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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 56 KB, 1024x768, 1271633956834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4922058 No.4922058 [Reply] [Original]

Im not sure if this is the place for this question...but anyways, i was looking over a jrock/visual kei guild and in the parents guide section it had this listed:

20] When they start giggling uncontrollably when you offer them vanilla ice cream, don't ask. You really don't want to know.

can someone explain?

pic unrelated

>> No.4922074

Cum, you retard.
Goddamn, what are you, 5?

>> No.4922073
File: 100 KB, 468x762, Vanilla Ice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4922084

Cum and vanilla ice cream don't look anything alike.

>> No.4922091

well the first thing when i hear vanilla ice cream, i think of a goddamn vanilla bean, sorry, jackass

>> No.4922097

Doesn't matter.
We're talking about people who listen to jrock, here.

>> No.4922108
File: 36 KB, 300x300, 1198183400962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is now a Pokemon thread.

>> No.4922110

also they had these posted:

8] If you ever say the words "pistachio", and/or "vanilla" and they burst into laughter, do not ask… It’s for your own safety.

10] If they suddenly become a ball of laughter upon seeing a stuffed swan/goose- please don't ask- you WILL be scarred for life.

>> No.4922112

I think you took a wrong turn, man.

>> No.4922116

Back to /v/ with you.

>> No.4922140
File: 60 KB, 450x486, 1198208445274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about? Just a few months ago /jp/ loved Pokemon. Go back to /a/, Pokemon haters.

>> No.4922146
File: 40 KB, 649x495, 1205905191000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4922143
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 1199501937137.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4922148

/jp/ does love Pokemon.

But it's still /v/.

And meido doesn't like it.

And this thread is already shit.

>> No.4922150
File: 126 KB, 511x700, gary's raticate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand either. Have some more pokemon.

>> No.4922163

Oh my.

>> No.4922177

rival was still an asshole though

>> No.4922185

i hate /b/ faggots who make these dumb theories with pokemon (for example the missingno theory and the cubone=Kangaskhan's son theory)
Gary realized Raticate was shit and replaced it with a giant sea snake, that's all.

>> No.4922195

Way to miss the whole point of the image.

>> No.4922196

Blue doesn't deserve anything less for being a jerk throughout the game.

>> No.4922199

Hey, Raticate has Hyper Fang and Super Fang.

Those attacks are pretty damn awesome.

Sure, their usefulness is limited by being stuck on Raticate, but they're still awesome.

>> No.4922205

Except Raticate is awesome, so shut up, Mr. Wrong Man.

>> No.4922210

what? making pokemon DEEP?
when you fight giovanni in his gym he doesn't have his kangaskhan anymore, it was killed by you in the Silph incident, he was in a 10 floor building so he couldnt reach the pokemon center and died, this threw him into a depressive state and that's why he disbanded team rocket

oh and ash is in a coma

>> No.4922226

giant sea snake that destroys cities every time it gets mad vs huge fucking rat

>> No.4922228

That's the spirit, Suigin. See, Pokemon story is deep and sad. ;_;

>> No.4922235

You're talking about green here.

>> No.4922247

this aint digimon

>> No.4922252

No, Japan adapted to america and his official name is Blue now.

>> No.4922257

Only in Jap version which no one cares about. Green is the girl. Rival is Blue.

>> No.4922276

Ill sage this thread untill All of you die you si k fucks

>> No.4922307

Don't sage me, bro

>> No.4922312

the thread will be dead by then..........

>> No.4922336

Note to self: Never start a thread on /jp/ with the accompanying image involving anything relevant to pokemon

>> No.4922346

Unless we keep it alive for a century.

>> No.4922350

I want to play Pokemon with suigin.

>> No.4922385

buy me a ds

>> No.4922407


>missingno theory

do tell me more... Is there actually someone who thinks that it's some sort of story-related ghost pokeman that's the abortion of some cloning attempt or something?

If so, holy fucking shit.

>> No.4922418

Slut. I bet you make nerds buy you stuff all the time and never have sex with them.

>> No.4922433

Do you think a blob of graphic-glitches could be story-related?

>> No.4922435

apparently it's related to a kangaskhan pre evo or something
it's pure fucking bullshit though
i should do that in second life
