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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 840 KB, 1024x1277, touhou-soccer-representatives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4892608 No.4892608 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite touhou /jp/?

>> No.4892633

Typical secondary newcomer thread.

>> No.4892657


jeeze, its so angry in here. Why are you guys all mad all the time? Someone tried explaining it to me, but the only thing i could conclude is that you guys have no reason to be mad.

>> No.4892663

What's with all of the weak trolls lately?

>> No.4892669


We're angry because you're crashing the party with gay ass threads like these you faggot. Delete post. Go back to /a/.

>> No.4892672


/jp/, by definition, is psychologicalically insecure when interacting with someone they don't know. Since you're obviously a newcomer here, people's alarms go off.

>> No.4892679

My favourite is Kisume, by the way.

>> No.4892686

Because of people like you.

>> No.4892691

Pretty much this.
Learn to blend in, man.
And don't create threads that have been created a million times before.

...Unless it's a daily dose troll.

>> No.4892693

Hes just buthurt because his favorite touhou is not there ,or doesn't like the soccer theme( I think its soccer).

>> No.4892702


I see. So /jp/ has a personality disorder. The reason i came here to and ask this was because i would actually like to get involved on this board, and i am aware that touhou is a reason why you guys split form /a/. You like it, they don't. I was just trying to fit in ;_;

>> No.4892711

ONE of the reasons you mean.

And we don't want you here, so make sure to delete your thread on your way out.

>> No.4892715
File: 34 KB, 377x421, Faggot Detected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Personality disorders are the least of /jp/'s problems, you fantastic faggot. I see you moving up on the list, though.

>> No.4892716


jesus, so butthurt.

Honestly, you have no reason to be so bitter. I am not here to troll you or mock you. Your behavior is absolutely ridiculous.

This whole board is ridiculous :-/

>post a thread off topic

get saged and told to make something on topic (which is deserved)

>make a post on topic

get saged and ridiculed. You guys have serious issues.

>> No.4892719

You need to try harder. Drop the tripcode, it's the first sign that you're new.

>> No.4892728


OK, so it's settled. You'll delete this post and never come back here. Have a good one, chief.

>> No.4892731


I am completely certain that i have surfed the 4chans longer than you have.

>> No.4892741

Like he cares, he's obviously a no-good troller from /v/.

>> No.4892743

Ok, now you are trying too hard, son. Better luck next time. You still got some anons though.

>> No.4892746

Then take you tripcode off first, faggot.

>> No.4892758


It's because /jp/ doesn't like newcomers/outsiders, even if they're genuinely friendly.
What you should instead do is lurk until you figure out how to sound like you've been here all along.

>> No.4892760

You say you have experience ,but you have no idea what sage does.

>> No.4892763


No you are assuming things. I have yet to take over /v/. I actually reign from /mu/.

But since this POST specifically isn't on topic, i will sage.

You see? I can be like you guys too.

>> No.4892770

I'm talking about /jp/ in particular.
As far as we're concerned, none of the other boards exist.
In fact, some of the boards are taboo to mention, like /a/ and /b/.

>get saged and ridiculed.
We use sage differently from other boards. Forget about sage for now, just look at the contents of the post. Many of us are actually talking to you, when we could have just ignored you or insulted you.

Don't use emoticons here.

>> No.4892772
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Seeing people get bent out of shape over the new folks is funny... keep it up.

>> No.4892774

>implying you aren't a no-good troll

>> No.4892778


yes, i can see that this is how the people on this board are.

What i dont get is why they are like that. There truly is no reason to be mad and guarded all the time. Especially when someone is trying to be friendly.

I really dont like it when people are unjustly mean to me.

>> No.4892790

ITT: people falling for a weak troll

>> No.4892799


So this is a secret cult society of sorts. A board full of NEETS. It really is not your fault you are this way... (not you specifically, since you are actually helping me understand more).

I wish there was some set of rules and what not to do so i could understand your guys mentality.

>> No.4892807

It's a defense mechanism. Good intentions are not sufficient. The content of the posts matter more so.

>> No.4892809

>I wish there was some set of rules and what not to do so i could understand your guys mentality.

>> No.4892820

Just keep lurking.
Resist the urge to make new threads, see what people are interested in.
We have plenty of Touhou threads daily, you'll be fine.

>> No.4892836


Oh, ok. So no touhou threads. Sounds alright to me. I am not really that big on touhou to be honest.

>> No.4892850
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Tactical Reimu is the best.

greetings from /k/

>> No.4892853


The people of /jp/ have become so used to being looked down on by the rest of society that they immediately turn on anyone who isn't part of their group.
Even when someone's nice, a /jp/er would think 'once they really get to know what we're like, they'll realise we're disgusting and abandon us', and the sad thing is they're right most of the time.

>> No.4892873


Yep, perfect summary.

>> No.4892877
File: 76 KB, 425x399, circular-reasoning1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the world of Circular Reasoning

>> No.4892880


Heh, i know a few people like that. Ironically, they surf /jp/.

People like that just need a few good friends. People they can go to and talk to. You know, people they can have a good time with. No matter what they say, they want to be happy deep down. I would like to help them out.

Also, if one really thinks about it, /jp/ members are no different than the people in their cliques who look down on them to begin with. Way to contribute to a vicious cycle guys.

>> No.4892892


>> No.4892900


This is /jp/'s defence psychological mechanism in play. While they chase off all newcomers, they don't want feel guilty thinking they might have sent away someone who genuinely wants to join them, so they convince themselves that said person is merely a troll and they were doing the right thing (Or in some cases, act tough and simply claim they don't want anyone as all, no matter how nice they are).

tl;dr: /jp/ is an insecure tsundere.

>> No.4892914

Actually, most of our well-meaning posts are interpreted as rage because we use sage while posting.

I personally don't mind new users, they're going to stay and post a while no matter what we tell them, so we may as well try and educate them about the board.

>> No.4892939
File: 173 KB, 543x533, 4cc6b3bd111cf7cb2f02a8313ae904a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about we just all get along without trying to brainwash everyone to think 3D PIG DISGUSTING and become shutins who cant even see the way to happiness to save their lives?

Granted, this is 4chan so im asking for a bit much.

>> No.4892945

The problem is that there's nobody we can go and talk to.
The cliques you cited could easily split up and merge seamlessly into society, but no normal person would seriously accept a /jp/er who says he's in love with underage 2D and wants to be a little girl.

The 'clique' of /jp/ has been formed out of necessity; it's more like we feel the rest of society is in a giant clique against us.

>> No.4892967

Actually, I just behave like that so I don't have to see 3D on my weeaboo boards, or have /r9k/adv/ threads here.

>> No.4892990


In all seriousness though, if you do still find something appealing about the average 3D girl, you probably don't belong on /jp/.

>> No.4892997


I read the rules, and i am understanding you guys a bit more.

You guys seem very uptight and don't know how to have good time... the world would be a better place if you weren't so butthurt.

I do agree with certain rules though, like meme spamming is retarded. If something wasn't funny the first time, why would it be the 800th? Also, smiley faces can get annoying too. I tend to stick to a few personally (like :-/ :O :@ ;_;)

My other main issue is about what to post. According to the rules, the split occurred because of loli and touhou. So wouldn't a touhou thread be welcome? You guys are so conflicted i don't know what to do.

>> No.4893010

here's the deal, any /jp/er can actually fall in love with a legal age 3D girl, and can be happy being an average guy too.

the wanting to be a little girl and rape other little girls is just a result of the defence mechanism against not being accepted. hence my circular reasoning picture.
most hardcore /jp/ers, or actually any hardcore 4channer for that matter, actually becomes that way because they had a hard time being accepted in the first place.

Im not that bad a case myself, luckily, but enough to know what im talking about. (So no, i dont consider myself hardcore, just like to troll a bit, post a bit and collect pictures a lot) Though I too sometimes wish i were a little girl, hehe.

Anyhow, heres my advice:
Go for it, because you've got nothing to lose right now, since you have no life, even if it gets you killed you wont really lose anything of value. Life only has value when it knows happiness. So go out and get it, or die trying.

>> No.4893029

oh hey arent you the nerd who wanted to join /a/'s msn chat and got told to fuck off

>> No.4893036

oh and you made two threads crying about it if i recall correctly

>> No.4893040

Well maybe i dont belong here, but i've never cared about where i belong. I go wherever i damned well please and no motherfucker is going to stop me.

>> No.4893044

you talkin to me? cuz i dont ever even visit /a/

>> No.4893052

>Go for it, because you've got nothing to lose right now, since you have no life, even if it gets you killed you wont really lose anything of value. Life only has value when it knows happiness. So go out and get it, or die trying.
See, this is the kind of shit we don't want here.
Hence >>4892967
If you've noticed, we don't take kindly to "I DON'T HAVE A GIRLFRIEND, I FEEL SO SAD ;_;" threads either. Take your relationship talk elsewhere, we're not interested. And our personal lives are no business of yours either.

>So wouldn't a touhou thread be welcome?
Yes, but not this kind. This one practically screams you're new. Especially with the tripcode. And it's been done a billion times before. There's nothing new that can come out of "What's your fave char" threads.

>> No.4893054

to the wiiject guy

>> No.4893069

wait, are you guys really talking about /jp/'s behavior and how the mind of the average /jp/sie works?
because that's fucking retarded, we just don't want people shitting up the board, that's all

>> No.4893079

I dont care about what you guys think, or how you wanna live your lives. Ive got better things to do. I just brought it up because it fit in the discussion. If you think you're happy being a social reject, hell, be my guest.

>> No.4893086

It's amazing what people will believe, if you force it enough.

Brb, shittin' on my carpet.

>> No.4893100

>here's the deal, any /jp/er can actually fall in love with a legal age 3D girl, and can be happy being an average guy too.

That's where you're wrong.
Obviously I can't speak for the whole of /jp/, but at least me and a good deal of other /jp/ers have reatreated to the ideal purity of 2D and little girls because we have become sick of the current state of society.

We don't want to love a 3D girl, because we can never be sure if they really love us back and will support us forevermore.
We don't want to live as an average guy because we honestly don't see the appeal of what society dubs as an acceptable lifestyle.

>> No.4893110


As a tripfag, you have labelled yourself as an individual and hence cannot speak on behalf of the /jp/ community.

>> No.4893114
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/jp/ seems particularly bitter these days.

Did something happen over the last few months?

>> No.4893129
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>> No.4893132


The gist of it has been summed up pretty well in this topic;
"We feel like society's created a clique and excluded us from it, and even if we could join, we don't like the rules and conventions said clique has, so we choose to remain as outsiders."

Even if this wiiject guy really was a massive troll, I think this has been a pretty insightful thread.

>> No.4893137
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>> No.4893139
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>I....I.... dont care about what you guys think, I just brought it up because it fit in the discussion, that's all. Stupid anonymous.

so moe~

>> No.4893149
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>> No.4893152

well, life sucks.

just ask youself what's worse though.
someone rejecting you, or you rejecting yourself?

like i said, i dont care what your answer is, and i dont even wanna know.

>> No.4893153

>implying you aren't a newfag

>> No.4893156

shut up daigo

>> No.4893159
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>> No.4893160

Secondary thread... Please go play the games and then return.

>> No.4893164

Fucking god, so many responses... I'm so disappoint, /jp/... and sad.

>> No.4893168

/jp/ doesn't give two damns about tripfriends
Back to /v/, please

>> No.4893171
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>> No.4893173


Yet you stick around in this thread.

It's a mutual thing.
They are rejecting us, and we are rejecting them.
If by rejecting them, we are also somehow rejecting ourselves (I'd personally disagree with this), then so be it.

>> No.4893180
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>> No.4893187
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>> No.4893189

yeah, pretty convincing coming from a tripfag.

>> No.4893195
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>> No.4893196

i stick around because there isnt much of the usual HURR GTFO FAGGOT DURR going on. If you wanna live your life the way you want it im not going to tell you otherwise. Id be wasting my time. But I do enjoy a good conversation. For 4chan's standards, this one is great.

>> No.4893205
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>> No.4893216
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>> No.4893230
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>> No.4893232
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nice pics dawg, proceed, this is mainly what i come to /jp/ for since /e/ started sucking

>> No.4893239


OK, there is a high probability that you're a troll, so don't bother but just on the off chance here we go...

Listen up, kemosabe. You came in here and posted a gay ass thread that would have been flamed 5 years ago... and that was BEFORE Touhou was co-opted by weeaboos! You got attacked because your thread is so basic and offers little besides the chance for other newfags to publicly enthuse about some shit that the rest of us DO LOVE but we've been into it forever so we wouldn't even bother to participate in a thread like yours, much less create one...

I mean this is typical newfaggotry, dude. Don't act like you've been on 4chan for >9000 days because you'd understand all of this already and we wouldn't be in this garbage meta shitstorm right now.

LURK MOAR. Same fucking rules as ever. Then you won't stick out like a sore thumb like you did this afternoon. Now delete this lame ass thread.

tl;fr We can tell you're new. Stop playing it off and trying to argue about it.

>> No.4893242
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>> No.4893248
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>> No.4893254
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>> No.4893256
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>> No.4893268
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>> No.4893269

at the very least the thread wouldve been a nice excuse to post some good art, even though /jp/ seems to be into those ridiculous chen comics more.

I personally wish some boards would remember this being an imageboard in intention, not just capabilities. but hey, im not the king of /jp/ either.

>> No.4893280
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>> No.4893291
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>> No.4893304
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>> No.4893306

Flyable Heart translation where? ;_;

>> No.4893313
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>> No.4893323
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>> No.4893330
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>> No.4893340
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>> No.4893348
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>> No.4893357
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>> No.4893369
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>> No.4893378
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>> No.4893387
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>> No.4893401
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>> No.4893407
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>> No.4893419
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>> No.4893432
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>> No.4893447
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>> No.4893455
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>> No.4893467
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>> No.4893480
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>> No.4893491
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>> No.4893504
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>> No.4893511

Fuck yeah, Sumomo. And Flora/Julirsia too.

Wow, even Akino and Toua get a page.

>> No.4893513
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>> No.4893526
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>> No.4893538
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>> No.4893540

Oh God, Akihime Sumomo

>> No.4893548
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>> No.4893562

Nice, those are the swimsuits my Sumomo/Flora figurines have.

>> No.4893565
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>> No.4893572
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>> No.4893581
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>> No.4893592
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>> No.4893599
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>> No.4893605
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>> No.4893606

I heard that these girls are from the worst VN ever or something.
Not sure.

>> No.4893614

>Noizi Ito Alice parade, Flyable Heart, and Sumomo dump

I'm ok with this.

>> No.4893616

Nanatsuiro Drops isn't shit.

... The anime isn't, at least.

>> No.4893617
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>> No.4893627
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>> No.4893632

Argh, it's pics like this that makes me wish I had the port's CGs. Do want Flora route.

>> No.4893640
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>> No.4893653
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>> No.4893663
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>> No.4893672
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>> No.4893682
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>> No.4893691
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>> No.4893700
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>> No.4893712
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>> No.4893720
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>> No.4893725
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>> No.4893729
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>> No.4893734
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>> No.4893740
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>> No.4893745
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>> No.4893751
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>> No.4893759
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>> No.4893765
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>> No.4893769
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>> No.4893774
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>> No.4893783

Ah, this is that one game... *looks up name*

Komorebi ni Yureru Tamashii no Koe

>> No.4893785
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>> No.4893796
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>> No.4893800
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>> No.4893805
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>> No.4893815
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>> No.4893820
File: 1.37 MB, 2902x3600, 074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4893827
File: 1.37 MB, 2902x3600, 075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4893835
File: 1.27 MB, 2902x3600, 076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4893837

Is this all from an artbook?

>> No.4893841
File: 1003 KB, 3500x2163, 077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4893844


my favorite.

>> No.4893850
File: 1.15 MB, 2902x3600, 078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4893855
File: 1.15 MB, 2902x3600, 079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4893861
File: 1.03 MB, 2902x3600, 080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4893871
File: 1.08 MB, 2902x3600, 081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4893879

op delete your thread it is terrible

>> No.4893880
File: 994 KB, 2902x3600, 082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4893884
File: 1.12 MB, 2902x3600, 083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4893890
File: 1.29 MB, 2902x3600, 084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4893897
File: 868 KB, 2902x3600, 085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4893902

It just..... keeps.... coming.

>> No.4893903
File: 1.06 MB, 2902x3600, 086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4893911

Looks like it's just about done. Many thanks Anon.

>> No.4893927

>Favourite Touhou thread
>Gets turned into an image dump of something I don't know.


>> No.4893931

Learn to Noizi Ito.

Or play some UnisonShift games.
