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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.4900908
File: 74 KB, 640x480, 1163716519705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 more ari red FAST

>> No.4901075
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>> No.4901084
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I mad.

>> No.4901093
File: 72 KB, 848x480, snapshot20100408195828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game please.
Ari red fast only.

>> No.4901131


>> No.4901142

Do you still post here? Or only play mahjong now?

>> No.4901164

The latter.

>> No.4901234
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>> No.4901265

gotta hate fast tenpais.

>> No.4901350

Take it to /tg/.

>> No.4901579


>> No.4901580

Just how Touhou games go in /v/ right?

>> No.4901581

Bump for the skill that is 3P.

>> No.4901689

I always wonder if I'll be able to play with you guys, but I don't know how to not stop being a tsumokirifag.

I've been using the first game listed, but I'm having some misgivings. I've never had an opening hand that was missing a suit and I've never seen a winning opening hand. Is that supposed to happen?

>> No.4901727


>> No.4901787

Download Saikyo no Mahjong 3d. It is a much better single player program.
Learn some yaku to see how to win with an open hand, trying getting a tanyao (no 1s, 9s, honors) you can call it.

>> No.4901911

Thank you. Yeah, tan yao is usually the way to go; that is, if I don't get an opening hand clogged with terminals.

>> No.4902215
File: 33 KB, 448x401, Toughmajongfortoughplayers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Np. The more you play the more you figure out when it is a good idea to call or not. More often then not it is a good idea to not make calls.
Pic related, shitty calls are not for good players who wear sunglasses.

>> No.4902495

Anyone up for a game?

>> No.4902629
File: 76 KB, 731x637, Feels Good man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/

/a/ here just sharing my awesome hand.

>> No.4902641

Nice hand. I've yet to get a kazoe yakuman.

>> No.4902673

I've only gotten one yakuman in 4 player, a diasangen in the dan room. Got a few kazoe yakumans in 3p...but that is nothing to care about, because a dying monkey with autism can get yakumans in 3p.

>> No.4902695


>> No.4902772

You win some, you lose some, and then there's jaw-dropping disbelief.

>> No.4902786

Oh man I want a ryuuiisou. Such a neat yakuman.

>> No.4902803

Once again, Zettai pushes my shit in. Oh well.
it can't be helped

>> No.4902809
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>> No.4902986

That late in the game you riich'd with a dealer haneman hand?

>> No.4903015

It's a bai man.

>> No.4903331


>> No.4903430
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> Pic related, shitty calls are not for good players who wear sunglasses.

>> No.4903542

>Just how Touhou games go in /v/ right?

Just like anime character threads are allowed on /jp/, right?

Mahjong isn't even a Japanese game; it's a Chinese BOARD GAME with no particular Japanese characteristics. Last I heard BOARD GAMES (i.e., TRADITIONAL GAMES) go in /tg/.

There is no "parallel society" of quiet, well-behaved outliers like that which exists in the idol/kigurumi threads or, to a lesser extent, the Meltan/Touhou netplay ones: Mahjong threads are mere havens for /b//a/tards and bot-spammers who actively seek to depreciate and antagonise the board. Their presense here adds nothing but to further advertise /jp/ as the open-legged whore of 4chan; or haven't you noticed the daily convulsions which ravage this board? Our native trolls are active and plentiful enough; we do not need to beleagure our meido with these interlopers, nor suffer their advances.

Why /tg/? Because, first, and first, because Mah-jong is a TRADITIONAL GAME, which are well and enough covered by that board's rules. And second, because they can take it; they're moot's favourite board, self-policing to a greater extent and they have a long history of handling the shit that drags this board down. How many roleplaying threads do you see here? Do you see anyone complaining about it?

I'm not suggesting on fobbing off this shit to /po/ or something if that's what you mean.

>> No.4903550

And that should have been saged for effect.

No matter. I hope this thread is buried.

>> No.4903551
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>> No.4903557

Great game.

>> No.4904405

Same, I've been trying for ages to get Ryuuiso.

>> No.4904453
File: 269 KB, 1024x1155, 1254193011662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fap to Kaori and someday your dream comes true.

>> No.4904576


Hatsu honitsu? If she had kept it closed, it would have made mangan, but I guess a win is a win.

>> No.4904812

Not into meganekkos. Kaori is probably the best one in the series, though.

Fail, pay attention to the conversation at hand and know your yakuman.

>> No.4904818
File: 69 KB, 800x600, kaokokushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, 1v1 mahjong is so weird sometimes.

Win with a Kokushi Musou one game, get pwned by a Suuankou the next. Blah.

>> No.4904879

Closed honitsu 3
dora 3
hatsu 1
If it is the south round that would make it 8, But I can't tell in the screenshot.
If it is, riichi would be retarded, if not, winning by ron would be a haneman.

>> No.4904941
File: 350 KB, 995x600, 1245643072346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a joke. She doesn't know about yakuman, etc.

>> No.4905070

You forgot riichi.

>> No.4905072

Sarcasm, doesn't translate well over internet, etc.

>> No.4905092
File: 50 KB, 466x330, 1268280505477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need more palyers for four pee.

>> No.4905767
File: 14 KB, 300x400, ari_canes-796106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if you're just trolling, but I'll bite.

While true, Mah Jong does fall under a traditional game, this is a variant specific to Japan - Riichi Mah Jong. /jp/ is an odd board, but considering this is a niche game, and we use a game client that's only in Japanese, it's well within the grounds of what the board is.

I think we do a pretty good job of confiining the Mah Jong to one thread, and if you're worried about the board's quality dropping because of one thread, I'd hate to think WE were the ones that bumped the fleshlight thread
>84 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
to page 1. If something isn't board appropriate, report it. If it's board appropriate and you don't want to see it because it doesn't interest you, you need to learn to coexist.

Need two more for this guy.

>> No.4905809
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>no particular Japanese characteristics

>> No.4905824

I'm trying to collect all the Yakumen in 4p, any tips on how to achieve Tenhou?

>> No.4905842

Here's a list of expert strategies to help you out.

1. Always attack, unless you should be defending.

2. Always defend, unless you should be attacking.

3. If you are an expert like me, you can even try attacking and defending at the same time.

4. Only deal tiles that other players cannot use, or you will be helping them form their hands.

5. When other players are in tenpai, it is important that you do not deal into their hands.

6. Make other players deal into your hand by waiting on unexpected tiles.

7. Always score as many points as possible.

8. Win as many hands as you can.

9. It is silly to call tiles when you can always draw it yourself anyway.

10. Do not discard tiles nobody has discarded, or that anybody has discarded early, mid, or late game. If possible you can consider not discarding at all. But it's a double-edged sword. I can't recommend this to amateurs.

11. Always remember what your tiles look like, in case of sudden blindness.

>> No.4905849

Aim for a double riichi, but click on the right button instead of left.

>> No.4905865

You can bookmark this page.

>> No.4905907


Hey there, Anonymous. I'm Bob Sepples. Thought you could sneak that Yoshinoya reference past me, didn't you? But you can't. Because I'm Bob Sepples.

>> No.4905953

But I wanted to be the dealer ;_;

>> No.4905967

Mahjong thread has been here since February 2008. Good luck trying to move the mahjong userbase that have been here for 2years to /tg/.

>> No.4906561
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Bump for 4P.

>> No.4906778

1000p games, fuck yeah!

>> No.4906849


>> No.4906860


>> No.4906869

What happened?

>> No.4906891

oh man a 200 point win. gg Zagato

>> No.4906895


>> No.4906897


>> No.4906913


>> No.4906980
File: 433 KB, 762x648, 1234141421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What catches your attention first in this picture?

>> No.4906982


>> No.4906985


>> No.4906989

lol at riichi even though it's worth max points

>> No.4906993


>> No.4907001
File: 88 KB, 762x648, faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh, and 3p

>> No.4907047


That entire screencap made me lol

>> No.4907060

KoG, that's the second time I've seen you riichi on yakuman.

Stop that.

>> No.4907063

Fake-kun posting in a mahjong thread.

>> No.4907090

>tenhou #START icheat2 icheat Nyarlko

>> No.4907103
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Those retards would never care about the defense anyway.

>> No.4907150

But you see, there's no benefit whatsoever to declaring riichi with a yakuman - no points, ura dora don't matter, and it costs you 1,000 points you may or may not get back, and restricts your abilities to play defensively should something bad happen. It has no benefits I can think of, other than tabbing out and waiting until you hear the "call" noise.

>> No.4907200


>> No.4907225

>Implying being able to tab out is not the best thing ever

>> No.4907228

Calling riichi for a suu ankou shanpon wait can be useful, depending on the situation.

>> No.4907402

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck this was utterly retarded on my part, for the 2nd hand. The riichi wasn't all that smart, as previously mentioned, but I had goddam autowin on, and failed to realize that the 7 was also a tile i was waiting for.


>> No.4907504

At work and i feel like playing a game or 5. Anyone up for it?

>> No.4907618
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>> No.4908175

Why is she so fantastic?

>> No.4908278

Because she only exists in fiction

>> No.4908296

>Body: 9
>flat chest


>> No.4908312
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>> No.4908550
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2:0 FOR 3P

>> No.4908726

>implying flat is not the best

>> No.4908914


Because people don't expect a yakuman when they see a riichi. So they'll think "Well, I guess he has junchan or something. I guess I can discard this chun since it's the last one". And then get raped.

>> No.4909002


Declaring richi doesn't mean much anyway. If I don't see a single terminal or honors tile put out within the first 12 turns, I automatically think it's the kokushi musou, and if I don't see a single character/bamboo/dot out there, I play as if he's going for a chinitsu. Also, if I see the fag have three open declared sets and they don't have end tiles, I know he's going for a tanyao.

I thought this was common defensive knowledge.

>> No.4909018


You know what pisses me off more than a yakuman in 3p?

A dealer's tsumo yakuman in 4p

>> No.4909052
File: 1.44 MB, 512x288, 1252114711681.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related (also animated)

>> No.4909415

Okay, seriously, SOMEBODY needs to make a new /jp/ room where 3p is banned. I'm sick of people thinking it has any value.

>> No.4909461

People can play whatever you want. Yes 3 player is retarded and takes no skill at all, but most of the people here who play are fucking horrible and can only win in 3 player.... So... Just don't play 3p in 7447.

>> No.4909494


No. If retards want to play 3p, they should be redirected to 0000, just like when fags come from /b/, we redirect them to /a/.

There is NO excuse.

>> No.4909513

...if the majority want to play 3p then they will play it, you can't do anything about it. Go play in 0000 dan room if you want good games, I only go to 7447 to fuck around anyway.

>> No.4909541


Are you new here? In case you haven't noticed, NOBODY except scrubs like norwayfag, finlandman, KoG, and AoA play 3p. Nobody but them cares about it. If we get rid of 3p, we get rid of them.

That alone is good enough in my book.

>> No.4909583

3p is good for its purpose: playing when you only have 3 people, which is pretty frequent for a lobby thats usually empty. 3p is fun to dick around in because its far easier than 4p, but I'll agree 4p is definitely better.

>> No.4909616

If I'd want to play 4p, I'd go downstairs. There is no reason for me to play 4p online if it means waiting 3 seconds per person to do something. 3p means I don't have to wait as long as well as being something that my neighbors don't do, since we always have 4 people.

>> No.4909662


You obviously don't have any patience. If I had the choice between playing 4 meaningless, luck-based, skill-void games in the span of 20 minutes, I wouldn't waste it on Mahjong. You're not SUPPOSED to play 30 games of Mahjong in a single day. You're only supposed to play one or two really long 4p games. Just because you're sick of losing and want to win so you stuff yourself with countless 3p games until you win does NOT make you a good or decent play. Seeing retards in this thread posting yakumans in 3p as if they MEAN ANYTHING WHATSOEVER makes me feel sad for what this board has devolved into.

For shame.

>> No.4909683 [DELETED] 
File: 335 KB, 640x480, areyoufrustrated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4909692


Dawson and frustration images are banned on /jp/.


>> No.4909699

2more for 4p or 1more for 3p.

>> No.4909714


I am not going to wait for you to think for 5 seconds every turn when I could be playing with people who aren't stupidly slow.

>> No.4909749

While I agree with you that 3p has its merits, your reasoning isn't so good. You could play 4p fast if you want that.

On the other hand, 3p is also good for when you just want a quick game that doesn't take as long as a 4p game.

Also, why bother at all with online when you can play with real tiles any time? I find playing with real tiles far more enjoyable, even if the people I can scrounge up need to be reminded of the rules every time.

>> No.4909762

I play with real tiles.

with my parents


>> No.4909789

Whoa, really? Since when?

Need two more for 4p.

>> No.4909799

3p is good for learning when to attack and when to defend. Some of you need to play it more. I don't play 4p in 7447 anymore because you can't play seriously when one retard keeps dealing into everyone.

>> No.4909846

>meaningless, luck-based, skill-void games
Please explain how good players constantly have win rate of .500 while people that are stupid are always last.
Skill are still important but points swing are larger and you have higher chance of making a comeback in 3p. It is harder to score a huge hand in 4p and there is a reason why in 4p, games are actually decided by a dealer mangan.

>> No.4909855


While it is true that I can get a game just by walking downstairs and telling them to clear the table of their dinner plates, you forget that I actually have to walk out of the door. If I actually accomplish that feat, I still have to interact with their useless chatter while playing or risk being denied for the next game. Also, just because the time is cut to 5+10 in fast doesn't mean that it automatically becomes fast. There could be lag or people can be slow there as well.

>> No.4910104


>get a 6,000 point hand ron off of one guy
>get a 12,000 point hand ron off the same guy
>same guy tsumos three times in a row with 12,000, game over

That's not skill. 3p is garbage.

>> No.4910118

ha..when it comes to playing for real, we usually play for money so people will play better and don't make stupid deals.

>> No.4910122

Well, don't play 3p then.

>> No.4910127

Just because you can't make hands without relying on calls, nobody can?

>> No.4910157

How is this different from a guy that dealer ippatsu tsumo mangan/haneman 3times in a row in 4p?
There is always a luck factor involve.

>> No.4910259

ITT, people try to defend 3p in vain

>> No.4910569


>> No.4910670

2:0 for 3p garbage

>> No.4911609
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>> No.4913074
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The sand in hell is magical sand.

>> No.4913075

Let's Play!

>> No.4913176
File: 30 KB, 584x498, 4p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 more for ari red fast
Test your skills.

>> No.4913181


>> No.4913307

Man I was on fire that game.

>> No.4913308

Sure is tanoshii

>> No.4913311

Not very tanoshii.

>> No.4913313
File: 222 KB, 728x619, gyakutenn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ffffffff ecpik comebak wivroty!!!!!11111111111

and now i wont win for a week ;_________-;;;;

>> No.4913551
File: 166 KB, 1024x768, Clipboard35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4913557

I love getting ippatsu.

>> No.4913565

Thank you for the kabe.

>> No.4913927
File: 128 KB, 735x624, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3p is the way to go folks

>> No.4914296

> suripi

>> No.4914352

bummp for shitty3p

>> No.4914409

Cool yakuman, bro. So, how does 3p work? Anything I'd need to know before trying it out?

>> No.4914439

That's not a yakuman. And you should know that 3p is for people who can't win in 4p.

>> No.4914464


1) Same tiles as 4p except the manzi simples are removed.

2) Chi cannot be called

3) You can call the North tile as bonus dora

4) You can ron off of a called North tile as if it were an open kan.

5) Hands are 2/3 to 3/4 less than usual (I believe)

6) You start with 35000 rather than 25000

>> No.4914471

>>4914464 5) Hands are 2/3 to 3/4 less than usual (I believe)

Sorry, that should read

>Hands are 2/3 to 3/4 their usual value (I believe)

>> No.4914475

Thanks. Shit looked like su an kou.

>> No.4914491


It's a dealer san bai man. Missed 1 yaku for counted yakuman and needed to draw that 7 sou for the su an kou.

>> No.4914531


2/3 when you declare tsumo. They are normal value on a ron.

>> No.4914536

Only in cases of tsumo, where there isn't a 3rd player to pay out. Non-dealer tsumo will be 75% (man gan tsumo would be 6000), and dealer tsumo would be equal to a non-dealer hand(dealer mangan tsumo is 8000 instead of 12000).

>> No.4914579

>get a tsumo hand worth 7 fan
>get 8000 points
>dealer gets 3 fan ron
>11600 points

3p in a nutshell

>> No.4914585


>> No.4914595

Yeah, that made me lol.

>> No.4914702

That's good.
Ron is more important in 3p.
Games aren't decided by a single dealer riichi ippatsu tsumo like in 4p.
You have to defend, less tiles = many more of your tiles become dangerous.

What's bad compared to 4p:
Situational: You don't draw any Pei
Situational: The Pei becomes the dora

>> No.4914752

>tsumo a hand with all dots
>all three of the dora and ura-dora indicators are bamboo
>8000 points
>guy rons an all-bamboo hand within three turns
>48000 points

Feels bad man

>> No.4914769

>You are dealer
>Some guy gets tenhou
Feels good man

>> No.4914773


I'll give you 10 seconds to figure out what's wrong with your statement.

>> No.4914787

You reading comprehension sucks.
You have 10 seconds to delete your post.

>> No.4914799


Tenhou is a dealer hand. Maybe now you can figure out where you made a mistake.

>> No.4914859

There is no mistake. I guess you still don't get it.

>> No.4914906


Troll detected

>> No.4914909


What's there to get? The person you originally replied to never mentioned that someone got Tenhou. Unless you're just trolling, you called what should be chihou or renhou hand a tenhou hand.

>> No.4914922


A tenhou is a dealer instant win. A chiihou is a non-dealer instant win. If you can't tell the difference, you're either a troll or a retard.

>> No.4914928

You are dumb, so I'll explain it to you

>You are dealer
>Some guy gets tenhou
Feels good man

So you are the dealer, asshole, and one of the four players gets a tenhou. THAT ONE GUY IS YOU, BITCH.
Feels good man, you stupid fuck.

>> No.4914929


What does it matter if I know the right moonrune name or not? THEY'RE WORTH THE SAME!

>> No.4914932
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>> No.4914939
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>> No.4914948

can't tell if troll...

>> No.4914951


1) Tenhou can only be obtained on the dealer's first draw.

2) Three discards have already occurred.

3) The yakuman in question cannot be Tenhou

>> No.4914962

1) Tenhou can only be obtained on the dealer's first draw.
Yes, your draw.
2) Three discards have already occurred.
Stop imagining things.
3) The yakuman in question cannot be Tenhou
See 2)

>> No.4914968


A dealer yakuman and a non-dealer yakuman is not the same amount of points.

>> No.4914972

Just so no one accuses me, that guy is not me.

>> No.4914973


Maybe if you got your head out of the sand that is 3p, you would see your mistake.

>> No.4914978

Just so no one accuses me, that guy is not me.

>> No.4914981

>>4914962 Stop imagining things.

To quote >>4914752

>guy rons an all-bamboo hand within three turns

Since you originally replied to 4914752, I assume you were talking about the yakuman that poster mentioned. If so, that yakuman cannot be tenhou.

>> No.4914985

Just so no one accuses me, that guy is not me. 

>> No.4914992

Ey quit copying me, faggots

>> No.4914995

This is the situation
BEGIN Situation
>You are dealer
>Some guy gets tenhou
Feels good man
END Situation
Nothing else influences the situation

I didn't quote anyone. I replied to >>4914752 using the same writing style as him.

>> No.4914998

ITT, guy mistakenly calls a chiihou a tenhou and kids whine about it. Grow up.

>> No.4915002


what the hell is a chihou? is that like a chiniisoo??

>> No.4915005

Hey, how 'bout we stop trolling and replying to trolls, eh?

>> No.4915009


My mistake then. Still, why do you refer to yourself in the second person point-of-view?

>> No.4915011
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>> No.4915019


Except rather than admit his mistake he insulted people and acted stuck-up.

>> No.4915021


Considering the fact that KoG makes most of the Mahjong threads, probably not.

>> No.4915042

> >You are dealer
"You" refers to anyone reading the post.
"some guy" was made to confuse on purpose
"feels good" was supposed to tell the reader "Ah, some guy = dealer = You (I, the reader)"

>> No.4915093

you all suck

>> No.4915113

COOLSAND is a loser

>> No.4915199


>> No.4915315

>A tenhou is a dealer instant win.
Or double riichi.

>> No.4915334
File: 361 KB, 728x620, 123345213451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finlandman deals into every single one of Pikokola's hands
>get houdei

>> No.4915354
File: 355 KB, 772x665, 145214541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4915361

With or without haitei, the hand has the same value, it's a baiman (8-10 han)

>> No.4915481
File: 337 KB, 782x674, 123412421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey, don't mind me -- just pulling a Finlandman.

>> No.4915486
File: 102 KB, 491x270, 1258783218342897234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>KoG wins 5 times

>> No.4915498


>dealing into a 16000 hand

>> No.4915502
File: 429 KB, 769x659, 132121321312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No choice

>> No.4915505



>> No.4915528

Hehe. You should discard 4s and try pinfu instead.

>> No.4915547

How many waits did that hand have?

>> No.4915555

4-7p 3-6s

>> No.4915566

That was quite a foolish move. You really shouldn't risk a riichi that late, when you've got the lead and when someone else has already declared riichi before you. It's not like you need more points, that mangan wasn't worth the risk (and you didn't even need riichi to declare ron, as your hand got itsu).

Also, that dealer pon + nukidora gave the dealer's hand at least 6 han, so you should have acted even more carefully knowing that.

>> No.4915711

>Skill at the game

Choose 1.

>> No.4916265


>> No.4917466

That happens all the time in 3p.

>> No.4917536



>> No.4917622


I'm going to start flooding moot's inbox with requests to make 3p Mahjong banned on /jp/. I'm really sick and tired of seeing kids like you think it's unfair WHEN IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A GAUGE OF SKILL TO BEGIN WITH.

>> No.4917641


>> No.4917698


>> No.4917920
File: 225 KB, 1511x1306, a game of skill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this just happened


>> No.4917957


>> No.4917979

I have an even better idea: ban Mahjong completely.

>> No.4918080


That was such a retarded move. If I was him, I would have said screw it and tried to get a chiihou. If not, some fag was bound to have declared another one at some point anyway.

>> No.4918219

Eh, it was a bitch to have that happen.

>> No.4918903

>I have an even better idea: ban Touhou completely


>> No.4919287

I approve of this bump.

>> No.4919287,1 [INTERNAL] 

Bump, two more for 4.

>> No.4919287,2 [INTERNAL] 

Two more for 4p.

>> No.4919844

>Posts: 295
It was 299 when I left.

>> No.4919852

Derp, wrong thread.

>> No.4919899
File: 148 KB, 596x400, soft_ban06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sharing something that some of you might want.

>> No.4920279

we're looking for 1 more for ari red
(we're not very good, be warned)

>> No.4920296


>> No.4920315
File: 32 KB, 469x462, Speedwagon show them online.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that was one hard round. I kept dealing in suuji or while in riichi to Norwayfag...

>> No.4920704

Callers gonna call.

>> No.4920720

Hongfire is not trusted by firefox. (again)

>> No.4920761
File: 26 KB, 598x539, Kaiji-confused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever played for money in Mahjong?

Wth is with room 7447?! When i visit it, it is empty.

I usually play in room 0001.

Which room has the best players?

>> No.4920771

7447 has the best players, the dan room has almost as good.

>> No.4920782

They are lobbies, not rooms.
Best players are the VIP elitists with 7dan 2000R and better.
They won't play with you.

>> No.4920786
File: 15 KB, 434x315, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Click there faggot.

>> No.4920793

-No, because having fun is enough

-You visit at the wrong time

-Dan rooms

>> No.4920814

How boring.
Unfortunately Mahjong in this country is pretty non existant.
Therefore i only can play shitty poker for money.

>> No.4920819

Where do you live? I can come take your money if it's close.

>> No.4920839

Good game.
I won in the end of course, but you guys weren't half bad!

>> No.4920861

>implying you could beat me



>> No.4920871

>Good game

Sure, except the 2 other guys kept calling everything.

>> No.4920890

Why can't you chat anymore?
Some times ago, you can chat even if you are noname!

>> No.4920898

I have a set of real tiles. I'll play with /jp/ in person if you were close to me. But you aren't. Because no one lives here.

>> No.4920899

We can play on 7447 and the loser transfers the money to the winners bank account.
Just pretend the points are money (1:1 rate) and pay the difference.

>> No.4920916

As a chink, i have played Mahjong since i was small kid.

But with another rule set of course.

>> No.4920927

You're Raymoo right? (I wasn't 4920839)
Yeah, my friends call a lot, but we just started playing. One of them insists closed hands and tsumos are something otherworldly (yet I keep beating him with those lol)

>> No.4920928

1. Trusting an anonymous message board is bad
2. what currency, 1:1 ratio is expensive as fuck, unless you mean like 1 point is 1 American cent or something.

>> No.4920935

Fuck you 7447

Only 2 persons there.

I go to room 0001.

>> No.4920940

3:0 actually.

>> No.4920942

He can't resist the urge to push that shiny flashing chi/pon button.
Just how I can't resist the riichi one.

>> No.4921088

I always try to incorporate kans into my hand when possible. Just seeing everyone fucking STOP completely after you Kan into a riichi feels awesome, and if you get lucky you pull a saki which is fine too. I one time Kan'd, pulled another tile for another kan, and got a rinshan tsumo out of it. Felt good.

>> No.4921133

Let's Play!

>> No.4921189
File: 7 KB, 280x189, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck guys?
You guys happy with constant garbage hands?

>> No.4921201

As long as you win with it in the end, i don't care about hands.

I am not making a good hand to show off, i want to crush my opponents.

>> No.4921221

No. I was only on 31k points. Just barely winning and if anyone of you made a mangan I would have lost. Anyway thanks for the win and yes I was shaking and sweating due to being crush by 1-3han hands.

>> No.4921281

I would have made a bigger hand if I had the tiles for it.

>> No.4921363


>> No.4921414

Are there only two lobbies?

I only know 7447 and 0000

>> No.4921433


>> No.4921477

7447 is a fake bot server

>> No.4921903

Cool stuff.

Lost 5 matches in a row. 2 hours for nothing.

>> No.4921926

Hey, at least you had fun wi...
at least you made some guys win 5 games.

>> No.4922017

Yeah...great stuff.

Actually that's my new ID. With my last one, i played up to 2Dan after that i kept losing and losing and losing until i dropped out of a Dan rank again.

Then i stopped playing for some months.

Now look at my new ID , LBERND.


>> No.4922046

Somehow I smell troll...

>> No.4922119

How do you smell it?

Your nose is not working.

>> No.4922142

Unlucky guy is unlucky.

>> No.4922172


>> No.4922325

It's like _Akagi_ is really Saki.

>> No.4922420
File: 180 KB, 757x567, rinshan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess luck's coming back, after so much games filled with horrible luck.

Best of all, I got Gideon Jura during the Eldrazi pre-release

>> No.4922617

Too hell with this game!

>> No.4922963

Hey guys, I understand very little japanese, can you please tell me what do the stats on the right mean?

>> No.4923035

Need more players.

>> No.4923072

対戦数: the number of games
平均得点: point(average)
平均順位: place(average)
1位率: 1st place
2位率: 2nd place
3位率: 3rd place
4位率: 4th place
飛び率: losing with negative points
和了率: winning(round)
放銃率: getting ron'd
副露率: chii/pon/open kan
立直率: riichi

>> No.4923139


>> No.4923994


How does this game make you feel?

>> No.4924038


>> No.4924062

tanyao(1500) vs tanyao, dora 6(12000) was funny.

>> No.4924064


You 4p devs need to get a life.

>> No.4925151 [DELETED] 
File: 279 KB, 640x895, 1270031356042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because you can't beat anyone when you have to build hands legitimently and play defense.

>> No.4926010
File: 982 KB, 728x1860, mahjongCOM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4926021


I don't understand the extra added score. What's the point?

>> No.4926748


>> No.4926855

Rewards you for luck. We had a tournament using that rule a few months ago.



>> No.4927228

Let's play?

>> No.4927506

Hey I was trying to play deffensivly for once

>> No.4927518

Well that was fun

>> No.4927617

Still can't believe I got that hand.

>> No.4927634
File: 76 KB, 819x685, Naamloos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4927636

Oh wow. 3p or not, this is an achievement. Take care not to be killed by a random asteroid falling from the sky tomorrow.

>> No.4927661


Nice ippatsu

>> No.4927794
File: 409 KB, 734x626, Derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked up didn't I

>> No.4927828
File: 409 KB, 734x626, 1271771888973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear lord, get a brain.

>> No.4927844

I can't read Japanese so if I see any wierd looking letters that look life fences turn up on a screen ona button I usually just press it.

>> No.4927852


>> No.4927855

You are a fucking eyesore. Get out. It's not about pressing buttons, it's about DISCARDING A TILE WHICH COMPLETES YOUR HAND. I'm mad, get out please.

>> No.4927862

There is no cure for stupidity after all. You can only blame your parent for giving you shit genes if you can't really differentiate リーチ with ロン.

>> No.4927884

and you should probably check your statement as I believe that would be ツモ and not ロン.

>> No.4927889

the button in the middle does an automatic ron.


>> No.4927894

Yes you are right. Thanks for the head up.
My mistake for typing ron.

>> No.4927904

Both look the same to me

>> No.4927938

Why, there are times when not to ron?

>> No.4927954

Well if you want a ron off a specific player?

>> No.4927955

That's because you're a retard, Finlandman-san.

>> No.4927958

No im not.

>> No.4927963

Well retard, if you riichii and you passed up a ron that would put you in furiten. It is only applicable when you are in tenpai without riichii but considering how fullretard you are, I doubt you can hold yourself back from pressing the riichii button.

>> No.4927964

Need more for whatever.

>> No.4927969

No, only in last game scenarios when you need a tsumo.

>> No.4927996

bump for 3p

>> No.4928011

Always riichi, expecially if everyone is riichid too

>> No.4928108

Its the last game, you have a 3000 point hand, you are 5000 points behind and the dealer. But there is a guy with 800 points left. If you ron'd him the game would end, but if you roned the other 2 or tsumoed the game would continue. I faced this position before, and passed up a ron on the low point player. I won the game in the end.

>> No.4928125

>or tsumoed
Ignore that ;;

>> No.4928213
File: 942 KB, 713x630, madlaughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry,but can't stop laughing!

>> No.4928254

Where are you playing?

Room7447 there is nobody....

>> No.4928256

3 more for 3p spectators.

>> No.4928263

And you seriously question while people don't want to play with you.

>> No.4928271

Whatever, i will play in L0001 now.


>> No.4928311

3p is sure a game of skill or what Spdwagon?

>> No.4928353
File: 15 KB, 400x313, kaiji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool stuff.

R1412 and -13.72 average points per match.

I am the best!

>> No.4928362


>> No.4928377

sorry. I fail to get serious in a non rated lobby...
I'll give my best next time...

>> No.4928381

Is this some kind of provocation for a match?

>> No.4928395

Doesn't exist

>> No.4928414

>128th Finlandm -519
Bragging when he won 1 out of 20games?
The irony.

>> No.4928415

Yeah, of course. That's why i am playing there atm....

>> No.4928416


>> No.4928417


>> No.4928424

oh hey, bump-limit

>> No.4928428

More like pulling lucky hands out of my ass

>> No.4928444
File: 148 KB, 500x500, 1235959116635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4928445

Why do deserved such bad luck?!

R1386 now. -16.33 points average.

>> No.4928451
File: 76 KB, 419x390, kaiji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No u first!

>> No.4928471
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, 1204426845741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4928530
File: 32 KB, 1024x576, kaiji2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, turned the tables with a Baiman.

>> No.4928551

next thread
