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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 144 KB, 980x653, 1208826744584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
492499 No.492499 [Reply] [Original]

we from japan have these rituals before you see.
you may not easy to understand

>> No.492505

we have far more "creative" hazing rituals in america

>> No.492509

haha oh wow

>> No.492513

Koreans loves Japanese porn.

>> No.492516

>Koreans loves Japanese porn.

>> No.492517

The rest of the world has worse.

>> No.492538

How can they bully someone when they're all riding around on middle aged gay guy bikes?

>> No.492541

Korea is the greatest country on earth.

>> No.492562

in japan its cool to use middle aged guy bikes

>> No.492588


>> No.492589
File: 102 KB, 800x600, 1208833272507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.492601

sick japanese...

>> No.492610

Sick Koreans...

>> No.492618

japanese does a lot of porn.

>> No.492631

Why is Korea and Korean disliked in /jp/ today?

>> No.492640

Korea is well liked to be honest.

I am not Korean.

But I do like Korea.

>> No.492642

Japan porn women all korean.
Korean living in japan are poor and need porn for money.

>> No.492652

but I am not an alien

>> No.492656

is it true that korean women shave their pubes more than japanese women?

>> No.492657

I am not Korean.

But I like Korea.

Most people like Korea.

How do you explain?

>> No.492662

What is Korean food do you like ?

>> No.492665

I like Kimchi.

It's quite good food.

Koreans make a lot of good food.

>> No.492676
File: 23 KB, 415x311, 1208833902831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most people like Korea.
No you are liar. Even Korean hate Korean. I know in BBS in Korea, Korean boys say Korean girls are the ugliest in the world and Korean girls says same thing for Koreaan boys.

>> No.492682

Examples please.

>> No.492690

I am not Korean but Korean men are considered attractive.

World famous Japanese star Aya Hirano said Korean guys are attractive.

I am not Korean though. I am just being honest.

>> No.492697
File: 71 KB, 614x573, 1208834045161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.492713
File: 75 KB, 475x356, 1208834174010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you crazy barbarian keep tellin lies. You always daydream about Hirano Aya. Nobody loves ugly Korean boys.

>> No.492715

Hmm, I am British myself.

And I like Kimchi.

Most of my friends like Korea too.

I am British, not Korean.

>> No.492717
File: 5 KB, 377x233, 1208834229499.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like this Korea Japan shit is going to get /jp/ shut down which I guess is what these Korean fuckers want.

FUCK KOREA IN IT'S SHITTY ASS! As an American I am going to press my elected representative to get us the fuck out of Korea, let Kim Jung and ChinA have your stupid spammy asses.

I am on my way down to the Korean Minimart to beat the shit out of the scrawny ass owner

PS Samsung's CEO resigned since he was charged with tax evasion KOREANS ALL STEAL AND CHEAT THE GOVERNMENT.

>> No.492723

I am not British, nor a Korean.

I like Kimchi very much.

I am an alien

Most of my friends are Kimchi

>> No.492724

I am not Korean.

I said this already.

Korea is a great country though.

Japanese abroad pretends to be Korean to make bad name for Koreans.

>> No.492727
File: 31 KB, 400x252, 1208834344879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember you said you are British before. Why you stupid Koreans say the same lie. Everybody knows you are liar.

>> No.492728

>Korea is a great country though.

Then move there.

>> No.492737

I like America.

I like freedom very much.

Red, white, blue, go USA.

Very nice.

>> No.492732


I have never lied about what country I am from.

I think you are lying.

I have always said 'I am British'.

I have never said I am from Korea.

I just love Korea and Korean girls.

Most Japanese girls like Korean guys.

>> No.492739

Korea is a shit hole of racist fucktards.


Get the fuck out of /jp/

>> No.492742

in korea rape is hello

>> No.492745
File: 133 KB, 395x400, 1208834581463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL Foolish liar.What you write become the reason why everybody hate Korean. You are stupid, so you can not understand this fact.

>> No.492746

reported for trolling and faggoty

>> No.492749

Hey, you know your pic.

Says 'Sparta'.

Some evidence at Seoul University was uncovered by Professor.

Spartans spoke a Korean dialect and wrote in Hangul.

Korean history extends half way around the world!

Are you jealous?

>> No.492761

god you guys suck at haikus

>> No.492762
File: 123 KB, 600x709, 1208834818735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is seoul before Korea became a colony of Japan. Do not daydream stupid barbarian.

>> No.492773

Korean History is large.

It extends even to Ancient times in Europe!

Are you jealous that when Korean Spartans fought Persia?

That Japan was meaningless?

>> No.492783

ITT one troll

>> No.492785
File: 22 KB, 400x309, 1208835078772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid daydreamer, kill yourself like this gook. This gook kill himself because he feel the inferior complex towards Japan, LOL.

>> No.492786

so is this trolls from 2ch?

>> No.492793

He was a brave hero.

You Japanese are so jealous.

Korean History is large.

Japanese girls like Hirano Aya like Korean guys.

>> No.492805

>>Japanese abroad pretends to be Korean to make >>bad name for Koreans.
3rd rate troll detected

>> No.492816

Are you too stupid to remember other Japanese name? Why you keep saying only one thing. Too stupid to write other things?

>> No.492820

just weeaboos trying to see what it feels like to act like a 2ch troll

>> No.492829


Be quiet!

Jealous gets you nowhere!

>> No.492830

Many Koreans dislike Japan. It's a fact.


>> No.492849

All Korean have inferior complex. and Koreans are everywhere even in South Africa. Because official language of South Africa is english. and Koreans are slaves of english. They think if they speak english very well, they can be rich.

>> No.492865

>He was a brave hero.
So you should be an hero, too LOL.

>> No.492877

/jp/ likes Korea.

Be quiet!

Jap girls love Korea.

>> No.492912

NO. Stop daydreaming. You have not read Japanese shojo manga? There are No Korean boys. Korean boys always say Koreans are macho men, and that is better. but you can see no macho man in Japanese shojo manga. Japanese girls think Koreans are barbarians. There is no reason to love barbarians for Japanese girls.

>> No.492925

Not the guy you're replying to, but how come JETs get so many girls in Roppongi if Japanese girls don't like macho men?

>> No.492945

Stop lying!

It is insane how much you lie!

Japanese girls love Korean guys!

Look at Hirano Aya!

>> No.492960

Koreans are mental illness.

>> No.492958

There are minority everywhere. But if you read some Japanese shoujo manga, you can understand majority Japanese girls hate macho man. They love body like Michael Jackson.

>> No.492971

You keep saying Hirano Aya. But you NEVER show the souce that Aya said she loves Korean boys.

>> No.492984



go to 'diary'.

you see?

>> No.492995

Are you crazy? it is too long to check it. If you really find ii, you must save the data. I know you can not read Japanese. You are just a daydreamer.

>> No.492998

Good point. What manga/anime do you like by the way? Ignore the Korean troll and join us in discussing Touhou etc..

>> No.493005


do you have delusions?

hirano aya likes korean men.

she likes korean guys.

she is a slut.

fucked many korean guys.

>> No.493019

Silence is golden.

>> No.493026
File: 222 KB, 400x300, 1208837644730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet place in Japan

>> No.493032
File: 354 KB, 640x480, 1208837702505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.493035
File: 337 KB, 633x976, 1208837732257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.493036


oh anon whatever shall you do

>> No.493039
File: 59 KB, 700x450, 1208837750435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.493037

Look at this, Korean. in her diary No 韓流 is there.

>> No.493042
File: 656 KB, 1446x1077, 1208837797085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.493046
File: 591 KB, 900x1500, 1208837816186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.493047
File: 58 KB, 276x345, 1208837844519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.493050
File: 158 KB, 640x480, 1208837872991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.493053

Yo Korean troll, what's the point of proving that hirano aya likes Koreans? So what?

>> No.493064
File: 71 KB, 600x399, 1208838028290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real Korean

>> No.493084

It is his inferior complex itself. He knows very well that Japan is superior. So for him. if Japanese star says he/she love Korea, it is the happiest things in the world. On the other hand, for Japanese, if Korean star says he/she loves Japan, it is not pleasure at all.

>> No.493096

When I played Touhou (PCB) it was then I realised that Japan is the greatest nation in East Asia. As one person has that creativity, all chinks do is pirate stuff and all Koreans do is claim ownership of things.

>> No.493103

How product goes
 ① (⊂_  ミ Invented by German
 ② ( ´_⊃`) Commercialized by American
 ③ ミ ´_>`) Invested by British
 ④ ξ ・_>・) Designed by French
 ⑤ ( ´U_,`) Publicized by Italian
 ⑥ ( ´∀`) Improved & miniaturized by Japanese
 ⑦ (  `ハ´) Pirated by Chinese

>> No.493107


I lol'd

>> No.493128

Where is a Touhou hijack when you need it, WHERE?

>> No.493130

Hopefully Moot will make this Korea vs. Japan faggotry a bannable offense.

>> No.493145

...so? Wheres the next step?

>> No.493147

Maybe just mentioning Korea or Korean should be an autoban in /jp/ Same goes for China and Chinese.

>> No.493156

I am not a Touhou person but I am requesting a Touhou hijack to push this shit to where it doesn't bump

>> No.493181

koreans are master ripoff artists

>> No.493185

Well, it's a super common thing on 2channel, so in a way, it's Japan related.

>> No.493192

Moot Ban Korean IP addresses!

>> No.493193


>> No.493203

    <ヽ`∀´> ウリには困った時に助けてくれる
    /     \     仲間がいるニダ。
.__| |    | | _   
||\   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄.  \
||\\           \
||  \\           \    ∧_∧
||    \\            \  (´Д`; ) 同盟国のアメリカの事だろ?
||      \\           \/     ヽ
.        \\           / |.   | |
.          \∧_∧    (⌒\|___/ /  | ̄ ̄|
   イルボン  (;`ハ´)    ~\_____ノ| _|☆☆|_
   呼んでるぞ/   `ヽ         \ (´<_`; ) 
          |     ヽ          \/     ヽ お前の属国だろうが!
          |    |ヽ、二⌒)       / |   |  |

>> No.493207

/ 冫─'  〜  ̄´^-                   
/  /ヽ丿彡彡彡彡彡ヽヽ
|  丿   MOOT    ミ  
| 彡 ____  ____  ミ/
|tゝ  \__/_  \__/ | |    __________
ヽノ    /\_/\   |ノ  /
 ゝ   /ヽ───‐ヽ /  / Insert your money here
  /|ヽ   ヽ──'   / <
 / |  \    ̄  /   \
/ ヽ    ‐-            ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

>> No.493215

  *********And, other things that should be noted exist.**********

・Of course, the dog cannot row the boat.

・When Nida is combined with the beautiful lady,
 Nida rapes the beautiful lady.
      ∧_∧ パン
     <`∀´*>ヽ  パン
     ∧∧⌒(,/ 三                 ∧_∧
   と(дTとノ、(,ノ)                   . (´Д`;)
t;"''''`"´'''"""''"`''""""'''(    )
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/
                             ヽ. ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/

>> No.493211

 | __________  |
 | |                | |
 | | l>PLAY.       | |
 | |     Logical quiz .| |           ∧_∧
 | |                | |     ピッ   <・∀・ > It is time of the quiz.

 | |                | |       ◇⊂    ) __
 |   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  |       ||―┌ ┌ _)_||  |
 |  °°   ∞   ≡ ≡   |       || (_(__)  ||   |
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    ???Question ???

>> No.493212

  Nida     Mona  beautiful lady Dog
  ∧_∧    ∧_∧    ∧∧ 
 <ヽ`∀´> ( ´∀`)   (*゚ー゚)   ∧∧
 (    )   (    )  . (   )<,,゚ ・゚>
  |   |  |    |   |  |   ~|  |  \/   l
 (__フ_フ  (__)_)   し´J   (__,ノ
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/
                             ヽ. ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/
 ~~                         ~~

>> No.493221

・When Nida is combined with the dog, Nida eats the dog..
    ∧_∧    ∧∧ グツ
   <*`∀´>   <,,"・">  グツ
    / つ 、O ゝ二二ノ                  ∧_∧
   (_(__フ_フ 从从                  (´Д`;)
t;"''''`"´'''"""''"`''""""'''(    )
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/
                             ヽ. ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/
 ~~                         ~~

>> No.493223

u guys suck!

Korean and japanese girls like nigger cock!

>> No.493226

・Even if Nida is taken to the ship alone, Nida doesn't try to row the boat.
   ∧_∧    ∧∧ 
  ( ´Д`)   (*゚д゚)   ∧∧      I am an aristocrat nida,
  (    )  . (   )  <,,゚ ・゚>      I do not want to do such a physical labor nida.
   |   |  |   ~|  |  \/   l           ∧_∧  
  (__)_)    し´J   (__,ノ          <`Д´#>
t;"''''`"´'''"""''"`''""""'''(    )
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/
                             ヽ. ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/
 ~~                         ~~

>> No.493228

・When Nida is left in Japan alone, Nidae starts an armed pickpocket.

               I subjugate Japan nida.
                 ┓ ∧_∧
                 ┃<`∀´ >
                 ⊂    .つ
                 ┃ Y  人
                   <_」 J ))

 ~~                         ~~

>> No.493230

Well, how will we be able to go to Japan by ship?
     ・ ・ ・ ・ ・
  ∧_∧    ∧_∧     ∧∧ 
 <ヽ`∀´>   (´∀`;)   (゚ー゚;)   ∧∧
 (    )   (    )  . (   )  <゚・ ゚,,>
  |   |  |    |   |  |   ~|  |  \/   l
 (__フ_フ  (__)_)   し´J   (__,ノ
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/
                             ヽ. ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/
 ~~                         ~~

>> No.493233

 | __________  |
 | |                | |
 | | l>STOP        | |
 | |                | |           ∧_∧
 | |                | |     ピッ   <・∀・ > Have you understood the answer to this quiz?
 | |                | |       ◇⊂    ) __
 |   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  |       ||―┌ ┌ _)_||  |
 |  °°   ∞   ≡ ≡   |       || (_(__)  ||   |
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

>> No.493235


No one likes nigger

>> No.493237

,!  \
           ,!\          !    \   "Cat on the Table", huh? Just how much stupider can people get?
         i  \         l      \,,..__
          ,i′  ,\___,,--―l       \::゙'冖ーi、、
        i     :;\::::::::::..l              `'‐、、
       /__,..;:r---―-、,..__.     ,;'il:;}          .;:::`L__
   ,.:f''""゙゙゙´          、 ̄ヽ,//           ...::::::l;;;:;;::::
  _/       ......  、   \//、            ::::::::リ;;:::::::::....
//       ......:;::::::::::::. ヽ、\ ゙ヽ  ヘ    ●      ....:::::::::i';;;;::::::::::::
;;/    ::::::::::::;;;;;ノ ̄\:: 〉 〉゙'、 `ヽ_ノ       ......:::::::.;;;:ノ:;;;:::::::::::::
/    ..::::、__;;ノ;;;`ヽ_/: / /⌒)メ、_ノ/         .....:::::;;;/;;;:::::;;:::::::::
     ..:::イ;;.ヽ::;;;;;;;;;(__ノ /'"..:::::::::::::/  ...............:::::::::::;;;,;ノ;;::::::::::::::::
    ::::::::,!::;;;;;;;;;;:.`゙'-、、  ::: \_/::::::::::;;;___,.;-―''

>> No.493240

Truth, niggers need to gtfo 4chan with their bawwww'ing about 'rayciizms!'

>> No.493245

in before nigger cock jpg

>> No.493267


You leave the Nida ther-Ooooooooooooooh

>> No.493268

Koreans invented the SJIS art.

You know..

>> No.493277

Koreans are liar.

>> No.493278

  ***** Correct answer announcement *******

◎The best answer
  "Nida is sunk."

     ∧_∧    ∧∧ 
    ( ´∀`)   (*゚ー゚)   ∧∧
    (    )  . (   )  <,,゚ ・゚>
    |   |  |   ~|  |  \/   l
    (__)_)   し´J   (__,ノ
"´'''"""''"`''"〃 ∩"'''"''''''"`"""''''`"´'''"""''"`''

>> No.493281

 < #`Д´> < Ai goh ! 
 (    )   
  |   |  |   
 ~~                         ~~

>> No.493283

   < Congratulations >> 427
   < You got a correct answer.
         / ̄ ̄ ̄フ\               _       ノ^)
       // ̄フ /   \            .//\     ./ /
      //  ∠/  ___\___  __//   \   / (___
    // ̄ ̄ ̄フ /_ .//_  //_  /      \./ (_(__)
   // ̄フ / ̄////////////         |  (_(__)
 /∠_/./ ./∠///∠///∠//      ∧ ∧ /) (_(__)
∠___,,,__/ .∠__/∠__/∠__/       (´ー` ( ( (_(___)
\    \ \/ ̄ ̄ ̄フ\ \ \_ \  _   /⌒ `´  人___ソ
  \    \ \フ / ̄\ \ .//\  //\ / 人 l  彡ノ     \
   \ _  \//___\/∠_  //   < Y ヽ ヽ (.       \

>> No.493284

   < Congratulations >>493267
   < You got a correct answer.
         / ̄ ̄ ̄フ\               _       ノ^)
       // ̄フ /   \            .//\     ./ /
      //  ∠/  ___\___  __//   \   / (___
    // ̄ ̄ ̄フ /_ .//_  //_  /      \./ (_(__)
   // ̄フ / ̄////////////         |  (_(__)
 /∠_/./ ./∠///∠///∠//      ∧ ∧ /) (_(__)
∠___,,,__/ .∠__/∠__/∠__/       (´ー` ( ( (_(___)
\    \ \/ ̄ ̄ ̄フ\ \ \_ \  _   /⌒ `´  人___ソ
  \    \ \フ / ̄\ \ .//\  //\ / 人 l  彡ノ     \
   \ _  \//___\/∠_  //   < Y ヽ ヽ (.       \

>> No.493296

I was expecting a bigger shitstorm at the mention of Korea. You disappoint me.

>> No.493291

I am leaving /jp/.

/jp/ is full of Japanese racist posting SJIS nida art.

/jp/ japanese have taken over with anti-Korean sentiment.

World loves Korea.

>> No.493301

See you in 12 hours when the withdrawal sets in.

>> No.493303

eat the dog fuck the woman forget about japan

>> No.493305

saged for shit

>> No.493311

>World loves Korea.

>> No.493314

Everyone hates blacks too.

I don't care.

Everyone hates Koreans.


Japan still likes Korea.

>> No.493319
File: 16 KB, 320x259, 1208841440052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japan still likes Korea.

>> No.493324

But Japanese celebrity loves Korea.

You cannot deny this.

Most Koreans love Japan.

Why Japan hates Korea?

>> No.493338
File: 142 KB, 450x346, 1208841687978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not you find that you just write your inferior complex toward Japan. Korea had been one of the colony for Japan. No reason to love barbarians for Japanese.

>> No.493355

I did serch in diary of Hirano Aya. and I found no 好き(like)or 愛(love)words with 韓国(korea)in her diary. You are liar and crazy daydreamer.

>> No.493359

Colony of Japan was good.

Korean like me agrees with this.

Have you seen the video "Why does the Korean tell a lie?"

Korean population rose under Japan.

Korean love Japan.

>> No.493382

>Korean love Japan.
So GTFO. Japan hates you. If you love Japan, go away fot the sake of Japan.

>> No.493392

Koreans needs to do something with their time other than hating Japan, making stinky food, playing starcraft and reskinning Lineage 2

>> No.493397

Time for a word filter that changes Korea and Corea to "the ghetto" and Corean and Korean to Cotton eyed Joe.

>> No.493402

You are LYING!

Don't LIE!

>> No.493401

They also gobble kimchee until they shit blood.

>> No.493408


Oh god, I lol'd.

>> No.493410

Call me a dick, but I fucking love these threads.

>> No.493416

It is true. Moreover you can not find the word 韓流(Korean way). If somebody who loves Korea, this word must be used in her/his diary. You can copy and paste and search in her diary.

>> No.493420

I believe you are lying.

You are jealous of Korean men.

>> No.493423


>> No.493429

Oh you can not even copy and paste and serch? It is so easy to do. Why barbarians do nothing and call someone liar. I did serch in her diary.

>> No.493443

Can someone explain why jPenis lands is a small country and has a population of over 127.4 million scumJaps , but has unashamefully produced numerous AV bitchy whores and bitches ? The pornographic AV materials, photos and video etc are literary flooding in the Internet ?

>> No.493454

Do not change the topic, stupid barbarian. But, it is notorious Korean penises are smallest in the world.

>> No.493467

just... fuck you all

>> No.493468

Can someone explain why jPenis lands is a small country and has a population of over 127.4 million scumJaps , but has unashamefully produced numerous AV bitchy whores and bitches ? The pornographic AV materials, photos and video etc are literary flooding in the Internet ?

>> No.493478

If you do copy&pasta, do it in the diary of Hirano Aya. and search for 韓流. You can find zero.

>> No.493484

Too many fuckwits, not enough island to go around.

>> No.493486

Japan is the shame of Asia.

A country of whores.

Didn't you know this?

>> No.493493
File: 282 KB, 500x308, 1208843565889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck your kimchi and the ugliest biches in the world.

>> No.493505

Shame of asia.

Shameful behaviour on AV.

>> No.493511

Koreans have never heard of apron or rubber gloves for sanitation when handling food.

Time for the picture of the toilet right next to the food preparation area.

>> No.493515
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Yes Koreans are shameless whores.

>> No.493519

Maria Ozawa claims she is proud to do porn.

She says she is so proud she goes to her parents house to show them AV she has made.

Is this typical behaviour of Japanese girl?

>> No.493526

Have you read South Korean newspapers? You can find articles that Korean women do demonstration to have the right to be whore. If you are Korean you must know this fact.

>> No.493527

I am glad she has no hang ups about it, I don't either, too bad for you that you do. It means you are sexually repressed and have a damaged brain.

>> No.493537

Korea is better than Japan. I say this as a white Amerikkkan. At least in Korea, the women can ride trains without getting raped by strangers.

>> No.493535
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I do not know who she is. But I heard Korean boys know the many name of AV actoress. That makes me lol. Why you barbarians love AV actress? You have many Korean whores in your country. Are they too ugly to love?

>> No.493542

Crime Statistics > Rapes (per capita) (most recent) by country

#1 South Africa: 1.19538 per 1,000 people
#2 Seychelles: 0.788294 per 1,000 people
#3 Australia: 0.777999 per 1,000 people
#4 Montserrat: 0.749384 per 1,000 people
#5 Canada: 0.733089 per 1,000 people
#6 Jamaica: 0.476608 per 1,000 people
#7 Zimbabwe: 0.457775 per 1,000 people
#8 Dominica: 0.34768 per 1,000 people
#9 United States: 0.301318 per 1,000 people
#10 Iceland: 0.246009 per 1,000 people
#11 Papua New Guinea: 0.233544 per 1,000 people

>> No.493545

>I say this as a woman

>> No.493549

why the fuck do you idiots not report this shitty troll thread?

>> No.493550


Japanese women don't report their rapes, that's why. I've seen the videos. You can walk up to a Jappo woman and rip off her cloth and molest her, then run away without getting in trouble because she's too ashamed to call for help.

>> No.493552

Long ago, reporting does nothing.

>> No.493553

You agree with shamelessness, why?

Would you like your daughter, or sister to be AV idol?

You say 'yes' probably.

But you lie....

It is a shameless job, for whores.


There are many Japanese whore.

>> No.493554


>> No.493564

if you are an actual korean or a chinese person with any sort of self dignity or respect for your county you would report this shit. It's just a bunch of white racist faggots who like using korea/china as an excuse to troll.

>> No.493566

Except that those numbers mean nothing. Number of reported rape =/= number of rape.

>> No.493569

Not a troll real Koreans and 2chers egging them on to show how totally retarded they are.

>> No.493571

That's just what westerners say because they realise unrequitted hedonism leads to this kind of degeneracy, in reality Japan is not some of kind of 'rape capital' and instances of groping on trains are very, very rare.

>> No.493573


>> No.493576

That is why they need "female only" cars during the Commuter Rushes then I guess, since groping isn't a problem.

>> No.493581

Corea need to do way instain mother> who kill thier babbys. becuse these babby cant frigth back?
it was on the news this mroing a mother in ar who had kill her three kids . they are taking the three babby back to seoul too lady to rest my pary are with the father who lost his chrilden ; i am truley sorry for your lots.

>> No.493582

Not the guy you're replying to, but your reply tells a lot more about your own morality than it does your opinions on pornography. 'Sexual repression' is a non-existent concept, it's only prostitutes and sluts and other such people who invent neologisms like that to justify their perversion.

>> No.493584
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>> No.493586

There are like what... 2 'female only' carriages on one line on the Tokyo Subway? That's hardly an epidemic.

>> No.493591


>> No.493590
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Oh god. its so cute.

>> No.493594


>> No.493597

i agere to do way instian mother!!

>> No.493598


>> No.493600

I call bull shit, repressing sex is all about controlling other people and that is all. Adults can do what they please. Fuck all you Puritans and your fucked ideas about sex and morality too.

>> No.493606

seriously wtf is wrong with you people. Go join a KKK or some communist forum.


>> No.493607

Shhh, the five minutes hate is coming on and I don't want to miss a second!

>> No.493609

Welcome to 4chan. Too KKK for the Klan.

>> No.493610

The fact that they even exist says a lot though.

>> No.493623

I would rather live in a nation of rapists and gropers than of one who has kept a fucktard be President for nearly 8 years. A nation of groppers are far less fucked up than one who allows some dumbass with an IQ less than 90 rule a nation.

>> No.493620


I'll be damned if I'm going to tell anyone else what to do, I don't give a shit. But pretending such behaviour is normal, giving it the outward appearance of normality and so on... Is just insane. What's more, neologisms like 'repressing sex' and 'sexual expression' and so on are just invented so that people can justify perversion.

I dont have a problem with what you do, that's my honest opinion, but don't try and act like you're some kind of fucking social revolutionary because you fuck 3 or 4 guys a night. You're not 'liberating your spirit' or any of that shit, you're just being a slut. Stop dressing it up in verbiage.

>> No.493622

reporting does nothing.

>> No.493627

nerdfag who has never touched a girl

>> No.493626

Perversion is a invented concept when it comes to sex. Puritan.

>> No.493629


>> No.493634

The "facktard" has an Harvard MBA and at least when he writes uses proper grammar; so he beats you all to hell.

>> No.493635

I don't know why you keep on using the term 'puritan', it's so odd, it implies christianity for a start. I mean, was Cicero a 'puritan', was Buddha, was Confucius, was Augustus, Seneca, Plato, Aristotle, Zeno...?

I really dont get this idea that people have that before Christianity people's opinion on sex was different. In developed societies the opinion towards sex has always been somewhat stoic, anywhere in the world.


>> No.493638
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>> No.493642

The only people who give a fuck are Puritans and control freaks which one are you?

>> No.493645
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>> No.493646

An MBA from Harvard means nothing if you got there out of prestige and through no self merits. Oh and he has a writer, which you apparently don't with your improper use of ";".

>> No.493648


>> No.493650

I've already said I dont give a fuck what people do so long as they don't dress up their behaviour in meaningless pseudo-philosophical verbiage.

>> No.493652
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>> No.493653
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I like this version of Marisa better.

>> No.493655
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>> No.493661

Yet you call it "preversion".

>> No.493666
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>> No.493668
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>> No.493667

why the fuck do you dumbshits even use anything from Japan or have anything to do with Japan. If you hate the people why not man up and hate on it all instead of being a weak ass closet faggot.

>> No.493670

Hello, ctrl+c, meet ctrl+v and ctrl+s...

>> No.493689


It is perversion. Fucking several guys a day is perverse, even in this day and age it's unorthodox and the vast majority of people, religious or not, would agree with that. What's even more perverse, or perhaps funny, depending on your viewpoint, is that instead of just admitting, 'yeh, what i do isn't normal, I'm a slut' these people behave like there is some developed doctrinal philosophy behind their behaviour, they read some pseudo-philosophy by a postmodernist author with no credentials and just use buzzwords and silly cliched phrases like 'freeing your subconscious', the trend these days is that they mix that pseudo-philosophy with a bit of Eastern concepts, taken completely out of concept about 'chi energy' and shit. To someone who actually studies history and has studied philosophy before, the level of stupidity is quite hilarious.

I get the feeling you are a girl anyway. I can tell because of the style of prose you employ, it's very whiney.

>> No.493694

We have an "expert" here.

>> No.493699

Korean very ugly and ignorant.

>> No.493701

It's nice to see you've dropped the posturing of pretending to have an actual point to make.
