.
First, the ghosts. They're dead. They're not going anywhere. They can't re-die, and it doesn't look like reincarnation's factoring in here. Further, when other youkai or the humans die, who's to say they won't/can't become ghosts too?
Second, goddesses. Are we believing that gods can be outright killed or die of old age? Hell no. My sweet Suwako will be hanging around.
Third, Shikieiki and Komachi. You'll have a hard time passing judgment on the living and the dead... and ferrying the dead... when you're dead.
Fourth, they may have to wait a while before losing some people. I mean, Eirin's older than the existence of Homo sapiens.
Fifth, there's scarce reason to believe that no other mortal beings will discover a means to immortality ever. If those two can do it, someone else can, and they literally have all the time in the world to wait.

>> No.4933720

I believe Goddesses won't die of old age but can be killed (I don't recall reading about it in canon works though so someone correct me if is stated)

>> No.4933722

>there's scarce reason to believe that no other mortal beings will discover a means to immortality ever
Hourai elixir or eating the liver of an immortal. Those are the two options, and since no one but Eirin and Kaguya can make the former, and you have fat chance of the latter, mortals are pretty darn well out of luck.

>> No.4933733

>fat chance of the latter
Reimu said she could've done it even in canon.

With an eternity of time, there will easily be someone who can take on Mokou and Kaguya both.

>> No.4933738

But Reimu is.... you know... main character, etc..

>> No.4933739

So far, those are the only known ways. If ZUN were to bring in late Taoist ideas into the next Touhou, that may very well change. New (for Gensokyo) means to immortality are not impossible.

>> No.4933750
File: 507 KB, 1200x900, b6100d00780f796ba39c6d487a292b07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and now that I think about it, Marisa said she didn't want to eat Mokou's liver... but that the immortality thing sounded interesting. Seeing as she's the only Touhou who has to work hard for her power, I wouldn't put it past her to find some way magically to do it.

>> No.4933759


>First, the ghosts. They're dead. They're not going anywhere. They can't re-die, and it doesn't look like reincarnation's factoring in here. Further, when other youkai or the humans die, who's to say they won't/can't become ghosts too?

Souls that are not in the samsara (i.e. Ghosts, lingering spirits) will invariably fade away (only exception: Yuyuko, who is bound to the Saigyou Ayakashi). Shikieiki supports this.
Spirits in the Samsara will find their way to Heaven or Hell eventually, no matter how much reincarnation is factored.
How long Hell and Heaven will continue, nobody knows. Those in Hell cannot leave to be with the Living, and those in Heaven can only come down to play now and then. Why play with the two lonely girls who are the only thing left in the universe?

>Second, goddesses. Are we believing that gods can be outright killed or die of old age? Hell no. My sweet Suwako will be hanging around.

No faith = death.
Unless they can survive on 2 people's faiths... And Mokou and Kaguya care enough to.

>Third, Shikieiki and Komachi. You'll have a hard time passing judgment on the living and the dead... and ferrying the dead... when you're dead.

They're factors of the Samsara. After all the souls are filed away, they're probably not going to spend time in the real world just to comfort Kaguya and Mokou.

>Fourth, they may have to wait a while before losing some people. I mean, Eirin's older than the existence of Homo sapiens.

Compared to eternity, ten trillion years are but an instant.

>Fifth, there's scarce reason to believe that no other mortal beings will discover a means to immortality ever. If those two can do it, someone else can, and they literally have all the time in the world to wait.

Well, that hasn't happened yet. You can pair them with Kaguya/Mokou when that happens.

>> No.4933764

She'd been trying to make her own elixir of immortality. ZUN just sorta forgot about it after IN.

>> No.4933841

>Souls that are not in the samsara (i.e. Ghosts, lingering spirits) will invariably fade away (only exception: Yuyuko, who is bound to the Saigyou Ayakashi). Shikieiki supports this.
If we're going to play around that strictly with traditional Buddhist doctrine (i.e. not Pure Land or Zen Buddhism, which dominate Japan over classical), then let's also consider that for Samsara to end or have no more to cycle, including ghosts, takes an entire Cosmic Age, which is considered to be several times the amount of time it would take for the brush of a bird's feather tip to whittle down Mt. Everest to nothing.
Taking into account
>Compared to eternity, ten trillion years are but an instant.
and the fact that a human mind processes time faster (longer periods seem much shorter) as they experience more time (or get older, as we experience it), Mokou and Kaguya will perceive the world in a way that is totally alien to us and probably completely isolated. They will not remember anyone because the time from one memory to the next could be millions of years. Love may come and be gone in but a heartbeat in that time.

If we consider Pure Land and Zen theologies and principles, there would be other means for beings to be with Mokou and/or Kaguya until, literally, time ends.

>> No.4933867

Time for them has no end. That's why it's called an eternity. It's as if they already lived forever...

>Mokou and Kaguya will perceive the world in a way that is totally alien to us and probably completely isolated.
Mokou already doesn't socialize with humans or youkai. The fact that she PREFERS to live alone is a mystery. All we know is Keine drops by once in a while to check up on her and Mokou occassionally rescues lost people she finds (though she rarely says a word to them)

>> No.4933896

I'm A Dapper Dan Man.

>> No.4933902

MokouxKaguya ship because guro.

>> No.4933910

in a world with a physical land of the death

immortality makes no sense

now GTFO faggots

>> No.4934008

You misunderstand. Their perception will be isolated. Everything around them is merely temporal and for such a brief nothing to them, leaving them with nothing but their own internal thoughts. It has nothing to do with their degree of sociability.

Fair 'nuff.

>> No.4934015

Mokou and Kaguya are not the only fucking immortals. They're just the only immortal humans.

>> No.4934016

fucking immortals

So there are other slutty immortals out there?

>> No.4934021

The Lunarians gave the Hourai elixier to many human kings in history. Some might have drunk it and still live somewhere.

>> No.4934033
File: 56 KB, 494x599, Larry_King.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it...

>> No.4934047
File: 12 KB, 200x253, images..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Lunarians gave the Hourai elixier to many human kings


>> No.4934052

Sorry sir, all we have is Fop.

>> No.4934053

I'll admit, I said "fuckwin" and laughed.

>> No.4934064

Sir, I think you belong in /b/.

>> No.4935342

This thread used to be about sexy hair.

>> No.4935354
File: 729 KB, 2100x2970, 1271331094440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaoru thread?

>> No.4935377


Did someone ever actually say they were translating that, or was dreaming?

>> No.4935380

You were dreaming.

Sadly. ;_;
