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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4908398 No.4908398 [Reply] [Original]

Hey there, /jp/. I've just finished Utawarerumono and the resemblance to Tears to Tiara made me laugh. Sure, both are from Leaf, but this is ridiculous. Not even KEY or TYPE-MOON made games this similar. Well, I can't beat that challenge stage from the Omake. Would anyone help me? Also, general Leaf thread.

>> No.4908457

Telling you the answer kinda beats the point.

>> No.4908471

Is Utawarerumono enjoyable and addictive? I mean, like Rance maybe? I spent hours and hours playing this, i started playing Eien no Aselia too.

>> No.4908493

No. The gameplay is just kind of thrown in there. There's not much depth to it at all.

>> No.4908512

No. It's basically Attack, Wait and on the endgame Magic. You get ranged attacks and combos too. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.4908557

play Megiddo.

>> No.4908579

Thanks anons. I will give it a try anyway.

>> No.4908693

So, no one will help me with the challenge?

>> No.4908707

Don't get me wrong, it's still decent enough for the VN part. Just don't expect much from the gameplay.

>> No.4908710
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General stage 1 monkey thread.

>> No.4908748

cave kimamau > stage 1 monkey

>> No.4908755
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>> No.4908765


>> No.4908768
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Touka is the best Leaf character

>> No.4908780
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Gameplay at 3:22

>> No.4908787

I agree wholeheartedly. Touka thread?

>> No.4908790

Does it end like the anime or is there multiple endings?

>> No.4908798
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I'll support this idea


>> No.4908801
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>> No.4908804
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You will never hold a dog eared samurai girl in your arms /jp/

>> No.4908813
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>> No.4908815
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>> No.4908824

Dog eared? What the hell are you talking about? They are wing-shaped.

>> No.4908825
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>> No.4908829 [DELETED] 

Well, I beat it easily with 4 archers, Arawn, a druid, and Riannon and a seer on heal and buff duty. The archers and Arawn just auto-attack, Arawn taunts any monster that isn't attacking him. Druid spams criticality, maybe offensive buffs on Arawn, but not really necessary.

To train them, you want to have the stat increase boosting items on your characters at all times. Power-level the generics up to the 90's, job change archers to bards, druid to magician, seer to priestess, plvl again and job change back. Back and forth until you think they look strong enough, then get them equipment from the secret shop and rape everything.

>> No.4908850

Single ending, linear plot. That's one of the few bad things about the game.

>> No.4908849
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totally big floppy dog ears

>> No.4908854
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>> No.4908860

I think that he was talking about the Utawarerumono challenge, bro.

>> No.4908864

Can anyone post the Megaupload links I see reposted once in awhile?

>> No.4908873

I thought they were eagle wings.

>> No.4908883
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Eagle wings for ears? Wtf

Oh well it doesn't matter what they are. I'd love her tenderly.

>> No.4908889
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>> No.4908894
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>> No.4908901
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>> No.4908902

Play Utawarerumono next, it's universally liked and has an English and voice patch

BTW, no I didn't save the pic.

>> No.4908908
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>> No.4908913
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>> No.4908916
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>> No.4908920

that reminds me... i have a whole pack of utawarerumono doujins i forgot about!

>> No.4908918

Thanks mate, and I know the pic you're talking aboutwww

>> No.4908933
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>> No.4908935


upload to megaupload and post a link please

>> No.4908939
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Why is Oboro so faaaaabulous?

>> No.4908943
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>> No.4908951

Because he's gay?

>> No.4908955

He's a ninja that loves his loli imouto tenderly and is also a bro that's gay for his trap archers and his aniki. He is also powerful and fast. What else would you want from a man?

>> No.4908958

Gay hivemind. Never change, /jp/, never change.

>> No.4908962

Nothing. He is perfect.

>> No.4908969

Do you think he's jealous his imouto got Haukuro and he didn't

>> No.4909009

this will take a while.

>> No.4909051


>> No.4909065

I don't think so. Hakuoro became Witsernarmitea and went away anyway, and she was almost dead anyway, and bearing the son of a demon sounds painful. Yuzuha just wanted hakuoro because she's dumb and Oboro didn't care because he's like reverse Kokutou brothers, too fucking fixated on his sister to care about anything else.

>> No.4909126

this was faster than I expected.

i only glimpsed through them, but they are all obviously nsfw. that said, enjoy:


>> No.4909203

I totally expected SFW doujins of an eroge game. I am upset.

>> No.4909257

well... i'm really sleepy. now i'll excuse myself before i blurt out another stupid thing. nighty night /jp/.

>> No.4909304

What's hilarious is how much TtT aped Utawarerumono, blatant copying and all, and still managed to be genuinely terrible.

>> No.4909321
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for next time

>> No.4909407

I have to ask where do you get them?
quite a few of those doujins I've been looking for

>> No.4909449

so fucking cute! I loved her during my playthrough ;___;

>> No.4909452

You will never have such a moe daughter with her own pet tiger.

>> No.4909505
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>> No.4909638

And in both games, the anime overall was actually better than the games themselves. Shows you how QUALITY Leaf writing is, amirite?

>> No.4909667


>> No.4909709

What, it's true. Most of the stuff cut from the VNs is just lolhijinks and random sexing - which helped keep the story coherant and focused. This especially helped Tears, since the VN probably has been one of the worst paced (not to mention boring) stories I've read from an VN of such scope.

>> No.4909838

ToT was fucking shit, the anime was fucking shit
Utawarerumono was good, the anime was alright

>> No.4909903

The hijinks were the best part of Utawarerumono. The actual plot was standard fantasy RPG stuff then a sci-fi TWEEST.

>> No.4909923

>Utawarerumono was good
I disagree. The ending was ridiculously dumb.

>> No.4910382

right...because most visual novels have great ends.

>> No.4910405

Both Uta and ToT have atleast one very fucking awesome character (Touka & Octavia), but Leaf is never smart enough to make those characters the main heroines.

Makes me mad.

>> No.4910453

leaf is just the best worst company

>> No.4910494

Most good ones do yeah.

>> No.4910506


Octavia sucked.

>> No.4911658
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>> No.4911675

Was it explained who Hakuoro was in the past?

Is he some scientist or just another fucker who got murdered in front of some alien derelict?

>> No.4911737

I never did finish playing this. I installed it when the patch came out and got up to about the point where all the villagers died then just kinda stopped. I never even got up to KAAAKAKAKAKAKAKA!

I should probably start playing it again now that I'm done with Eien no Aselia.

>> No.4911736

i got this from a friend, no clue where he found them.

>> No.4911766


>> No.4911776

Wikipedia is your friend.

>> No.4911790

He is a poor scientist who discovered the wrong things.

>> No.4911800

It might just be my favorite VN, especially since I normally hate the hugeass ones.

Oh, and just because the gameplay was simplistic doesn't mean it was bad. Some of the battles were pretty hard, you had to plan things out just right or you'd get raped.

>> No.4911862
File: 566 KB, 1680x1050, utawarerumono-207-wide1050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4912107

Isn't he Iceman?

>> No.4912548

I think so. Mutsumi called him Otou-sama after all.

>> No.4912961

wouldn't mind asking your friend would you?

>> No.4913144

i have no means of contacting him now.

google is your friend. i found some huge doujin packs by searching for "H-Doujin - Utawarerumono - Cradlesong (19 pages)". that's probably where he got these from.

>> No.4915272
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Is this a known problem with a fix? I can sometimes get past it by ctrling through and being lucky, but then I miss half the conversation....

>> No.4915336
File: 365 KB, 800x600, 1271626430785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there, /jp/. I've just finished Mei Shoujo and the resemblance to Musume Shimai made me laugh. Sure, both had the same developers, but this is ridiculous. Not even KEY or TYPE-MOON made games this similar. Well, I can't 100% the "together" CG. Would anyone help me? Also, general Tanuki soft thread.

>> No.4915350

OP here, I had the same problem and got past it through ctrl just after the choice and backlogging to read the conversation. It's just a slice of life segment anyway so you don't lose much.

>> No.4915632

you guys have Japaneses local right?

>> No.4915649

Had the same thing. I didn't manage to fix it, download From another source the game isn't big...

>> No.4915690

I do. Using windows 7 if it changes anything.

>> No.4915978

sorry man, I've got no idea. I would try running under compatibly mode xp and see if that helps.

>> No.4915999


Better than then the
- 2 generic tomboy heroines
- 3 generic DERE DERE heroines
- and the stupid megane loli

>> No.4916000

Utawarerumono just likes to randomly crash (even on XP, with Japanese settings, never had any problems with other VNs, etc.). I would just reload until I got past it. The only time it annoyed me was when it would happen right after a battle but before the game would let me save. One battle I had to redo at least half a dozen times.

>> No.4918515

How do I get the last two CGs again? Is it finish the game on Hard 3?

>> No.4919290

>"Congratulations on clearing hard mode! New images are unlocked in the art gallery!"
>Look in cg gallery
>Still missing last two CG

Feels bad man.

>> No.4920964

just download the CG
