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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4921161 No.4921161 [Reply] [Original]

My kingdom for a visual novel like this told from the other perspective

>> No.4921167

Every otome eroge ever. Bitches are obsessed with bad boys NEARLY raping them.

>> No.4921170

Do not want. Also you should understand that VN writers are 99,9% male so there isn't anything to learn from such games for virgins.

>> No.4921171

I don't understand what you are saying man. Care to elaborate a bit more? Or maybe you want to play otome games?

>> No.4921182

>VN writers are 99,9% male
This is actually pretty wrong, but whatever makes you sleep better at night.

>> No.4921192


>> No.4921197

/jp/ - faggots

>> No.4921198

Is there something wrong with using greentext as quote?

>> No.4921199

I might as well play a otome game, any suggestions? Preferably with voice...

>> No.4921204

He is not implying anything, he's saying that VN writers are not 99.9% male.

Anon-kun, can't you read?

>> No.4921207
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>> No.4921218

Under the Moon

>> No.4921228

I also wish there was a VN where I get to be the little drummer girl.

>> No.4921231

Are you trying to tell me that greentext wasn't created for the purpose of implying?

>> No.4921241

I know there are VNs where you get to play the little musician girl of varying sorts, I'll try to find one where you're specifically a drummer but might be impossible since that's not really a popular choice.

>> No.4921242

Yes, since its original purpose is to show that it's a quote from somebody else. I feel bad for you since your first board on 4chan is /v/.

>> No.4921246 [DELETED] 

>implying 99,9% of VN writers are not male

>> No.4921249

I really hope >>4921231 is trolling and not actually that fucking retarded.

>> No.4921251

How high do you have to roll up a sweater

>> No.4921254

Just stretch it around the neck.

>> No.4921282

I demand to know whether rape actually occured in the OP or not.

>> No.4921285
File: 273 KB, 800x600, 1242547006504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel the same.
That is all.

>> No.4921289

A joke, not trolling, though I guess it was a pretty bad one since a couple people took it seriously.

>> No.4921297

The writer of the "What a wonderful" series of Liar-soft is a woman.
Yeah that mean Sekien no Inganock was written by a woman.

>> No.4921308

So that's why the POV switch to the female one during the sex scenes.

>> No.4921309

Sengoku Rance was written by a woman.

>> No.4921310
File: 211 KB, 623x335, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm NOT obsessed, I dont want to go around trying to land dates with boys I just want to cut the crap and have my seemingly unrelated desisions relate in my delicious rape, is that so much to ask?

>> No.4921313

relate > result even

>> No.4921326


That sounds so fucked up that it might actually be true.

>> No.4921331

Has /jp/ forgotten what a fakepost is?

>> No.4921342

Like I said, otome eroge.

>> No.4921392

is there any good rape?

>> No.4921465

>Also you should understand that VN writers are 99,9% male
oh you

>> No.4921485


>> No.4921497

It didn't.

>> No.4921542
File: 13 KB, 250x300, c674054chara5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the yandere in Riddle Garden rape you?

>> No.4921551

what vn is that in op?

>> No.4921562

It's in "lurk the fuck more, newfag."

>> No.4921566
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>> No.4921568

Pygma-chan's adventure.

>> No.4921574

The main Rance games are written by a women, really.

>> No.4921576

sorry, i don't really like you people, so i try to avoid this shithole, but sometimes i come around for the latest hentai stuff! no offense. say, help me out anyways?

>> No.4921586

No. Fuck off.

>> No.4921601


>> No.4921629

Addressing people like that sure makes them want to help you, eh?

>> No.4921715

thanks but I dont give a shit, I want POV, I could care less about the author.

>> No.4925381

why would you want a yaoi game

>> No.4925677

Can /jp/ recommend me some good otome eroge? I don't even know if any of those are translated...

I'm a girl who's read a large number of galge, but not a single otome.

>> No.4925693
File: 137 KB, 800x600, 9091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iinchou's route in Haruka na Sora is mostly told through her perspective, including the H-scenes.

>> No.4925698

Wanna go out with me?

>> No.4925701

What VN is this?

>> No.4925707

Fate Stay Night

>> No.4925724
File: 50 KB, 246x269, 1269563825276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I don't like 3D guys. Especially not sluts like you.

>> No.4925730

Do girls actually browse /jp/? Do they actually read galge and enjoy them?

>> No.4925740

Galge have some pretty nice story, and the romance is pretty nice. You can still enjoy them pretty well.

Also, ero scenes are usually written in a way that can be arousing regardless of your gender.

>> No.4925744

That's stupid. You're stupid. Stupid...

>> No.4925765

Anon is tsun for Anon.

>> No.4925790

this makes me want to start playing otome

>> No.4925794

Not even me?

>> No.4925799

I couldn't find any good translated otome games with h scenes so I gave up.

>> No.4925809

Can I have the name of this VN, please?

>> No.4925814

You can, and you already have.

>> No.4925815

I'll play nice.

Its Kira Kira.

>> No.4925833

The fandisk is coming out the 30th of this month as well.

>> No.4925848

>Kira Kira
Ah I found it. Getting the torrent now.

Thanks man.

>> No.4925856

Chie was the best Overdrive character.

>> No.4925865
File: 212 KB, 849x1090, 1264049074076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.

But I haven't played dear drops yet either so I'm only comparing her against edelweiss.

>> No.4925869

Well, it's not out yet. Nobody has played it, other than the demo.

>> No.4925890

Not much competition when you compare anything to Edelweiss, because Edelweiss always loses.
