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File: 149 KB, 703x1000, 36423041091c39b0921d275c04143370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4897989 No.4897989 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't Dark Sakura use Gil?

>> No.4898000

Because he would have fucking killed her once she brought him out.

>> No.4898007

Since he can't be corrupted, eating him would be a better option.

>> No.4898015

Too egotistic that he can't be corrupted.

>> No.4898014

Probably off-topic, but Dark Saber's legs and ankles made me get wood.

>> No.4898037

Archer class Servants can't be corrupted because they're neutral at least for emiya and gil(lancer was probably the same).

Gil is immune to the poison of the grail which is what sakura's shadow is.

So no go on both ends.

>> No.4898040
File: 171 KB, 658x769, 1234549819357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4898046




>> No.4898049

>Gil is immune to the poison of the grail

I thought the only way he was still alive was because he became corrupted by the grail during Fate/Zero?

>> No.4898059

No, he is the only Servant who can't be corrupted no matter what, since his ego is even bigger than the Grail.

>> No.4898068

Chewed him badly instead of just swallowing.

>> No.4898077

the sludge would have given any servant a body, but if it was anyone other than gil they would have gone completely BONKERS.

>> No.4898080

>implying that Sakura has a problem swallowing

>> No.4898087

dont suppose you have more dark saber pics op?

>> No.4898106
File: 15 KB, 140x140, bc`3-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how droll

>> No.4898117

If you want more, just search for it by yourself. Don't wait for people to spoonfeed you. And most of the pics are from the same source anyway...

>> No.4898199
File: 1.72 MB, 1920x1200, 1184025014600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youll be happy to know i already have a folder of pics from searching but i didnt have the one op had so i thought id ask.

tldr - fuck you

>> No.4898204

>Implying he didn't go completely bonkers after getting a body from the sludge.

>> No.4898207

Might wanna head back to /a/ there.

>> No.4898227

If he went bonkers, Fuyuki wouldn't exist anymore

>> No.4898233

...You know that OP pic is from Danbooru, right?

>> No.4898246

He only destroyed a part of it. It seems that his bonking is not strong enough...

>> No.4898257
File: 147 KB, 586x873, p8df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4898265

Took you long enough to find a reaction image...

>> No.4898281

no i didnt. they dont have a search tag for dark saber though and i didnt fancy trawling through 150 pages on the off-chance that a dark saber was posted as just saber. i suppose i should do it and get it over with.

>> No.4898287

im sure your ego can handle it. heres a tid-bit to smooth you over, i changed the text just for you!

>> No.4898295

and now by chance i see a tag 'saber alter' god damn.

>> No.4898302

see post above

>> No.4898299
File: 610 KB, 1366x768, rethard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no i didnt. they dont have a search tag for dark saber though and i didnt fancy trawling through 150 pages on the off-chance that a dark saber was posted as just saber. i suppose i should do it and get it over with.

How does it feel to be functionally retarded?
I'll give you one hit: Dark Saber isn't her name.
Now google around and find which tag you should use, retahd.

Picture related.

>> No.4898306

extra > alter

>> No.4898319

Don't even mention that fucking slut. Jesus, she is not even my King Arthur...

>> No.4898332

you'l be happy to know the'll be more merchandise of her and more art of her than of any other saber then.

>> No.4898345
File: 96 KB, 400x480, dsakuraclaimarcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Archer was actually walking on the Shadow at one point during his fight with True Assassin, and Assassin was like WTF its not eating you. Archer said something snarky, but it was implied that given enough time he would have been devoured and corrupted too.

However, you wanna know something REALLY ironic?

Archer was the only Servant that Ilya had inside of her. He was the reason she was able to bring Shirou back in the True End. So, he gives Shirou his arm to save him so he can protect Ilya and Rin even though it'll kill him in the end (getting his goal in a round about way) and THEN Ilya uses Archer's soul to bring Shirou back.

Archer got trolled man, got trolled.

>> No.4898347

i am dissapoint. its mostly cutsy moe stuff. bah

>> No.4898355

Unlikely, the japs don't like the design either.

>> No.4900318

>Dark Saber isn't her name.
it is as far as english community's concerned.

alter is a dumb jap shit by a bunch of chinks who don't know english.

>> No.4901167

Sakura instinctively ate him immediately to try and heal her wounds.
