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File: 41 KB, 1049x755, 125125744057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4924300 No.4924300 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ VN thread continued

old thread:

>> No.4924306


So far we've got the /jp/ girl, an innocent church girl, and some kind of undecided form of tits.

>> No.4924311

So far we have a normalfag sexromp which will (not) be made by shitposters.

>> No.4924314

reading Muv luv currently, not too bad.

>> No.4924317


>> No.4924322


>> No.4924325

The longest, most twisting and turning route is the comedy route.

>> No.4924332

>/jp/ girl
Flat chested bisexual lolicon of some sort. Likes VNs, and as you could guess, posts on /jp/. If you go from an early post in the previous thread, she delivers an onahole to the protagonist, apparently being less of a NEET than he is by having a job. She mentions making it a Cirnohole, and things go from there.

GOOD END: Dakimakura threesomes.
DRAMA END: The gap between 2D and 3D is too big, and she realizes neither of them will be completely happy with real life. She can't live up to his Touhou waifus and commits suicide.
ROMANCE END: The protag and the /jp/ girl spend their days cuddling, playing VNs together, and possibly also having some dakimakura threesomes.

>> No.4924345

Shaggy dog route?

>> No.4924348

No, they're talking about making a VN.

The basic concept is that some /jp/ faggot orders an onahole and then a 3D normalfag femanon shitposter whore from /jp/ delivers it and they fuck.


tl;dr: We need a mod to come in and permaban all of them.

>> No.4924352

Samefag reposting (made mistake and posted too late):

" I think we need someone to actually write something.
It's hard to tell if it's good without actually hearing it..

Also, perhaps it's about time we somewhat mutually decide on a genre or perhaps one or a combination of these stories.. I think some actual artwork could start something up.

Unfortunately, whilst I do do some visual arts things, I am poor with things like the human form and graphic novel type things...


So, I've been told I'm a 'good' writer... but I've never done something like this before.

Any way, what I'm thinking is, what with the absurd longevity of /jp/ threads, I can actually take the time to go look up some ideas for starting stories and contemplate how to approach this...

Then I'll come back to this thread, look over all the ideas- insane, serious or otherwise - and try to hodgepodge something together..

I've never not been able to do a creative project before.... Hmm...

I'll admit that it may suck being at the mercy of 4chan, but.. oh well.

I can't code, and I don't have any experience with writing game plots or 'Choose Your Own Adventuree'-esque things but I just might be able to put together a beginning.
I'll do that.

I have to find some way to practice my writing either way, and since I have been slacking off a bit, I guess I could use this..."

>> No.4924359

Where the fuck did you get any of that from?

>> No.4924366

It's funny because it's not like that.

>> No.4924368

The last thread, faggot.

>> No.4924373

If anyone is still interested in this, I could do some artwork and post it sometime tomorrow.

As long as I get some suggestions for what you'd like the characters to look like, I could manage something - at the very least, we'd have some rough sketches for some sort of inspiration, maybe.

>> No.4924375

A giant alien battle ship crashes into the earth and destroy everything and then they try to piece it all back together with the only information they could find that survived the disaster, easymode.

Now you find yourself living in a world where your childhood friend is a Touhou, and also the first ice fairy president of the United States of Gensokyo.

Yes eye can!

Meanwhile dakimakura girl, who was a femanon but now a living dakimakura looks to the protagonist for support as she comes to terms with life on the boundary of 2D and 3D.

>> No.4924383

I pictured /jp/ girl with a flat chest but DEM HIPS. Also, zettai ryouiki. Dunno where to go from there.

>> No.4924387

>It's like OsaDai, only different!

>> No.4924392


shut up, youre lame

>> No.4924396

You guys have any artists yet? I'm somewhat interested in giving a VN a shot.

>> No.4924397

Tripfags and retards like the idea.

I rest my case.

>> No.4924403

>post it sometime tomorrow.
That may not be a good idea. /jp/ loses interest in things quickly, if you wait that long all momentum might be gone.

Not that I'm expecting much, but good luck to those of you motivated and wanting to get something accomplished.

>> No.4924405

I'm interested in doing some art but more artists are always a good thing.

>> No.4924411

I was just pointing out you were wrong.

>> No.4924414

I'll work on it now, then, but I still would like some suggestions for what characters should look like.

>> No.4924424

Except the post you cite only confirms all of my claims.

Go back to /a/.

>> No.4924425


>> No.4924430

No, thanks.

>> No.4924434
File: 34 KB, 594x373, 1249716138346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. /jp/ is really off the ball today - terrible, terrible ideas, even as jokes.

>> No.4924448

Programmer here.

I would be happy to help out with this.

>> No.4924455

So I'd like to help in some way, but I haven't written something in years, can't draw, and have no experience programming VNs.

>> No.4924467

What? You want me to finish it in a DAY?
Fuck no.
Well, if I come up with something, I guess I'll think about posting it, but.. See, I have to have inspiration and whatnot. You don't generally present/finish this shit the day you come up with it.
It could take hours.

>> No.4924486

Someone's pretending to be "me" now?
The fuck?
Well, not that it matters.

No, I'm working on it today, but I won't necessarily have anything today.
Not sure.
I've got shit to do as well.

>> No.4924489

Where the hell did you come from?

I personally am fine with doing stuff on a rushed time limit, so...yeah. Pressure sensitivity on my tablet is fucked so hard its cervix may be bruised, hence why I wanted to do stuff tomorrow. I could fix it by then, or get around to scanning something.

>> No.4924493

I am only participating because I'm bored.

>> No.4924499

Well, I probably can do it today..
Alright, I don't what the fuck I'm talking about.
I could very well get something here today, but I'm not sure.
I guess I'll try.

>> No.4924504

Well, the faster the better. Look like lack of momentum pretty much killed all the /jp/ project VNs, even DG was close to dying from that.

>> No.4924514

Slow down.

Take it easy.

Maybe you'll all forget to eat for a few weeks. We'd all be better off.

>> No.4924526

I have an idea for a VN.

An orphaned boy adopted after a disaster in his mid sized Japanese city wishes to become a hero. He never wants to see others suffer, even those who would hurt others.

He has an affinity for swords and magic that is unknown until a secret war between magi clans breaks out in his town over a powerful artifact.

The routes are an older tomboyish girl who cares deeply for him and has helped raise him as an older sister, the female captain of his archery team at school who is one of his oldest friends, an older woman from ages long past who suffered a tragic fate but wields powerful magic. After those three routes are cleared, a fourth route appears featuring the daughter protagonist's adoptive parents.

I think it could be popular.

>> No.4924530

How about something that's not self-insert pandering bullshit? Just a thought.

>> No.4924531



>> No.4924533

/jp/ rejects your idea. Sex romps are much better.

>> No.4924534

Well, maybe we're not approaching this the right way.
Maybe we really do need to set this shit up first.

It would be rather strange trying to go around /jp/ with what has passed on from others to become my own story wandering aimlessly and stupidly around /jp/ trying to find someone to code this shit.. and compose the music... and properly critique the writing.. and do the drawings...

>> No.4924537

I'm suggesting that you at least start putting up some sketches soon, if your schedule permits.

If you wait until tomorrow to show anything, I assure you this project idea will already be dead. Well, it looks like at least two people are interested in doing character design/concept art at the moment, so there is hope yet.

>> No.4924540
File: 371 KB, 612x4108, ninjas attacked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See pic. I'm not a good writer, but I shooped this from a Precure episode. The whole idea is to defeat his female enemies and so forth. This is how the VN begins.

>> No.4924543

Not very interesting.
You should put in some swords, everyone loves swords.

>> No.4924546

Like, you know, it would pretty much devolve into sounding/becoming like "Hey! I have an idea for a VN. Will someone help do all the work for me??"

>> No.4924547

I was the anon who started the original thread 5 hours ago. I never expected the first thread to get 300+ replies and spawn a second thread. Just goes to show you /jp/ has alot of desires and dreams but simply has trouble with motivation.

>> No.4924556

I can't put a sex romp on my resume! At least with something like DG, I can fool the more ignorant employers into thinking that it's a somewhat serious work.

>> No.4924557

Did you just totally rip off Princess Waltz?

>> No.4924558

This sounds like a bad idea. Even if it was somehow made, it would never be successful.

>> No.4924561

an hipster fag a normal fag and a /jp/ fag, somehow meet each other and wind up becoming brothers, comedy adventure, and fighting ensues. o and add 3 women in there too

>> No.4924571

Should /jp/ girl have long hair or short hair? An updo of some sort or what?

>> No.4924573

For this to be popular and sell in Japan there must at least 100 American flags in the VN. They can be on people's clothes or in any background. You are then guaranteed sales.

>> No.4924577

A VN developed on /jp/ can't be done. You need a more consistent and organized location.

>> No.4924579

The worse thing is that even when the average /jp/er himself gets demotivated, he bitterly tries to drag everyone with him. I predict by at most the third day, every other post will be "sage for /jp/ devs, reported, etc."

>> No.4924581

Long hair, immaculately braided into a style that makes it look short, so there can be scenes where she lets her hair down for moe.

>> No.4924582

drillhair is best hair

>> No.4924589

I hope this wasn't trying to be original in anyway, because the first two lines sound pretty much like Fate/stay Night.

>> No.4924593

That's why you don't listen to the people saying that shit.

>> No.4924600


Then she burns her hair on a barbeque and has to cut it short?

>> No.4924601

>My ideas are incredibly shitty, but there's no way I can admit that, so I'm going to push the blame on the people pointing this out.

>> No.4924611

Give /jp/ girl a baggy sweatshirt of some sort and I will be happy.

>> No.4924606 [DELETED] 

Katawa Shoujo much?
Well, I didn't think that one was any good.. But still, it shows something can come out of this.

Anonymous can get surprisingly organized.

>> No.4924614

Do they even have barbeques in Japan?

>> No.4924618

ITT: wish fulfillments

not that i have anything against it

>> No.4924619

This isn't set in japan.

>> No.4924623


>obviously never seen Aria

>> No.4924624

I think the person was insinuating that fsn should have had Taiga, Ayako, Caster, and Ilya routes instead of what we got.

>> No.4924626

Yeah, the initial idea was spawned on 4chan, but they didn't continue development there, they went somewhere else.

>> No.4924632

That's what I thought as well, but then people started seriously critiquing the idea.

>> No.4924633

ITT: Neo-Venezia is Japan.

>> No.4924635

Newfriends, or thick-headed friends. Oh well, I still don't approve due to lack of Rider.

>> No.4924636

I liked that vampire idea from the last thread, but frankly it sounded damn depressing (aside of that whole early bit with the soldiers).

And I support >>4924317

>> No.4924638


Indeed, most likely the smart thing to do however. The threads would have been sagebombed and reported into obvlivion.

>> No.4924645

Or just retarded normalfags, since this thread is full of them.

>> No.4924651

And actually, I'm not the one supporting the idea of keeping this all on /jp/.
I really do think that we should move to another site and not just stay on /jp/...

>> No.4924659


One route follows the story of the Blues Brothers.

>> No.4924663

Anyone have preferences for /jp/ girl's hair colour?

I really should just draw something instead of wasting time F5ing for people's responses and such.

>> No.4924671

Red or Brown.

Also are we still doing the "core cast of characters but each route is a different genre" thing?

>> No.4924672
File: 140 KB, 571x576, hospice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still in favor of the Antlers' Hospice adaptation.

>> No.4924675

>I really should just draw something instead of wasting time F5ing for people's responses and such.
You figured it out, didn't you? Draw whatever you like. If people criticize you to death, you'll probably figure out what they wanted instead.

>> No.4924677

If you want to make a VN, get a decent idea first. The onahole one is fuckin stupid. Try making a thread like, "You have one chance to pitch the most amazing VN idea to your favorite company. What is it?" Then actually make the best one.

>> No.4924679

In fact, now that I think about it, if we move out of /jp/, wouldn't it make it easier to come back to?

Maybe we should try to do both.
Also, fuck I really do need to get to that writing..
There's something I have to find first though, otherwise I don't think I'll be able to come up with much, at least, not in such a brief period of time..
And it's very last.. damn it..

>> No.4924686

Yeah, but it seems to have changed a little bit to "there's a core cast and each gets a route of x genre, y genre, z genre, etc."

Whatever, both are good.

>> No.4924687
File: 320 KB, 938x2487, 1271315497337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need the main character's dad.

I've actually done this while playing Burnout.

>> No.4924689

samefag yet again.

>> No.4924693


You should draw something then see if people like it or not, only after you draw something will people start thinking about what they like better.

>> No.4924695


>> No.4924697


Agreeing with this, this idea is far too "lol /jp/ anon for the lulz". It might seem "hilarious" now, but by day two i guarantee everybody will be over it

>> No.4924698

Now that I think about it, if someone gets to drawing, we'd have that momentum those posters were taking about and I'd have more time for the writing.. In fact, I'd have inspiration for the writing...

>> No.4924708

I don't care what we do so long as we keep the church girl.

>> No.4924714


Exactly, it's more or less impossible to write a story without character disigns(that means personalities too faggots) to work off.

>> No.4924720

I agree with this too. Stories about onahole, dakimakura, NEETs and all the slice of life stuff with a girl from /jp/ sound funny right now, but nobody will seriously write anything. It's pointless to talk about doing art for such ideas.

>> No.4924723

If you guys are serious I think it would be better to do something with an actual story. /jp/ girl sounds like a fun idea but it seems rather shallow. You know, the kind of idea that everyone gets bored of after they don't think it's funny anymore.

I want to draw, but I just can't work with this idea. Not that it matters since you have two other artists, just my personal disappointment I suppose.

>> No.4924744

It'd be a decent idea. The general story's already in place, you'd just have to fill in the details. It'd be less restrictive than /jp/'s Dandy Girl, which was just a re-write.

>> No.4924749
File: 159 KB, 493x1276, hurkadurkadurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While the other drawfag was waiting for responses, I drew this.

It's shit, and with a fucking mouse, and now you guys don't want it. Thanks, bros.

>> No.4924757

Reposting my shit from the other thread :

It's about a ugly guy, and I mean UGLY. He has a job but tries to avoid people as much as he can. He work as a translator from his home and lives alone. He loves to take strolls at night even though a serial killer is roaming these days (but the MC isn't aware of this yet since he doesn't watch TV or read newspapers, he doesn't care about what happens outside of his bubble). One night, while walking on the streets, he sees a light coming from a window of the building in which the office he works with is located (he comes here about once a month, but no one is supposed to be here at night). He decide to check it out and meet a woman here. She is a new worker who was fishing through files. She then inform the MC of the serial killings and ask him to walk her home. The MC accepts very reluctantly since he hates women. After the woman is safe at home, he begins to go back to hiw own when he hears some noises coming from a dark, small impasse. In here he sees a man with a bloody knife looking over a heavily mutilated corpse. The killer notices the MC and after talking for a bit, he attacks him. The fight ends in a drawn (the MC always carry an expandable baton around and knows how to fight quite well) and the killer flees.

>> No.4924759

It's a fair start.

>> No.4924763

looks nice, but the eyes seem a little too thin.

>> No.4924764

You are a soldier from some country (doesn't matter which) stationed in somewhere (doesn't matter where). All day you must listen to your annoying partner talking about going home to marry his best gal while you just sit there and try to tune him out.

The day before you get out, you are shot by one of the more surly locals. Your partner, believing you his dearest friend, takes out your killer and promises to name his kid after you, as you, unable to speak, wish he was dead instead.

Next thing you know, you are seated at a card table across from a particularly dapper looking chap.

The chap offers to save your life on the condition that, if you die again, you get to go with him (WELL ERM GEE WONDER WHO HE IS). You agree and respawn in some town as a vampire.

Experimenting with your new body, you tear several punks that pick a fight with you to pieces. After a healthy and robust meal, you decide to play with some lighter fare and go after a schoolgirl, turning her into a vampire. The rest of the game has you mentally tormenting her and tempting her into killing and drinking deeply her family and friends.

The ending has this backfire on you, with you being torn to pieces by her after her mind breaks and dragged off by that gentlemen from earlier.

Her mind destroyed, she stumbles off into the sunlight and dies, singing a creepy little song and crying.

>> No.4924769

> dark hair
> piercing blue eyes
> facial expression makes me think she's a complete pervert under that normal exterior

I wholeheartedly approve

>> No.4924776

Starts dark comedy, moves to tragedy with the player at the villain?

>> No.4924781

I really wouldn't mind a vn/eroge where you are the villain. Its rare.

>> No.4924788

Guy who made the above shitty idea:

I like the idea of making the player the villain, forcing them to do things which they find detestable. The danger of course is that they can easily detach themselves from the character and avoid it affecting them.

>> No.4924791

That actually looks pretty g-

>with a fucking mouse

At any rate, I like the design. Dem eyes, and the clipped up hairstyle is cute.

>> No.4924796

On second thought, I actually do like those eyes.

>> No.4924804

I would recommend against the track jacket, as her personality and apparel may be too similar to P4's Chie.

>> No.4924806

Just when I was turning against the idea of the /jp/ girl...this gives me hope.

It's a first VN. It doesn't have to be super deep or complex. It's not that bad to be a bit shallow sometimes.

>> No.4924817

Yeah, as I was drawing it I started to get Chie vibes.

But anon asked for a baggy sweatshirt, so...yeah. It could always be part of her work uniform.

>> No.4924826

Writefag here again.
It doesn't quite seem right for a VN, at least not yet.
The eyes are a bit narrow among other things.
But, we can always change it.. In fact, we can change it pretty dramatically.. and I can kinda work with that.
Yeah... Let's go with that for now, and we can start developing her personality and appearance.

Well, I'll just talk very roughly about her for now.

She looks like some sort of intellectual.
Kind, maybe a bit shy, but also oddly serious..

>> No.4924828

I don't have a problem with one of the heroines being a /jp/ girl, however, the plot of the VN shouldn't be so self-indulgent.

>> No.4924830

When I read the sweatshirt suggestion I was thinking of more like gray sweatshirt with really long sleeves. But I was thinking the /jp/ girl was somewhat of a recluse.

>> No.4924832

She looks a bit like an owl.
Perhaps we could somehow name her after an owl?

>> No.4924837
File: 343 KB, 800x1200, 1256648466356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's a sweater it has to be this type, only without the tits.

>> No.4924838

Makes me think of a university setting..

>> No.4924840

I know the eyes are too narrow, but it's hard to get them equally round with a mouse. Sweatshirt needs to go or change so it's less Chie-like, too.

>> No.4924843

I kind of like this idea. Needs a few tweaks but I like the idea of being the villain. Maybe you could swap it around so from the main characters perspective it doesn't seem wrong, but as events progress you realize how fucked up you are. Kind of coax the player into believing he has to do certain things. You could turn it into a total mindfuck. Or maybe not.

>> No.4924846

Dull/quiet.. Maybe kinda laid back..

I think we need to work on that...

>> No.4924849

>eyes are a bit narrow
Fuck that, I've had enough of xbox hueg moeblob eyes for now. Be nice to have one of those coy, sly-eyed girls once in a while.

>> No.4924850

The MC, who has taken online courses exclusively throughout his college life, is forced to take a campus course.

>> No.4924851

She should be someone who would prefer to be a shut in, but has been kicked out of home and has to work to pay for rent.

How about her somehow ending up living with MC so that she can either quit or work less hours?

>> No.4924852

Actually, you know, I'm still not sure.
It depends.
The eyes aren't exactly bad and if you can get them in their and make it still manage to make it moe/manga-style/whatever, perhaps they could be a very interesting trait?

>> No.4924855

Yeah, a more proportionate artstyle should be used.

>> No.4924860

I kind of like the narrow eyes. It makes her seem a little mature for her age and perverted. I see that and think her character could go further than the girl who lurks /jp/, even if I like that aspect.

I like the sleeve length on the sweater.

>> No.4924876

That works.

>> No.4924879

How about making the sweatshirt brown with a little logo on it, and make it her work uniform?
It seems like it would fit for a delivery company.

>> No.4924890

I'm liking the college idea, too.

I like the moving in to solve work problems thing, though. Instead of just being "hurr I post on imageboards," she's a femanon but with an actual character. Protag doesn't just kidnap her at his doorstep. He remembers the coy looking delivery girl with the sly eyes and things go from there.

>> No.4924892

I think brown hair and a brown sweatshirt would look a little off.

>> No.4924902

Writefag here.
She's.. a librarian.. an orphan librarian...
Wait, that sucks...

>> No.4924903

Okay, I'll remember that.

I could do more art tomorrow and it wouldn't have to be shitty and rushed and with a fucking mouse. Will you guys still be up for this later, or is this idea gonna die out within 24 hours?

>> No.4924909

Red or blue, then.

They're good "company" colours.

>> No.4924919

I, the writefag, will remember this thread.

...Damn maybe I really should just become a tripfaggot..

>> No.4924921

What? No.

Why colors? Just make it a gray tone so that it doesn't clash. It looks more mature too.

>> No.4924926

I think we can keep this going for longer then 24 hours.

Anyone who loses interest likely wouldn't last longer then the 24 hours even if stuff was happening.

(The only problem is finding the new thread if this one dies)

>> No.4924934

Just get a trip and use it only to verify that you're in a thread or something. Like I'm doing that now, if I remember how to make one, as I'm on a phone and on too many cold meds to think straight.

>> No.4924964

Okay, so the /jp/ girl/sly-eyed girl is the main heroine? And she has blue eyes and dark brown hair, and her work uniform is a grey jacket, white skirt and black thigh highs? Any additions or changes?

>> No.4924983

My change would be that this ends now.

>> No.4924988

Not really a change, but I think only the jacket should be the uniform. She is wearing the skirt/thigh highs just because.

>> No.4924985 [DELETED] 

Very well.
In fact, fuck it; I WILL use a name.

>> No.4924995

Very well.

>> No.4925008

Yeah, I kind of figured that.

How does she end up getting to know the protag better? Now I'm thinking of her as more of a...a sad character, I guess, who for whatever reason had to get a job and quit being a hikki, but still feels kind of socially awkward.

>> No.4925014

Threads dying/dead.. How are we going to reconvene?
That could prove difficult...

>> No.4925020
File: 285 KB, 1920x1080, chibi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could contribute, but as you can see, I can't draw for beans, there are much better drawfags here on /jp/ and I don't have any musical talent.

>> No.4925034

If you do the college thing, then there can be the former /jp/ girl, who goes to the same school and delivered stuff to you, the church girl, who you meet after having to volunteer at the church because you did something retarded and illegal in class, and the professor of one of your classes, who is surprisingly young and very intelligent, but a bit of a cloudcuckoolander and very well endowed.

>> No.4925043

If we go with the college idea, they first meet when she delivers his package (which may or may not be an onahole), and later meet again at the school

>> No.4925044

You draw better than most people...
In fact, besides the odd way the legs join together, that looks perfectly fine.
In fact, it really does look good...
You don't have much confidence, it would seem.

>> No.4925048

Either the interested parties exchange emails, or we go by tripcodes and hope we see the same threads at the same times tomorrow.

>> No.4925055

Will there be any voice acting, or is that generally a bad idea?

>> No.4925059

Tripcodes are better.

>> No.4925068

I like that. The protag is still not used to having to go outside for classes and deal with people, but when he sees the girl who delivered his package, he talks to her for once, instead of waiting for someone else to talk to him.

>> No.4925069

Actually, /jp/ is pretty inactive, so if we scour the threads, perhaps we could find it without too much pain...
Maybe we could, in fact, set up a time by which we create the thread.

>> No.4925071

fuck no to voice acting

>> No.4925075

Generally bad, but let's see how far we get with art and writing before voices even come up.

>> No.4925080


If you limit the contacts to emails and/or even forums, any hope of a project is pretty much dead. /jp/ is already small and slow as it is, cutting down wouldn't be the best idea.

>> No.4925082

You could always use the /jp/ section of Kureha One... no one uses it except for V/Ns and eroge, I'm sure that Kureha could enable guest posting in parts of the board if you ask.

>> No.4925088

They do have a certain advantage in that we all browse this directory and, provided we use the codes often, we're all bound to run across each other, whereas with a fake e-mail address.. well... that's harder.

>> No.4925090

How about a pastebin page, and add to it any time a new thread is put up?

(either way, I have put up a trip)

>> No.4925092


Those eyes are fucking sex.

>> No.4925096

What timezone are you in? I'm the mouse drawfag from before, and I'm interested in future threads, though I don't know if my art could be of any use.

>> No.4925106

nevermind, it seems like pastebin only lets your see previous versions, not new versions.

>> No.4925110

>> C:\Users\Chisame\Desktop\chibidesktop.psd


>> No.4925112

U.S. Pacific.

>> No.4925122

The narrow eyes are starting to grow on me, too. They pissed me off when I was trying to derp my way through drawing, though.

Anyone else in favour of narrow eyes for her?

>> No.4925129

Thanks. I'm gonna guess that you're about three hours behind from me, then, as I'm in...whatever Toronto is. I'll just remember to adjust the time if you do make threads at a scheduled time, then.

>> No.4925134

I was
So yes, I do like the narrow eyes.

>> No.4925140

It's 7:40-ish right now.

>> No.4925147

If you include this threads id in any new threads, we should be able to find it by searching the id in easymodo.

>> No.4925153

11:40ish here.

Four hours, then. Whatever, /jp/ is nice and slow anyway, if someone is a bit late the thread won't die.

>> No.4925155

almost 2pm here

>> No.4925165

Hey, I just an idea.
Perhaps we should use a certain image when we post the new thread.
That way, we'd be able to spot the thread easier, and if anybody tries to post the thread, again they'll get hit by the anti-spam program and we'll be directed to a single thread...
But we'll have to use an image that won't be posted..
I can foresee some other problems as well.. But we could try it.
If it gets picked up by a troll and they start a shit thread, then, eh, that would suck, but it would at least be obvious enough that they were trolling..
And I don't think it will necessarily happen if we pick a rare/new enough image.

>> No.4925167

wait are you in AM or PM?

I have the same time as you, except I'm in AM right now

>> No.4925177

That would mean you're clear on the other side of the world.

>> No.4925180

For now we could use the image of /jp/ girl or whatever the fuck she's called. She needs a name, dammit.

>> No.4925184


Shit, you're far away.

>> No.4925187

A Japanese or western name?

>> No.4925191


>> No.4925192



>> No.4925201

Also, fortunately, I have nothing to do tomorrow.
So, we start about the same time we did all of this.. that would be pretty logical, no?

7PM Pacific time, unnamed /jp/girl.
Try searching it if you're not sure.

>> No.4925210


Like? Dislike?

>> No.4925214

Hmm.. I was still wondering about my idea of somehow naming her after an owl..

>> No.4925218

Call her Jeypi

>> No.4925220

>Try searching it if you're not sure.
The time, I mean.

>> No.4925225

7 PM Pacific might be a bit too late for me, but I can try for then. I've got midterms and other shit to go through at the moment, but fuck them.

>> No.4925226

Personally, I think that's a bit of a strange name for a dating sim.

>> No.4925234

Well, alright...

Anyone else have anything to say about the time?

>> No.4925235


I want to say Nino, but that's because I just watched Arakawa 03.


>> No.4925237

I will keep my eye out.
There is a pretty good chance this thread will still be alive, so make sure to check here first.

Not a fan.

I looked a bit into that, and the best I could find was the goddess Athena, who some authors apparently believe is a owl.

>> No.4925240

Dislike the spelling, at least. "I"s like that are a pet peeve of mine, as are "y"s used like "Mykenzi" or something equally awful.

>> No.4925242

You guys aren't going to accomplish anything.

>> No.4925244

"Oh I love you so much Jeypi"...

>> No.4925249


>> No.4925255

stop being a killjoy

>> No.4925265

Neither will you.

>> No.4925268

Also, why are we deciding on whether or not the name is eastern or western?
To me, it seems we should focus on finding suitable names..
Names that reflect who she is and/or what she looks like and/or etc..

>> No.4925274


>> No.4925281

Jeypi = /jp/

>> No.4925283
File: 584 KB, 493x1276, 1271wqe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4925286

Well, it's still a strange name.
Maybe it could be her nickname/working name..

>> No.4925287

Posting here isn't her defining trait any more though.

>> No.4925289

Too common.

>> No.4925290

Because she looks like an owl? please... Why don't we just name her Tootsie after tootsie pops then?

>> No.4925300

I like Nina.

>> No.4925302

How does she look like an owl?

>> No.4925303

Actually, I think we should just not bother with the name at all for now.
Develop her, THEN name her.
We might even be able to come up with better names somehow.

>> No.4925305

You don't want the name contrived either.

>> No.4925309

why can't she be real ;_;

>> No.4925312

Seconding Nina.

>> No.4925325

Because she's being invented in this exact moment?

>> No.4925326

The eyes.
Also, her face is a bit round, also, she's a shut-in which is kinda similar to a nocturnal owl in some ways..
And I was saying she seemed like an intellectual too me.. not sure how that's going now, but she still seems like that too me.

>> No.4925327
File: 123 KB, 493x1276, 1271wqexxn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4925328

why would you save that ugly shit

>> No.4925329




I assume it's because of the brown hair and TAHT NOSE

>> No.4925348

I would save it solely because of DEM FUCKING EYES.

Church girl can have giant saucer moe moe eyes, but this girl needs dem fucking eyes. Like they're having sex with my monitor.

>> No.4925350

Like the protagonist in "Hedwig and the Angry Inch?" Yeah, not a good idea.

>> No.4925364

We're still working on it.
Seems like we're starting to forget that a bit....

>> No.4925372

Can someone shoop the sweater to grey or whatever color we decided on? I'm curious.

>> No.4925384
File: 146 KB, 1000x1000, no name.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not interested in working on this project, so what I thought I'd do was post a random drawing and wish you guys the best of luck.

>> No.4925387

Someone needs to clean it up and get cell-shading. My dick awaits

>> No.4925388


>> No.4925396


I think I just died

>> No.4925397


I dislike the short sleeves, though. Definitely go with long sleeves that go over her hands a little in that cute way.

>> No.4925399

That's fucking hot, from one lesser drawfag to a clearly greater one.

>> No.4925412

Wait hang on.. Are these subtly different?
Like maybe a single black pixel or something?...
Well, any way, make sure to save the FIRST post of that image (post 4924749 where the poster named the file "hurkadurkadurr") and not the second one...

>> No.4925421


still in favour of the old eyes though

>> No.4925428

>I'm not interested in working on this project

>> No.4925434
File: 438 KB, 493x1276, jpgirl2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you are. Not sure about the shade, but whatever.


>> No.4925437

Huh, the style reminds me vaguely of The World Ends With You, but perhaps that's more the coloring than anything else.

>> No.4925459

...I feel so inadequate as a drawfag now. ;_;

>> No.4925479

Not to get off topic, but I loved the math puns in that game.

>> No.4925516

The church girl started as a Karen reference, so using Karen as a basic template would make sense.

>> No.4925521

We'll need more characters after we're fairly finished with this one as well.
Don't forget.

Perhaps the next one we work on should be the MC.

Hm... I'll have to write all this stuff down for next time..

>> No.4925522
File: 53 KB, 214x205, 1264016026577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4925537

So darker skin, lighter hair, smallish frame and rounder, larger eyes?

>> No.4925540

Something like that.

>> No.4925544

I'm already committed to working on my own project which I probably will never finish. Do not look forward to it.

Since I was a part of the only successful /jp/ project (to date), I do hope to see you guys succeed.

>> No.4925547

Don't worry, I thought yours was still awesome, though I don't know about anyone else. Eyes were sex, and you had a shorter amount of time.

>> No.4925558


Narrow eyes are sex

>> No.4925575

What is Karen from?

>> No.4925593

You should know that already.

>> No.4925607
File: 312 KB, 503x531, 1243012386848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4925632

Sorry. Despite browsing /jp/ as much as I do, I haven't really played too many VNs.

Though I got it, thanks anyways.

>> No.4925634
File: 107 KB, 800x863, 124829351675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you smirking about Karen, get on the goddamn bed.

>> No.4925647

She looks so fragile. Like you could break her if you were too rough.

>> No.4925655

It's more like the more evil you are, the more spikes sprout out of her body. Also she's a combination sadist/masochist nun that desires only peace and love for everyone and constantly begs god for forgiveness for whatever she's done at the time.

>> No.4925664

Goddammit, I thought that was uncensored.
Thumbnails can be deceiving.

>> No.4925670

Okay, fuck it, I can't stay up for longer, I have to be up in five hours. If anyone cares, the shitty drawfag from earlier will probably post something tomorrow afternoon, so hopefully someone will still be interested then.

>> No.4925673

So she's nothing like her daddy?

>> No.4925674
File: 455 KB, 1060x1510, 1238540109997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Oh hi Anonymous, just enjoying "slice of life with waifus: the game" while you wait for a translation that will never finish.

>> No.4925680

shall be waiting

>> No.4925684

Well aside from the sadist part (which seems less prominent that the masochist part) and the fact that she's snide as hell, pretty much.

>> No.4925683 [DELETED] 

Good night /jp/.
I documented the thread.

I... haven't either... I mean.. I've played them... but not very many... The only well known one's I've played, I think, are Rance, Katawa and Fate/Stay Night. I didn't get it either. I've probably played somewhere between 5-15 of them - that's including unintelligible newfag porn I found on a site that reposts content - This thread is a LIE! My life is a LIE! Jeypi is a LIE! *runs off and cries*

>> No.4925688

I like how every /jp/ thread eventually ends in us crying about FHA.

>> No.4925694

Good night /jp/.
I documented the thread.
7PM Pacific time tomorrow.
Don't forget.

>> No.4925733


btw i saw all that crap about your life being a lie

>> No.4925800

Let me get this right: there are 2-3 people willing to do the art, one of whom posted (>>4924749) and is now going under the tripcode !Rom/nRRrOI, while the other potential artists are too busy to get anything ready until tomorrow. Meanwhile, the only writer at the moment is !!9dl676lNTQ+ ?

There sure is a lot of planning work left still--choosing a VN engine, deciding on how to make the backgrounds, finding a musician or grabbing royalty-free music. I understand that !!9dl676lNTQ+ wants all interested people to gather at 7PM (Pacific Time) tomorrow, but without someone assuming a leadership role or just barreling ahead these small tasks can drag down progress and make people lose motivation.

>> No.4925805


I could work on the music, unfortunately all I can play with guitar (accoustic/electric), so someone else would have to be keys

>> No.4925807

I want Zun!bar to do the music. Please Zun!bar-sama~

>> No.4925810

Recording live music? Sick.
It'd be really cool actually if we can get the music to be all recorded rather than usual synth crap that comes with VNs.

>> No.4925813

Yeah, this shit is still in a very rough stage. I also dislike how we're going about it, but, whatever.

>> No.4925819

Music wise, I can play the harmonica and the Saxophone.

So if you guys want some jazz or blues, I'm your man.

>> No.4925820

Some chilled-out acoustic guitar BGM would be awesome for the atmosphere I think this VN is headed towards.

>> No.4925824

Since I was born talented, I can play the piano.

I assume you want piano music from someone as great as me, yes?

>> No.4925825

If you guys get past the "ideas and hope" stage I'd love to make some music for ya.

>> No.4925832

Wow, plenty of musicians jumped out of nowhere.

We just need a foundation for reliable communication to keep people motivated.

>> No.4925834

Do you have any recordings or demonstrations of just how "great" you are?

>> No.4925835

If you two aren't lying and can play, We could start some sort of band.

>> No.4925854

I can hear it now...


>> No.4925866

I can play the harmonica part

>> No.4925911

Theory/Composition major and pianist checking in. Have Logic 9, and am looking for something to pass the time until September. Boss me around.

>> No.4926239

You Zambosa? Only guy other I've seen that seems to use Logic.

>> No.4926592

Sent Kureha a msg and the /jp/ section of Kureha One is now guest post enabled

>> No.4926819

What was wrong with just using the old /jp/ project forums? It's still ripe for the picking, isn't it?

>> No.4926997

That's not my tripcode. I drew the original thing from >>4924749 and went by the "drawfaggot" name earlier, but took off the tripcode.

Hopefully it's the same now, because it's highly likely that I fucked it up. I'm going by memory with it here.

Also, later today I'll have something else done.

>> No.4927018

Goddamnit. Trying this shit again.

>> No.4927022

Seconded. I'm fine with the /jp/ project forum.

>> No.4927038


Okay, whatever, just know that the person who did that first piece of shitty art didn't go by an Anonymous + tripcode combo. I went by drawfaggot but it turns out that I'm actually just a fucking retard and I can't keep my trips straight. I'll try to get it right now, but if it doesn't work then fuck, you'll have to trust someone on the Internet.

>> No.4927145

I donno bout you guys, but it's been kind of slow for me for quite a while now (since the around the release of DG). Also, bunch of annoying ads and bots too. Only thing it might have up on the is I don't th K1 has the attachment function for pictures or whatnot, though you probably have to have an actual account anyways to use it.

>> No.4927179

I just checked the site. No bot spam noted, but the ads are still there. Doesn't seem slow to me.

>> No.4927206

Yet another project that will never be completed.

>> No.4927216

Strange. After the last server "update," accessing any page on there causes it to idle for like 10 seconds before it actually starts to load for me.

>> No.4927302

I want to join, though i'm in asia

>> No.4927311

We don't want your disgusting yellow kind here.

>> No.4927359

>I want to join, though i'm in asia
>We don't want your disgusting yellow kind here.
implying that even japan isn't allowed

>> No.4927462

So normalfag project wasn't satisfied with one american normalfag lifestyle VN, so you're planning to start another one?
Why don't you all get back to playing mmos with your irc friends?

>> No.4927495

Oh yeah, there was that other one wasn't there...
But I then again, I doubt most of the writers have both the creativity and perseverance to do work in a more exotic setting.

>> No.4927501


>> No.4927908


>> No.4927982

Everyone quit.

>> No.4928033

I can play drums, and it's easy enough to play along with a guitar track if someone makes one seeing as I've got a good ol' electronic drum kit.

>> No.4928150

I'd recommend against using the /jp/ Project forum. It was always somewhat unpredictable--occasionally very slow, and sometimes had downtime that lasted weeks.

I recommend you guys try http://bunbunmaru.com/kareha/projects/ or http://www.stack.nl/~vdz/oc/wakaba/wakaba.html

Those two sites were created the last time people on /jp/ were interested in making collaborative OC, and the general opinion was that people would rather use an imageboard than a phpBB forum.

>> No.4928210

>>4928150Anything but /bun/.

>> No.4928214

Yeah, this. I'll use anything but Bunbunmaru.

>> No.4928228


>> No.4928233

Don't be so obtuse. Not many people on /jp/ were willing to host an imageboard, so beggars can't be choosers. Additionally:

>* None of the works posted here are affiliated with Bunbunmaru in any way

>> No.4928274

I don't want this project to face any unwanted guilt by association just from being on that site alone. Also, if you take the discussion away from /jp/, there is a large possibility that it will lose its attraction and die.

>> No.4928425

Drawfaggot here. I'm working on some /jp/ girl shit at the moment, but we should probably also get some stuff on the protag and church girl and other characters. Anyone have preferences, ideas, etc?

>> No.4928429

>implying Avenger/Bazett

>> No.4928436

As another anon said, Church girl should be based on Karen's design.

Protag should just be this pale, skinny dude.

>> No.4928438

I am a programmerfag, not a drawfag.
I probably should have put some clarification in when I put up the trip, but whatever.

>> No.4928543

This thread still exists?

>> No.4928735


>> No.4928753

This is /jp/, newfag.
Not very many people are on this board, so threads last a long fucking time.

Also, I never noticed this post >>4924311 the plot is not finished. We are focusing on characters, them to do.
University setting.. maybe I shouldn't have said that actually...
That sounds a bit boring.
Oh well.

How it is actually written could change how interesting it is either way..

Don't care if it succeeds. Don't care at all.
I'm just seeing how far we can go.

Also, really no one should expect to be good.
This is just a first-time project. It would just be interesting to see if we could do it.
We don't even have the blueprints and I doubt anyone has ever actually done this before, if we even start doing it, that is...

>> No.4928756

Not for long.

>> No.4928761

Yesterday I posted a picture of a warehouse asking /jp/ if they wanted to create a VN company, and now its spawned into this.

I have never been prouder /jp/ ;_:

>> No.4928781

I'm confused. Some dude said to meet at 7PM Pacific today, but on what? /jp/? Or do we have an IRC we can use?

>> No.4928788

We meet here.. unfortunately..

>> No.4928797

#/jp/meetup on Rizon

>> No.4928802

This doesn't have to be good.

It just has to be better than Katawa Shoujo.

>> No.4928832

That's going to be quite hard.

>> No.4928843

Equal to it, then.

Despite all the hate, it really wasn't that horrible.

>> No.4928871

Hmm.. Yeah, and I'll make sure to mention that at 7PM.
I am stupid for not thinking of using IRC..

>> No.4928896

And never actually got finished despite years in the works.

>> No.4928919

Eh, well they're still active, it would seem..
Last post was today, any way.
Maybe we could do it a bit differently by actually telling people about how/if it is progressing to some extant...

>> No.4928936

Disregard that; None of those posts actually have anything to do with the game itself.

>> No.4929016

Should we make a new thread now? This one is nearing the end of its life.

>> No.4929125

I'd wait till later when more people are actually on.

>> No.4929200

Yeah, I was about to say that if posting a few pictures and posting stuff on the internet equals game development that /jp/ had it made.

>> No.4929335

Well, actually, I found another site where they appeared to be actually developing the game.
Who cares?
It at least shows we can get a lot done.
Maybe if we just try to make it shorter with not as many characters, we can complete it.

>> No.4929378

Anyone up for some church girl stuff in a little while? It'll be done soon, though I'm trying to derp my way through it with the pen tool in Photoshop fucking 7.0 instead of with a mouse or pencil.

>> No.4929411

Hm... Perhaps we should do it either way.
Forgot the 7PM thread idea for now.
What is high time for /jp/?
Probably, I'm going to guess some time around 5-7PM central U.S.?
I'm not sure what they call that.. I only know like Pacific and eastern.. What was it like central west and central east time or someshit..

In any case, there's really no reason not to start a new thread I guess.

>> No.4929419

I'd just make a new thread. If it goes slowly then oh well, it will be found later by other interested parties.

>> No.4929725

As was stated earlier in this thread, the most efficient way to get things accomplished is to just do something first, and go from there. You can't passively sit back and wait for people to tell you what to do--make designs, and see if people approve. If they don't, then make changes accordingly until they do.

Sorry, I wasn't closely following the thread and noticed you made (>>4925434), so I automatically assumed you were one of the artists. Are you familiar any VN engines already? It's probably not worth programming one from scratch. If possible, I'd recommend that you use KiriKiri/KAG if you already know how to.

Just make one already. It's obvious that several of the interested people from yesterday are already here right now. Being indecisive and waiting for a majority agreement won't get you guys anywhere. I'm honestly worried for this project if none of you guys won't step up and start taking charge of things.

>> No.4929907

Very well.. Uh.. hang on.. My images are disorganized... Could take a little while..
The thing is, though, I want the thread to live until 7PM...
Or, well, I could make a 'temporary' thread, and then at 7PM I can make an 'official' thread were everyone leaves this thread.
Anyone still on this thread right now?

>> No.4929935

The drawfag is.

>> No.4930008

Are YOU a drawfag?
We can't exactly tell for sure if he's still on..
Nevertheless, you have proven that at least someone is still on, so I'll go ahead and make the thread.
I've already got all the boxes filled out in another tab.

>> No.4930018

Seriously though, if anyone from last night is still on, just post something now.

>> No.4930025
File: 1019 KB, 1500x3910, churchgirlscribble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Church girl scribble. I told you guys I was the drawfag.

>> No.4930043

I'm okay with this.

>> No.4930046
File: 212 KB, 500x1303, churchgirlscribble resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaand resized, since I'm retarded and that was giant.

>> No.4930074

>little brown girl

I approve.

>> No.4930080

She looks so sad..

>> No.4930099


New thread.

>> No.4930162

Sorry guys... I was stupid and decided to use GIMP instead of MS paint or something to make some minor changes to the image from this thread I was going to use for the new one and my computer fucked up on me while it was loading the fonts...


