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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4924013 No.4924013 [Reply] [Original]

Cirno and Letty thread.

I couldn't have it up yesterday, sorry.

>> No.4924047

I thought letty was spanking the nine from the thumb, I was let down.

>> No.4924057
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>> No.4924067
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You ruin winter for us!

>> No.4924082

winter wouldn't be special if it was all year long now would it?

>> No.4924124

I know....

>> No.4924129
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>> No.4924164

Baka Chiruno.

>> No.4924221


This thread is shit, yet again.

>> No.4924246
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At least I try.

>> No.4924253

The same repost after repost. I know I know, /jp/ is terrified of creativity, but you can try. Just look at BOOF-kun.

>> No.4924262

He's running out of Ideas too.

>> No.4924264
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>> No.4924281

I'd definitely her pee

>> No.4924287

I like that guy's art for the most part. It's just...the faces...so awful.

>> No.4924292

Why don't you guys post some new pictures? Ate least that new tripfag post new pictures.

>> No.4924305


That don't look like pee.

>> No.4924316

If only it was a lemonade stand

>> No.4924320

this faggot here

>> No.4924321

that just means that its high quality pee.
just like fish
the less a fish smells like a fish the better it is for cooking
similarly the less pee looks like pee the better,
but it still had to be pee.

>> No.4924329
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Black Tewi says your notions about pee are irrelevant.

>> No.4924331

But still, she stooped to that level of selling her own pee as a drink?

>> No.4924339
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>> No.4924354

selling pee is a perfectly respectable profession.

>> No.4924356

there are 40000 images for チルノ on pixiv, You'd figure they'd never run out of images to post.

>> No.4924362

Sanae does not want. Her hair-snake, however...

>> No.4924367

Well for 200 yen yes.

>> No.4924376
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Oops. Quick, grab a glass.

>> No.4924388

Again? She pisses like a sink.

>> No.4924389

fairy pee drink
it cure what ails you
cholera? typhoid ?dysentery?
one swish and they're gone!

>> No.4924390

what? why?

>> No.4924398
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>dat artist

>> No.4924406

oh fuck

>> No.4924433

Why not?

>> No.4924528

We must capture fairies en masse and force them to urinate constantly. We'll then collect the urine and sell it as a cure-all. We'll make millions!

>> No.4924570
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>> No.4924598


go back to /v/, reaction image newfag

>> No.4924603
File: 110 KB, 686x800, cry10008495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do fairy tears and snot cure any illnesses?

>> No.4924609

what are you retarded?

>> No.4924615
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>> No.4924625 [DELETED] 

Why? Should they?

>> No.4924622

Good question.
What about cum and sweat? Someone check this out, this is important.

>> No.4924630

you have to wait a while before reporting another post

>> No.4924631

Well, pee does, so...

>> No.4924652

Well you're right fairy's tears would work better than pee.

>> No.4924654
File: 914 KB, 900x900, cardcaptorchiruno8915066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cirno's piss doesn't cure illnesses: It gives you diabeetus.

>> No.4924694
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>> No.4924719

how dare you shoot out such slanderous lies!

>> No.4924754
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I merely protect the public from charlatans such as yourself.

>> No.4924766

Well...do you have any proof?
I'm still set on this fairy-liquid-harvest thing.

>> No.4924771

Libel and Slander.

We shall continue the harvesting!

>> No.4924782
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No, but it shouldn't be hard to get Cirno's consent for a proper test if you ask nicely and maybe trick her a little.

>> No.4924793

She'll do it for money, we'd split it with her 49 to 51, we get larger half. If she consents it's a win-win for us.

>> No.4924810

Cirno is not a whore.

>> No.4924811

You want me to drink possibly diseased piss? Hell no.
deleted, go at it.

>> No.4924856

How can you say you love science if you won't even use yourself as a guinea pig?

>> No.4924877

Cirno's body is too cold to incubate any diseases that affect us.
you could day she incubate certain cryophiles but I doubt those could survive or thrive inside our warm bodies.

>> No.4924884

Who said anything about science? I'm just trying to fund my Gensokyo expedition.

>> No.4924889

Cirno is actually quite warm, see Hisoutensoku for details.

>> No.4924894

So any go at my plan yet? or no?

>> No.4925042
File: 400 KB, 627x885, 10005265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what your plan is.
