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4920815 No.4920815 [Reply] [Original]

How do I kill this fucker, /jp/? Is Rance's sword the only thing that can hurt him? During battle Rance only has 3 turns and that's not enough to kill the demon. Is there a way to raise the number of times he can swing his sword?

>> No.4920821

leave rance in your party after he runs out of moves don't switch him
then hit him normally

>> No.4920832

You can use a sat bonus to give him and extra attack

>> No.4920837

Healing Rance with Sill gives him one action, you can spam Rance Attack this way without a monk. Also, USE THE OTHER CHARACTERS TOO

>> No.4920838

>only 3 moves

>> No.4920858

The extra actions for Rance only appear after you use the replace troops with elites bonus, this had me tricked for a long time since I wanted to save the elites until Rance was 6/6/6/6.

Kentarou being in the party also works.

>> No.4920873

Thank you, everyone, I will try.

>> No.4920989
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Might aswell use this thread.

I'm basically trying to raise up satisfaction to get the fourth fan before I start the Isoroku Route for the first time.

Any recommendations? On a related note, any country I should rape meanwhile or should I just focus on satisfaction?

>> No.4921025

Recruit Kenshin.

>> No.4921040

If you plan to defeat Dokuganryuu, you might as well get started now, while you have few active enemies. Asai-Asakura would give you a leg up on nation power. If you want any specific house bonus, go for that. But Isoroku is mostly a lean-back-and-relax route.

>> No.4921070

Level up Rance.

>> No.4921071

I thought you can't clear Dokuganryuu without Kouhime. Or can you?

Aside from that, I'm on the 4th gourd, I don't think I'll have time to do that... might as well prepare to try and take on the Takuga Blitz.

And yeah, was considering Asakura for that extra punch.

Will do.

>> No.4921107
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Might as well post my troops to show off where Rance is.

Also, I have Ryouma and his/her buddies, Natori, 2 furries, Hara and Fisheye Shit in prison but not released due to lack of national power... who should I fire and who should I hire (after raping Asakura)

>> No.4921134

You might need Kouhime for some events with Masamune, but you can conquer them and get the +10 score just fine.

Natori is mandatory. The others you mentioned are meh. You should also leave room for the remaining reinforcements, unless you already got them and fired them again.

>> No.4921140

Nanjou will die Inevitably.

>> No.4921169

Oh right, I forgot that.
Still, I don't think I'll top my last score this time around.

True, but I want to save Soun.

>> No.4921173

Oh and yeah, I still need to recruit the Uruza and the other two mages. Just didn't have National power.

>> No.4921202
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Poor Akashi, didn't even last two turns...

>> No.4921208
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But don't worry, Hara House will carry the banner for weaklings to victory!

>> No.4921220
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How could that happen

>> No.4921280


>> No.4921340
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This may look no different from turn 2, but Hara has now conquered one area in all three neighboring provinces. This provides a buffer against attacks into our own lands, and a spring board for further conquest.

>> No.4921353


In before mouri takes tenshi and rolls you

And enjoy aki wasting money

>> No.4921375

Free for all, play as Imigawa family. Die. Repeat. Cry self to sleep.

>> No.4921394
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Just a little doubt, if I keep cockblocking Xavier by not conquering Hojo, he won't transform until turn 50, right?

>> No.4921438

Turn 90, more like it.

>> No.4921452

After the Honnouji event you still have 10 turns before the Demon Army is established

>> No.4921466
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Who needs money, not like I have any wounded troops!

>> No.4921468

In those ten turns, you must conquer everyone, lest you miss out on their delicious commanders.

>> No.4921470
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Bro fist for Hara House! Currently fighting Dokuganryuu, and it's tough man.

>> No.4921495

Akihime vs Omachi

Take your bets please

>> No.4921498

I hope you have a lot of ninjas.

>> No.4921514
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One. And she's injured. FFFFFFFUUUUUU

>> No.4921527

Great strategists know which battles are not meant to be fought. This is one of them.

>> No.4921546


10 turns until Demon Army story events occur; then you need to go through 5 or so more of them before Demon Army starts auto-conquering. To prolong this, don't fight the Demon Army.

>> No.4921548

I know that... I'm still at gourd 4... and as I'm not capturing Hojo, he can't transform.

Hoho, that's more like it. I might actually be able to beat Dokuganryuu and Mouri in the meantime (Hojo is has been bled so much to death they only have 12 commanders left and I'm not killing off the Tenshi sect to get Seigan).

On a side note, anyone I should fire?
My troops: >>4921107

As a side note, I only still keep Mitsuhide because I'm unsure if I should give him the upgrade or not (that is, substitute him with his nephew).

>> No.4921550
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>> No.4921554

No, I meant that the temple events haven't happened yet because I'm cockblocking him by not conquering Hojo nor any of the countries which have a gourd.

>> No.4921557

You might be able to win somehow with diviners.

>> No.4921561



>> No.4921564

Are there any Rance games with delicious rape, but without the stupid ass battling? AKA skip friendly.

>> No.4921565
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I managed to get this far by keeping the gourd countries alive as far as possible, this is a few turns before the Demon Army appears.

>> No.4921567
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Winning is not the problem. I just don't want to kill my bro Kazemaru.

>> No.4921582


You can capture him now I think

>> No.4921609

>Lose in FFA because all the factions around you get extra turns at the start


>> No.4921616


>> No.4921626
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God damnit, they recruited the apostle from the demon army. And that failure of an archer from Oda.

>> No.4921639


Niwa, you faggot!

>> No.4921668
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>> No.4921669


>> No.4921673

Quick question, what do I gotta do to get the One Eyed bonus?

>> No.4921746


Recruit all the wives and Masamune. There'll be a scene where they all have a chat with each other and that should unlock the bonus. Not sure what affection level the wives have to be at though.

>> No.4921755


Beat all 4 female commanders in battle, take over all their territory, beat Masamune, recruit him + the 3 you can, get Omachi from Masamune, and then field all of them in battle together, IIRC.

>> No.4921756

Gah. Imagawa is a nightmare to play as.

>> No.4921773

Ok... so I can still fire him later (or not depending on my preference) to H his wives, right?

>> No.4921837

No H scenes outside of the capture scenes, nothing for Omachi at all.

>> No.4921852


>nothing for Omachi at all.

Whaaat? No fucking way, those massive delicious tits and you can't have them? That's just wrong.

>> No.4921862


Yeah once you get the scene you can give him the boot so you can clear his wives.

>> No.4922208
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All was going according to keikaku, until... Oh fuck.

>> No.4922240
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fuuuuuuuck they're blitzing me

>> No.4922263
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HOLY SHIT, should I get him or someone else?

I probably have enough time to clear Ryouma but I don't think it's worth the trouble.

>> No.4922268 [SPOILER] 
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Look, but don't touch.

>> No.4922289

I just finished beating this game for the first time last night. As much as I like how it isn't just an h-game, I can't really say I like the majority of scenes and scenario's. I guess rape isn't really my thing, a lot of them I just felt bad watching, like Ran's and Yuki's scenes.

In fact, I didn't like Rance as a character at all. I kept thinking he'd change during the story, you know, like how most characters in a story tend to develop. But no, not Rance, let's continue to be an insufferable asshole - even after Kou's rape and Sill's freezing.

I found myself doing shit just to see how many bad ends I could put Rance into. Like turning him into a girl, having him try to rape Miku and getting vaporized, and turning Ryouma into a guy just to spite him.

>> No.4922290
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Touch, but don't taste

>> No.4922293

He's okay, but just okay. None of the other prisoners are worth recruiting at all, except for clears.

>> No.4922296

Hey /jp/, I just started playing this, and I'm trying to follow the 13 turn guide for the 3rd action fan. But, whenever I attack a country, even if I have 2 action fans left, it sometimes leaves me with none when I win.

But if I reload and try again, sometimes it doesn't. Does anyone know wtf is going on?

>> No.4922309

What I'm asking, should I prioritize Ryoma to get his H-Scene or ignore her altogether?

>> No.4922317
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I stand corrected and acknowledge your superior reasoning.

>> No.4922318

You lose a ton in translation. Rance was QUITE upset by Sill's freezing, however the translation comes across as rather detached.

>> No.4922321
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All right, now I can concentrate on Shimazu.

>> No.4922322

If there was ever any intention of making Rance mature a bit, he'd have done it in the last 6 games. Just be glad that the game conveniently diverts your attention from the most unsavoury details regarding Rance, namely the fact that he'd readily genocide any male population for the sake of getting pussy.

>> No.4922328
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taste, dont swallow!

>> No.4922329

Can someone explain how each stat affects battle/damage/the damage the enemy gives you/...?
Action - How many times you can move.
Atk - Damage???
Def - Restitance to damage?
Int - ??? ( Does this affect magic classes in some way?)
Spd - ???
Search - Needed for finding dungeons and items (adds to total)
Neg - Negotiation points, same as previous, but for declaring war and other negotiations
Const - Construction points, points needed for developing the country
Cost - National power cost.
Unit troops - Hit points in large-scale battles, irrelevant in individual battles? Depending on how these were acquired, can increase national power cost. They also affect damage of some large-scale attacks.

What are the differences in how stats work in individual vs large-scale battles?

Can someone explain the other stats in more detail?(Int/Def/Speed in particular)

>> No.4922337

Well, he almost DOES precisely that in Sengoku. Sill stops him, of course, and he hits her for her intervention.

>> No.4922344

How does the game do that? When you beat Orochi, he states that it wouldn't be a problem if males were sacrificed instead of females.

>> No.4922348




Magic/Attack Defense stat rolled into one. Also effects how much % foot soldiers get when using guard.

What's hard to understand about speed that you put ??? for? It affects when you go in battle and how often.

You got the rest right.

Also, stats have no effect at all in individual battles. Level is the only thing that matters there.

>> No.4922373

> It affects when you go in battle and how often
So, a high speed would be more likely to get a turn in a battle?

>> No.4922383

I had forgotten this was a series. So, I guess that's true, even if it's horrible redundant. Eh, in light of things, it wasn't all bad. Not all of the girl's would put up with his shit or whining - like Ranmaru and Mori Teru.

>> No.4922386

Something like that. For example, most ninja units have high speed so that's why they are the first ones to attack.

>> No.4922398

Yes, but keep in mind that stats are only a modifier for the base stat of the unit in question, so a naturally slow type of unit will be pretty slow even at max Speed. Same applies to the other in-battle stats, of course.

>> No.4922402

By having nobody else with any lick of sense ever seriously repudiate him for it. It's a self-fulfillment fantasy story, so it's written like that. If the games were a bit more serious, the most righterous girls would be a little more than "passably annoyed" at him forcing himself on others constantly, there would be at least a few girls whose response to getting raped would be a little less "swooning" and a little more "traumatized" and if Kenshin had any bloody reason to be in love with him besides "the writer says so", she'd probably rethink her views on a guy capable of flat out killing an entire region's worth of people for no good reason.

If the narrative didn't bend over itself to keep him in his position, he'd lose a LOT more allies. Think what would have happened if Sill hadn't been there? How many of the girls would still think of him as a "hero" if he actually carried through with his actions?

>> No.4922405

Did anyone ever post some mechanics guide with all the base stats, moves, formulas?

>> No.4922413

This reminds me: almost nobody betrays rance, or at least, it's a rare event.

>> No.4922428


Rance is a gentlemen and a hero.

Why would anyone betray him?

>> No.4922447

Exactly. Now think about what kind of person Rance is and what kind of people he is usually allied with.

There's a GREAT number of circumstantial luck and "s/he wasn't there when he [action]" all arranged so that he is, in the eyes of his allies, anything but yet another ruthless warlord that just so happens to favor women.

>> No.4922472

I was too wondering what does comander's level do? Does it do something in battles or only commander battles and how much does it improve that commander's strenght?

>> No.4922495

You guys seem to forget that this happens in Rance World, not some generic quite-realistic-except-for-magic world.

>> No.4922500

Commander level replaces ATK/DEF/etc in commander battles. It also affects the first part of commander charge in troop battles.

>> No.4922510

In commander battles, level means everything It determines how strong the character is.

>> No.4922519



Rape seems to be a completely commonplace occurrence when getting a 'victory' in the Ranceverse. It's just a fact of life there.

>> No.4922527


Someone mind answering this if they know? It's really annoying me, and it keeps happening.

>> No.4922536

Are you canceling attacks after scouting or something?

>> No.4922546

Does anyone have a program that will get me the sex medicene and ero candle? Im following a guide and I only have the Iga dungeon to get both in one turn.

>> No.4922551

I have no idea why that's happening. The only time it takes away your remaining actions is when you do an event that follows up with something like, "oda was thrown into a state of confusion over..."

>> No.4922568

What are you trying to say? That's the exact point, things just so happen in ways to make Rance still seem publically good.

Unless you are bringing in the old "Well, it's a really ruthless world", in which case you are ignoring that Rance is regarded as HERO, not simply a better option, by most of his conquests in the same world where there not EVERYONE is a ruthless asshole. The point is not that rance is "not QUITE as bad" in comparison, but that his usual public image is of a guy MUCH better than he really (Again: Kenshin, who strives to protect Japan, is in love with a guy who'd be quite cool with killing half its population) is because circumstances work to either stop him or make nobody important finds out about his worst side.

>> No.4922591


As someone mentioned, one of the ways to lose actions is for Oda to be thrown into a state of confusion. However, since you're still in the first 15 or so turns, this probably isn't the case. Chances are, you conquered a territory and tried to attack another province, which the game won't let you do since the place you conquered needs a turn to be put fully under control.

>> No.4922592

Yeah, but it rarely ends with the girls falling in love with their rapists like when it's Rance doing the raping. Rance rape is still "special" rape. Hell, one of the most common scenarios is for a girl to almost get raped by someone (which is bad) only to get saved by Rance, who rapes her as reward (which is... somehow better).

>> No.4922599


But Rance's 'worst side' really isn't all that bad.

He does heroic actions, including saving people for the hell of it all the time. The only time he's really bad are when he does crap like raping Ran or cutting some dude in the streets so Sill can try out her powered up healing magic.

That isn't exactly worth going 'oh man he's such a villain!' over when people admit that he's changed the country for the better otherwise, or when he's riding to Kenshin's rescue, or when he's stopping the genocide of JAPAN by Xavier, etc, etc.

>> No.4922607

Love does not have to rational. While Kenshin may not agree with his behaviour, she cannot do anything about the fact that she likes him.

>> No.4922611


He treats them well aside from the rape.

And they usually DON'T like him right when he rapes them. See: Yukihime.

It's the other side of him they usually fall for, which takes a long time for them to see.

>> No.4922631

>That isn't exactly worth going 'oh man he's such a villain!' over when people admit that he's changed the country for the better otherwise, or when he's riding to Kenshin's rescue, or when he's stopping the genocide of JAPAN by Xavier, etc, etc.

The problem with this argument is that this is definitely not what happens in the game. He's not the "lesser evil" in the eyes of everyone else, he's a "hero". This is possible through the aformentioned series of lucky coincidences.

Again, dude could have genocided the entire male population of a whole region had Sill not been there. How does THAT sit with improving the country?

For the hundreth time: The result of his actions aren't a good reflection of his character, but rather what he gets around to doing for one reason or the other, and when he does some really bad shit, it is low-profile and has no repercussions.

>> No.4922633

Rance World exists purely as entertainment. If you say things work out in Rance's favor in unlikely ways, that's simply a manifestation of this. This is a world where demons farm humans, not because they want to, but because the rules would make the hero too strong otherwise.

In space balls, evil wins because good is dumb. In Rance World, evil wins because the rules are rigged that way. Only a cheater like Rance gives good a chance.

>> No.4922651

Rance has no problem with killing men. He couldn't kill women as a general rule.

If you look at it, Rance is fairly good looking (Magic said so in 6), he considers himself a high-class man (even though he is a brute of sorts), Hyper Weapon (nuff said), and he will never really harm a woman unless she was a bitch, and most of it would only be sexual.

If you were to let some of the poor and disgusting guys with small dicks rape you instead of Rance if you were you a woman, you have really poor standards. Now I think I understand why a woman had a hand in designing the character.

>> No.4922654

>Rance World exists purely as entertainment

See what I said way before:
>It's a self-fulfillment fantasy story, so it's written like that

There are people like >>4922599 who actually consider the narrative to be plausible by quoting the horrible state of the world and medieval-era values, and that his character is relatively good given the setting, when it just... doesn't work like that.

>> No.4922662

>Again, dude could have genocided the entire male population of a whole region had Sill not been there.
Rance would never cause a genocide like that because it's too much work and will not do anything for him at all. You could say Rance is a jerk, but you're pushing it.

>> No.4922673

>Rance would never cause a genocide like that because it's too much work and will not do anything for him at all.

Did you even play the game? He was just about to do exactly that.

>> No.4922675


One of the funniest moments I felt...was the time when she pointed out that Rance will probably go to hell for his deeds and she is continuously praying for him.

He actually gets kind of worried.

>> No.4922676
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if ran just summoned suzaku how many more scenes do I have to watch before she's capturable? will the computer attack me with her or do I have to let them retake some areas?

I'm not planning on going after the one eye bonus this game but since I need to beat them anyway should I do it now rather than later?

>> No.4922690

Killing a couple of generals is not genocide, you moron.

>> No.4922694

>>4922633 This is a world where demons farm humans, not because they want to, but because the rules would make the hero too strong otherwise.

Only 1 Demon King ever did that and that didn't work out too well for her. In fact, the Ranceverse got the kindest Demon King yet, though the fact that he was schizo

Gi ;_;

>> No.4922698

I think after she starts summoning Suzuka she can be captured. And the game will attack you with her and she can be captured. If she doesn't attack, then she'll be around to defend.

>> No.4922699

Love also tends to require at least a BIIIIIIT more to happen than stumbling on a dude killing your men in the middle of a battlefield. You know, maybe seeing the other person in a different context than "chopping down my allies".

I have no problem turning my brain off and looking past the many leaps of plausibility, but if you are trying to argue the least bit or realism for Kenshin's character, you can go fuck yourself.

>> No.4922703


Chances are by the time Ran stops summoning Suzuka, you'll have to do the temple event since you've broken 5+ gourds.

>> No.4922708


Oh, forgot to mention;

Ran can be captured after you see the scene between her and Souun where he tells her to stop summoning Suzuka or she'll explode.

>> No.4922709

It's not self-fulfillment, it's giant-soul-whale-fulfillment.

>> No.4922713

I'm doing a monkey game so there are no broken gourds. I heard ran still explodes anyway though if you don't capture her so I'm trying to get her in my jail.

>> No.4922714

Asakura territory earthquake aftermath: Rance sends fake relieve supplies poisoned to kill people, Sill replaces it all with laxative. This would surely have caused a genocide without Sill.

>> No.4922718


Kenshin doesn't actually love Rance at first.

It's a crush. Hence why she starts at trust, not love.

>> No.4922722

In the real world, there are crueler men than Rance that has women fall for them. Even so much that they stay with their husbands who beat them regularly because of some twisted form of love.

You cannot deny that Kenshin, who Rance never beat up, and that they exist in a time of WAR where dying is common for soldiers, can actually fall for a man with Rance, who is basically Evil Lite plus Warm Fuzzies™.

>> No.4922724

Probably not genocide but it would have killed a lot of people nonetheless.

>> No.4922729


Ah, probably should have checked to see the giant IF in the bottom right of your picture.

As for Ran, she only explodes if, after you've recruited her, you do the Oil Field Dungeon.

>> No.4922734

Sill is basically the one thing that is stopping Rance from being a complete monster. I'd hate to think what would happen if she died...

>> No.4922741

She'll explode no matter what dude.
Unless you do Ran's route.

>> No.4922743

It's a war, with the enemy using tremendous defensive works. Unlike with the princess cgs, this one was a useful fighting strategy. Chinu used the same thing on Oda troops.

Are you telling me that in a war, you're NOT supposed to kill enemy troops?

Because whether they die because of subterfuge or outright sword hacking, they will die in battle.

That's different from simple genocide where the other side cannot fight back at all.

If you call that event genocide, EVERYONE in JAPAN caused genocide with every battle they fought.

>> No.4922751

Hah, sadly, they didn't really cover that in the game. I had Miku try and melt the ice and it results in Sill shattering in front of him and all Rance is like is "...." and Miku apologizes and you get a game over.

A pity as I would have at least liked to see him scream in rage or something.

>> No.4922756

Not to mention the genocide plot was totally out of character, it would have killed women too.

>> No.4922768

>>4922703 She'll explode no matter what dude.

Ran and Monkey routes are the only routes where Ran doesn't die through the normal story, as Monkey Route generally follows Ran's Route for story purposes (hence why you can conquer Shimazu and not the Demon Army).

However, if you recruit Ran in the Monkey Route but proceed to do the Oil Field Dungeon, the game goes with the True Route's story and Ran will die upon reaching the level where Souun sealed himself in. You can not clear Souun in Monkey Route because you can not fight Gigai.

>> No.4922775

Troops, maybe. But Rance's poison was relief "aid", that went not only to the soliders, but also primarily to the civilians. Hence why Sill uses that as an excuse to justify her replacing the poison "Rance, if you killed everyone in the country what would happen to the women?".

The mere fact that Sill intervenes should tell you his intended course of action was wrong.

>> No.4922776

>>4922751 A pity as I would have at least liked to see him scream in rage or something.

Kichikuou Rance has him do exactly that

>> No.4922779

Iga are a lot stronger in FFA than i expected

Actually good fun to play as

>> No.4922785

No, wars and battles are not genocide. Targetting soldiers isn't genocide, but targetting general population is. Poisoned relieve supplies were sent to Asakura, who distributed them amongst everybody. Killing non-combatants in large scale is genocide.'

I was just pointing out to that one anon that Rance was ready to kill indiscriminately people from enemy country, civilian or soldier didn't matter (genocide). So don't overanalyze my posts.

>> No.4922786

I think they're saving that for Rance 8. To get a hint of his rage, though, attack Nobunga alone.

Sill dies, and Rance flips his shit. Dies presumably due to Nobunga Xavier, but he flips his shit.

>> No.4922801

Sorry but I've not played any of the other games. But I looked it up and it's an IF scenario, I assume Sill dies in it and that's why he rages ... and if not, what is responsible for inducing it?

>> No.4922805

Rance not thinking ahead is not the same as evil manifested on earth. The guy, from early games since, has shown this. He doesn't care about saving anything UNTIL he is reminded that women are there to be had.

Being unwise =/= worst evil monster that everyone should hate

That's why not a lot of people hate Rance, even those he raped. They know he doesn't think ahead that much so they do the thinking for him. They also know that if women have to be saved, Rance will come to the rescue.

>> No.4922811

you go here >>4922805

>> No.4922816
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In "Rance 4", Rance kills children for destroying his Sand Castle.

>> No.4922821


Everything in Kichikuou Rance is an IF storyline. I believe Sill dying secures you into Rance Demon King route.

>> No.4922823

Yeah. Because it was annoying. He also killed children for raping Kou.

>> No.4922824

Good riddance.

>> No.4922825

Oh great, he's not a monster, he's just a dangerous retard. Being neglectful is just as bad as being malicious, you know.

>> No.4922829
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Going slow, but Hara will not be defeated.

This is not the map I was expecting, though. Asai-Asakura and Miko Institute are doing quite well, and the hannies are still around too.

>> No.4922834

Fuck yes, I wish I was there to give him a hand with that particular deed.

>> No.4922835

>neglect = malice
Where did you learn this? Even the judicial system finds a difference between the two.

>> No.4922845

Being a dangerous retard, he can be controlled and swayed. If he was an evil monster, he can't. There's the difference.

>> No.4922849

He's also a lovable and wacky dangerous retard.

>> No.4922859

If not for Sill he'd have slaughtered the entire male population of several countries and would have poisoned a country to death.

What a nice guy!

>> No.4922865
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>> No.4922885

Man, if only rance was a bit more of a bro.

>> No.4922886

Too late. Check the other posts. He can be controlled and swayed. If it was Xavier, JAPAN would have been wiped out already. He's a dangerous guy, but his being able to be manipulated by women around him makes him not that dangerous.

>> No.4922890
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Rance IS growing up. It's just going to take him some time.

>> No.4922891

Actually, he is a nice guy. Limited to women only.

>> No.4922897

You really should specify attractive girl. He doesn't go for children and old women.

>> No.4922898

He is a bro.

See: Keith and that masked shota dude.

>> No.4922899


He can be a bro to his male friends at times.

Basically so long as they don't get in the way of him getting pussy and/or help him get pussy, that is.

>> No.4922907

>masked shota dude

>> No.4922917

Rance is too old to be a Hero, and when he was the right age he still wasn't one. He does heroic actions and does save countries despite his penchant for sticking his hyper weapon in every pretty girl he meets along the way.

Speaking of Hero, now that Arios is too old are they going to introduce a new one?

>> No.4922919

Rick Addison. But even then, it's more of Rance respecting Rick's reputation/skills and Rick admiring Rance's genius fighting ability/swordsmanship rather than being actual bros.

>> No.4922923

No, dude. They are talking hero hero, not HERO hero.

>> No.4922927

Yeah, I know, but even then most of the time he has this annoying "every man is my enemy" mentality. Reminds me of that retard chris chan.

I suppose it's to be expected since that's his main personality treat and all, but it's annoying.

>> No.4922934

Not every man is his enemy. If they are ugly or not that good-looking, he wouldn't really give a damn. Like with Patton in 6.

>> No.4922935

Sorry, but Rance will never be your bro. If he's not lusting after, or already raped, your woman then he's completely uninterested in you as a person.

>> No.4922947


>> No.4922969

He became bros with Kentarou at the end of Sengoku. Then again, Kentarou and Miki are the foils to Rance and Sill, so it can't be helped.

>> No.4922979


>> No.4922982

And that was completely motivated by his desire to fuck his girl Miku. That's not being a bro, that's lying in wait with smiles and sharp teeth.

>> No.4922985

I don't think he liked him that much even at the end.

>> No.4922988

>became bros with kentarou
>disregarding the fact that he fooled kentarou to not fuck miki while planning to fuck miki himself


And that's why I enjoy Rance as a character. Good thing he ain't real, but he's a refreshing sort of protagonist.

>> No.4922989

I know, he was making it obvious he didn't know much about the Rance world.
He would become the demon king

>> No.4922999

Shit, is it Miki and not Miku? Oh well.

>> No.4923004

Miki. Too much Vocaloid.

>> No.4923005

Well, true, but he does kind of give Kentarou encouragement to cure Miki.

Granted, Rance wants to have sex with Miki, but I'm sure that'll pass with time. Hell, he may be the one to do Miki in, at the end.

>> No.4923013

...pass with time...

You're funny.

>> No.4923017

He was bros with Nobunaga, though.

Not to mention Genri, they pull out all the stops together in his clear.

>> No.4923025

Being serious, Rance can -at times- overcome his FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK nature.

>> No.4923029

Kind of sorta. It was still motivated by wanting to secure Kou for future fucking.

>> No.4923032

He mostly sympathised with nobunaga I think. He was a bro with the bald monk guy though, even if he always yelled at him for having a huge dick.

>> No.4923043

Why does he like that shitty slave so much? Really, he has harems upon harems of women...

>> No.4923049
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But... look at this face!

>> No.4923051

Shut up, Sill is basically pink haired Jesus.

>> No.4923054

Actually, Nobunaga is the ONLY one that Rance has called an actual friend in the entire series. They also hang out a lot and Rance likes Nobunaga's dango.

>> No.4923064

He loves her. He just isn't mature enough to realize it yet.

>> No.4923068

Yeah... I guess. That may be just Nobunaga being so awesome that even rance acknowledges him as a valuable person.

>> No.4923074

Now say it in a fabulously deep voice.

>> No.4923075

Recent examples of these are the canon Naoe Ai scene in 7 and the Elizabeth dungeon scene in 6. The latter was fairly saddening. Rance wanted to fuck Elizabeth throughout the game, and when he had the chance, he just couldn't bring himself to fuck her because of her mind reverting to a childlike state.

>> No.4923082
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>> No.4923096

For me, Rance will be judged by his actions in the next game.

If he keeps up his tsundere bullshit I will not be amused.

>> No.4923106

he totally mistreated Genri, just like he does with everyone else. He just tolerated him tagging along.

The only male characters he really gets along with are Nobunaga and Chaos if you will.

>> No.4923107

She was expensive and a massive investment in keeping his penis happy 24/7

>> No.4923113

i played this just for kenshin's rape scene

too bad there wasn't any voice acting

>> No.4923116

But the Naoe Ai scene was all the sweeter for it.

>> No.4923117

>asking rance to not be rance
good one there, mofo.

>> No.4923121


Reload and reload doing the dungeon till you get both, it IS possible.

>> No.4923131

>played for kenshin rape scene

>> No.4923138

Hey, hey, he can deflower every women he sees, that's cool. I just wish he'd be a bit nicer to Sill, is all.

>> No.4923151

what is shitty about her? It's unbelievable she's still so totally loyal if you think about how he treats her.

>> No.4923156

Of all the guys that Rance could consider as a bro, the only one I can recall is Nobunaga. Everyone else, not so much. Rance hung out with Nobunaga and actually called him a friend unlike the others. The rest, Rance just tolerated. Even Chaos is not much of a bro for Rance, he constantly abuses the legendary sword every chance he gets.

>> No.4923170
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Oh he will be

>> No.4923180

When does he say that?

>> No.4923186

If there is an opinion about Japanese culture, I ask my bulletin board for a message.

>> No.4923192

>It's unbelievable she's still so totally loyal if you think about how he treats her.
please refer to>>4922722

Jerks are still loved by women in RL. Abusive husbands also get faithful wives at times, wherein the wives can only be weaned from their husbands via rehab and therapy.

It is not that improbable that Rance could get such a loyal woman especially when he isn't as brutal compared to real life abusive husbands.

>> No.4923216

Sill loves Rance because she was a slave, and he saved her from that(sorta). And she sees the (very little) good in him, and tends to bring it out in him.

In exchange, she is the girl who Rance loves. Yay! Too bad Rance is a tsundere, so that just translates to physical, mental, and sexual abuse. Oh, and half of Rance's women want to kill her.

>> No.4923228

my comment was meant the other way round though. I meant Sill is a GOOD slave by any definition rather than a shitty one as someone called her here.

>> No.4923229

not to mention they been together the longest

>> No.4923233

can I capture ran while taking their last castle?

>> No.4923250

So the "Fated" ones to be with rance according to the calculater cube is Sill, Kanami, and Shizuka?

>> No.4923252

how is there "very little" good in him? He just can't control his desires and doesn't realize it can be wrong to do stuff just because he wants to.

His big problem is that he's strong and lucky enough to get away with it pretty much all of the time.

>> No.4923258

Not really half. Ria wants to kill her, Kopandon wants to demote her status to lower than a slave's because she wants to monopolize Rance, and Maria is fairly jealous of Sill due to Rance playing favorites even when Rance says he loves all women equally which she would be fine with.

I have no other examples of the other girls hating on Sill much.

>> No.4923263


Can't remember but I'm fairly certain it should happen within the first 30 turns.

>>4923250 yes

>> No.4923274

Even Sill called bullshit on that.

>> No.4923275

Yes. Rance, however, unofficially made Maria another of his destined women just because.

>> No.4923279


Don't quite see how Kanami got in there, she's pretty damn useless.

>> No.4923288

She starts at normal for me, no matter what I do it never get to trust, I looked around in the wiki, but nothing.

>> No.4923290

It's all good. Kanami's clear event made it obvious how important she is to Rance. Also LOL.

>> No.4923301

If it is at a second game, Kenshin will not go higher until some events take place. Then you can only start clearing her after the Honnouji event if you do not go into Kenshin route. Because her events are different in it.

>> No.4923304

The consensus from most of the characters within the game is pretty much that Rance, despite his insane lust for women and apathy to all things with penises, is ultimately good for the world due to all the demons and villains that are far worse than him. Plus he usually has Sill or someone to keep him in check.

>> No.4923310

That was rather disturbing.

Although I agree with the other destined women so I suppose she has to fit in.

>> No.4923318

No, you need Houjou to exist for Souun to disappear, and Souun has to disappear before you can recruit Ran.

>> No.4923320

It's a first game, I will just try after the event then, thanks..

>> No.4923322

she is in Sengoku, she was fairly okay in 3 and 6, and actually pretty damn good in 4. She doesn't deal extremely large amounts of damage (even though okay if you get her a better sword) but what really makes her useful is that she's very hard to hit, making her perfect to use as bait for monsters to keep them away from weaker characters/ stop them from gangraping Rance.

>> No.4923330 [SPOILER] 
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So the character is a hedonistic borderline sociopathic powerhouse, dangerous to society but tolerated because said power tends to make up for the character's inherent danger through eliminating worse threats?

And said character has a love interest/sidekick that prevents the character from being totally evil?

Sounds familiar.

>> No.4923342 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4923351


>> No.4923356

What a slut.

>> No.4923357

I wonder what would happen if peaceful co-existance happens between demons and humans

Shit hits the fan at light speed?

>> No.4923371

If it's a first game, Kenshin's events should just normally go up every time you give her presents. You're doing something wrong.

>> No.4923372

Whale God wouldn't like that.

But if Hornet has her way, that's precisely what will happen.

>> No.4923376

Why hello there, thanks for proving this right: >>4920799

>> No.4923380

Maybe he hasn't done the first event with her, it has to be done with less than 7/7 affection, otherwise it triggers a regular power up. The trust scene is number two.

>> No.4923387
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Mouri won't die. They just won't die.

And their troops are 1000+ while I have just a single troop at 500+.

>> No.4923395

>answer to life, the universe and everything

>> No.4923399

Rance isn't tolerated because he's useful. A lot of people respect him because of his abilities and his super-honest approach to life. Even veteran soldiers and generals.

Tolerated means they hate him, but can't do anything about it. But they don't hate him. They just think he's very young and full of energy which he is at 22.

And it's not only Sill that keeps him in check. Most of his women do the job, too.

>> No.4923407

Wait, giving her presents?

>> No.4923409

You fucking piece of shit.

>> No.4923433

Well, he's tolerated because he's useful. 3G says as much, Unless you think people would be totally cool with his whole raping habit if he didn't save the world all the time?

>> No.4923441

Blame Akihime.

>> No.4923467

Money isn't a big deal anyhow, just means a few more turns wasted on recovering. Wouldn't be more than a few hundred foot soldiers at most. But this sucks. I can't beat Mouri, so I can't get to Takuga. But I can't expand east either, since Takeda is getting all big and nasty again.

>> No.4923477 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4923489

Stop posting that good girl

>> No.4923491

They treat it like a disease in the case of Rance, as with the past games. His raping habit is also the norm in conquering societies like this. Even if he didn't rape, others would rape in his stead. But because of him implementing early in the game that only he can rape the women, mass rape by the conquerors of Oda has been stopped just by his mere presence.

And even then, he also negotiates for his sex more than he does rape women on the whole scale of things so it becomes less annoying.

Understand, even the women he raped don't mind as much after the fact. They have a different mindset about that thing in their universe.

>> No.4923505

To the victor goes the spoils system.

>> No.4923525

>good girl

Oh you.

>> No.4923535
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Every time you post that, Kou cries.

>> No.4923542

Don't worry, Rance already cut those stupid fucks up good.

>> No.4923552
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Ha, I'm sure she liked it.

>> No.4923561

What exactly is the function of operation permits? I'm on my first playthrough and I just gained access to them. Do they allow a unit to randomly conquer territory?

>> No.4923564


>> No.4923566

> Do they allow a unit to randomly conquer territory?
Yes, they'll conquer everything you're at war with, except actually taking over the territory (you have to take the final castle). Of course, they could lose battles if they're weak or if some scripted event happens.

>> No.4923568



>> No.4923572


I bet she remembers how good it felt.

>> No.4923577
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Don't hate

>> No.4923584

Can they actually lose battles from being too weak? I've never had it happen, even when every single battle reduces them to 1 troop.

>> No.4923588

Me neither, the only time I've seen them lose is against the Demon Army.

>> No.4923590


>> No.4923591

Yup, with 100% success rates too. They will not take castles, must have 1000 ready units (healed to 1000) and once they go for the first original demon army/shimazu territory they get taken away.

>> No.4923613
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>> No.4923636

I bet you regret using both Yuzumi and Isoroku earlier now.

>> No.4923639

Load the save that you should have made before you ended your turn, get different attackers, and win.

>> No.4923646
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Even the puny miko institute is outperforming me!

>> No.4923647

>once they go for the first original demon army/shimazu territory they get taken away

oh, THAT is when they disappear? I always just used them for the demon army and was wondering why everyone thinks they're so great if they only work once.

>> No.4923649

Oh nah. That screenshot is just from one of my saves where I wanted to check how big the enemy units could get. I ended the turn with three action fans unused and was one battle away from "beating" the demon army route.

>> No.4923666
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Like so.

>> No.4923693

>Sea: 36
Rance isn't James Bond, you know.

>> No.4923706

so can I not prevent ran from exploding if I'm on the monkey route?

this would be winnable as long as you have the protection paper I think

>> No.4923724

As long as you don't bother doing the Oil Dungeon I think.

>> No.4923732

I'm pretty sure Ran only survives in her route.

>> No.4923870

A few questions.
1) How do I declare war on Dokuganryuu?
2) Who's a good candidate for the Brute Photo?
3) What sort of class do I want to give the protection paper to? I'm guessing foot soldier or diviner. Speaking of diviners, where can I get a useful one? I've released every diviner I've captured thus far because they all have shitty stats


>> No.4923887

1. Investigate them, then look in one of the nearby provinces for a new red "battle" event, defeat the guy to wage war.
2. whoever you want
3. foot soldier and diviner are good.

I have a question. I just beat ran route, my first "second" game. And I got 80 points. I also got the "bad end" for not clearing ran first because I am horrible. If I reload an old save and beat it again, will I have less points then my other win when I go to start a new game, or the big amount from my first clear.

>> No.4924104

sup /jp/, i have way too many commanders and not enough commander slots.

2 open slots, fishead, assasin raccoon, yuzumi, ran, teru, kikku, and kawoke mine and yuzu.

who should i pick???

>> No.4924113
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forgot my pic

>> No.4924153

While you are at it, get rid of Kasumi. She's pretty inferior compared to Maria and you don't need two cannon units.

>> No.4924190


Mouri Teru would be extremely valuable. Get rid of shitty units like Hara Shouji. Get rid of Tanegeshima and get Yuzuhara instead. Give her the worker bee and watch her faceroll her way to victory. Ran is useful for her all guard shikigami. And do empty your prison, the more people in it means you have a lower chance of capturing more.

>> No.4924225

You have Ran sitting in prison and haven't recruited her yet? ;_;

>> No.4924267
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Have I fucked up? This is my first play through, and I'm pretty sure I'm doing abysmally. I wasted loads of turns and gold on stupid shit. This caused me to, as far as I'm aware, miss many characters that I can't get anymore due to the demon army's presence. Furthermore, I find myself unable to hold out against demon army attacks. They attack three times per turn and I can only survive against the first two attacks. Should I just start over? I'm really unhappy with how this playthrough has turned out anyway so I don't mind starting over if this playthrough is a massive failure. I mean damn, those guys with the orange and white logo took over those guys with the green and white logo and were themselves taken over by the demon army before I had had a chance to have any interaction with them.

Oh, and can those Shimazu guys be recruited once they're a part of the demon army?

>> No.4924299

Nah man your fine. Just keep holding out and the demon army slowly bleeds itself dry as they don't recover troops. Even if you lose a territory once or twice no big deal, especially when you get battle permits.
You could use some more troops and better commanders though. Should still be ok.

>> No.4924334

you're good. That's pretty much exactly what happened on my game when the demon army showed up. And they always blitz you with 5 attacks in a row after your first battle against them. You can't get the brothers but you can get Agireda.

>> No.4924357

Shimazu can only be recruited in Ran and Kill the Monkey routes. Also it's your first run. To be honest you have more beasty units than I did (Ryouma generals, instead of recruited ones for the most part) Just keep holding out an you'll pull through. Abuse War fans for an easier win.

>> No.4924361

First playthrough is always messy. You can either hold out until the game decides to give most Demon Army territories to you (it'll take several turns though) and then conquer the two or three remaining territories, or start over.

Note that if you start over you probably still won't end up with a lot of points, but you can avoid making the traditional mistakes (going at war with Iga, not conquering Mouri, buying troops for units other than Footsoldiers, etc).

As implied in the cutscene, Takeda will automatically conquer Uesugi or Houjou if you attack the other house. Usually people attack Uesugi because they want Kenshin. They only do this during a First Game so you can conquer them all in whichever order you want in a later playthrough.

The Demon Army should attack only once or twice per turn on Normal difficulty. Three might be possible, not sure, but it should be rare as fuck.

The Shimazu brothers aren't recruitable in Demon Army routes.

>> No.4924510


Wait, why is it a bad idea to buy units for troops other than footsoldiers? Should footsoldiers be the only units taking damage or something?

>> No.4924597

Enemy units scale in size with your own units except for Footsoldiers for whatever reason. So if you have an average of 400 on your main attackers the enemies will have 600-800. At least on normal mode.

>> No.4924640

Really? Didn't know that.

>> No.4924648

Alright then, thanks guys. After the initial turn where they attacked me five times (I assumed it was three because I always reloaded after the loss on their third attack), they've only been attacking once per turn. I should be able to withstand their attacks.

One last thing. For future playthroughs, what can I do to prolong the arrival of the demon army? I'd like to be able to recruit characters from the houses I missed on this playthrough, and I feel like I'll need a lot more time.

>> No.4924696

How many turns can I wait before assault Honnouji?

I can defeat Byakko but when I get to Xavier it gets almost impossible. I am at turn 45 if I not mistaken.

>> No.4924702
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The Honnouji event happens when 5 gourds are broken.

If you don't conquer gourd houses (you can see the list if you click System in the upper right part of the screen), or keep them alive with only one territory left, the midgame event is delayed. Also, the Demon Army only appears about 10 turns after the midgame event.

The problem with this is that it's not a good strategy if you're doing a point run; turns eat up points. But for unlocking bonuses or completion, it's pretty great.

Pic related. It's what I did on my last run. When the Demon Army came they didn't really have any houses to take over.

>> No.4924713

>>4924648 what can I do to prolong the arrival of the demon army?

Don't completely conquer any gourd nations after Hara and Ashikaga, though leaving them with 1 province in their last territory is fine. When the Demon Army finally does show up, don't attack them (either by initiating combat or defending) until you have obtained all of the unique commanders that you wanted from the houses that Xavier can auto-conquer. This forces those Demon Army scenes that occur after battle to go into the start-of-turn event for the Demon Army.

>> No.4924728

>>4924696 How many turns can I wait before assault Honnouji?

Indefinitely, though you can't fully conquer opposing territories until you complete it, plus you lose 1 point per turn (unless you're spending 1 turn to get at least 3 characters cleared for several turns, preferably with end-game points).

>> No.4924758

Thanks. Maybe I should try level up my troops in some turns. If I use a continue I will lost 4 points anyway.
And I am not in the mood of restarting my first playthough again as I think I am not that bad this time.

Do you have some more tips to beat Byakko/Xavier?

>> No.4924803

>>4924758 Thanks. Maybe I should try level up my troops in some turns

Eh, there are only 4 or so dungeons worth doing in the game for point-runs, two because they give 4-5 +3/+4 affection items and the others because they grant Rance extra level ups. You're better off just doing the ogre battles (think that's +2 or +3 to everyone when all is said and done) in the Takuga area, then just trying to get a bunch of commanders level 40+. Also, after getting special skills and/or end-game points, just pick the +2 level ups for 7/7/ affection.

>> No.4924857

don't waste actions tryig to kill him until he transforms into anteater mode

>> No.4924878

I think right now he just wants to be able to get past the midgame event.

If I remember correctly it's best to kill Rengoku's guards so that they don't show up again in the 2nd part. In the 2nd part, you nuke Byakko ASAP (he takes away your actions if you don't spend them, anyway). Xavier is pretty straightforward, just don't let Rance die.
You can do a couple dungeons for levels if you think you need it, and/or release prisoners 5 at a time for Pokkurus and use 'em on Rance.

>> No.4925144

>get rid of Kasumi
>no need for 2 cannon units
You do NOT know how many times Kasumi saved me if she works in tandem with Maria after I've used up my primary battle forces.

>> No.4925257


Depends on who you want to character clear, Tanegashima is required for Maria's and I think one of Yuzuhara's events. If you don't care about clears then..

Tanegashima, Ikkyu(if you've used up his ability), Hara Shouji (Isoroku is the only good archer). You can eventually get rid of the Kuge sisters as you get better units to replace them.

Ran(you won't have her for long though), Teru, Kikku, Yuzuhara

Keep Kazemaru if you want to recruit Nogiku, dump him otherwise. If you don't have Hibachi just dump him.

>> No.4925271

what exactly does angel cutter do bonus damage to?

>> No.4925277
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Demons? like the troops the demon army has by the end of the game.

>> No.4925294


>> No.4925301

And youkai only applies to the one eyed house's troops, right? I mean, not things like ogres or dungeon monsters, yes?

>> No.4925315

I find Isoroku or Sounn better for that.

Omachi would be good for that too if everything weren't dead when I use her.

>> No.4925322

2x damage to monsters and monks
That's what it says in-game, and the wiki says it does 0.5x damage to everything else, including Youkai

>> No.4925332

Demons would be immune to it.

>> No.4925534

Well, if she's working for you then keep her. However, I didn't find much use for her in my play through though. She kept getting killed off by archer and ninja units.

But at some point you may want to consider dumping her for a better commander.

Also, if you haven't taken >>4924190's advice, getting Mouri Teru would be worth it - especially once you get the Dragonfly Cutter.

>> No.4925597

So how would a Demon King fare against a Super God?

>> No.4925628

He would get owned.

The Maou is inferior to class one gods, which are inferior to the eight right above them in the hierarchy, which are inferior to the three above them.

>> No.4925631


>> No.4925641


>> No.4925758

That was a really random question, by the way.

>> No.4925980

what are good footsoldiers aside from senhime and the maid? I've been using the raccoon dog but his stats kind of suck.

>> No.4926013

Nogiku. (Highest starting starts)
Maeda with SAT bonuses. (Gains +3 to ATK and DEF)
Katsuie is decent. Great on IF routes if you clear him. (Gains +1k units, IIRC you can only do it on Ran and KtM)
Shimazu bro. You rarely if ever get to use him though.

That's about it.

>> No.4926064


Gon is alright if you just need a spot filler, he comes with troop revenge which can do decent damage if he's taken enough hits. For a huge guy covered in spikes you'd expect him to have counter attack 2 or something though.

>> No.4926227

Remember to bring Maeda's Def up to 6 with regular books before upgrading him. Easy way to get to 9 Def.

Kuge Kiyoko has enormous potential as an offensive Ashigaru thanks to her 6 actions. One time I brought her to 9 Attack with Attack Luck and Spear Attack 2... she pretty much one-shotted anything she attacked and could attack twice per fight.

>> No.4926261
File: 116 KB, 800x600, rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you block this event with a higher priority one? I need the national power from clearing the old guy but I hate seeing yukihime whore herself out.

>> No.4926701

You only need to get her dad to normal to get Yukihime. You can clear him later.

>> No.4926799

yeah but you don't have a chance to use items on him before that scene comes up

>> No.4927769

Ctrl through it. It's a great button.

>> No.4927983
File: 12 KB, 190x236, gahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you recruit him, take him to normal and do his first event you'll get the 'search for Yuki' option in one turn and that will be the only scene you get and she won't go whoring herself out to other countries. If you let it go to another turn you lose the 'search for Yuki' option and I'm not sure how long it'll be before it comes up again.

and bump. gahaha!
