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4925213 No.4925213 [Reply] [Original]

You find a Touhou of your choice on your bed. What do you do next?

>> No.4925219

I run like hell because I don't want to die.

>> No.4925221

Hope to hell my Negotiation and Charisma scores are maxed out.

>> No.4925222

[x] Cuddle

>> No.4925223

Go back to sleep.

>> No.4925228

get killed horribly and eaten probably

>> No.4925229

Begin a grand adventure with her that questions the ethical boundary between reality and fiction.

Also, Kisume would make a great portable waifu. I'd carry her everywhere.

>> No.4925230
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I run like hell because I don't want to die of AIDS.

>> No.4925236


Assuming you walk in and find her lying/sleeping/whatever there. I'd assume if anyone picked Patchy she'd be reading.

>> No.4925239

consensual sex in the missionary position

>> No.4925241

Tell her to get the fuck out of my house.

>> No.4925245


>> No.4925247


>> No.4925250
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Make a run for the gate.

>> No.4925253


>> No.4925254


We have no idea how big that bucket is. I'd prefer Kogasa (I'm the OP) because of the large umbrella. I'm still not sure whether or not the girl or the umbrella is her real body, but I really don't care. Free umbrella.

>> No.4925256
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Play with her nipples.

>> No.4925258

I'd become her servant, and then we would go on to take over the whole world.

>> No.4925259
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I would be extremely scared because there is a monster of indeterminate form on my bed.

>> No.4925261
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Talk to her and let her know of my troubles and problems. She can read my heart, so there is no reason not to be truthful.

She understands me and comforts me. We embrace.

>> No.4925262
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[x]smoke more

>plant youkai

aw shit nig this could be heavy

>> No.4925263
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Since Marisa is on my bed, I assume that she doesn't mind me getting in with her.

Enjoy the night. Make her my wife.

>> No.4925282


Isn't that her real form, though?

>> No.4925288

its 4/20

don't you have better things to be doing?

>> No.4925291 [SPOILER] 
File: 1004 KB, 1400x1400, 6509505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[ ] Cuddle
[ ] Fuck
[ ] Rape
[ ] Scream and run away
[ ] Get killed
[ ] Wake up

>> No.4925292

Ask if she's seen my copy of Foundation. Can't find that shit anywhere.

>> No.4925293

I attach myself to her genitals and secrete an enzyme that fuses me to her at that area. I then spend the rest of my days there, atrophying and losing more and more of my vital organs until I'm little more than a pair of male gonads on her body, fertilizing her in response to her egg cycle.

>> No.4925296

Realize that it's a blow-up doll.

>> No.4925306

Asimov, So good.

>> No.4925314

I wouldn't do anything.
As with real girls, I'd be too pussy to try.

>> No.4925318


probably stole it.

>> No.4925319


My California king would not fit in my new domicile ;_;

>> No.4925320
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after I get some sleep

>> No.4925357

Yes, but that's not what I see. Cameras and such have no minds to perceive her, which is why they show her true form.

>> No.4925375

spoon and cry myself to sleep because it cant be real

>> No.4925378

you can sppon by yourself?

>> No.4925380


Then she decides to be nice enough to show you her true form...or you simply catch her off-guard.

>> No.4925382

You just have to believe, Boof.

>> No.4925391

you can't?

>> No.4925407


So I can find more of them.

>> No.4925408

I have no idea, I just always assumed it was a multiple person thing.

>> No.4925415


You can spoon a pillow.

>> No.4925431

I can't fall asleep unless I am doing this.

>> No.4925432

Only correct answer. You'd all be surprised as fuck.

>> No.4925445


>> No.4925447
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>> No.4925448
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probably ask her "Why the hell are you eating my pillows? If you're that hungry, I'll make you some breakfast!"

Then I'd make her breakfast and we'd eat together.

>> No.4925450
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Then you might as well have the one that's happiest when you're surprised. :3

>> No.4925456

Don't involve us in your fucking sex life, OP. Think up something on your own and leave us out of it.

Also get out.

>> No.4925463

Rip out her heart and consume it, as to gain her powers.

>> No.4925465

post on /jp/ like every other time I find stupid shit on my bed

>> No.4925475

Need details. Does the Touhou know how she got there? Is she as surprised to find herself in my bed as I am? Am I also in the bed, or did I walk in on her? Is she even awake?

>> No.4925476

Well first I'd check to see if she sucked any of my blood. Ask Remilia what she's doing in my bed, and ask How do I Vampire (non Twilight sparkly fag kind)

Or if I happen to be tied up and can't see where she is, go DAMNIT YUKARI!

>> No.4925477

Ill go tell my parents that theres a strange lady/girl sleeping in my bed and theres no space for me...

Then call the police.

>> No.4925481

Shit on the floor.

>> No.4925489

Did I find her there by waking up next to her? If so, probably go back to sleep. I've likely mistaken a pillow for her. If she's real she'll still be there when I wake up again in another 4 hours or so anyways.

>> No.4925497

slit her throat and suck the blood.

>> No.4925502


In order: Yes, no, your choice, your choice. She's doing whatever you'd expect her to be most likely doing on a bed. Suika would be passed out drunk, Patchy would be reading, Remilia would be sleeping, etc.

>> No.4925507

Somehow get a peice of her blood in my mouth so I become a youkai too.

>> No.4925509

Destroy her, that abomination doesn't belong on this earth.

>> No.4925518


>> No.4925527

U racist man?

>> No.4925530


I'd figure that if they didn't know where they were the first thing that would happen is you would be dead on sight. At least have her be aware of her situation so you don't end up dead from the start.

That and it'd be pretty funny if you walked in on Yuyuko trying to eat your sheets.

>> No.4925538

Youkai cant kill me, ill call the raymoo services to protect me.

>> No.4925551

Not really. Most Touhou's arn't as BLARGH DEATH KILL as people think.

>> No.4925554

I hope Patchy likes Discworld cause that's all I've got in my room.

>> No.4925555

>touhou of your choice
So if I like every touhou... Do I get them all in my bed somehow lost or dropped there by power of physics?

Im sure my bed cant handle that if one of them moves or jumps...

>> No.4925557

"You will never find a Touhou of your choice on your bed." ;_;

>> No.4925562

Some day I will anon... Some day I will...

>> No.4925602


Favorite only. You need to pick one.

>> No.4925606


They aren't psychopaths, but they are powerful and would probably kill you if they thought you meant harm just out of pure shock. The only one who I can see NOT doing something like that is Suwako. She'd probably tackle you with a big hug.

>> No.4925613

I'd play Starcraft II with Kaguya.

She better have brought her own computer though.

>> No.4925618


Youkai and Gods don't see humans as threats. They don't have that kind of defensive impulse.

>> No.4925619


>> No.4925643


If they just got vaulted to a strange location, they'd probably be a bit on the defensive. It's more likely that they just kill you out of shock thinking that you actually are a perceivable threat, with "Oh, it was only a human...oops." as an afterthought.

>> No.4925646

I'd like to think that most Touhou's are mature/composed/etc enough to not immediately attack something that surprises them.

>> No.4925649


Youkai don't just randomly kill humans, except maybe in GRIMSOKYO.

>> No.4925654


The fact that Kogasa is still alive is proof that they don't.

>> No.4925662

Kogasa was never alive. Animated /= alive.

>> No.4925667


First, Kogasa is terrible at surprising people. Nobody except the most paranoid of people would be surprised by her.

Second, she CAN'T die according to spellcard rules. That's just how it is there. If those rules weren't in place, Yuuka would have killed everyone by now. Flan would have killed anyone that got in her way, and Kaguya and Mokou would be doing the same thing they do anyway.

>> No.4925681

>If those rules weren't in place, Yuuka would have killed everyone by now. Flan would have killed anyone that got in her way

Fuck you. Yuuka and Flandre are not an ax-murdering psychopaths.

>> No.4925685

Is she sleeping? I get in bed next to her because I'm tired

>> No.4925691

The hell would they need an ax for? For that matter, why would they murder one?

>> No.4925697
File: 261 KB, 768x1090, Ran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask her what she's doing in my bed.
Converse awhile.
Ask her if she's comfortable, allow her to sleep over.
Climb into bed and cuddle.
Fondle her tails.

>> No.4925705
File: 88 KB, 500x622, 10016914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Admit it, you were surprised during her Extra.

>> No.4925711

I have sex with her.

>> No.4925737

Sakuya sits perched on the bedposts, gesturing towards two cups of tea. I sip from my tea, tasting the slightly sweet flavor of chamomile. She knows I am a total milque-toast and require very light things. I smile at her, with a slight bow of appreciation. She looks distant, and her own cup slowly spills over onto my groin. She tries to amend the situation by drying off my groin with her apron. Frustrated, she takes off my pants and cleans me with a slightly dampened washcloth. At this point, my penis is getting fairly erect. She removes her now moistened apron and gingerly drops it onto the floor. She slowly takes me into her hands and rubs on a smooth lotion that she's warmed between her hands. I smile at her, and she simply remains focused on the task. I love her.

>> No.4925863

^ on crack

>> No.4925874
File: 300 KB, 1200x900, 1268648764872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discuss magical matters, spirituality, and the occult.

>> No.4925927

>Sakuya sits perched on the bedposts, gesturing towards two cups of tea. I sip from my tea, tasting the slightly sweet flavor of chamomile.

The next thing you know: You are already dead.

>> No.4925932


Maybe find her some regular clothes. Traipsing about in nothing but pajamas isn't very decent.

>> No.4925960

You've clearly thought about this before

>> No.4925967
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It's normal when you are on a bed.

>> No.4925981


Then why does she wear them in the library?

>> No.4925988
File: 51 KB, 271x320, 1268641148872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sleeps there.

>> No.4925992


There's no bed there! She should really get out more often so she's not so anemic.

>> No.4925995

I viciously rape and kill her. She's not human so it's not a crime.

>> No.4926008

Why so mean?

>> No.4926015

She's probably not going to panic and kill you as soon as you walk into the room.
She WILL panic and kill you if you walk into the room and try to rape/kill her.
Geez, people...

>> No.4926031

Probably the best choice is to get her to make you into some form of cute youkai...

>> No.4926050


Yukari it is then, right?

>> No.4927575
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There is always a solution for the wise.

>> No.4931127

Not an hour goes by that I don't turn my thoughts to my beloved Sakuya. Her fastidiously plaited braids, in her soft, silvery hair, splayed across the pillow, the couch, the counter like fireworks, her sly glances from those seductive eyes, her delicate, nimble fingers, her cunning and her time manipulation, oh, she could manipulate me anytime. Let's not forget her lovely uniform, pressed and crisp each time the sun rises, draped across her lithe, lovely porcelain skin... she is perfect.

>> No.4931134
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>> No.4931175

make a shitty thread on /jp/ like this one.

>> No.4931204

get eaten
be happy
